Fl YING SAFETY - [PDF Document] (2024)



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e Pilot error. What is it? Is there a magic cure·all for it? Read "To Err Is Human," page 2, for your answer.

e Wind-shear is a two-edged sword. See "Change Without No­tice" for the complete treatment of this phenomena.

e To get exactly what we wanted for our front and back covers, it took about four hours of towing the F-102 into position, tugging and pushing at a 20-foot crew chief's stand and waiting on the sun. After about 15 different " takes,'' we came up with these. All in a day's work.

A real success story appears on page 25.

Major General Howard G. Bunker Deputy Inspector General

The Inspector General USAF Department of the Air Force

Brigadier General Joseph D. Caldera Director of Flight Safety Research

Norton Air Force Base, California

Colonel Daniel M. Lewis Supervisor of Flight Safety



Editor Major Perry J. Dahl

Managing Editor Major Jesse F. Townshend, Jr.

Ma jor Ben H. Newby T/ Sgt. Chester D. K. McCubbin


T /Sgt. Carl E. Follma n S/Sgt. Al Fortune

Art Editor M/ Sgt. Steven A. Hatch

T / Sgt. G . J . Deen Amelia S. Askew

...................... ............ ......................... ........................................................... ......................................................... .. CONTENTS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Flying Safety Awards

To Err Is Human


Parade of the Centuries

It's in the Book!

Keep Current .

Change Without Notice!

Well Done .

Everyone Loves a Fat Man?

Low Blow

Ta king the IF Out of Lift

* * *



2 5



14 16


22 25


SUBSCRIPTIONS-FL YING SAFETY is available on subscription for $3.00 per year domestic; $4.25 foreign; 25c per copy, through the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Changes in subscription mailings should be sent to the above address. No back copies of the magazines can be furnished .

The printing of this publication has been approved by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, June 4, 1951. Facts, testimony and conclusions of aircraft accidents printed herein have been extracted from USAF Forms 14, and may not be construed as incrim­inating under Article 31 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. All names used in accident stories are fictitious. No payment can be made for manuscripts submitted for publication in the Flying Safety Magazine. Contributions are welcome as are comments and criticism. Address all correspondence to Editor, Flying Safety Magazine , Deputy Inspector General, USAF, Norton Air Force Base, San Bernardino, Cal ifornia . The Editor reserves the right to make any editorial changes in manuscripts which he believes will improve the material without altering the intended meaning. Air Force organizations may reprint articles from FL YING SAFETY without further authorization . Non-Air Force organizations must query the Editor before reprinting , indicating how the material will be used . The contents of this magazine are informational and should not be construed as regulations, Technical Orders or directives unless so stated .





In advancing the aims and objectives of a

constant and integrated accident prevention

program, the fourteen organizations listed below

have been awarded engraved Flying Safety

Plaques for the period I July-31 December 1955.

3599th CC Tng Sq (Ftr) Nellis AFB, Nev. (ATC)

• Ardmore AFB, Oklahoma (TAC)

• Hqs WADC, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio (ARDC)

• 64th Air Div (Def) Pepperrell AFB, N.F. (NEAC)

• 91st Strat Recon Wg (M) Lockbourne AFB, Ohio (SAC)

• Carswell AFB, Texas (SAC)

• 56th Ftr Gp (Def) O'Hare lnt' I Arpt, Chicago, Ill (ADC)

• 8th Air Div (AEW&C) McClellan AFB, California (ADC)

• 1607th Air Trans. Wg (H) Dover AFB, Del. (MATS)

• 317th TC Wg (M} Neubiberg AB, Germany (USAFE)

• 302d TC Wg (M) (2252 ARFC) Clinton Co. AFB, Ohio

• 435th TC Wg (M) (2585 ARFC) Miami lnt'I Arpt, Fla .

• 133d Ftr Int Sq, Gren ier AFB, N. H. (ANG)

• 155th Tac Recon Sq, Memphis Mnpl Arpt (ANG)

to err

Lt. Col. Mitchell J. Mulholland, Safety Research and Analysis Division, D/FSR

TO ERR IS HUMAN-to forgive, divine. This may well be accepted as a time-worn cliche, but how

does it apply in a discussion of flying safety? First of all, the pilot is human; the aircraft is neither human nor di­vine. Ergo, it is not inclined to for­give, although the pilot is very much inclined to err. The result? All too frequently an unplanned termination of a flight, in short, an accident.

Through the years we have been at­tributing half of our aircraft accidents to a thing called "pilot error." The rest are distributed among materiel failure, maintenance or supervisory error and the like. For years we have treated pilot error as a clearly identi­fiable cause factor comparable to the other factors which we can see and measure. In other words we have said "the pilot goofed" in exactly the same sense in which we could say "a tire blew out" or "the prop shaft sheared." Whenever an accident happened, all too often, investigators have concen­trated on looking for a specific error on the part of the pilot to which the accident could be attributed, rather than considering the whole picture.

It appears time to examine this con­cept of pilot error more closely, to analyze what we are really talking about in the tremendous number of costly accidents we are attributing to this cause factor.

What is pilot error, anyway? One simple way of stating it would be that it is human error committed while acting as pilot of an aircraft. From this view, pilot error is no different from any other kind of error, except in the environment and circ*mstances of its commission. So, before we dig into pilot error, we should look rather closely at human error itself.

From the time he wakes up in the morning until he retires at night, the human animal is prone to error. Even his most unimportant activities involve decisions. Frequently, these decisions involve conflict between his education, training or experience and his animal


instincts. Challenges require re­sponses, conflicts require resolution. If the decisions are the right ones the human animal proceeds on his course to the shower, to breakfast and to his day's work.

Wrong decisions or simple deficien­cies in manipulation will result in what we call errors, large or small. One blue sock and one black sock, a cut while shaving, a misreading of the clock-all these are the little errors with which everyone is all too famil­iar. We don't worry too much about them because they are usually incon­sequential, no disastrous results fol­low. Get that word "inconsequential." It means essentially "no conse­quences." We'll come back to that.

If we watch the human closely, we have to admit that he is making errors of some kind, constantly. For that reason we try to surround him with safeguards, guide lines and reminders to prevent the more serious errors or to minimize the consequences. Our lives are regulated by more safeguards of this sort than we care to admit. In our daily life, alarm clocks, mirrors, night lights, all are at least partial! y little crutches to help us on our way. Traffic lights, stop signs and traffic regulations themselves are designed to protect us from our own error:>. Let's face it. What is the eraser on the end of a pencil for?

In the military environment, safe­guard by regulation reaches a fantas­tic level. Every action is so prescribed by directive that one of the most com­mon human errors is lack of familiar­ity with the safeguarding directives. Watch this now because a significant aspect of our problem begins to show up through the murk. A human can be given a task to do. In performing this task, he is prone to error. So we write out guidelines and directives to keep him on the straight and narrow. Fine, so far. But as the complexity of the task increases, the volume of the directives may increase as the square of the complexity.

The end result may well be that the human's struggle to keep abreast of the directives may tax his capacity more than the task itself. But, in a nasty, smug kind of way we can sit back and judge him because we now have an easy way to charge him with a specific mistake. We don't have to rack our brains so hard to figure out what he did wrong. ow we can say with authority, "He failed to comply with paragraph 12d ( 1), AFR XX-X, dated 1 September." So there is thought number one. Are we solving a problem by multiplying "Thou Shalt

ots," or are we just clouding the issue? This is not to say that direc­tives are not necessary. They are. But if we are to study human error, its diagnosis and cure, we're not curing a thing by just saying that a man failed to comply with a certain di­rective or regulation.

Let's get back to this human who has finished breakfast and has gone to work. We must admit that his errors continue. His day is crowded with little mistakes, varying in importance with the degree of his responsibilities. Mis-spellings, misplaced correspond­ence, dialing wrong numbers on the telephone, miscounting change at lunch, forgetting to pick up cleaning, on and on.

The functions of command and management involve manifold and gross errors of judgment and eval ua­tion every day by people of every level of rank and experience. Many of these errors cancel each other out. But the key point to these errors is that they are committed in a human, social environment, which is a forgiv­ing one. Humans are prone to error but they are also resilient and adapt­able. They can forgive, correct or allow for the errors of others. If it were not for this cushion, our daily Ii ves would be a series of one disaster after another.

Now, put this human to work with a machine instead of with other human . Put him at the wheel of an automobile,





at the controls of a lathe or press or in the co*ckpit of an airplane. The soft cushion of human tolerance is gone now. The machine is governed all the way by the stern unwavering laws of physics, chemistry and mathe­matics. It doesn't give; it doesn't for­give. It may fail because of physical forces but it does not make mistakes. Action is followed by reaction; the laws of gravity, mass, inertia, temper­ature and pressure continue their im­placable sway.

When a human sets these forces in motion he must obey their laws without question. That is, of course, why mistakes become costly when the unforgiving machine is involved. The magnitude of the consequences will now only depend on the potential of the machine to cause damage. A mis­take with a hydraulic press has more disastrous potential than one with a Handy-Dandy can opener. And what machine can match the destructive po­tential of a 700 mph aircraft at low

In our daily life, alarm clocks, mirrors, traffic li g hts and stop sig ns all serve as safeg uards.

altitude, loaded with ammunition and highly volatile aviation gasoline? This is a controlled bomb, and mis­takes it does not forgive . This is thought number two.

Now, an error is an error, no matter how thin you slice it. It is the conse­quences that give us cause for concern. Remember that word "inconsequen­tial?" The error that results in nothing more serious than a soup spot on the vest and the error that results in a fatal crash are similarly alike in their basic nature.

The machinery of human error is the same. The error is simply an in­advertent deviation from a correct procedure or routine. The implication is obvious. Errors committed in an environment with disastrous potential such as an aircraft are errors we can ill afford, and they should be guarded against by every effective means at our disposal.

Is this being done? A few moments devoted to honest self-examination might be most beneficial to every pilot reading this article.

"Breathes there the pilot with soul so dead

Who never to himself has said 'Whoo! I'm glad I got away with

that one!' " From pre-takeoff planning to termi­

nation and "normal deplaning," a flight presents a constant series of challenges to a pilot. It is a rare flight that does not see an error of some kind committed at some time during its course. Self-examination is fre­quently very revealing. How many times have you assumed something was okay, without checking? Had trouble starting an engine because you forgot to turn on the switch, or the fuel? Failed to maintain an eagle­eye watch for other aircraft, especially at night? Taken off without checking controls for free movement? Forgot­ten to change fuel tanks? Sure, a checklist covers these items in most cases, but have you always used it? How often have you failed to contact a ground station because you were on the wrong channel? Or yelled yourself hoarse trying to talk to a CAA station

" ... the perfect pilot has all the virtues of Steve Canyon, Rex Riley and Davy Crockett."

that was clearly shown in the Facility Chart as having " no voice?" Or, pushed on into questionable weather under VFR to the tune of the old sad song : "Oh heck, it'll burn off by ten o'clock?" We could go on and on, but you get the idea.

How many errors does the average pilot make every day that by pure 1 uck do not result in an accident? No­body knows, but it's likely that the answer would scare a lot of people. When we say a pilot committed an unsafe act, are we really saying any­thing? When we charge an accident to pilot error, aren't we really saying "This was just one of many errors, only this one paid off in an accident?" Every hour of every day the sky is occupied by many, many aircraft whose pilots are constantly making errors. This very minute as you read this, a hundred errors are probably being made aloft by Air Force pilots. An alarming thought? Yes, it cer­tainly is. Why aren't aircraft falling out of the sky like flies? Simply be­cause in 99 out of these 100 cases, other circ*mstances have not combined to allow the error to bear fruit.

No one can question the fact that our aircraft are becoming more and more demanding on the pilot's capa­bilities. At the same time our flying safety performance has been improv­ing. This proves that our pilots, by and large, are trying hard to meet the stiff requirements confronting them. Our analysis of accident cause factors, however, has not progressed so as to stay in step with our equipment. We are talking and thinking of pilot error in the F-100 in the same way as we did with the P-12. Not that we were right then, but our approach suited our purposes. Now that we are stand­ing on the threshold of pilotless flight and our present day aircraft are call­ing for the absolute maximum in er· rorless performance from our pilots, a reappraisal is warranted.

We have been assessing pilot error by comparing our pilots with some· thing that does not exist. It is a statue, a mythical being known as "the per­fect pilot." This boy has all the vir· tues of Steve Canyon, Rex Riley and Davy Crockett, rolled into one. He is the guy who never forgets, whose technique is flawless, who never louses up a forced landing, and who never, never forgets to close out his flight plan. He is every "Well Done" per­sonified in one handsome, broad­shouldered frame. He is a wonder­ful person and if he were real he


should roast in hell. By comparing our pilots with this

paragon, we can easily slide into the concept that a successfully completed flight means the pilot was perfect. Especially if the pilot happens to be me. The corollary is that a pilot whose error precipitates an accident is there­fore an inferior being. He has some­how failed to meet the standard. Standard? "Wonder boy" is the stand­ard, therefore no pilot in the whole Air Force meets the standard.

When an airplane piles up at the end of a complicated chain of events, do we approach it with the attitude that "the pilot must have goofed somewhere," then find an error and blame the whole can of worms on that error? What guarantee do we have that the next pilot coming along, faced with the same circ*mstances, won't make the same error? That's our job- to head off the second error.

We know that no pilot is perfect. The only difference is that the " level of constant error" is higher in some pilots than in others, and those with high levels are therefore more vul ­nerable to accidents when the vari­ables combine to clobber them. Train­ing and supervision are tools that can help lower this level. It's a little like having enough antibodies in the blood to repel invasion by germs. We want to repel invasion by circum­stances, weather, materiel malfunc­tions and all the other variables that can put a pilot on the spot. A low error level can help prevent these other factors from causing disaster.

So, if the pilot goofed, let's find out first if this was a goof that other people are likely to fall into. If so, let's do something about the cause. If it was an isolated case, peculiar to this one human, let's see why it had to pay off in an accident. Maybe this too could have been averted, could have resulted in nothing worse than a close call, one that would have scared the pilot enough to teach him a lesson, but not kill him. Was his accident indicative of a high error­level? If so, why was it high? And is there anything we can do about it?

What can we do? We have two tasks to accomplish. One is a goal, the other is a means to the goal. The goal is to reduce the frequency of pilot error accidents; in other words, to reduce the number of errors com­mitted in flight . The other task is to make a more realistic evaluation of the errors committed so that we can get at the cause.

People don\ make mistakes pur­posely. They are traceable to one or more of several areas. One, of course, is that of human inadequacy itself, which includes inability to maintain concentration, lapse of memory, fa­tigue and so on. Another area is built into the machine itself. Design fre­quently neglects human factors. Er­rors are made more likely and their consequences more serious by built-in " booby-traps" in the aircraft and its operating procedures. The third area includes the entire environment in which the pilot operates-his sched· ule, his training, his supervision, the weather and operating conditions; in short, any and all of his surrounding daily circ*mstances.

These influencing factors will be discussed in detail in subsequent ar­ticles. The main point to be under­stood right now is that these factors exist, and that pilot error cannot be considered by itself, in a vacuum, as it were.

Accidents, incidents, near accidents and operational hazards give us clues to the reasons behind errors. If, in investigating them, we button every­thing up by blaming them on the er­rors alone, we have not done even half the job. This is not accident preven­tion, because we have taken no action to prevent someone else from making the same errors in the future. Unless we understand the nature of the error and its causes, all we are doing is fixing blame, not applying a cure.

A determined attack on the causes of error will eventually result in at. tainment of the major objective, which is not elimination of error, but a lowering of the overall error-level of our pilots. If we can assure that the number of mistakes per flight are reduced, the accident exposure is go­ing to be reduced, regardless of other circ*mstances. This is no magic cure­all. On the contrary, it involves a common-sense application of the age­old principles of caution, planning, alertness and technical proficiency, and a conscious desire on the part of the pilot to do the job right. Doing the job right means doing it with a minimum of errors. We ourselves de­stroy more of our aircraft than an enemy could ever hope to destroy. We are, in effect, our own worst enemy. Reduce all the errors com· milted and the disastrous ones will decline, too. The result can be the biggest payoff in effective accomplish­ment of the Air Force mission that has yet been seen. •



Airways Flying

The staff of FLYING SAFETY has in the past compiled information on airway flying in a pamphlet entitled "Flying Safety on the Airways." The publication was of great value in that it assembled all information from various regulations and flying publi­cations pertinent to fli ght planning and airways flyin g. The publication at present is outdated.

How about a new one? Capt. Billie J. Wetzel FSO Kelly AFB, Texas

The one and only subject pamphlet was actually a reprint of an article from Flying Safety Magazine. ft has been re-worked and will be repub­lished as soon as it is coordinated with all interested agencies.

* * * In the Dark

In your December ] 955 issue you had an article entitled "Send A Let­ter," which to me sounded like an excellent idea. Since reading this ar­ticle I have tried to use this letter system but to my surprise I have yet to find a base operations that knows what I am talking about. On three or

A PRIL , 1956

L E T T E R S T 0

four occasions, I have put an appro­priate letter in the remarks section and circled it, only to get the follow­ing question thrown back at me: "What does this mean?" Can not something be done about this to cir­culate the letter system so that all base ops know about it? How about printing the letters in the remarks section on the l 75s when they are first printed?

1st Lt Wilmarth B. Walker, Jr. 4756th Air Def Sq (Wpns) Moody Air Force Base, Ga.

Try this treatment: Open up the Radio Facility Chart to Special No­tices section, and make believers out of them. It's in the book. Many base operations stamp the letters in the "Remarks" section for the conven­ience of pilots .

* * * B-26 Exits

As Air Force Adviser to the 106th Bombardment Wing (T), New York

ational Guard, which is equipped with B-26 type aircraft, an item of Aying safety concerning this aircraft has been brought to my attention. Considering its importance to all per­sonnel flying B-26s, I am forwarding this information to your publication.

In accordance with the current T. 0. 1B-26F-l, revised 22 July 1953, emergency exits from the rear com­partment of B-26 aircraft are desig­nated in the following sequence:

a. Primary - through bomb bay doors.

b. Secondary-through side door. c. Tertiary-through top hatch.

In order to effect an exit through the bomb bay, it is first necessary to open the bomb bay doors which are directly dependent on the proper op­eration of two systems, electrical and hydraulic. A malfunction of either ystem would prevent the use of the


bomb bay as an exit. These would be doubly vulnerable in combat.

I believe the directive which re­quired the installation of the side door was aimed at providing a posi­tive and safe exit irrespective of bomb bay door operatior1. This fea­ture relieves the gunner of any de­pendence on electrical or hydraulic systems. It is believed that this side door exit was meant to be designated as the primary exit from the rear com­partment of the B-26.

In addition , NACA tests on exiting from this section of B-26 aircraft re­vealed that the side hatch was just as safe as the bomb bay. At no time did a body strike the tail section of the plane.

Col. Edison C. Weatherly Air Force Adviser 106th Bomb. Wg (T) NYANG

Thanks for the latest informaJ,ion on the B-26. Here's hoping nobody has to use it, but if a hasty exit is required, it's nice to know what door to use and why.

* * * Marker Authority

I have just finished reading the article titled " Runway Warpaint" in the December 1955 issue of FLYING SAFETY. With reference to the runway distance markers, I should like to have the authority and criteria for establishing these markers on the run­way. This information is requested because I have run into some diffi­culty in obtaining authority for such markings, and I feel that they are needed and will be of great benefit to the pilots on this base and to all transient crews.

Maj. Cody U. Watson Base Ops Officer Donaldson AFB, S.C.

The fallowing three sources will help you to make your marks: AFR 91-17, ATM 6003 and ATL 5035 .



In this issue of FL YING SAFETY, the F-102 is

featured. Radical in design, it is the second Century

series airplane to become operational. Here is an

article that you will find mighty interesting.

Richard L. "Dick" Johnson

Chief Engineering Test Pilot, CONVAIR

Befo re a nd afte r. Left , note stra ight fu selage o n YF- 102. Right is F-1 02A with ni pped-in waist.

of the

DURING ITS RELATIVELY short life the F-102 has had, like any new airplane, many names. Some

were honest efforts at picking a good name and some just plain good lm­mor. I'll mention one and I'm sure it will insult no one. You know what you say when the bump in the road jars every joint of your pride and joy, or when you first and suddenly see an airplane that's twice as every­thing as you expected. Or, perhaps when you're going umpteen hundred knots and you hit the roughest air you've ever encountered, the same thing was said by all but the chap­lains when they had their first look at the F-102- so we sometimes call it the "Saviour." We also could take a line from the roadside ads that say. " One hundred and one were tried."

If you're still with me, I wou Id like to explain that there are a few flight test items that are as yet un­done. The spin program isn't com­plete, and the structural integrity in­vestigation has reached approximately 80 per cent completion. Some of the investigations mentioned, and maybe a!I , will be finished when you get yo11r F-102s. As of now, don't spin , don 't





exceed 5.6G and don't fly with ex· ternal tanks until the Dash One gives you the okay.

ow let's have a look and then go fly. The F-102 is unusual; it has more sweep back than anything except a California teenager's sideburns. It has no horizontal tail and its wings have a low aspect ratio (short, stubby wings). Its nose-radome is more pointed than any other Century series aircraft; the engine air intake ducts are dual and have their open end adjacent to the co*ckpit. As a malter of fact the entry and egress ladder is hung on the left duct. The pictures used to illustrate this article ade­quately explain the rest of the ex­terior description.

One Safety Pin

In the co*ckpit, following a proper walk-around check which includes all of the usual but nothing unusual, one finds a neat comfortable ejection seat with one safety pin in the right arm­rest. (The pin has the u ual banner attached but has a convenient stow­clip on the right wall of the co*ckpit. The end of the banner is attached to

APRIL, 1956

the co*ckpit wa ll so that it can't be " tolen" or forgotten in place.)

The stick is double-headed; the right handle is for flight control and the left is the radar-fire control sys­tem. The handles are about six inches apart. The left one can be locked

From takeoff to altitude, these four F- 102s show their distinctive delta-wing design , which spans 38 feet. Powered by a J-57 engine, the F-102 is 68 feet long. It is an all-weather interceptor.


Author Dick Johnson prepares for a flight. Taxiing out , this side view shows sharp nose-radome of F-102. IDLE power is sufficient.

Below, is the TF-102A. This trainer version seats pilots side-by-side. Note wider co*ckpit.

In the TF-102A, all phases of flight are closely supervised by instructor pilot.

Left, the TF-102A combat proficiency trainar can be used as an all-weather interceptor.

for left-handed flying whenever the radar control is not in use_ There is a curtain that extends from the top of the scope to the apex of the windshield. It completely prevents undesired reflections in the flat sharp "V" windshield. The canopy is closed easily by hand and manually locked with a push-pull control on the lower right side of the instrument panel. The seat-height control is a toggle switch on the forward part of the right armrest. Every detail of a co*ck­pit check makes a lot of writin' ' n readin', so let's hit the high spots from left to right and then start the P&W J-57-P-23 type engine.

Number one type items on left con-

sole are the following controls : "G" suit, pressure suit helmet face-piece­de-fog, ARC-34, fuel shut-off and on boost pumps, R.A.T. (Ram Air Tur­bine power for emergency hydraulic control) throttle which includes air and ground start (identical) , after­burner control and stop-co*ck, and oxy­gen regulator. Now to left sub instru­ment panel: cabin pressure, landing gear and emergency landing gear con­trol. The instrument panel contains all of the essential instruments which include landing gear position, fire and overheat warning, hydraulic systems condition light, canopy unlocked light and in the amber category, the master warning light.

Armament Controls

The bottom part of the panel con­tains the armament controls and the center lower panel contains the sta­bility augmentation controls, engine anti-ice control and co*ckpit and in­strument light switches plus a crank to move the rudder pedals fore and aft. The right sub panel contains the master warning panel and test and reset switch. The right console con­tains electrical controls, navigation radio and identification equipment.

To start the engine with the fuel system properly set up, we push out­board on the throttle in the OFF posi­tion and hold there to at least 12 per cent N2 RPM, then push and hold the ignition button located on top of the throttle and move the throttle to the IDLE position while continu­ing to hold the ignition button down until 40 per cent RPM is indicated. The engine takes over now. If the start was normal, the tailpipe tem­perature went to about 230°C.

Taxiing is like almost any other jet bird with nosewheel steering. If there is nothing expensive behind you, rev up the "motah" a bit and move out. If you don't own or can't pay


From outside, high angle of attack attitude is shocking. To pilot, no sweat. Control on climbout is excellent, but requires a light hand .

.. for what's behind you, move out with patience and IDLE power. The nose­wheel steering button is right beside the trim switch on the control stick. All of the taxiing required can be done at IDLE power except against more wind than any chamber of com­merce would allow.

Just prior to reaching takeoff posi­tion, have a look at the fold-away checklist above the forward portion of the right console. If you have com­pleted what is indicated there under "takeoff" and everything checks out according to the book, line up, re­lease the brakes and go.

From outside, the steep or high angle of attack attitude during take­off and landing is pretty shocking at first, but not even noticeable when you're flying the F-102. You can see straight over the nose up to 15 de­grees angle of attack.

One of- if not the last checks made prior to takeoff is to see what the ratiometer says. (It's a new instru­ment that is a "go" or " no-go" indi­cator for dual compressor mills­that's California for engine.) The proper ratiometer reading will vary with temperature. You will have a simple chart to tell you what it should be for any temperature you will en­counter. The chart indicates an allow­able band and if we have a number

Most outstanding flight characteristic is probably good maneuverability at high altitude.

Below. Touch down at 130 knots and deploy drag chute. Brakes good , pedal force medium.


in the hand, we go. Something like 15 seconds from brake release we are a irborne and the gear is on the way up . The climbout is steep, which is necessary to keep from exceeding gear limits. About half the time it takes you to get any other scope toter to 40,000, you're there. During the climb if you hurry, you have time to check to see that your dampers and turn coordinator are on. You are climbing almost straight up. Visi­bility is good but restricted forward because of the extremely steep atti­tude. Control is excellent but re­quires a light hand, particularly in lateral maneuvers.

If you fly an early F-102 you may have a roll restriction that puts the kibosh on high grade airshow antics but only affects the mission slightly. It will have a "black box" that makes high rate rolls for emergency situa­tion okay but holds one to something like 120° / sec. roll rate for 180's and over while positive quadrant bank angle changes will be unrestricted. With later airplanes if you want to roll or need to, have at it. You'll find the results exactly as you planned them to be.

Good Maneuverability

The most outstanding flight charac­teristic is probably the good maneu­verability at high altitude. With it you stand a good chance to out-maneuver

The author flew 180 missions in WW II in P-47s, with the 12th Air Force. He is, in his own words, credited with "one ME-109, jillions of locomotives, trucks and holes in the ground." His decora­tions include one Silver Star, four DFCs and 13 Air Medals. He received the Henry DeLaveau Medal for the world's


A handy gadget. The ram air turbine ( R.A.T. ) provides power for emergency hydraulic control.

any compet1t10n. Within its limita­tions which allow speeds over 1000 mph and as low as llO mph you'll find a straight forward, pleasant and easy ·to-handle machine. Anything that applies to any "conventional" jet airplane applies to this one with regard to ordinary good accepted flight techniques.

speed record in an F-86A on 18 Sep­tember 1948 - 670.981 mph. It was good for 4 years.

As an Air Force test pilot, he helped to deliver the first set of 50 "hard, leading edge" F-86s to Korea, checked the pilots out, and flew a few missions there. He left the Air Force as a Lt. Colonel in September 1953, and went to work for CONV AIR.

He has flown all of the U. S. fighters except the F-101 and F-104; has also flown the X-1 and X-4. Foreign types include all British fighters except the Folland Gnat and the P-1; all current French fighters, including Mystere I, II, Ill and IV, and two Russian fighters.

Dick Johnson has not confined his flying to the fighter types. He has flown many more cargo and bomber planes than can rightfully be called a fighter pilot's " share."

Before landing fire up the after· burner a time or two, including once at say 10,000 feet while indicating 400 knots or better. The result is like lighting a string of firecrackers to a scared rabbit.

The pre· landing checklist doesn't have much to say. It is basically all boost pumps on (they should stay on all of the time- check anyway) and gear down.

If I had the words of wisdom that Tony LeVier or Rusty Roth have to offer on the subject of landing jet aircraft, I could now copy them and substitute F-102 as the need indicated, and have said exactly how to land an F-102. As in all other aircraft, you will find each landing different. While striving for the perfect pattern and landing each time that we "come in," we have discovered that it is (by accepted WW II fighter standards ) a very conservative landing pattern.

Partial Power Compromise

It has a downwind leg and is, as Le Vier and Roth have said, a par· tial power compromise between a power-off landing and a high power drag in. In the F-102, you can fly the pattern something like this : Gear down at something between 200·240 knots following the break, bleed off to about 180 knots IAS for the base and then to about 160-170 knots for final with RPM near 80 per cent.


Over the fence with slighLl y less power and partial flare at 150 knots. Touch down at 130 knots and hold what you have (nose approximately on horizon ) and deploy drag chute by pulling the drag chute handle out. Then ease forward slightl y on the stick to start a gradual descent of the nose. Brakes are good, pedal force is medium. Use as required. To jetti­son the drag chute, push the handle back in. You may use speed brakes for landing as required. Deployment of drag chute opens speed brakes and it probably will be SOP to utilize speed brakes on all landings.

Dimpling of the entire surface of a new type of titanium shroud insulates engine from fuselage.

Landings are pretty important so I'll say some more on the subject. If your engine has had it, but is still turning (windmilling) freely at 200-220 knots IAS you will find the RPM at approximately 25 per cent. This is p lenty for good control but extend

the ram air turbine for emergency system power at the high key which can be 9000 feet, plus or minus 1000. Your low key should be about 4000 feet and base about 2000 feet. You' ll find control is excellent and when and if it's positive there's more altitude than you can use, side slip as re-

Below. Can you identify this airplane? It's the XF-92A. Compare it with F-102A in lower photo.

Below is the production model F- 102A. Painted all-gray, it is now going to active units.

quired, but with due consideration for wing loading. (Wing loading is light for a fighter.) Touch down at 130 knots IAS as for a normal land­ing. If your engine is dead so thal there is no possibi l ity of going around, deploy the drag chute up to 180 knots IAS and 20 feet above the deck. That's nice to know but it's Lhe only time to do it.

Crosswinds No Sweat

Crosswinds are only slight nui­sances up to so much as 30 knots at 90 degrees. Keep the nose high, fo 1-lowing landings on slippery surfaces. Let it fall when it gets heavy to take best advantage of the high angle of attack for braking. The tailpipe can be dragged on landing but it takes muscle in the head, as well as in the arm to do it.

An airstart can be accomplished un­der extremely different conditions of airspeed and altitude. However, about 220 knots IAS and the accompanying 25 per cent is recommended . If you know your normal fuel control is okay, handle the throttle as during a ground start. If the normal system is inoperative, switch the emergency sys tem 0 by pushing the red guarded toggle switch forward. Then go through a ground start but "play" the throttle to get the fuel flow and starting temperature desired.

I haven' t gone into a lon g disserla­tion as Lo how the F-102 should or should not be flown in all types of configurations. You'll learn these ru­dimentary i tems when your F-102s are delivered.

In cone! usion, I'll say this: The F-102 is a "Going Jesse." It's loaded with sting power; it's stable and it's supersonic. I'm convinced you'll agree with me, it's a " real gone" machine. •


AT FIRST GLANCE, the B-47 ac­cident rates look very encourag­ing. Based on the number of major

aircraft accidents per 100,000 flying hours, the rate in 1955 decreased to a low of 3.2 per cent of the 1951-52 figure. A comparison of accident cause factors shows that the number of acci­dents caused by materiel failure has


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

decreased from 29 per cent of the total in 1951-52 to 13 per cent in 1954. The same comparison of main­tenance error accidents indicates a downward trend from 12 per cent to 10 per cent; not so startling, but still on the credit side of the ledger.

But what of the pilot error type of things? Now that's a horse in a dif-

Capt. Westley H. Hamilton Bomber Branch, D/FSR

ferent garage. From a not-very low of 33 per cent of major accidents dur­ing 1951-52, pilot error as a cause factor rocketed to 57 per cent of all major accidents in 1954. Think about it. Nearly 60 per cent of the B-47 major accidents during 1954 were due to a pilot's miscalculation, poor judgment or improper technique. No matter how you look at it, the pilot just plain goofed. The resultant loss of life, the destruction of and dam­age to aircraft, and the impact upon Air Force capability are staggering.

When we break the figures down a little more we can find the area of operation where the trouble occurs. Seventy-six per cent of the total pilot error accidents occurred during the approach and landing phase of flight. So? So why did they? Because pilots didn't maintain proper airspeed on the final approach; didn't use proper flight control technique; didn't know actual stopping distance; didn't know minimum stopping distance proce­dures. Does the "Bible" tell them what, when and how? Sure it does!

Reference: Tech Order 1B-47E-l

Check your handbook fo r takeoff calculations. Then apply them to the existing conditions.



Book! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Is reading your Pilot's Handbook enough? This article has a couple of other ideas on how to use it properly.

(the "Bible"), dated 30 June 1955, revised 30 September 1955. • Approach and landing, pages 161-

169, inclusive. • Go-around, pages 169-170. • Landing emergencies, pages l 97-

202A, inclusive. • Refused takeoff, page 196B. • Approach and landing, pages 545-

554, inclusive. There's nearly enough information

on those pages to teach your wife how to land the airplane.

you'll find you're good for another 1000-2500 feet of landing roll on wet concrete. Of course, if you're land­ing on wet macadam, or well oiled and rubbered concrete, better add an­other few feet for the wife and kids. Should your landing be on packed snow or ice, you're not braking­you're skiing!

A few other items worthy of your attention prior to landing are wind conditions, terrain features beneath the traffic pattern, runway approaches and overruns and lighting systems. Crosswinds, gustiness and vertical drafts caused by terrain features have all caught B-47 pilots unaware and resulted in accidents. There's really no need for hitting a power line or trees on the final approach, but it has been done and can be again by pilots who don't know the things exist. Crosswinds require corrective technique and gustiness necessitates an allowance when computing final ap-

proach speeds, yet neither are ex­treme hazards when pilots are aware of such conditions. And if you're familiar with obstructions, approach and runway lighting systems peculiar (and some really are!) to the field, then confusion is less likely. Give yourself a break by checking those items early rather than having them surprise you as you encounter them in the pattern .

After you've completed the recom­mended reconnaissance, it boils down to this:

• Adhere to checklist procedures and compute the appropriate best flare speed accurately.

• Allow for gustiness and turbu­lence; ask the tower for existing winds if not given to you.

• Fly the airplane smoothly and monitor closely the airspeed and power settings. Have your copilot help you check speed and power.

• Maintain best flare speed until crossing the approach end of the run­way; make your flare slow and smooth as possible.

• On the ground, deploy the brake chute; if it malfunctions, immediately initiate go-around or brakes - only stopping procedures.

• Use wheel brakes judiciously. Learn the feel and sound of anti-skid cycling. It's important.

Simple, isn't it? You may be think­ing, "Why print this simple story? Everyone knows that." The troops that broke the airplanes didn't know it or use it. But I do. How do I know? The "Bible" tells me so! •

Yes, it's in the good book, and the chances are you've read it. But read­ing it isn't enough. You must analyze it and apply it to the existing condi­tions. When landing at a strange field, or at a familiar one under wet or icy conditions, or under nearly any other­than-normal situation, pause and con­sider a few things. Check your stop­ping distances for your gross weight -you might find the last part of your skid is on green grass. The stopping distance charts are good, when used properly. But just for kicks take a look at the "Conditions" down in the lower right corner (good book, pages 552-553). You don't normally chop the oulboard four at touchdown, nor do you have the brake chute fully opened at touchdown, so figure on rolling a little farther. And although there's no wet concrete reference line on the normal stopping distance chart, check the other charts and

Stopping dist.ance charts are good when used correctly. Don't forget runway gradient!

Gusty wind conditions require corrective tech­niques in computing final approach speeds.


Note nacelles, above and right, on Convair YC-131C turboprop transport. It uses T-Sb Allison engines.

Below, path "SMART" takes on Hurricane Mesa, Utah. {See next page .) It was built to test ejection seats.



-u. s. AIR FORCE

Flying Submarine- Still only in the thinking stage of development, the flying submarine does not differ markedly in appearance from a standard swept-wing jet fighter. However, it utilizes two power plants. A jet engine with air intakes on the upper part of the fuselage for air operation and a marine engine driving a small pro­peller at the rear of the craft for underwater propulsion. In flight, the marine propeller is designed to be retracted within the fuse] age.

A hydro-lift landing gear or water skis can be retracted in flight. This type of gear already has been tested on several types of conventional aircraft.

In the two media operation, the pilot of the flying sub­marine would start the marine engine just before landing. The craft would aqua-plane until it slowed down and came to rest on its hull. Then the jet engine would be stopped, the air intakes and exhaust sealed and the cabin pressurization turned on. The craft would then take in


waler in ballast tanks and submerge, driven by its marine propel !er and maneuvered by its airplane contro l surfaces.

There are many technical problems that must be over­come, but the onl y difference between fl ying in air and " fl ying in water·' is just a question of density. G

* * * S-M·A-R-T- Successful, rocket test-sled runs on the new USAF supersonic test sled track at Hurricane Mesa, near Zion National Park, Utah, have shown that accurate ob­servations can be made on the problem of bailout at super­sonic speeds on both personnel and equipment.

Called SMART (Supersonic Military Air Research Track), this rocket-propelled test-track facility duplicates, on the ground, actual supersonic flight conditions under controlled instances the testing of aircraft seat ejection equipment, various types of parachutes and the effects on pilots of bailout at high speeds.

Unlike other existing test-track facilities, the SMART project was designed to provide free fli ght for test equip­ment and its recovery for further use. This is accomplished by catapulting the test equipment over a 1500-foot cliff and lowering it by parachute to the desert floor where it is recoverable. •

* * * Hands Off- Rotary-wing aircraft enter a new stage of stability through use of a newly developed flight control system by Sperry Gyroscope Company. The system gives the pilot full freedom for manual maneuvering, yet pro­vides automatic stability at all speeds including cruise, hovering and engine-out auto-rotation. In manual-auto­matic operation, the gyros stabilize the aircraft on its existing flight path. While the pilot relaxes "hands-off," special controls hold the desired altitude, speed or climb positions. To change fli ght path, the pilot applies pres­sure to the control just as if in manual flight. •

Unveiled recently is the Snark , intercontinental guided missile .

Above , new helicopter control system permits "hands off" flight. Below, pilot is freed for navigation duties. Light pattern on cycl ic stick reveals movements required in 15 seconds of operation.


.Change Without

' • Maj. Lewis J. Neyland, Operations Analysis Division, Headquarters Air Weather Service

Here is an article prepared by an experienced pilot who has also served as a weather officer since 1943. Every­body is cognizant of the landing un­dershoot bug. Here may be the an­swer to at least some of these acci­dents. FL YING SAFETY feels that it is important to read this article care­/ ully and when the wind doth blow, watch out for wind shear.

• • •

THE OTHER NIGHT I was cour­ageously doing a little hangar fly­ing with some of the boys. The

ensuing hairy stories had us pretty well convinced that most of the haz­ards of the good old days are long gone. No more tearing up the sod with the tailskid when we taxi. Haven't had to check the safety wire on the rigging turnbuckles for a long time. You have to work at it to groundloop the mod­ern bird. Iowadays, landing at a

strange field is seldom complicated by a freshly dug badger hole or a stray herd of startled bovines.

Our airfields have gradually evolved into luxurious landing areas, and in spite of the best efforts of us fiery stones, the Fly Safe people have made it pretty difficult to get into trouble on a normal landing.

If you remember the long difficult process of evolution leading up to our present long, wide airstrips, you'll remember that they'd hardly gotten the rhinoceroses off the old 4500-foot macadam strips when someone thought up the jet. Right off the bat Uncle's bill for barbed wire fence and corn fields off the far end of the run­way elicited screams of rage from the economy-wise comptroller.

It didn't take long to decide we'd better do our touching down near the front end of the strip, but a few months of this operation and the man came around with the suggestion that

Landings today are seldom complicated by a freshly dug badger hole or a stray herd of cows.

since we were now ruining the farm­ers corn on both ends of the field, he would buy us some more acres so we could stretch that 4500 feet of macadam to 10,000.

"One hundred per cent spare run­way ought to take care of anybody," my P-80 colleagues commented.

Alas! By the time we got our new runway, some joker came along with a bigger, hotter machine that gobbles up the runway faster than the visiting brother-in-law sops up your rare old Scotch. So, here we are again, paying for more fences and corn fields.

What Makes a Landing

Down at the far end, the barrier looks like a good answer, but how about these carom shots off the rocks short of this end of the field?

Whether we admit it or not when we're flying a tight formation at the local pasture, you and I both know we make occasional landings we'd rather not talk about; those landings where nothing quite clicks and you're jock­eying for position all the way to touchdown, for instance. I find these harder to remember when talk turns to flying than the ones where the whole pattern feels good and you know you've got it made all the way through the landing acl.

But, once in a while, when you're sliding down the groove and that warm, "this is one of those good ones," feeling comes over you, sud­denly the bottom falls out and you're scrambling around the co*ckpit look­ing for a lot of RPM in a hurry. Or, almost as bad, you had it made for


a perfect touchdown on the numbers, only the bird has other ideas and flies clear past the first intersection before it gives up!

"What gives? Have I lost the old touch?" I mutter as the smoke billows up from the tortured tires.

I speak with the voice of experience when I say that circ*mstance is a shattering experience, and I don't like to be shattered. The feeling is some­thing like trying to pass a bogus "5 sixes" to a suspicious neighbor in a liar's dice game-even if you get away with it this time you know it's Lady Luck and not skill that deserves the credit. Maybe this explains the interest that was born sometime ago when during an investigation of a C-124 accident out west for possible weather factors, it turned out that very possibly a wind shift (or shear) was largely responsible. A few ques­tions around the command disclosed quite a few people who had given the matter of wind shifts or wind shear and the landing and takeoff problem quite a lot of thought. As a matter of fact we were sent a very good article on wind shear and landing fighters that had appeared in the ADC monthly flying safety publication, "Archie Newsflash."

The more I looked into the prob­lem the more convinced I became that the best answer to 100 per cent safe landings might be to extend the run­ways to 10,000 feet both ways from the touchdown point. However, I must admit that this suggestion was re­ceived with considerable coolness by everyone including my seven-year-old who pointed out with some scorn that this couldn't be done since our house was in the way.

Wind Makes the Difference

Having tried to solve the problem with amazing lack of success, it seems that the next step is to read you all in on it so you won't get caught short.

If the air were always calm, you

APRIL, 1956

could shoot a few landings in your favorite bird, learn how things look from "high key," "low key" and final, and go on from that day forth making every one right on the numbers. How­ever, weather and wind being what they are, every approach is a little different. (In this discussion I'm only concerned with VFR approaches and landings.) Most of us, I believe, use about the same power setting and air­speed every time we come down the final. The hotter the plane and the shorter the runway the closer the final approach speed has to be to the stall speed in order to get it on the ground and stopped short of the far end of the field.

In order to use our standard ap­proach, airspeed, rate of descent and power setting, we generally compen­sate for wind by moving the base leg in closer to the field. The stronger the wind, the closer the base leg (within reason). I can imagine a situ­ation at a place like Thule where the windspeed might equal the final ap­proach airspeed of a particular plane. That would be the "limiting case" as the mathematicians say, where, if we insisted in using our standard ap­proach speed, rate of descent and power settings, we would have to roll out onto final directly above the touchdown point. Since our approach speed and the windspeed would be

equal, our groundspeed would be zero and we would come down verti­cally at our normal rate of descent. As a matter of fact, I've seen a ver­sion of this sort of thing and I'm sure you have, too, around the local civil airport when occasionally the Cubs and such can be seen hovering or actually flying backwards when there is a stiff wind blowing.

Let's just suppose that one day we have a chance to try this vertical landing operation. We know the wind is strong enough to do it from the amount of flying it took to get into position in the pattern. There we are at 1000 feet over touchdown point, indicating about 120 knots, flying into a 120-knot headwind (zero ground­speed), final approach power set and our normal rate of descent estab­lished. As we let down through say 500 feet, we pass through an inver­sion and discover to our horror that below the inversion there is NO wind blowing. With zero groundspeed and now no headwind to give us flying speed, it feels like someone has cut the string and the rest of the flight re­sembles that of a manhole cover tossed out of a 10th floor window.

The culprit in the case is wind shear. Fortunately, such extreme shear probably doesn't exist outside of a tornado (which I'm not personally going near enough to investigate).

The fickle wind. Experimental smoke trails off in three directions. Height of the tower is 428 ft.


If such shear were common, you un­doubted! y could not give away real estate in the approach zone of an airport. However, it's a rare day in­deed when there isn't a little wind shear kicking around.

What Is Wind Shear

If you have the wind blowing one speed and direction here and another speed or direction a short distance away, you have wind shear. You can dress up the definition a little and call the surface where the two winds going in different directions or speeds rub against each other, the zone of shear or the shear surface or shear line, but it all means the same thing. A cold or warm front is a good ex­ample of wind shear with the warm air above moving in one direction and the cold air below going in an­other direction.

Another good example of wind shear is the strong wind that suddenly springs up just before the afternoon thunderstorm reaches the weather­man's picnic. At one instant it is al­most calm, the next it is blowing and raining like mad. The dividing line between the calm air and the wind is a wind shear line.

First, let me explain further why we should keep our eyes peeled for wind shear and then I'll give you a few hints on how and where to search it out.

Even though the extreme example of shear we dreamed up a few para­graphs back wouldn't occur, wind shear between the ground and traffic pattern altitude of 15 to 20 knols is common and a shear of 30 to 40 knots is not at all uncommon in some parts of the world.

In modern high wing loading planes, this situation can cause trouble. If we come down the final approach at 15 knots above stalling speed, and pass through a shear line, where our effective head wind de­creases by 15 knots we are immedi­ately at stalling speed. The only way we can prevent a stall is to sacrifice altitude for airspeed or increase air­speed by adding power. In actual practice we simultaneously drop the nose and hit the throttle and if we have enough altitude we drag it on into the field and make a landing. Should our altitude run out before the power takes hold, we land short. The more sudden and severe the de­crease in head wind component and the closer to the ground it happens

" ... rest of the flight resembles that of a manhole cover tossed out_ of a I Oth fl oor wind ow."


the more chance there is that we will stall in short of the runway.

The Two-Edged Sword

This wind shear is a two-edged sword. It can put a good man down in the rocks at the far end of the field too if he's too proud to go around. Suppose our particular bird stalls at 100 knots so we've decided to fly our final approach at 115 knots. On this particular day there is no wind at traffic pattern altitude so we set up our turn onto final accordingly for the usual touchdown on the num­bers. Since there is no wind at alti­tude, our speed over the ground and our airspeed are the same or 115 knots in this case. Just as we get down to the last 100 feet, we pass through a shear line and on the other side of it we find a 15-knot wind blowing right on the nose. Since for several seconds at least the bird keeps blun­dering along at the same old ground­speed of 115 knots, the 15 knots of wind on the nose adds to it and you find yourself with 130 knots of air­speed. This is pure bonus to the mod­ern low drag airplane and it con­tinues to fly way, way down the field before it gives up and touches down. A T-bird driver friend told me that an extra five knots airspeed over the boundary lights meant an extra 1000 feet of runway on a calm day. This may be a slight exaggeration, but in the absence of any conflicting story I'm inclined to believe him.

The situation begins to get even more binding when you consider the case of the bigger and hotter birds. With the bent wing 84s, 86s, B-47s and B-52s, and the planes to come, we are operating out of many fields where the runways are long enough but don't have a big margin for er­ror. As a result, we are refining our landing techniques, slowing our ap­proach speeds and shooting for a touchdown closer to the approach end of the runway. This leaves us wide open for the wind shear type of un­dershoot landing, although it's good medicine for the overshoot type.

This wind shear problem can cause a lot of consternation on takeoff too and that is where it is most apt to affect prop types as well as jets. Take for example a heavily loaded trans­port. Even with maximum takeoff power, it takes several seconds for the airspeed to build up to say, 25 knots above stalling. If you run through a shear line that decreases


"Don't take off or land into the teeth of an approaching thunderstorm if you have any choice.''

your airspeed by 20 knots just as your wheels start up, you stand a good chance of settling back with a dull thud. The same thing can happen of course to any type of plane but the faster it accelerates through the criti· cal speeds near stalling the less chance you have of getting in trouble with wind shear on takeoff. That's why the fighter types should have less worry on this score than the heavy transport and bomber jockeys, if you don't pull the fighter off before it's ready to fly.

Where to Find It

If you are convinced that wind shear can put you in an uncomfort­able spot, here are some pointers on where and when to look for it.

In the first place, wherever there is a temperature inversion you nearly always have some shear. Since inver­sions form almost every clear night, near the ground it stands to reason that the late night and early morning hours are a good time to be extra wary. These nighttime inversions can

APRIL, 1956

develop within a short time, and a wind shear of 10 to 20 knots within 100-200 feet of the ground can be expected. Semi-permanent inversions stick around places like the southern California coast, Spain and northwest Africa caused by the California and Azores high pressure areas, respec­tively. Those inversions are generally higher than normal traffic pattern alti­tude though and so don't often cause a shear problem.

The inversion caused by the Great Plains high is sometimes low enough to cause a traffic pattern wind shear problem anywhere from the Appa­lachians to the Rockies . However, it is along its western edge where it pushes up to the foot of the Rockies that you can find one of the most startling and perhaps dangerous dis­plays of wind shear.

In a 50 to 150-mile wide belt in the flatlands east of the Rocky Moun­tains extending all the way from Ladd AFB, Alaska, to El Paso, Texas, blows the famed Chinook wind. Shear-wise, the Chinook causes its trouble when it is trying to move in, and the effect

is most pronounced when there is a cold high pressure cell spread out over the plains and pushing up against the foot of the Rockies. What happens is this. The warm, dry Chi­nook wind comes booming down over the Continental Divide from the west toward Ladd or Malmstrom or Ama­rillo, where a layer of cold air is covering the area like a tent. The Chinook, being warm, naturally slides over the top of the cold air and right there you have a very respectable shear surface established. As it con­tinues to blow, gradually pushing the cold air back, the inversion (shear line) works its way down toward the surface. Eventually at pattern alti­tudes and lower you find a westerly wind of as much as 40 knots, while at the surface the wind is nearly calm.

If you happen to make a landing about the time the inversion has worked itself down to within a hun­dred feet or so of the ground, you can see that you might well be in for some excitement.

Another wind shear situation exists when there is a strong surface wind


blowing. Moving rapidly over trees, rocks and buildings, the wind closest to the ground is slowed down so that from 25 to 50 feet above the surface and on up the wind is blowing faster than it is at the surface. This fric­tion induced wind shear always tends to make you land short. However, its effect is usually small and since it is only present with fairly strong sur­face winds when you can afford to shoot for a spot 1000 feet or so down the runway, it is not a serious hazard, provided you remember that it does occur, and you should make allowance for it.

The one other major wind shear producer is the thunderstorm. Flying cross-country on a summer afternoon you've seen a cloud of dust marching along just ahead of the storm. When you are si tting on the ground you know how deathly calm it gets be­fore a thunderstorm, then all at once the wind and rain hit. That's the thunderstorm's most severe shear line. About the only useful advice I can offer is " Don't take off or land into the teeth of an approaching thunder­storm if you have any choice." It's better to wait until the storm center passes over the field.

That's the general picture on what sort of situations produce wind shear lines and some of the reasons why this is becoming more of a problem than it has been before. Since it is a problem, it is important to be able to recognize a wind shear situation when you see one. (See Figure 1.)

What's Being Done About It?

Frankly, at the present time there is no practical way to measure wind shear above an airfield. Since we cannot measure it, it follows that the tower is unable to warn you of its existence when you call in for landing instructions. A wind shear situation can change almost as rapidly as cei l­ing and visibi lity. It follows that to be of much practical value, wind shear conditions would have to be meas­ured at reasonable frequent intervals. Once an hour might be frequent enough but no technique we have available at the present seems to be practical for measurements that often. Various kite or captive balloon com­binations have been considered but there are those among us, including myself, who would rather fly through a wind shear than a string of kites and balloons. There are undoubtedly other ways to measure the phenomena


How to Spot a Wind Shear Situation

I. Look for an inversion below traffic pattern altitude. Smoke rising in one direction for a few hundred feet, then suddenly turning and taking off in another direction above that, is a sure sign. Smoke from high stacks going in a different direction than that from short ones. (This is common in the case of the big stack near Malmstrom AFB.) A flat topped haze or smoke layer also indicates an inversion. This is usually the best way to spot one of the nighttime wind shear inversions.

2. When the wind at pattern altitude is obviously stronger than that reported by the tower, you have shear . .. so be on your guard.

3. When the tower reports strong surface winds, say over 30 knots, you are apt to have a significant amount of friction­induced shear in the lower 25 to 50 feet ... so be prepared.

4. When you see a thunderstorm approaching the field, watch out for wind shear. It's certain to be there.

FIG. 1

How to Counteract Wind Shear

I. Landing:

• Make your final approach longer and flatter. (Be reason­able of course, don't drag it in for miles.) This enables you to carry more RPM, making full thrust available to you more quickly, should you need it, and just as important, with the lower rate of descent, you pass through the shear line slower. You then have more time to adjust your speed to compensate for the changed windspeed in the lower air mass, whether it is causing an over or undershoot.

• When the tower reports strong surface winds, in addition to your longer and flatter approach, plan to land a little long. With the strong wind, you will be able to stop in plenty of time even if you touch down a few hundred feet from the approach end.

• When the surface wind is strong and gusty, allow your­self a little extra margin of airspeed on the final.

2. Takeoff:

• Get plenty of airspeed before you pull up the gear. Accelerate to climb speed as rapidly as possible.

FIG. 2

and perhaps one of you, the pilots who wi ll have to become more and more concerned about the problem, has an idea that will work. If you do, let us hear from you.

What Can You Do? Meanwhile, now that you know

how to recognize wind shear in its

native habitat, you'll find that it can be handled in a fairly straight-for­ward manner if you spot it before it gets you in a spot.

By following the few simple rules (See Figure 2) , you will practically eliminate the chance of your landing too short or too long, or goofing a takeoff because of wind shear. •


Well Done •



Chester J. Payne 3558t h Combat C rew Training Squadron

Perrin AFB, Texas

APRIL , 1956

CRUISING AT 23,000 feet on a local radar training mission, a muffied explosion rocked the F-86D. Severe vibrations followed and

the aft fire warning light came on. Lt. Chester Payne took emergency measures immediately. However, the fire warning light remained illu­minated and the aircraft continued to vibrate excessively. Lt. Payne stop-co*cked the throttle and established a glide for Perrin AFB, Texas.

In the vicinity of Gainesville, it became evi­dent that Lt. Payne would be unable to make Perrin, so a flameout pattern was set up for the Gainesville Municipal Airport. The longest run­way available measured 4700 feet.

Setting up his pattern for this runway, Lt. Payne made a successful landing and the drag chute was deployed to minimize the landing roll.

Inspection of the aircraft revealed the turbine wheel had failed, releasing three blades, which were thrown through the aft section .

Lt. Payne displayed excellent judgment and superior skill, especially for a relatively inex­perienced pilot, in safely landing the aircraft under such hazardous conditions. His decision to land the aircraft at an auxiliary airfield on such a short runway and his proper deployment of the drag chute prevented the loss of an air­craft. Well Done!


IT'S HARD TO GET a man to ad­mit that he's really fat. Generally, he prefers to think of himself as

a little heavy, large framed or mus­cular. To admit being fat is to admit failure, to acknowledge that you're on the decline-on a highway marked by declining vigor, declining resistance to disease, declining appeal (and de­clining usefulness) to the female and declining longevity. Many of the ills laid at the door of advancing age

Obese, stout, portly, fleshy, chubby, bulky, well-fed , well-rounded, large-size, corpulent, heavy and husky. Still they say ...

Lt. Col. Harold V. Ellingson (MC) Deputy Surgeon, Alaskan Air Command

actually should be blamed on obesity. Being fat, moreover, has some special hazards for flying personnel in the Air Force.

It is true that good nutrition is es­sential to good health. And, unfor­tunately, the public has come to con­sider a little plumpness as an indica­tion of health. But actually, over­weight, even a little, is a health haz­ard. The more you're overweight, the greater the hazard.

What are the special dangers of overweight for flyers ? Fatty tissue is notoriously capable of di ssolving nitrogen from the blood, and it is likely to release the nitrogen at high altitude in the wrong way. At best, gas released at altitude can cause bends. At worst, at high altitudes, and especially in case of sudden decom­pression, the freed bubbles of gas can push little particles of fat into the blood stream, where they can be car·

It's hard to get a man to admit that he's really fat. No matter what yo u call it, though, it's still fat.

,, lf.:1.:il h )) ,,,, a. .~. e eavy. \\ 1 .f!.. / I ,,,, a arge i-La.ltle. '' muscular?''


a --- .. --.

ried to the heart or the brain and cause death.

Two cases of death following explo­sive decompression at 30,000 feet have been reported recently. Both of these individuals were obese. They were riding in Air Force jets as passengers for special, emergency reasons, with­out clearance from a flight surgeon. Both went into shock when the air­planes lost their pressurization at alti­tude. They were unconscious when the aircraft returned to the ground and both died within a few hours after being removed to hospitals. Though these individuals were passengers, the same hazards exist for pilots and other crewmembers who allow their weight to creep upward.

Aside from the special dangers to flyers, overweight carries many addi­tional hazards to everyone, whether he flies or not. Obesity is one of the great and growing health problems of the United States. True enough, cancer is more in the limelight of the public press and has recently achieved the number two standing in the causes of death among our fellow citizens. But obesity does its dirty work under other names, by making other diseases more dangerous or more highly fatal. Let's look at some of the other di seases on the team of killers and see how they are aided by fatness.

Take heart disease, the number one cause of death in the United States. A man's prospects of being struck down by a heart attack are enormously in­creased by obesity. Even if you're only 10 per cent over the ideal weight,

APRIL, 1956


your chances of having a fatal heart attack are 50 per cent greater than if your weight is normal.

Take brain hemorrhage or stroke, which is the number three cause of death in the United States. A man is 57 per cent more vulnerable to a

-- -

- -

stroke if he's overweight than if he is at his normal weight.

Take kidney disease, which is also high on the list of causes of death. Overweight brings a 72 per cent in­crease in vulnerability.

Take diabetes. Here, obesity causes



a 156 per cent increase in mortality! Even suicide, farther down the list,

shows a similar effect of obesity. The fat man is 29 per cent more likely to take his own life than is one of nor­mal weight.

What do these statistics mean to you, in practical, personal facts? Just this: If you allow yourself to become overweight, you are voluntarily cut­ting from 5 to 20 years off your life expectancy. You are advancing the day when your widow must take care of the children on the proceeds of a couple of insurance policies that looked generous at the time you took them out, but on account of inflation have become pitifully small. Or, may­be she'll be able to marry a leaner, more vigorous man.

These are some reasons behind the

Air Force policy on obesity, as out- ~'-:::::~~"11i/~ttiJl lined in paragraph 19e, AFM 160-1, ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ quote from this publication: "In fly. ~"A ;= J. - ~ ~ (revised 15 December 1953) . To (~{ ing personnel, weight in excess of the ..;,----,/"' -iff ~ ~i~~~~~~~~~~i maximum ~ay be con~idered cau~e ~ for suspens10n from flymg duty until ~ · corrected." By barring flying status or preventing promotion, overweight can really hit us where it hurts the most-in the pocketbook.

What can be done about over­weight? The best thing of all is ade­quate prevention.

A few lucky souls can eat like horses all their lives and remain trim. For the rest of us, there comes an age, between 24 and 40 years, when it sud­denly becomes very easy to put on ex· cess weight. You can usually detect this yourself, with occasional weigh-

The old treadmill can't match this intake.

ings, and then is the time to cut down on your intake. Eliminate between­meal snacks and foods rich in calories. Beware especially of co*cktail parties! At a co*cktail buffet, one can easily stow away enough calories to cover his needs for two or three days. A seri­ous and determined drinker can do even worse, for alcohol is an especi­ally rich source of calories.

Overweight can really hit us where it hurts the most-in ihe pocketbook.

Once prevention has failed and you've become attached to your fat, removal is a long and painful process. The usefulness of exercise in control of weight is greatly over-rated. The only practical way to eliminate fat is to reduce the intake of food. Once down to a proper weight, you must watch your diet indefinitely, or you will regain the weight.

An "informal" diet, simple avoid­ance of over-eating, will often suffice to reduce your weight. If not, you should get a definite and well-planned diet from your flight surgeon. He may, if it is desirable in your case, be able to give medications which will help in the initial phases of the diet. But the most important qualities for a success­ful diet are self-discipline and self­denial. Once you've been fat, you must exercise self-control in eating and drinking for the rest of your life. If you allow yourself to remain obese, you are endangering your health, your career and your very life! •


Low Blow Captain Joseph P. Davies, Jr.

Aero Medical Safety Div., D/FSR

HOW LOW CAN I eject and still make it? At 500, 800, 1000, 3000 feet? Of course, there's no pat

answer to that question. It depends too much on variables such as aircraft attitude and speed, whether your lap belt and parachute are fully automatic and connected and, of course, on you, yourself. By this we mean how sharp are you on low altitude ejection pro­cedures, and, if you don't have fully automatic equipment, how long does it take you to get into action after the initial ejection jolt?

The records show that with only manual equipment, and when your aircraft is in a straight and level or climbing attitude, it is best to have at least 2000 feet. On the other hand, with fully automatic equipment you should expect a successful ejection escape in these attitudes at 500 feet; but, of course, in a high-speed dive you should have several thousand feet between you and the ground, regard­less of the type of egress equipment you have.

Once in a while though, an indi­vidual will complete a successful ejec­tion escape at a very low altitude even without an automatic lap belt and parachute. Without fail these men have been as sharp as a tack on their low altitude procedures and able to get their bodies into action immedi­ately after the initial ejection jolt.

Such was the recent case with 1st Lt. Ed Mastay, near Naha, Okinawa. There he was-not at 30,000 feet, flat on his back, but riding a flameout at 600 feet in a heavy rainstorm at llO knots IAS. And his emergency pro­cedures had just failed to get a re­light. The time he spent debating whether to eject couldn't be measured on the finest chronometer. In fact within four or five seconds he had completed his ejection procedures and his parachute was in the process of

APRIL, 1956

opening! And open it did-with room to spare at an estimated altitude of 200 to 300 feet. He landed in the ocean with half of his Mae West al­ready inflated. Subsequently, he com­pleted his water survival procedures and was picked up by a local fishing vessel. Only minor injuries were re­ceived in the nature of neck burns from the parachute shroud lines.

Why was Lt. Mastay able to make a successful ejection escape at this alti­tude? Of course, his plane was under control and in level flight. But the list of unsuccessful ejections under just as favorable conditions and at altitudes no lower is too long. . .. "He had pulled the ripcord but was still strapped to the seat." ... "The rip­cord had been pulled, but he was just beginning to separate from the seat."

The key to Lt. Mastay's success was practice; the procedures were re­peated until they became second na­ture and could be automatically set in motion by just such an emergency as he experienced. In fact, his ejec­tion report ended with the following statements: "My ejection procedures were exactly the way I had practiced them in the event of a low-level bail­out. I think that was the primary rea­son for the bailout being successful." He stated too that the F-86D simu­lator was used extensively for this ejection practice.

Well, let's take a look at Lt. Mas­tay's procedures. Here's what he did:

• Jettisoned the canopy. • Disconnected his oxygen hose

and manual type lap belt. • Put his left hand over the para­

chute D ring. • Positioned himself in the seat

and ejected. • Pulled the D ring with both


• Inflated half of his Mae West on the way down.

• Went through further water sur­vival procedures after landing in the ocean.

Of course, this procedure could be made shorter (for instance by leaving the oxygen hose connected). However, if position in the seat can be main­tained, unfastening the manual type lap belt prior to ejection is an abso­lute must at low altitudes. This is the most important part of the low alti­tude procedure with manual equip­ment and one that had been discussed thoroughly in this pilot's organiza­tion by everybody.

So, it is possible to win at Low Ball even without automatic equipment. And practice may well spell the dif­ference between the best and second best hands.

However, this article is not by any means meant to suggest departure from present recommended minimum ejection altitudes. It is intended to show the value of knowledge and lots of practice.

Here are the procedures: Recommended minimum ejection

altitudes from aircraft in level or climbing attitudes:

• With manually operated lap belt and parachute-2000 feet.

• With automatic opening lap belt or manual type lap belt unfastened prior to ejection and manual para­chute-1000 feet .

• With automatic opening lap belt and automatic opening parachute properly connected-500 feet.

From aircraft in high-speed dives, ejections should be initiated from sev­eral thousand feet and if possible, before descending below indicated 10,000 feet above the ground.

If position in the seat can be main­tained, the manual type lap belt should be unfastened prior to ejec­tions below:

• 2000 feet if aircraft is level or climbing.

• 5000 feet or more if aircraft is in a steep dive.

Even though you have fully auto­matic equipment, at low altitudes the parachute D ring (not the timer knob) should be pulled as quickly as is humanly possible.

If at all possible, get your aircraft in a climb or level attitude. At very low altitudes your chances are con­siderably better in level flight and infi­nitely better in a climb as compared to a dive. •


taking the


EVERY AIR-MINDED schoolboy knows what Zif t is-the mysteri­ous force that keeps a plane in the

air. Aeronautical engineers also know lift; it's no mystery to them. They de­sign a calculated amount of it into every aircraft they build.

Now the fly-boy who is expected to get that plane from here to there and back also knows that "calculated amount of lift." He does, that is, if he has a slide rule mind-puts in the flight manual numbers, corrects for angle of attack, determines gross load, power effects, G forces, gusts and gets a safe airspeed - under emergency conditions. It looks like the fly-boy must be a wonder boy.

Haven't we gotten awfully close to the woods? You bet we have. Let us consider for a moment: Over 50 years ago the Wright Brothers accomplished sustained flight for 12 seconds. Ever since then we have been straining to fly faster, farther, higher- and with greater ease. Of course, it's easier! Look at the instruments we give the pilot, a co*ckpit full of them. Look again. Do you see any fundamentally new instruments? Of course you don't. To really help the pilot we must think and design in terms of new measure­ments, new intelligence. And this doesn' t mean a reshuffiing or regroup­ing of the six flight instruments now classified as "basic."

Experience and logic dictate that we are long overdue for " lift instrumen­tation." Let's give the pilot an indi­cation of the very force that keeps him airborne. Why not show him at a glance, without computation, without lag, the speed he must fl y to obtain the desired performance from his wing. Let's take the "if" out of " lift."

Beginning ten years ago the aero­dynamici sts and engineers of the Safe



Flight Instrument Corporation, White Plains, New York, initiated a research program to do just that-to take the " if" out of "lift." The result is an in­strument named Speed Control, instal­lations of which have been flight tested in all types of aircraft. Experi­enced airmen are amazed at the stable. precise, slow-speed performance of their aircraft when flying this instru­ment. One such experience is related in the May 1955 issue of FLYING SAFETY in a flight report entitled "Rugged But Right," on the new C-123B. This aircraft was equipped with Speed Control, the instrument referred to in the article as the Land­ing Speed Indicator.

Single Pointer

The system behind Speed Control sets up some new parameters for lift, and in a very simple manner resolves a complex set of variables. The indi­cation is easy to fly; a single, center­reading, pointer type of instrument is all that appears in the co*ckpit. And a note to the weight and balance boys: Typical installations weigh only two to six pounds!

Why is this instrument so impor­tant? For the first time a pilot can tell directly what his wing is doing for him during approaches, landings, takeoffs and holding procedures. Mental gymnastics are passe. The pilot simply flys the pointer at cen­ter, and at the desired angle of at· tack. If the aircraft is being flown too slowly, the needle moves to SLOW; if too fast, the needle moves to FAST. It's as simple as that. Speed Control presents this information instantane­ously and continuously.

This new. fundamental instrument has specific, uses, particularly when

the pilot needs help the most. For in­stance: Routine Approaches - Every routine landing approach can be a precision maneuver. On the final ap· proach, fly the Speed Control to keep the pointer centered. Every factor af. fecting the wing is being measured, every configuration taken into ac­count: flap position, power condition, gross weight, angle of bank, longi ­tudinal accelerations and density alti­tude conditions.

Flight path descent is steady and sure, permitting the pilot to " bore­sight" a spot on the runway and more accurately predict his touchdown point. Flying throughout the approach at a controlled approach speed means that the over-the-fence speed will be correct and uniform, every time. The result will be standardized approach techniques for all types of aircraft and all skill -l evels of pilots.

The transitioning pilot will bene­fit particularly from Speed Control measurement. Even for the student pilot, undershoots and overshoots should become obsolete.

Instrument Approaches -The im­portance of correct speed during the final stages of the instrument ap­proach is obvious. Flying the Speed Control pointer to center assures safe lift at lower speeds, permitting more accurate centerline and glide path bracketing. The precision flying re· quired to follow the ground operator's instructions, especially the final con­troller, is more easily and confidently attained by its use.

Landings-Landing on Speed Con· trol brings the airplane over-the-fence at a fixed glide angle every time and eliminates excess ive touchdown speeds. In the case of flameouts in jet aircraft, the very narrow range of


acceptable approach speeds for this condition can be continuously indi­cated by Speed Control, providing in­valuable information throughout the entire approach.

Emergency Engine-out Condition­Every pilot knows the necessity for split second timing when an engine­out emergency occurs, particularly during takeoff. At that point you've only one instrument of paramount im­portance and that's the airspeed indi­cator. When one mill goes, you fire­wall everything and hope for single­engine or engine-out speed, depend­ing on the type of aircraft.

There's a goodly number of acci­dents on record that could have been prevented, had the pilot been able to refer to an accurate indication of air­speed or change in airspeed. Such an indication would have guided the pilot through the continuous and smooth elevator contro l required for transi­tion to the best engine-out climb speed for safe flight.

Unfortunately, the airspeed indi­cator responds to airplane attitude with considerable lag. This is not the case when flying Speed Control.

Power Loss Indicated

Immediately upon any form of power loss the pointer instantly moves

Left, shows how easy the indicator is to read. Above, if the aircraft is being flown too slowly, the needle moves to SLOW; if too fast, the needle moves to FAST. Below, throughout engine eme rgency procedure, the pointer instantly moves toward the SLOW side, showing loss of lift.

toward the SLOW side, showing a loss of thrust and warning that the atti­tude must be adjusted immediately. However, now instead of guessing, the pilot can lower the nose to instantly keep the pointer centered throughout the transition.

Simply, it boils down to this: After losing an engine, the pilot can change the pitch attitude of the aircraft enough to center the Speed Control needle. Throughout the emergency, he will be assured that the desired angle of attack is being produced for the available power.

In the beginning, Safe Flight In­strument Corporation engineers rea­soned like this: On the leading edge of an airfoil in motion is a definite stagnation point where the air divides to flow over the top and bottom sur­faces of the wing. The position of this stagnation point shifts with changing angles of attack. Therefore, the rela­tive position of this stagnation point as it moves along the outside contour of the airfoil should be an indication of the pressure pattern on the sur­face> of the airfoil for that particular angle of attack. Calculations and tests proved this to be true, and that, aero­dynamically, this pressure pattern is a function of the wing angle of at­tack to provide lift.

Then came the years of developino­the instrumentation to produce stail warning devices. And out of this de­veloped the complete Speed Control system embodying sensing, computa­tion and indication.

Four Components

The system in operation is com­posed basically of four components: A lift transducer, a flap potentiome­~er, a lift computer and a Speed Con­trol indicator. The control column shaker is optional. It can be installed to produce movement of the column, simulating control buffeting at or near stall speeds, thus serving as a stall warning for aircraft which do not normally exhibit this aerodynamic flight characteristic.

The type of measurement made by

Flight path descent is steady and sure, permitting the pilot to " boresight" touchdown point.



Type of Incident



Final Approach Stoll

Takeoff Stoll

this system has no precedent. It is therefore easily misinterpreted and misunderstood. The fact that it is so simple and yet accounts for so many variables in the lift equation, leads to further apprehension, until its functioning is fully comprehended. Simply stated, although there is much more for digestion by the aerody­namicist, the system functions some­thing like this:

The lift transducer is mounted in the underside of the leading edge of the wing. The small vane of the trans­ducer protrudes through the skin of the wing where it can be displaced by · the changing wing pressure patterns. Displacement of the vane originates an electrical signal which is applied to the lift computer, comprising a cir­cuit which is entirely electrical in de· sign, with no electronic complications.

In the computer, the original trans­ducer signal is corrected in accord­ance with the position of the flap po­tentiometer shaft which is mechani· cally actuated by the wing flap sys­tem. A longitudinal accelerometer signal, directly related to the resultant of the power-drag condition of the air­plane, is added to the corrected sig­nal. The integrated signal , represent­ing the various factors affecting lift, is simply presented on the single



Cause I 1. Loss of lift.

2. Too far on bock side of horsepower re-quired curve. (See Page 26, " Flying Safety," October, 1955.)

1. Excessive speed.

2. Touchdown too deep.

1. Bonk at too slow speed.

2. Gross weight error .

3. Difficulty in deciding rote and trend in-formation from airspeed indicator.

4. Power off too soon.

5. Excessive G .

1. Insufficient takeoff climb.

2. Loss of control or altitude ofter engine failure.

pointer of the Speed Control indi­cator in the co*ckpit.

Flying the Speed Control pointer means flying a fixed lift ratio. The indication is lag free, sending immedi­ately transient lift factors that are in­stantaneous in nature. In brief, Speed Control actually measures the angle of attack and fore and aft acceleration forces acting on an aircraft.

Flying critical-performance aircraft at slow speeds is assumed to be rou­tine for the military pilot. And yet, approximately 45 per cent of all USAF accidents in 1955 occurred dur­ing landing approaches and 10 per cent during takeoffs - during times when the pilot is forced to rely on the airspeed indicator as an index to minimum safe lift. We're reading something into airspeed that this indi­cator can not show, directly, that is. For instance:

Many Factors Involved

As a lift index, airspeed is helpful only when used in formulas with known factors such as exact gross weight, flap effects and power effects. And even then the answer may be very nebulous.








Provides indication of all factors effect-ing lift in addition to airspeed.

Will prevent getting into this area by showing trend-and without momentum lag .

Provides a demand type reading that shows only one right way.

Indication of un iform lift makes predic-tion of touchdown point possible.

Senses all facto rs contributing to stall, including improper attitude.

(Warning to overcome inattention can be provided by control column shaker.)

Speed control keeps speed at proper value for best takeoff climb.

Warns immediately of any power loss and that attitude must be adjusted .

And another thing: Pilots often talk about the "lag" of the airspeed indicator. Actually, the instrument is not so bad in this respect. It must be remembered that the ASI is measuring a rate (velocity) in miles per hour or knots. That is all it is intended to in · dicate. However, during transient flight conditions requiring change of attitude or configuration, the pilot in­stinctively looks to the airspeed be­cause he has no other indication of rate of change. This intelligence the airspeed indicator can not supply. It is not an acceleration instrument. Therefore, during critical flight con· ditions when the pilot scrutinizes the airspeed for trend information and doesn't get it, or it seems delayed in coming, he blames the lag.

The assault transport pilot who is about to execute a maximum perform· ance landing, or any pilot for that matter, shouldn't have to formulate variables, look for rates that aren 't there, or worry about lag.

Analyze the chart titled "Speed Control Means Safe Control." Here is an instrument that provides a positive, non-lagging, speed indication, assur.­ing angles of attack which are below the stall. •


One more won't hurt •

For this impish moppet, maybe yes, maybe no.

For the rest of us, there comes an age, between

24 and 40 years, when it suddenly becomes very

easy to put on excess weight. "Everyone Loves a

Fat Man?" on page 22 treats this problem of over­

weight in a light yet serious manner.

Fl YING SAFETY - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is an aviation safety pdf? ›

Aviation safety involves design of aircraft and airports, training of ground personnel and flight crew members' maintenance of aircraft, airfields, en route and terminal area navigation and communication facilities definition and implementation of Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs)l air traffic control procedures and ...

What are all 4 documents that must be aboard an aircraft for flight? ›

The letters stand for the documents that must be carried aboard an airplane. They are an airworthiness certificate, registration certificate, operating limitations, and weight and balance information.

What 3 documents must a pilot have on them in order to fly? ›

1) Requirements for certificates, ratings, and authorizations (FAR 61.3)
  • Your pilot certificate.
  • Government-issued photo ID card.
  • Medical certificate.
May 18, 2024

What is the flight safety documents system? ›

(a) Flight Safety Documents System. A set of inter-related documentation established by the operator, compiling and organizing information necessary for flight and ground operations, and comprising, as minimum, the operations manual and the operator's maintenance control manual.

What is the fatality rate for pilots? ›

These 76 fatalities over 16 years from a commercial pilot workforce of approximately 2,600 results in an annual pilot fatality rate of 183 per 100,000 pilots.

Can you fly without poh? ›

As noted, on an airplane without an AFM (Approved Flight Manual) the POH does not need no be on-board, only a placard with the operating limitations. The cutoff for the AFM requirement are individual aircraft that had their first flight after 1 March 1979.

Is it legal to fly a Cessna 172 without a flight manual on board? ›

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, no person may operate a civil aircraft without complying with the operating limitations specified in the approved Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual, markings, and placards, or as otherwise prescribed by the certificating authority of the country of registry.

What is the IM safe checklist? ›

The Value of the IMSAFE Checklist. The acronym IMSAFE was developed to facilitate a self-analysis of pilot performance before any given flight. It considers five factors: illness, medication, stress, alcohol, fatigue, and emotion. Some of these elements are straightforward.

What does the acronym arrow mean in aviation? ›

At the start of each preflight, make sure your aircraft has all the required documents on board. Remember the acronym ARROW which stands for Airworthiness, Registration, Radio Station License, Operating Manual, and Weight and Balance.

What are V speeds in aviation? ›

In aviation, V-speeds are standard terms used to define airspeeds important or useful to the operation of all aircraft. These speeds are derived from data obtained by aircraft designers and manufacturers during flight testing for aircraft type-certification.

What do tomato flames stand for? ›

ATOMATOFLAMES, also known as “Tomato Flames,” is an acronym for the equipment required on board an aircraft for VFR flight, as per FAR 91.205: A – Airspeed Indicator. T – Tachometer (for each engine) O – Oil Pressure Gauge (for each engine) M – Manifold Pressure Gauge (for each engine, if applicable)

What documentation should be checked before every flight? ›

ARROW check

Make sure the airplane has an ARROW, the acronym that helps you remember the required documents: airworthiness certificate, registration, radio station license, operating limitation documents, and weight and balance information.

What does SMS stand for in aviation? ›

Safety Management System (SMS) is becoming a standard throughout the aviation industry worldwide.

What is a safety document? ›

Documents for safety form the foundation of a secure workplace and include policies, procedures, plans, and hazard guidelines which are all designed to help control risks and communicate safety protocol.

What is the meaning of aviation safety? ›

Aviation safety is the study and practice of managing risks in aviation. This includes preventing aviation accidents and incidents through research, educating air travel personnel, passengers and the general public, as well as the design of aircraft and aviation infrastructure.

What is the FAA definition of aviation safety? ›

Aviation Safety is an organization responsible for the certification, production approval, and continued airworthiness of aircraft; and certification of pilots, mechanics, and others in safety-related positions.

How does ICAO define safety? ›

Safety: ICAO Definition. • The state in which risks associated with aviation. activities, related to, or in direct support of the operation of aircraft, are reduced and controlled to an acceptable level.

What is aviation safety and operations? ›

Oversight of Flight Crew and Ground Operations: Aviation Safety & Operations experts are responsible for overseeing the training, practices, and compliance of flight crews and ground operations personnel. They ensure that all individuals involved in aviation operations adhere to strict safety protocols and regulations.


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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.