here on the YouTube channel I hope you’re all doing well and having a good day I feel like honestly it’s been forever I can’t lie I feel like it has been forever I missed you guys man I really really did uh but welcome back hello what Rosie what up Phoenix how we doing yo my character has a glitch right now bro my um that is so weird bro I do not like this my POV is all messed up with my character I hope it goes away um I think it will but we shall see man we shall see uh what up uh Roland what up uh M1 what up sub what up wintry what’s up guys what up Felix how we doing today welcome on in good morning good morning good morning miss you too so much hey miss you too JT thank you for the love man I appreciate it thank you for the love guys thank you the love what’s up claps how we doing um how was my mother’s day it was good guys it was good yeah I got to uh spend the day with my mom I was going to be back here Saturday guys but I decided it was actually I should have known this but yeah it wasn’t a great idea guys to uh travel um back for one day and then go back again cuz I was going to go back Sunday for my mother’s uh Mother’s Day brunch but yeah so I ended up staying in North Carolina guys if you guys did not know that’s where I’m from and I was visiting my mom and yeah now I am back all right one second guys let me do this real quick I am almost done okay perfect dude I feel weird man it always feels weird coming back and streaming after I don’t stream for a second cuz like I don’t know I feel like Rusty I don’t know how to stream Chad like I don’t even know how to stream number one I don’t know how to play this game number two like what the heck bro I don’t even know what’s happening yo what’s up Zuko how we doing welcome on in all right all right all right let’s get it dub man what’s up Alex how we doing uh um you have some splatter to do sir splatter wait what wait wait what do you mean d what you mean by that what you mean by that bro but yeah we’re going to get some dubs man hey guys I didn’t miss much right we have a brand new fortnite update tonight bro are we excited what’s up Mason how we doing good morning what up Shadow I said hi to you guys today make sure you say hello Gracie with the heart me gift thank you Gracie I appreciate the gift thank you I appreciate it it’s been too long it has guys it really has been too long but like I said I had a nice little Mother’s day and I hope you guys did too man like for real you know shout out to all the mothers out there you know what I mean uh but good morning Samuel as well good morning CG good morning oh good morning guys hello hello dude I got so much of the freaking thingy miggies I got a lot of flow berries bro flow berries yo what’s up Lily good morning what’s up Lily how you doing big pot I guess I’m going to go grab that real quick let’s do that yo D thank you for following appreciate it Andrew what’s good man how we doing today Andrew yo I got to go guys I like I said I’m probably going to lose this first game on I do not feel warmed up at all but you know that’s okay miss you bro glad you’re streaming today bro I’m I’m so glad to be back guys um but my theory was why I didn’t come back Saturday guys my theory was I might as well stay for my mother right uh number one for Mother’s Day and number two guys bro there ain’t nothing going on in fortnite like I the buildup of the new season is going to be hype this next week but like last like type one if I didn’t miss anything you know what I’m saying did I miss anything chat let me know let me know man did you see Billy Alish in the item shop I do not think I did but I needed to spend a little time with my mom and I just disconnected a little bit cuz we got to grind bro like this next week we have a couple like um you know events mini events leading up until the new season and uh yeah there’s some stuff I need to show yall by the way for the new season we’re about to have I’ll show you the tweet I just saw it when I was taking a shower earlier um I need to show you yo what’s up Daniel good morning what’s up Daniel D I do not have a shotgun I guess they removed shotguns guys since I left I guess I do not have one can’t find one shotgun oh shotgun okay I guess I’ll take it let’s go um but how you guys doing man rate your day out of 10 or rate your mother’s day out of 10 was it good I hope it was good I hope it was good man I hope it was good all right please let me kill you sir all right well you know that was easy all right I see a lot of tins that’s good to hear Tik Tok YouTube short 10 okay okay okay we love to see that what’s up Rafi how you doing what’s up Marshall how you doing as well welcome wait I made my C mom cry with an adult wait wait what’ that say oh with an edit oh okay good that’s good to hear I guess it was a good cry right I assume dude what’s this man doing it’s the weekend bro yo Weston thank you for the sub appreciate it man welcome on in brother there’s some new skin oh yeah chat my Academia hero oh my gosh wait did y’all cop that let me know what’s up Raymond how you doing welcome uh what’s up Jamal how you doing as well welcome on in um what s do you use bro uh like 9.4 and 9.4 on like 800 DPI I think something like that my hero Academia yes that came to the item shop right yo what’s up Wayne good morning hello hello um yeah I think those Skins are actually pretty cool man like I don’t love anime stuff but I think those are actually pretty cool I think bro are you doing a meet and greed I am not not right now bro not right now man not right now yo what the update uh kid guys the brand new update tonight is the final update of season 3 um so it’s kind of a big deal man honestly yo what’s up cass what up Landon what’s up guys uh I don’t know what that means Yash I can’t lie what’s up monkey how you doing as well effing toxic what’s good as well man how we doing wait guys did we H 493k again I can’t see chat can someone inform me do we hit 400 or 492k guys did we hit it I think we did 492k we gained like 1,000 subs and I wasn’t even here so you know that’s pretty cool we love that you’re my favorite streamer or YouTuber thank you bro appreciate it oh wait did this get taken oh snap wait where did it go what the heck is this guy doing down here bro what the 74 all right we’ll take it what kid what’s up Jay how we doing what up cool beans good morning good morning Yes W 492 that’s insane Grant what’s up what up Logan how you doing um yo River in the chat as well what’s up my man River how you doing today good morning good morning bro it’s so awesome to come back and see so many familiar faces I love it I love it wait that’s actually crazy Miller guys season 3 is wait wait what’ you see wait chat how many days is season 3 away I think someone said 11 days that’s actually not that long we’re actually like kind of close man yo what’s up Miller what up baby Manny how you doing welcome on in but after this game I’m going to show you guys a tweet of uh the first stage of the mini live event it’s kind of crazy hello I just sub but I love fortnite let’s go Melissa what up Adventures what up lanky what up Galaxy what’s up guys hello hello great am I have familiar face no for sure Phoenix yes of of course of course of course of course I use your code thank you uh Hima appreciate that thank you but yeah guys I came back bro I have so many freaking packages bro it’s crazy I got a pickle ball shirt I got a new pickle ball paddle and um uh Gil send us a package so we need to unbox that today and uh that’s all that’s all I have actually I’m not that special I’m not that special man yo I’m new what’s up Unstoppable hello good morning dude I don’t know where the guy that had Hades win remember last week you gave my daughter a shout out for her street dance comp yes I do remember that and I hope it went well hope it went well I’m going be so sad to get rid of these uh medallions for the new season I love the shotgun Medallion man I love it hey can you notice me I got you fortnite master what’s up two stupid kids good morning good morning what up Spider-Man yo if you’re on Tik Tok man we just uploaded a brand new Tik Tok about frames per second and me unboxing my new pc uh I want you guys to go drop a comment and uh a like and tell me what your frames per second are is in fortnite let me know what your frames per second is on the new Tik Tok okay let me know bro I’m curious I want to make the comments just all about people talking about their frames for a second I want to see what everyone’s is yo what’s up Hagen how you doing on in oh leave a comment on the new Tik Tok haen about it all my dude yo what’s up Nathan oh oh wait Nathan she got third with her team and got to the semifinals with there so yo that’s hype yo Nathan I want to take credit for that I feel like I it was my doing right what’s up your favorite how you doing um what’s the update guys the final update of season 3 is tonight final update what’s up Adam how you doing today welcome Adam yo we might have just gotten a season 3 Battle pass teaser as well bro there’s so much happening on Twitter man it’s like right when I come back guys there’s so much happening yo how goes it Grant it’s good Wayne yeah good man yeah it could be better honestly all right this guy has two medallions so like I haven’t played in 3 days so like am I going to die Chad am I going to die I feel as if I might die oh my god oh what the freak he has the thing that can Elevate him Chad okay I have I’ve now realized that homie has the thing that can Elevate him in the sky so this could be bad for me or it could be great for me yeah that’s you know I just probably don’t want to fight that bro I can’t lie I probably don’t chat as much such as I would like to I probably don’t I’m I’m 100% % going to lose that bro Chad I feel down bad man I don’t know how I’m going to beat that guy Chad and I haven’t played with not playing in three days I like I I don’t know guys I don’t know I don’t know yo what’s up Bri how you doing welcome on in trying to think of what I could do to get War up but like I don’t think it’s uh I don’t know there’s one guy right here I got to third party that guy man honestly chat I got to third party this dude that guy like is lowkey Invincible I don’t know if I can kill him I don’t know man I don’t know I don’t know Chad yo Steph thank you so much for subbing on YouTube thank you I appreciate it brother thank you thank you all right I got some more mats too that is lovely that is lovely chat that is lovely but will it be enough man I want to go hit this slurp truck real quick let’s do that I need to hit the SL truck man wait Crown guy just died oh but he shotgun wait what in the heck I’m so confused Chad I’m so confused yo we just got a $10 donation yo we just got a t donation can we get some hearts in the chats for the $10 donation Lads bro dude I want to kill the ah I got to kill the good guy Chad that is not the good guy bro I don’t care about that guy I need to kill the good guy holy man yo Ava what’s up how we doing today Ava good morning good morning good [Music] morning his bot is shooting me actually yo let me read that one moment actually I can read right now I I can do it I can do it I can do it I believe yo um auntie thank you for the tin hi Grant can you tell egg to have a good day today and to be happy yo egg I hope you have a great day and I hope you be happy I got you what’s up Blazer what up grandf fam how we doing today good morning good morning Meep as well good morning good morning uh Blazer is in the chat what up Blazer how you doing welcome morning in lad welcome on in guys I do not have a ton of heals here as well but that’s okay yo Omar’s in the Stream what’s up Omar good morning man good morning hi Grant uh please see this better be worth it I work up at 3:00 a.m. yo Shady thank you so much for uh waking up so early for me man appreciate it what’s up national good morning as well Raymond with the high Bears on Tik Tok thank you Raymond and the 10 roses thank you so much man I really appreciate it thank you man you can indeed bro she was so shocked when you shouted her out and I her uh she also said thank you a lot of course man yo Nathan that’s awesome though I’m glad again she did so well that’s awesome that is awesome bro I guess I’m carrying the minis here playing video games before schools A vibe lowkey I wish I did that more Daniel I don’t know I I never really did that when I was in like middle school or high school but I lowkey wish I did that to be honest that’s hype I’m finally level 192 that’s pretty solid 192 yo hi Trev guys if you haven’t already dropped the like make sure you do so by the way um we’re trying to get to 300 on the horizontal stream and on the YouTube short stream we’re trying to get to I don’t even know how many likes we’re at can someone check can someone check man we are at I think yeah I kind of want the Chug splashes what’s up John how we doing welcome John all you got to do to check guys is hold down your screen if on the YouTube vertical stream hold it down and then it’ll pop up 28 okay hey you I believe in you guys I believe in you guys hold down your screen and drop a like for your boy Grant I would appreciate it I won my football championship that’s awesome too stupid kids bro I miss so much Chad I don’t even know who this guy is but that’s okay this is is not the guy I want to kill bro that was so dumb of me chat to take all that damage that was not very good I cannot lie I can grab this real quick I thought he would like build chat I don’t know why he kept shooting at me like Why did did that man not build cuz he was taking taking a heck of damage thought that man would have been a little bit concerned for his health but he wasn’t he just kept shooting at me there’s a chest back there I kind of need [Music] that man guys do I pop my chug splashes what do youall think yes or no I might I don’t know uh GR um where have you been uh Parker guys I was away with my family so that’s what I was doing but there wasn’t much going on in fortnite it was good to take a little bit of a small uh break I guess for a second cuz we got a brand new fortnite season in 11 days and we’re going to be grinding every day up until then so yeah we got a lot of grind to do man a lot of grinding to do lad but I hope you guys had a great Mother’s Day I hope you got your mother something nice you know and treat her nicely cuz we love all the mothers in the world man we really do you know what I’m saying Chad type one if you agree type one If you vouch yo Jeffrey thank you for following appreciate it uh Liam what’s good man how we doing today Liam good morning good morning Charlotte what’s good LS what’s good as well hello guys good morning what’s up Maxi how you doing today good morning Maxi all right yo W stream thank you Jordan appreciate you hey it’s all good clap no worries man what’s up fortnite Master how you doing welcome I’m put a scope on this even though I probably like don’t really need it actually no I could use a scope I’m down wait do I have a good scope okay perfect yo good morning Eagle what’s up man how you doing I think these guys are beefing over here right I think I don’t know gra please notice me uh this is the best stream yo thank you I appreciate that Mir I actually don’t know if I said that right but thank you oh that’s that same guy I want to kill that actually not that dude I want to kill the other guy not that guy all right I got to find again not so much worried about that guy got to kill the other guy Chad I don’t know where he is though I’m like in the area but I don’t know where he is is kind of sus man kind of sus Grant um yo what’s up Blaze good morning how you doing today Blaze what day does the new season end guys the new season ends on the 24th I believe if I’m not mistaken is that correct chat I think it is right you don’t want the smoke brother I don’t want to kill you cuz the other guy bro oh my Chad I’m not dying to this dummy bro again I I just want to kill the other guy yeah that guy is terrible bro like lowkey I I hate to be that guy and call him terrible but like he lowkey is I got to kill the other guy H like how is that possible Chad how is that possible how’s that possible bro that’s that’s bad for me chat that’s bad for me I don’t know how that’s possible but you really doing it bro ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen do I win this or do I take the L what are we thinking guys do I win this or do I take the L chat I might take the L I cannot lie I might take the L guys might take the L ladies and gents I haven’t played in three days bro but that’s okay if I lose this guys you know I haven’t played in a hot minute so I blame it on that wow you know that would have been nice oh my gosh hey three days first game on that’s a dumb that’s a dumb let’s go baby no mats either I can’t believe he lost that to be honest what the heck you’re him man I’m him Chad I’m him yo G4 what’s up how we doing today welcome Hey if you’re just now joining we have so many people watching on YouTube for not being here in 3 days drop a like man subscribe if you’re new follow if you guys are on Tik Tok uh I would appreciate it man I just uploaded a new Tik Tok video as well go drop a comment on it and let me know what your frames for second are frames for second is in fortnite are or is I don’t know your frames for second how many frames do you play on leave a comment on the last video okay let me know yo what’s up basketball star how we doing uh what up Papa thank you for the follow appreciated um guys if you don’t know how to drop a like as well on the YouTube short stream all you got to do man hold down your phone right here in the center and drop a like right there please and thank you it would help out a ton I don’t know if you guys know how to do that but it would help out of time man if you could what’s up Ben how we doing got you FaZe got you man that’s a w bro I like thank you Sebastian thank you so much I appreciate it yeah dude my heart is racing that was super intense what’s up Ben how we doing uh young gamer says you’re the best fortnite player ever ever bro no way there’s just no way man yo bot boy thank you for sharing the live appreciate it um hey yo what’s that loading screen I didn’t see what was my loading screen all right chat really quickly yo there is so much stuff man dude the stuff is insane Chad check this out check this out ladies and gentlemen season 3 Battle pass skin teaser if you put the live event audio in uh spectrogram some interesting icons can be seen uh and one of them can even be found in a survey skin bro so it looks like this is a season 3 Battle pass skin it has been confirmed here guys by the spectrogram I still use your code hey thank you hey I haven’t said that in a hot minute but uh if you’re using Code Grant I love you forever no cap Chad I love you forever ladies and gentlemen wait hold on one second all right perfect but yeah that’s crazy man there’s a little battle pass skin I don’t know I think the battle pass is going to be cool man I can’t lie also guys here is our first look at the Sam storm storm uh for the final event so I didn’t I don’t know if you guys knew this but we’re getting a sandstorm um in fortnite man and that’s kind of what it’s going to look like so yeah man there’s a lot happening bro I’m glad to be back we’re here at a perfect time and uh season 3 is coming man it’s coming yo what’s up J what up khed thank you for the W’s appreciate it guys dude I can’t believe I won that game that was that was a miracle bro oh my gosh I can’t believe it I use your coded by the uh Stormtrooper thank you bro appreciate that uh yeah I got to update my Crown Woods guys I guess we’re at 171 now I would be I didn’t stream for what 3 days 4 days I would be at like man I’d be like close to 400 season 3 looks promising um yeah I agree I love your channel thank you gamer appreciate it uh what’s up Jessica good morning good morning yeah I’m excited I think season 3 will be promising guys I I don’t know like desert Vibe like I don’t know bro I’m excited man I think it could be really good I really do there’s a lot of potential for sure I hope they bring back sand tunneling I don’t know if you guys got to experience that but it was awesome man yo what’s up naughty how we doing man hey I see you in the chat what’s good naughty I use your code to buy the awr trooper thank you so much power appreciate it the awr trooper we love that bro yo what’s up Q how you doing today welcome Q what’s up Lin how you doing as well um I’m excited too right wait someone in the chat just said I used lifer yesterday let’s go baby yeah man I’m excited to use some lifer today I haven’t used it in a couple days man so sad yo s what’s good how we doing today s good morning good morning good morning good morning Grant how long is live very long time man always yo tube stupid kid that’s actually insane that’s a lot thank you so much guys appreciate it and thank you all for over 300 likes now on the YouTube stream let’s go baby let’s go let’s go let’s go um okay perfect I’ll just grab this real quick I have to go uh thank you I appreciate that Amir thank you thank you thank you what do you think about the lightsaber it’s good are you talking about the Darth Vader lightsaber it’s good I wish it was a little bit more common I feel like I wish there was more lightsabers on the map you know what I’m saying but it’s still good it’s fun to use I guess honestly to be be honest I really haven’t used it very much but I think it’s pretty good it’s my birthday can I play with you yo Happy Birthday meme happy birthday yo grass what’s good how we doing today grass gr what’s up bro what up bbox how you doing good morning good morning sir good morning wow I am okay and then okay took 29 fall damage or car damage what’s up King right now just waiting on some waiting on some what Kane wait what good morning Grace as well how we doing today Grace good morning good morning CH y’all should be out for summer break soon right I hope so at least gr didn’t answer but when I sent a screenshot about as the coming coming was one you were drinking yeah that is one that I’ve drank a ton baby Manny I love it so much I actually got more I got so much G fuel um in North Carolina too that I brought back I got to show you guys there’s so much it’s [Music] insane I got like these I don’t even know what I just got I got like Naruto like energy ones it’s pretty good uh-oh uhoh SpaghettiOs my man is going to get it well that was what you call perfect timing perfect timing chat type one if you agree right I mean can we all right can we all agree that was perfect timing yo what’s up Hollow how you doing today welcome Hollow lately I’ve been I’ve been thinking yo what’s up Mason thank you for subbing appreciate it Mason or following sorry thanks Mason thanks yo what’s up let’s go what up uh Foo how you doing today you’re the best thank you gamer appreciate that thank you all right we’re going to try to get both this game Chad it would be nice to get Hades here would be very nice yeah we’re getting the battle pass very yeah Sam I think it’s going to be really good man I think a wasteland like battle pass is going to be really good I showed my grandpa and then he goes how much did you spend I was like yeah baby Manny I showed the Zin uh people because they were helping with the gfuel deal deal I was showing them your order I was like look at baby Manny she’s going crazy so yeah thank you again what the freak I think these are like two Bots shooting at each other what in what is in the back over there bro what is that man is that a fre freaking I I don’t even know like I don’t know Chad I I simply just do not know I think it’s a stream sniper I don’t really know W singing thank you bro appreciate it you’re the best thank you what’s up Jacob good morning bro how you doing today Chad y’all think that guy’s going to be friendly I don’t even know what y’all think bro I feel like I’m going to start fighting this guy and this dude’s going to roll up on me like you know what I’m saying like I don’t know if I can fight that dude wait is he still over there he is still over there I what does he want from me Chad I’m so confused man a what does he want from me go emo with him I mean I want this Medallion first you know what I’m saying I got to reload I got to reload dude all right we’re looking good guys we got The Medallion going to pop this real quick nice my birthday’s tomorrow yo bubba happy birthday brother happy birthday yo what’s up Kane how we doing W Channel equals W Grand thank you brother I appreciate it I’m going to grab the SMG why not let’s do it man let’s do it chat let’s do it bro love your videos my favorite YouTuber thank you so much man I really appreciate that yo so many nice comments bro I really appreciate it guys for real and again I hope we’re all excited for the brand new season it’s going to be awesome well this guy wants me to go out of the Zone like I I’m okay bro guys if you stream snip me I just want to play the game man I’m sorry like I don’t want to go out of my way to to do something bro I’m sorry man I’m sorry yo what’s up Addie thank you for following appreciate it add thank you um Raphael thank you for the W Zaden thank you for the W as well appreciate it did you guys watch uh fncs yesterday I think it was on yesterday I mean I didn’t really I don’t even know Grant Yoda is disabled how did that happen Yoda is disabled why did they disable Yoda man I kind of want the yeah I’m going to go with the AR now chat I love the AR man it’s too good man it’s too good wait why did Yoda get disabled though that’s crazy that’s just so crazy man all right [Music] perfect fact uh next gen facts facts somebody married somebody what in the fncs what are we talking about what are we talking about lad hello Kobe hello good morning oh my God we hit the gy together we actually hit the gy together me and Kobe are Lally hitting the wiy on the fortnite island map and like Kobe and I are super excited for the buo season which is in 11 days and honestly I cannot wait for the buo season it’s going to be so weird and we wi we getting out here we wi we we wi we getting out here chat were youing for oh he’s trying again chat do you guys think Kobe can float this time Kobe last time tried to float ladies and gentle get ladies and gentle fish get the W’s in the chat for Kobe he successfully what the freak okay this is Wily kind of weird what the heck man oh my gosh what who the what in the freak see this is why we can’t have nice things like this is Wily why we can’t have nice things you see chat can I get a bruh in the Stream nah who does this guy think he is too that’s actually wild bro that’s so sad man like bro I got to get rid of this Meow Man and he’s throwing god tier grades holy bro uh [Music] chat all brauh is all I know to be honest it’s just a brauh moment man it really is just a bra Moment Like was that guy I don’t even know man I don’t even know it’s a bra BR moment yo Andre what’s up how we doing today Andre hello hello good morning Andre good morning all right we got rid of the NPC that meows be having a lot of Health man he really do you be having a lot of Health chat that guy’s just going to sit there like he ain’t really going to do nothing other than just sit there wa I got to get this NPC man yeah baby he dancing on me that’s actually insane Kobe you know I’m going to kill him for you bro I got you maybe maybe I got you man maybe I got you yeah weeo so guys I have a house tour uh I have a house tour all recorded and I have a thumbnail I literally have everything for it but um yeah there’s one thing I got to add to this to the beginning of it that’s why I didn’t upload it this weekend cuz I was away but there’s one thing I wanted to add so I wanted to make it perfect I don’t know when I’m going to upload it I have literally no idea um so stay tuned remember you called him I do not remember calling him that uh skull boy I do not that was me who killed Kobe sorry I saw your user bro I have no idea what you’re saying Mr Zin Mr Zin what’s up Gio how you doing today welcome Gio hello hello how are you I’m doing well Billy Bug how are you doing today um J jar what’s up man how we doing today jar good to see you hey Grant how are you I’m good Billy when’s the new season coming out guys that’s in 11 days man 11 days what’s up Theo how you doing welcome Theo but yeah 11 days man that’s it bro that is it what’s up spider how you doing today welcome spider hello hello hello BR you got this dub bro I’m going to try man I’m going to try guys you know these dubs Don’t Come Easy man really got to work for it huh I thought he just went 18 damage by the way oh I went kind of far how did that last bullet not kill him oh my God GG’s baby GG’s GG’s GG’s guys GG’s um ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen if you guys enjoyed that man hey hit that like button for me man we are almost to 400 likes on the YouTube stream thank you guys for dropping a like if you guys are on Tik Tok man smash that follow Button as well bro come on baby hit that follow button man if you guys could I would appreciate it uh s what’s up how we doing today sh s um draws is in the chat what’s up draws hello hello yeah unfortunately Josh I didn’t have anything reloaded Chad isn’t that the worst isn’t that the worst guys type one if that is the worst I didn’t have my AR reloaded I didn’t have my I didn’t have my shotgun reloaded that was I mean what am I going to do in the Box bro I did not know what to do man I did not know what to do hi Kobe hello like I literally was just sitting there in his face dude the dude was so bad too and I could not hit like I I couldn’t do anything about it I couldn’t do anything about it of course he had the auto shotgun bro he was facts he was just he was he was just going ham with that thing yo the king what’s up man how we doing today welcome on in but that’s okay guys we got a first game first dub um you know I haven’t played in three days so I will be there’s going to be times where I might be a little bit Rusty but you know that’s it’s going to happen man it’s going to happen it’s going to happen GG’s only lad GG’s only Hello Grant what up uh rocks how you doing welcome on in whose side are you on Drake or Kendrick guys I don’t have a preference to be honest I think they’re both both you know great rappers you know what I’m saying I don’t have a preference yo audre what’s up how you doing today baby what’s good as well how you doing today baby I’m almost out for summer break that’s hype man summer break is so close bro for so many different people so you know we just got this got a little bit of time man and we are almost ready for the brand new season and summer break yo what’s up build how you doing today welcome build yeah guys I’m sorry I don’t have a preference between like the Drake and Kendrick beef and stuff I don’t really know too much about it so I would have a preference if I like I don’t I don’t know what’s happening you know I’m sorry what’s up Malik uh top dollar gaming thank you for the W appreciate it GeForce thank you for the love as well appreciate it GeForce it’s only a month till summer break got you my girlfriend Caitlyn is a teacher and she’s got like I think her school gets out like the 31st of uh of May the 31st so like that’s not too bad right she’s almost done she’s got like couple more days GRE inspired me to change my name to Mr ghost oh with the X I like it bro I like it I’ve seen a good amount of people do that where uh they put like an X in in their name like mine I love that I’m happy because I have I am on the OG Billy Bug account we love that Billy we absolutely love that that man what’s the update guys the update tonight is the final update of season 3 or season what whatever season we’re in two the final update of season 2 guys it’s tonight W stream thank you bro what’s up Raiden what’s up Kansas City how we doing today man goodness morning I almost said good to see you but I feel like I haven’t seen you potentially ever hello hello what’s up Fab how you doing today good morning Fab um what day is the new season guys again the new season is the 24th man if you guys missed it I believe I could be wrong but I think it’s the 24th I think I could be wrong chat I could be wrong yo scream guys in the Stream what’s up stream scream guy hello hello we have 400 likes thank you guys so much for dropping a like I appreciate it chat is too kind man too kind I guess it’s my turn to use the auto shotgun now Chad easy do boy no way can I get a bruh in the chat for that man’s oh no way I grabb his wall first try too man unfortunate unfortunate lad oh boy this guy’s mad when does chapter 5 season 3 uh the new season start guys once again the new season chat the new season is on the 24th guys the 24th so super soon man super soon the 24th what’s up Leon how you doing today welcome Leon good morning good morning good morning but yeah chat once again the 24th man the 24th I feel like I’ve said that like five times in the past like 2 minutes but I’m excited bro I’m excited yes 11 days guys 11 days 11 days yeah definitely got to get out of that situation for sure like I’m getting iced I’m getting iced one way and I’m oh yeah it’s like both directions chat but we’re good we’re good we’re good we got it again yes you did right grant you do reactions reactions to what what do you mean by that exactly but good morning G Rosie hello good morning good morning good morning uh that’s when I get out of school oh well that’s perfect timing that’s so good yeah did any of you guys see the Northern Lights or something apparently you could like see them for um uh you could like see them from the United States I thought or something bro I don’t know what’s happening I’m getting shot by Stormtroopers yeah there’s people behind me too all right let me clear out these guys first and then we’ll clear out all the other guys grant let me find out you played basketball B and are great at golf nah Joey nah n nah n nah man nah bro I’m not I’m not I’m not I’m okay at sports you know nothing too crazy nothing too crazy man but what do you did I even talk about that that was so Random I feel like someone the chat just said I get all the girls no definitely don’t but I get the the one that’s important my lovely girlfriend was that a good way to say that I don’t know I don’t want all the girls oh my Jennifer W Walters Jennifer Walters chat yo what’s up L Mosley how you doing today welcome on it oh my gosh why would that guy go so far away from me though but this guy’s just cooking chat he’s cooking guys he’s cooking oh my gosh and he just died what the freak man how did that even happen I I I could not tell you that guy was just he kept wanting to get The High Ground Chad he didn’t want to fight me he was gone he was gone he was gone hello sir hello governor oh there’s a guy right there too oh my gosh what is happening I don’t even know there’s a guy winging too man holy you got this Grand thank you bro I appreciate it how did I only hit him for 29 all right I’m out I said I’m out chat but I’m currently not out anymore I’m back in the ball game yo Aki what’s good how we doing good morning uh sticks as well good morning guys if I haven’t said hi to you today make sure you say hi all right make make sure you say hi if I have not yet said good morning who else we got in here yo it’s thank you for following appreciate Anna’s in the Stream uh lime’s in the Stream as well leave for $500 guys I don’t really do that bro I’m sorry man sorry bro that thing is wild man ooh hello sir do you mind if I uh do you mind brother do you mind do you mind did the remember go through wait wait what six it probably did it might I don’t know I have no idea I’ll check it out though oh my gosh that was clean that was clean ladies and gents we love to see it I already have a crown I think I do I do not know though did y’all see Silver’s membership pop up okay it’s not showing for you then it’s probably not showing for me I guess but I thought you were talking about in the feed thing oh yeah I see it though I see it in the chat so I can just read it from there yo silver thank you for the 22 months w22 months hope you enjoy Mother’s Day with your fam so glad to have you back so close to 500k W Grant fam let’s go silver let’s go baby can we get a w silver in the chat bro hey yo I hope you guys had a great Mother’s Day too man cuz I sure did but like I hope you guys did as well yeah sometimes the the membership Milestone though doesn’t pop up in the chat I mean in my like it doesn’t pop up on the screen it hardly ever actually does um like the Milestone thingy miges how are you doing that so fast what uh pug what do you mean by that what do you mean by that Yes W Silverman uh Grant I just got my 100th Crown win that’s fire bro nice what’s up Marcus how you doing today welcome Marcus uh you say my name I got you what’s up TG fan what’s up makes sense honestly it doesn’t make sense silver I don’t know why like half of them pop up and half of them don’t I just want to see the golden with TWA man I just want to see him yo Quinn thank you for subbing yo sub thank you for subbing to the YouTube channel as well thank you guys hey Grant sorry I’m late no worries Luke what’s up dude hello hello hello Mr Luke hello hello how do you build so fast I’ve just played for a while um yeah I just played for a while I feel like over time you just you know develop the the Havoc or what or the the muscle memory of building fast when I sub my thing goes rainbow x wait what wait what I’m confusing I’m confusing but let me tell you what guys who’s going to be here for the stream tonight let me know man final update stream of this season now who’s going to be here man who’s going to be here bro oh got you Danny got you yeah I was about to say I was so confused for a second I was like what you got me confusion bro I see some mes no way final update of season 2 it’s going to be crazy Rosie build’s going to be here eggs going to be here Melissa’s going to be here yes I can tonight it’s my graduation hey no worries man I hope you get graduated yo I got burnt yesterday chat at the golf course oh yeah I got to tell y’all more about my weekend but look how burnt I am can you’all see that I think you can see that ah chat I got so burnt man got so burn but anyways um I got to stop getting burnt it can’t be good for me right me you’ll see me tonight Kobe will I see you for an update stream do you usually watch the update streams Kobe I don’t even I don’t even know does it hurt no not really n what’s up Danny no it’s not good Grant I I know it’s not good for me chat I not I need to be better about that anyways I just didn’t expect myself to get burnt like at a I went to a golf tournament guys in uh North Carolina I went to like a pro golf tournament to watch um and see some high school friends and stuff um but I just didn’t expect to get burnt Chad like I don’t know like if I go to the beach yeah I’ll put on sunscreen cuzz I’m like going for a swim but like what the freak hey buddy hey buddy buddy buddy buddy buddy I thought I had a shock wave bro I see you you ain’t slick like like that man um but what I’m yeah I just didn’t expect the you burn simple as that bro trying to get through all right perfect let’s grab the SMG because like why not you know at the end of the day why not chat yo thank you Jaden I appreciate that thank you yo what’s good uh Monroe how you doing today what’s good what’s good what up up Jaden hey no worries Danny no worries um pug the new Season’s going to be about like Wasteland sort of deal um it should be really really cool and when is the new season in 11 days yo Jennifer thank you for subbing on YouTube we got Jaden for thank you for subbing on YouTube as well thank you guys appreciate it yo we’re making our way to 500 likes chat let’s go baby if you guys haven’t already dropped a like do it now please and thank you you don’t have to though but like it would be dope it would be dope man yo toxic Snipes what’s good man how we doing today toxic but I’m not sure JP I’m not sure not sure lad wow well that was easy I’m pretty sure Colby was in my not Colby I’m pretty sure Kobe was in my game chat so one of these guys could be a stream sniper yo I liked thank you Nate uh thank you Monroe thank you for dropping a like as well Deadshot what’s good man how you doing today um I’m doing well thank you for asking yeah doing well man can’t complain you know I hear someone and just like that man it’s a one V1 just like that just like that hey thank you happy happy I’m always on your for you page I hope that’s a good thing right I hope sorry guys I had to send a very very important text message actually a DM on uh Discord whoa buddy just like that man that’s a dub man that’s two out of three wins Chad let’s get the W’s in the Stream let’s get the W’s in the Stream guys I don’t I feel pretty Rusty but like um lobby wasn’t too bad so hey we got we got that win man we got that win we’re actually at three 373 Crown wins as well we’ love to see it gr I’m so happy because I got the Jordan 4 Military Blue on Saturday I don’t know what that is is that a shoe that sounds like a shoe maybe that’s awesome though that’s really cool I’ve been waiting for watching for 45 minutes thank you Anna I appreciate it uh yeah be witching fan yes I do yeah yeah I do I do um we know of each other um we have like mutuals and stuff but I haven’t like played with her or anything like that anytime soon or any I haven’t played with her at all but I would love to play with bewitching at some point she’s awesome I got my first sign Cam Newton frame yesterday um that’s hype Amber’s so sweet she really is yeah she donated me at Galaxy one day um I need to repay the favor I don’t know why she did that but I need to repay the favor and why she’s so sweet you know she donated me a Galaxy um great I got my first sign Kim Newton frame though that’s really cool toxic I am a huge Carolina Panthers fan um I actually went to a guys I did so much man catching you guys up on my weekend bro I went to the professional golf tournament and I went to the pro soccer tournament as well or soccer I went to the pro soccer uh game at uh in North Carolina dude do that look like fun Chad would you go man it was so hype bro it was so hype here’s at the beginning of the game wait you can’t see you can’t see chat you can’t see I got you now but at the beginning of the game everyone turns around for like a hype up sort of thing everyone turns around you know this song that’s like [Music] Chad do you know that song yes or no I probably didn’t do a good reenactment of the song but they play this really sick song and everyone turns around and everyone’s just jumping up and down it’s so sick the whole stadium everyone’s just jumping up and down it’s so cool oh my God it’s so cool it’s so cool man uh who you went to I went to the Charlotte FC game they’re an MLS team um in uh North Carolina but it was hype Man 10 out of 10 would recommend 10 out of 10 chat so cool man uh yo I’m new what’s up Mason how we doing today welcome Mason how you doing how you doing how you doing how you doing W streamer wish I could get some games in bro toxic that’d be crazy I graduated on the 16th and the 24th I’m going to have my sister update for me we love that that we freaking love that man that’s hype that is hype hey gr I’m happy cuz I’m not going to school that is also hype Chad y’all are just giving me the hype News man keep giving me the hype news in the Stream right now all right I want to hear it I love hype news bro what an ugly skin what the heck bro what the heck was that skin what an ugly skin dude yo ARA what’s good how we doing today good morning good morning what’s popping uh Rim what’s popping dude how you doing guys if you’re on TiK ToK by the way yo go drop a comment on my newest video I just uploaded a new Tik Tok video let me know how many frames per second you get in fortnite let me know on in the comments of the new video I’ll be responding to all those for sure let me know how many frames you play on yo what’s up Tech how you doing today welcome Tech yo deop what’s good man how you doing welcome yo Rosie do you have a good mother I know you’re a mother any other mothers in the Stream let me know I guess my girlfriend Caitlin is a dog mom I guess that counts for something I’m watching your live right now at school a w Caleb what’s up uh tin how you doing I get 60 all right got you Jak got you you from the Carolinas I’m from South Carolina yes I live in South Carolina yeah I gave you eight roses yo hey Tech thank you so much man I see that thank you for reminding me too thank you I’m a dog mom too hey we love that yo Wayne what in the heck you ain’t no mother maybe actually you know you could be it’s 2024 you can be whatever you want to I guess oh you’re in Clemson my brother’s going to Clemson University uh next year for school that’s hype yo what’s up x what up Darcy how we doing what’s up Wyatt I’m out I’m out Chad all right I’ve gotten this uh Mythic every single game today so like I don’t want to lose the streak of not getting the Mythic you know I’ve gotten it every game please let me get the Mythic bro please like I know y’all are having a lot of fun over here but please let me get the Mythic please man I’m going to wait until he grabs the thing don’t jinx it no I I 100% jinxed it chat wait he’s about to grab it I think he’s about to grab it come on easy come on Brother come on brother yes yes yes yes I can’t lie chat I feel a little bad I feel a little bit bad I can’t lie man like that’s so tough bro like what do you do if you’re that guy you know like what you do what do you do man what’s up Manchester how you doing today brother hey guys if you’re new are you just joining drop a like we’re almost to 500 likes man if you’re on the YouTube short stream hold down your screen and the like thing will pop up drop a like please please please please please please bro drop a like if you’re on Tik Tok man double tap your screen man I would appreciate it come on bro come on bro don’t make this hard on me thank you sir thank you God he’s such a good guy man he’s just such a good guy thank you thank you thank you if that was me I would have uninstalled you know that’s valid that’s why like when I grab The Medallion thingy miggies I I I tend to build like a box around it because you never never know who’s going to be sitting there you know you just never know yo big thank you for following appreciate it uh dogs thank you for subbing on YouTube Manchester thank you for subing on YouTube Morgan thank you for subing on YouTube as well wow see this we just love that we love the we love the new Subs man we really do thank you guys thank you yo gear what’s good man how we doing I love the raccoons part of your name what’s up Nate um what’s the update guys the final update of season I forgot what season we’re on again we’re on season two right final update of season 2 is uh today today guys I give you a follow on YouTube I didn’t know you were on YouTube yeah guys we’re live on YouTube as well uh my YouTube is grxnt grxnt normally it would be in my bio but I had to change my bio so yeah so yeah man so yeah what the heck who’s there who’s there bruh all right perfect chat we’re looking good man we’re looking freaking good all right I got to send one more thing [Music] Star Wars going away after today oh it probably is you’re right is star yeah probably going away right yo crazy Harrison what’s up man how we doing today harison hello lad hello one more song what gr fire monkey said that the stuff in the files could happen at any time so you should start a timer for 9:00 a.m. um 9:00 a.m. then so on it’s going to have something to do with Mount Olympus statue wait a minute wait Chad you think so no way oh yeah I see people have timers wait Chad you think something’s going to happen wait what wait Chad y’all think something’s going to happen today fire monkey said it could happen at any moment I mean I’ll put a timer up for what 9:00 a.m. how y’all how how you know that though how you know that I guess if fire monkey said it I don’t know man dude I’m excited though bro I am freaking so pumped chat for freaking fortnite’s newest season man what’s today the 13th the 13th chat the 13th all right sorry I’m adding this timer here all right guys I got his timer set for uh what is that 9:00 a.m. let me add this over here all right perfect and let me add this right here as well all right Perfect all I have something set man I have it set yeah I I mean the new stages the first stage of the sand uh storm should be out at some point yeah yo what’s up Chase what up Manchester hello hello welcome on in hi I’m new what’s up Colt how you doing today welcome my epic employee friend showed me the new skins in the battle pass they are fired well we looked at one that was in the survey uh after two games ago we looked at one yo what’s up Gavin yo what’s up Grant what up Robert good morning good morning good morning Robert good morning yo we’re five likes away chat dang I’m Rusty five likes away man from hitting 500 likes man if you guys could hit that like button for your boy Grant um I would appreciate it man I would appreciate it I would appreciate it if we could get there yeah I have yet to see the uh Chad how many of you guys have seen The Hourglass have y’all seen it yes or no let’s take a vote have y’all even seen The Hourglass that is on the fortnite map that has to do with the new season no see I haven’t either Kayla why don’t we try to go look at it after this game guys I say we do it cuz I’ve have yet to see it so I say we do it guys I say we do it I don’t even know where it is to be honest but figure it out I guess yo what’s up Aubrey and gr GT fortnite sent you the new skins um wait what skins the anime skins or what I haven’t really been paying attention what the freak what the freak what the freak man I should have been killed him Chad and I just choked I’m not die to that guy right I I really hope not I really hope I don’t die to that guy I don’t think I will right will Grant die to that guy let’s take a pole what do you guys think let’s take a votage guys will Grant die to that guy yes or no yo what’s what’s up M good morning hello no way that’s what I’m saying no way right um wait msen you have seen it uh the hour last yeah I’m going to check it out man I’m going to check it out it’s pretty fire see this is why I feel re-energized guys after not streaming for three days or whatever bro we’re hey this next week man we have 11 days until the new season chat bro we’re going to have so much fun man I’m so excited bro I cannot wait these 11 days are going to be sick and we’re going to hit 500k subscribers man on YouTube we’re going to do it I believe good morning N3 how you doing hey bro what’s up killer what’s up pfp how you doing today welcome on in 500k yo Thunder is in the chat what’s up thunder Blaze good morning good morning guys by the way the timer if you’re just now joining yo Jimmy what are you saying brother hey type one if you’re older than 10 years old here let me know bro Jimmy salty in the chat bro Jimmy salty in the chat Jimmy said feeling energized talking to 10-year-olds all day hey whatever floats your boat man whatever floats your boat um anyways now I forgot what I was saying Jimmy God dang it what was I talking about I forgot I forgot I forgot um but dude I’m so excited I’m so excited uh I don’t know what I was talking about though I forgot oh I was talking about the timer yeah so someone in the chat just said uh H well I’ll explain after this game fire monkey apparently said uh that we could have the first stage of the sandstorms at any moment or whatever so someone in the chat was like Grant set up a timer so that’s why I have one we’ll see man I don’t I’m sorry I I I don’t know why I shot at you are you real like can I kill you or CH what does he not belong to someone or hello brother bro like this guy is just got the Strat apparently man like he just does like it’s just wild like I’m going to die to a guy that has the freaking chains of Hades dude I I’m not I cannot die to this guy Chad thank you bro what are you doing the chains of Hades only challenge like I don’t I I I I’m I don’t understand okay well that’s unfortunate a little bit I will say Okay Chad all right all right all right let’s get the W’s on the stream baby woo ah a okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good I thought I just got sniped in the face can’t lie do you want something brother can I help you clearly you want something from me I don’t have a ton of Shield here trick shot cuz tonight will be the night that I fall for you over again yo I’ve been seeing that trend on Tik Tok man cuz tonight will be the night that I fall for you all right how we doing guys how we doing uh big bit is in the chat what’s up bidder how we doing man yo um KES is in the chat what’s up kanes how you doing brother let me grab this uh I thought I had never mind I guess yo what’s up PV hey Grant what up Frost Dragon good morning what up Josiah good morning as well how are we all doing today I hope we’re all having a blessed day man I really hope we are yo by the way guys not tonight but tomorrow we’re going to start item shop streams all the way until the new season uh by the way because we have to promote our code man you know code Grant in the item shop grx and T so we got to start those man but I can’t do it tonight because I have to make a I have to make a Tik Tok video I may be able to actually if I get done with my Tik Tok video I might be able to do one yeah we’ll see we’ll see Yo by the way it is 9:00 a.m. chat um it is 9:00 a.m. just so we have that uh on the records so I don’t see any sandstorms yet but maybe that’s just uh a me problem I see no sandstorms yet man dude do you guys see a sandstorm on your fortnite map let me know yo gaming thank you for the heart Puffs and the finger Hearts thank you so much man YK with the 55 finger Hearts as well or the heart Puffs thank you so much I appreciate it oh there’s a crown guy left and he does have a medallion what the freak all right that didn’t makes sense well I have one sniper bullet guys and I I I I didn’t succeed that’s for sure nice one buddy that worked well okay that didn’t look very pretty but like it did the trick you know it did the trick man it did the trick [Music] reload your sniper I should have yeah oh really it’s actually 701 at my place yeah it is 9:02 a.m. wait ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen we actually did get something on Twitter though I’m about to show you guys right now if y’all enjoyed that hit that like button subscribe if you’re new hey if you’re on the YouTube short stream um uh Meep if you guys don’t know how how to drop a like over on the YouTube short stream all you got to do is hold down your finger and you’ll see the like button right there so hit that like button man I would appreciate it it helps out a ton um okay let me show you guys this right here man let me show y’all yo sounds good KK thank you for the love appreciate it appreciate it um okay guys our first look at something here what do we got first look at the a at the live event [Music] statue I’m pretty hype man I’m pretty [Music] hyped yo I’m pretty freaking hyped man [Music] what do we think guys are you hyped yes or no that’s got to get you hype right that’s got to get you hype bro uh fortnite uh the hasht fortnite sandstorm approach stage three audio contains hidden uh yeah guys this is a battle pass skin is all you need to know um right here this is going to be a battle pass skin in the brand new season the heck I’m stuck battle pass skin in the brand new season man oh man I’m so excited I can’t wait I can’t wait I can’t wait Chad I can’t wait yo evil gaming is in the chat room what up evil how you doing today uh Philip is in the chat as well up Philip Diego what’s good uh gaming thank you for more hand Hearts appreciate it that’s an L skin Chad it’s the survey uh look of it though so it could be number one a lot different and number two it’s like animated or it’s not like actually that’s just the Baseline of what the skin actually looks like you know yo hello lady good morning hello hello welcome lady I I think that’s going to be a w Skin Man I think the battle pass is actually going to be really cool if you use code Grant to buy the battle pass I will love you forever by the way what’s this oh we already have the end-game look at again guys here it is if you missed it that’s so [Music] crazy that is going to be so crazy man I can’t wait what’s up update guys tonight is the final update of season 2 tonight is the final update of season two so yeah kind of crazy man I can’t wait to see what it has in store we’ll be live streaming it tonight at whatever time that is again um so yeah final update tonight guys what’s going to happen to the rest of the map now I don’t think I think the map is going to stay I think we’ll get a new map guys um you know at the end of this chapter but I don’t know about you know a new map um after this season wait season tomorrow six final update of this season um the new season update is in 11 days but our final update of season 2 is tonight guys is tonight uh did I get a bad drop low key High key I’m not going to risk it good morning solution good morning sir how you doing today welcome what’s up sus how you doing today welcome sus but yeah again we’re waiting on stage number one guys of the live event uh you know fire monkey said it could happen at any moment so that is what we’re waiting on man the first sand storm is what we’re waiting on Chad first Sandstorm I can’t believe we’re getting a sandstorm I feel like that’s pretty cool though right like out of all the things they’ve done Chad um you know a sandstorm is actually pretty lit man I’m excited I hope they bring back sand tunneling though I don’t know if you guys played back back then but sand tunneling was really cool something’s got to replace Mount Olympus you guys think that’ll be gone after next season yo good morning uh natia good morning good morning yeah again since I’ve been gone guys um uh we didn’t have like katos in the item shop or anything right I guess we had some new skins though right I pray they bring back sand tunneling I know it was a lot of fun if you never got to use it guys it’s uh like I said a lot of fun it’s a good time yo Peter thank you for following appreciate it Peter I started in chapter 1 season 5 okay cool got you yeah so you definitely got to see sand tunneling then right in Chapter 2 as long as they don’t don’t take away Grand Glade gler what do you have with grand Glacier I mean there’s going to be a desert biome guys so I don’t know where that’s going to be put actually it might they might get rid of Mount Olympus you might be right guys you know what I mean that might be uh bro how yeah they might get rid of Mal Olympus I can’t believe I almost did not kill him that’s my favorite POI I just I’m thinking back to like I’m thinking back to chapter Chad what what season was that to where they um they kept changing stuff in one corner or what chapter was that guys where they just literally kept changing stuff in one corner I think it was chapter 3 or chapter 4 it was the Havoc pump season where they kept changing the like right near Neo tilted they just kept changing that so I think that’s what they’re going to do with this chapter I think oh datu gear interesting all right let’s keep it going man Grant I seen your setup on the Zin Channel yes sir yeah I did a quick little I think I did a good job right going through my setup I hope I did at least all right perfect perfect perfect gr it’s been a while since your stream how’s it going it’s going well Brey yeah I uh celebrated Mother’s Day with my mother um and I saw my family last week at the end of last week um it’s just hard it it it’s hard to uh they live like four hours away so I kind of have to pick and choose you know my timing um like if I take a couple days off I can’t like take a day off couple days off and stream like one of the days I have to like commit to a couple days you know but yeah that’s what I was doing and I went to a couple sports games and saw some high school friends and yeah it was a good time was a good time but it was a good it was a good time to do it as well because you know the new fortnite Season’s coming up I’m back at a at the perfect time I feel like wow that was kind of interesting oh it’s my friend oh it’s Kobe hi Kobe remember when we chilled and then a guy ran up on us that was really fun man you remember that Kobe remember that when we were chilling and then a guy yeah that was that was not fun he was so rude you know like why do you do that oh my God there’s a guy Kobe there’s another guy Kobe be ATT track in the dudes I swear that sounds weird that sounds weird bro he literally actually kind of hit me I hit that guy so hard oh yeah you’re dead look let’s go baby yo just woke up what’s up Michael how you doing today welcome Michael welcome good morning good morning everybody good morning I hope we are all excited for the brand new season ladies and gentlemen um yo hi pyro what up Jarvis how we doing guys good morning David says hi as well Harrison says hi as well or hawen what’s up guys what up what up such a w chat yeah we do have a w chat we really do I agree so guys we just saw what the uh Mount Olympus live event is looking like by the way if you’re just now joining I’ll show you right now if you’re just now joining oh we need to go see the uh freaking thingy Miggy chat we got to go see The Hourglass so there’s that look right there guys I don’t want to die sorry my game but there’s that look we’re supposed to get a little bit of Sandstorm going on um today or so oh goodness me that’s unfortunate so like where did this guy land at I wonder or where’s he coming from I have no idea he’s going to use another shock wave 100% I mean I’ll take this Chad he’s letting me heal kind of yeah that was definitely a kind of for sure oh my God and that’s not good either oh well I guess that is good uh yo good morning GS ninja good morning all right guys all right all right we’re chilling right we’re chilling that was unfortunate you were just in the air yeah that was unfortunate but nonetheless we’re still alive we’re breathing kind of kind of man kind of Grant also I forgot to tell you that all the characters chapter one you probably get removed wait why um you oh you think of the new season like everything will get removed yo what’s up Robinson how you doing welcome on in Robinson what’s up snowy um so is it a big update or just like the Star Wars update I I have no idea guys yeah the the update tonight is obviously like I said our it’s our final update of season 2 but you know I don’t really know if it’s a big update or not I have no idea we’ll have to see tonight that’s why we streaming it we’ll have to see tonight Chad I’m sure there’ll be a decently size update though I mean everything that needs to be added before the next season will be added so should be a lot did you see Bryce Young’s new cleats uh he’s wearing this season I did not know did they show that on like the Panthers Instagram I I don’t know why I didn’t see that what’s up Jax how you doing yo Boba good morning hello hello what the heck sad I’m so glad there was a car right there that was very convenient that was very very convenient yo Amir thank you for the $1 donation I appreciate that a YouTuber just made fun of my favorite shotgun what is your favorite shotgun [Music] guys we’re almost to 600 likes now thank you guys for dropping a like I appreciate it thank you guys so much Lads appreciate it what’s up Bren how you doing I see you in the chat man hello hello yeah I got you gear will fortnite bring back Michael Myers I assume at some point yeah I wouldn’t be surprised Michael Myers is a very popular dude you know very popular dude yo what’s up pack how we doing in in Uber hi hi hi H pack yo uh mateline thank you for the four months mateline says let’s go yo chat can we get some hype in the Stream for mine’s for months but this guy loves just sitting there I don’t understand and now he’s pushing me like I don’t get it I don’t get it h him for what 38 I think just got lightning bolt in my booty just got lightning bolt in my booty I want to get these uh slore barrels real quick that guy seems like a pretty decent player though like he does I think all right I’m going to let him be the aggressor and I’m going to pre-fire him if he tries to grab my wall that’s going to be the game plan chats dude that was a great play but I didn’t I didn’t execute bro that guy was so weak chat dude I could have killed him I could have killed him man I could have killed him bro there’s no way this guy is still on the smoo bro he’s still on the Smo man h i was I I was hoping there would be a mat refresh back here but I don’t think there is shad there’s no mat refresh man how’d you get the custom light ah I got chat literally I got that light behind me bro this guy is weird bro like this is kind of weird yes I need that I need that I need that I need that 70 oh my gosh we just got so I wouldn’t say lucky but like very very fortunate one would say you know what I mean guys I think that’s a good way to put it very fortunate man yo what’s up Rock how we doing today welcome Rock hello hello all right uh what skin do you like the most in your locker room in my locker room you oh yeah my locker um I don’t know I mean I love the wildcat man I think this is a really cool skin yo Jax thank you for following appreciate it Colton thank you for following as well appreciate it guys new Subs on YouTube Goku thank you for subbing um bestie FN thank you for subing as well appreciate it yo make makiko I see you in the chat what’s up makiko how you doing welcome guys welcome do I want the ly bow Caster I don’t think I want it right I think I’m good how many dubs today Grant um I think we have four yeah we’ve won we’ve only lost one game today one game yo what’s up you box what’s good as well how we doing today UB box uh goat at memes what’s up man I see you in the chat welcome on in guys the time Tim is for our first uh sand tunnel situation thing sand Sandstorm sorry not sand tunnel no no no no no no way the sweat died like that there’s no there’s no way there’s no way he died like that there’s no way he just died like that oh my gosh I don’t even know say yo Kanye what’s up man how we doing today Kanye dude there’s no way there’s no way Grant why don’t you stream on Twitch uh I just have a lot of chats going right now like I have the YouTube chat horizontal I have the vertical chat going and I have the Tik Tok chat going so there’s a lot of chats going you know what I’m saying yo what’s up Bobo how you doing welcome bro hello hello well if it’s looking like a dub I hope so man I really really hope so man I really hope so I think that was the sweat in the lobby though so we should be good man we should be good yo I hardly ever use a sniper that has a thermal scope on it I can’t say the last time I used a a sniper that has a scope on it like that bro you have the best chat in the world whole World facts right I agree I agree what’s your expectations for the next season battle pass um I think it’ll be really good um I think there’s a lot of creativity that they can do with a wasteland um theme season you know or yeah desert theme season I think there’s a lot of I think I think they could do a good job yeah Robinson I do use obs I do it’s going to be very interesting I agree James I think it’ll be good though what’s up Walter how you doing welcome on in I’ve been watching you for two hours by the way thank you um armanis thank you thank you thank you I appreciate it yeah if I haven’t said hi to you guys today make sure you say hi what’s up dumb Duo what’s up baby burrito hello hello welcome on in baby burrito I haven’t seen that dude in a long time what the heck what’s up baby burrito yo what’s up Walter hien people are saying there’s an event or something happening is there yeah that’s what um yeah there’s different stages of the event guys so we’re about to get stage number one which is the sand storm like activation phase sort of deal stage number one when’s the next fortnite live event um so like the finale of it will be near the new season but um you know there’s a mini live event developing as we speak yo Bobo with the 10 months thank you bro holy cow 10 months I’m so blessed to be part of this community this up and cominging weekend I’m going to wait you’re going where Boba Mammoth where is that is that a not that state right that sounds awesome though bro to fish for trout dude I love fishing even though I don’t go often every time I’ve gone fishing it’s been a lot of fun also Grant check Discord love you grant as always you the man yo thank you Boba no you’re the man brother thank you so much W boba in the chat guys W bua fishing is so relaxing I agree right James yo what’s up Eric do you have many stage there’ll be um no but Eric if you’ve just now joined the stream dude there are there’s so much that’s happening like already today so I don’t think we know how many stages there are already like or yet but um like we already we just started getting information and we’ve already gotten a ton so I guarantee you that will be leaked very soon or known very soon because it usually is so hopefully we know today we’ll see it’s a one V one chat a one V1 do I know how to tie my shoes um yes I do I don’t really like timeing my shoots though I can’t lie someone in the Tik Tok chat just said Grant can you congratulate me I think I just pulled a Latina bro what congrats I guess I don’t know what to say yo Eric with the one gifted holy yo Eric thank you for the one gifted on the YouTube short stream wait guys guys wait I said one gifted Eric just gifted 10 members on the YouTube short stream bro guys can we get a w Eric in the chat he just gifted 10 memberships on the YouTube short stream that’s like 10 10 gifted Subs on on Twitch if you guys aren’t familiar with YouTube wow and that guy just died yo Eric thank you so much dude I really freaking appreciate it w Eric man oh my gosh bro and Ben with the $2 donation as well hey thank you so much man yeah Eric gifted 10 members on the YouTube short stream um I don’t know if that really translate to the to the main stream I don’t know how that works to be honest like if you can get gifted I don’t even know oh my gosh JP got gifted yo wjp let’s go TG fan what’s up man how you doing guys if you enjoyed that game man if you enjoyed seeing the sweat fall to his death hey please and thank you man drop a like if you’re on the YouTube short stream hold down your finger and hit that like button right there if if you’re on the Tik Tok stream drop a follow or drop a double tap and if you’re on the regular man let’s try to get to 700 likes let’s do it uh what’s up Trix how you doing hi Grant what have I missed um you have missed five W’s this morning five W’s or four W’s um also I mean check this out guys check this out check this out man dude Eric gifted 10 on the regular to oh fight yo Eric Eric my dude bro Eric thank you so much [Music] man so guys that is the first look at the live event statue um we’ve gotten a lot of information today uh already this is a brand new battle pass skin that will be available in the battle pass okay um yo Anthony with nine months as well says let’s go Chicken McNugget with the one gifted let’s go baby blade thank you for the 10 GG’s appreciate it Clemson guy thank you for the rose as well appreciate it Clemson guy thank you thank you um but yeah new battle pass skin guys got leaked uh W gift train dude we got a gift train going facts so we got the battle pass skin and we got what the statue will look like for the live event as well now we should get more information today regarding the specific stages fire monkey said that the stage could be activated stage one at any moment so you know that’s what we’re waiting for as well love the skin hey thank you bloody appreciate it definitely Mad Max Vibes I’ve never seen Mad Max before um but I’ve heard about it is that the uh is that the desert movie or something yo I love this emote I don’t know if I have it no I do but now I can’t do it sad sad sad what’s the timer for guys the timer is for um hopefully that stage number one of the sandstorm so that’s what we’re looking out for we’ve gotten so much in information today already dude you’re uh the best stream in the world thank you so much lit appreciate it wait yes sir it’s also a game I believe oh mad Maxes I had no idea what up Diana I had a son who’s a month already wow wait is say that again I’m watching the statue yo let me know if you see anything squid y let’s get this dub hey let’s do it Jupiter yo HR gaming thank you for subing on YouTube Ben thank you for the $2 donation again and Eric with freaking 20 Gifted Man that is insane W Eric if you’re name is now green by the way make sure to say thank you for the gift by the way yeah we got to go look at The Hourglass Jack can you’all remind me after this game to go look at The Hourglass like let’s do it right after this game okay and I’m not taking no for an answer we have to do it okay we have to do it The Hourglass we got to look at it after this game there’s an hourglass yes there’s an hourglass yo lady got gifted let’s go oh my gosh lady yo what’s up Mason how you doing today welcome Mason yo what’s up Tyler how you doing as well welcome Tyler uhoh wait this is not good bro who lands at my spot though who lands at my spot though I need a shotgun give 20 more uh fan from India yo appreciate that L again thank you man yo what’s up Ella how you doing guys my freaking allergies were so bad yesterday is anyone still having like allergies problems dude the pollen was so bad yesterday like playing golf being out with the pollen was just horrible but see there’s no way this guy is is it Kobe oh it is Kobe bro I was about to say Kobe I was about to say I was about to say bro Kobe have you seen The Hourglass man let me know oh my gosh what are we doing oh you seen The Hourglass okay okay okay Co guys Kobe has seen The Hourglass okay I can’t get over the doct Sloan outfit my man guys he just wears Dr saloan and he wears different variants of Dr saloan yo hey yo Eric just gifted me a freaking pool party gift on Tik Tok guys that is literally like a wait how much monies is that again dude that’s a $50 donation bro that’s a $50 donation can we get a w Eric in the chat man $50 donation bro oh my gosh dude hey I got to see that one Eric I got to see that one I’m excited to I was excited to see that hey I love your videos thank you ink thank you thank you for the W uh the W’s Jonathan thank you man get the W’s in stream guys that’s insane bro I keep snagging these guys Chad like it’s crazy bro I keep snagging these guys bro every game I feel bad yo what’s up Aaron how you doing today welcome Aaron all right perfect yo Sunny with the $2 donation thank you Sunny oh my goodness what’s up Joel how you doing today welcome Joel uh Aaron for our first stage of the live event man cack thank you for the finger Hearts appreciate it cack thank you much love cack hey Grant could you be friends with others than that how was your day H it’s good kale wait what I was confused by that first part though I can’t lie a little bit confusion him wearing Dr Sloan is like me with uh wait I missed that it just scrolled up with who yeah I wonder if that’s Kobe’s favorite skin though do slan what’s up Gunner how you doing today welcome Gunner cuz tonight will be the night for you all right we should have the um one guy coming this way I should dye my hair are you sure about that Chad oh hello is that a billy iish skin cuz I love Billy eyh no no no oh my god get absolutely W brother hello how are you doing do you mind if I just say hi or no oh my gosh sh yo what’s up TTS how you doing today welcome TTS 375 crowns yes we are now at 375 what’s up Messi thank you for sharing the live appreciate Messi yes guess how guess yes how you guess my favorite skin is slan I’m I just took a lucky guess man you know Kobe just took a lucky guess you know yo I see you uh invinity I see you bro on the YouTube short stream hello what’s up Gunner hope you win W thank you bro I appreciate it what’s up icy boy good morning I hope you have a good day Grant thank you appreciate it you too man bro br oh God I Chad did I just get sniped midair yes or no I think I got sniped midair I don’t know though that hurt like really badly I think I almost got headshotted like TBH I I think I almost got headshotted I don’t really know though I cannot lie him for 56 cracked him all right was that the guy with a sniper though that’s not this guy didn’t have a sniper so maybe wait Chad do y’all think he hand cannoned me wow it definitely wasn’t this guy this guy cannot uh this guy is not him Chad this guy is this guy is not him bro bro like come on man all right should be some chug splashes I mean not chug splashes I’ll take the Coconuts though actually yeah I guess the guy hand caned me yo Aaron says I sent 700 likes thank you bro appreciate it yeah we’re trying to get those likes up man on all platforms drop a like if you guys uh could I would appreciate it yo M Crazy Life what’s up man thank the W appreciate it uh I’m not sure BR boy I’m not sure your streams are just better than anyone else yo thank you I appreciate it Matthew with the $2 donation hey thank you Matthew for the $2 Dono man you are the best thank you Matthew I really appreciate that thank you Matthew hey Grant just got back from school how you doing I’m doing well TTS doing well man yeah doing well man having a good day you know we’re about to see The Hourglass in fortnite so I’m excited about that wait let me see something I huh yeah I think I’m good actually I think I’m good man I think I’m good y thank you Matthew for that $2 D bro appreciate it what’s up uh Daxton how you doing today man I’m Elite my second season playing is that good Grant I would say so yeah I would say so guys I don’t I don’t know too much about rank you know I think it’s pretty I mean if you you really try hard I feel like you can uh get a pretty decently high rank like if you just stay alive my GFS coming today so pumped should try strawberry Pina Cola yeah let me know how it is Eric cuz I’m definitely going to have to try it if it’s you know it stopped here I got to show y’all guys I got a g-fuel package today or yesterday that I need to show y’all and I have uh I got gfuel from Charlotte North Carolina that I brought home with me as well so I got a lot of gfuel man I got a lot of freaking gfuel you know I’ve never had gfuel it’s pretty good man it’s pretty good uh we actually are sponsored by gfuel we have a thing with them you can use 20% off using C granded check out yes sir what about The Hourglass we’re about to check it out after this game guys don’t worry we about to check it out where am I from I’m from Charlotte North Carolina originally but now I live in Charleston South Carolina G feels good it’s pretty good steal yeah I I think so what do you like better prime or g-fuel I think Prime is good but it’s super sweet like I can only have a little bit of it and then I’m like uh what keep bind your settings can you show after this game uh my keybinds and settings I mean yeah I can show you I mean what do you specifically want to see though you know I’m skipping class to watch you hey that’s pretty lit what’s your favorite flavor of G fuel I would say the uh Dragon Ball Z kamehameha hydration gr is goated with that sauce goed with that sauce what goated with the sauce man dude I have I 10 and a clip that’s kind of a lie 10 and a clip with uh hand Canon it’s pretty solid what if Prime made a g-u flavor how would that work what if Prime I made it how would that work exactly yo on uh yo Ani how you doing welcome on in I like your videos you’re the best thank you I appreciate it thank you oh I got to check something Chad speaking of that I need to check this man all right perfect perfect are you landing on me I can’t tell are you landing on me sir he’s not he is not man thank you Aaron I appreciate that thank you yo what’s up craft how you doing today good morning good morning hello hello Grant you win this one too I’m feeling good man Chad this be win number six today already like I’m feeling really freaking good really freaking good chat yeah that would be crazy Kai would be crazy I see a guy all the way over there I should have put a scope on my hand Cannon Chad and my AR to be honest oh what a peak shot brother that was really good yeah that was a really good I didn’t even see him Peak type one if you agree right chat I did not even see that guy Peak but I wasn’t really looking so maybe he was but that was a good Peak shot I think bro that’s so annoying chat I cracked him though I think that’s my edit bro but dude I need to kill the freaking all right I’ll be back I’ll be back I’ll be back I got to kill chewbaca man he’s he’s actually really annoying man you know what I’m saying that dude is actually like mad annoying and he hits kind of hard if you get hit by his Wookie bro it be hitting hard chat like God dang God dang yo deam we got to get you a membership again dude for sure for sure man what should I do guys should I duel no I don’t think so Chewbacca is op yeah he’s good bro don’t got to tell me twice man I learned from experience from experience oh my gosh like I just it’s just it’s just crazy like that I guess that was chewbaca and he just groaned bro that is really op though I will say that is really op man I hit Chewbacca for 176 like I don’t need to hit Chewbacca for 176 actually I do I need to kill him actually take that back um yo Mister what’s up how we doing today mister hello hello hello guys it’s a 1 V One V one kind of worried as well like that thing is going to waste my mats too you know oh I thought it was going to take damage I love your streams thank you Jay appreciate it man holy crap I don’t think the wooki is that good though right is it good like I don’t think you can really hit shots with it right have I played Paul’s World um I do not think so is that even how you say it Paulie’s world or [Applause] something all right don’t mind me guys get my mats up we don’t lose this though bro we got this we got this chat don’t mind me don’t mind me it’s okay it just it just does not go anywhere you aim okay that’s good to know actually cuz I haven’t really used it but this could be an AI nope this guy’s got a bot like where are you going lady like that’s and I got to kill the all right everyone’s got a bot but me bro I killed that guy’s bot thank goodness but BR the guy the one guy with the wooky man has got to go Chad yo this poor guy up here this guy’s crazy with it bro he’s crazy with it all right I’m just going to sit and chill favorite chapter in fortnite is probably chapter 2 or chapter one 100% what about you guys favorite chapter in fortnite man yo what’s up Chris how we doing favorite chapter in fortnite bro yo Creek you are fake bro you are fake I’m sorry man I got to I’m sorry man uh would you start playing I started in chapter 1 season 2 but I didn’t start my YouTube channel until I didn’t start until chapter 2 like actually my YouTube channel but I’ve been playing for a hot minute you know what I’m saying been playing for for a hot minute oh let me get these mats down here you know what I’m saying Chad you know what I’m saying big W’s get these mats up yo what’s up Z how you doing today for AG what’s good what’s good what’s good what up Joe I see you in the chat as well again if I haven’t said hi to you guys make sure you say hello they might be beefing now chat I could uh make a nice little third party appearance you know actually I think the one guy just ran away I’m going to keep farming H I’m just going to keep farming how much does the wooki do for damage does it do like 60 chat or more I don’t know if it does more than that does it yo Grace thank you for the high bear gifts thank you oh my gosh they like fried each other Chad bro The Wookie died man The Wookie died oh it’s going to be taking for a lot brother you might want have come to the zone now o all right that’s another one chat that is another one oh my goodness yo Andy what’s good win number six today chat what number six all right we’re going to go check out the uh The Hourglass right now Chad all right we going to go check out The Hourglass man all right we going to do it if you’re new subscribe right now or follow if you’re new on Tik Tok also if you’re on Tik Tok hey could you all do me a favor and leave a comment on my newest Tik Tok video and uh let me know how many frames you play on in fortnite leave a comment on the new video let me know yo gr you’re so good uh you can be next boa definitely not but thank you I appreciate it what’s up isaia uh what up um vo how you doing welcome 187 what’s good as well I’m new what’s up Kaden how you doing today welcome all right guys that’s another dub um I’m trying to think where can I guys how can I is there any uh like can I I guess I can just do a custom game I guess I can do that um I was trying to think is there any way to go into a battle royale there’s not playground mode anymore is there I don’t think there is yo what’s up Dylan how you doing today welcome Dylan yo what’s up Claudia I see you on the Tik Tok hello Claudia are y’all are going to have to help me real quick I have no idea where this hourglass is the okay wait actually right as I said that Cody said The Hourglass is behind the pond that’s in front of the building you go into into to fight Zeus okay okay okay okay Chad if you missed if you’re just now joining as well um I have a video to show yall as well I’ll show you right after we look at this a lot of stuff is happening in fortnite today man a lot of stuff yo what’s up Grant what up Gunner how you doing today welcome Gunner yeah it’s very near zoos is this going to be like like oh my gosh moment or no what’s up Diane how you doing today welcome what’s up Peter good morning as well hello hello Dr Sean’s in the chat what’s up dran good morning guys we’re almost to 700 likes guys and we’re almost to 50K likes on Tik Tok thank you guys kind of we’re at 34k but that’s okay not bad what’s up Kings gaming how you doing today welcome so right now if you’re just now joining we are waiting on our first stage of the live event so that’s what we’re waiting on guys first stage of the live event um so we’ll have an initial Sandstorm um situation happened yeah all right so guys guys where do I go from here where do we go from here Chad where do we go from here you know y’all said in the pond this spawn where meow is am I at the right spot where am I going someone direct me to the right someone said to the right to the right to the right to the right okay I’m to the right how far to the right you got to remember guys I am reading a chat I’m not talking to you guys I’m reading so I’m going to need specific directions like I said I’m going to need some specific directions back to that pond go back to the pond okay going back to the pond like an hourglass would be in here I can’t lie I should honestly just look it up because [Music] y’all I don’t know it’s in the building directly to the right okay going back to the right someone just said go back back to and someone just said yo y’all are y’all are goofy chat y’all are goofy y’all are goofy bro I can’t with y’all man where is someone said go back to the left The Hour Glass fortnite to the right to the right to the bro I there’s no way I just watched the whole video oh my God I think I see it oh my God I think I see it chat I think I see it oh my God over here over here yo I was actually this close to it the whole entire time that’s crazy ladies and gentlemen check it out ladies and gentlemen check her out man yo I am pumped bro I am pumped wait I just got a notification on Tik Tok what just happened I just got a noty on Tik Tok wait what what just happened did did something just pop up I don’t even know wait so does it actually make noise or anything can you break it you got to whack that during a quest oh I need to do that well there it is guys there is The Hourglass man there it is right there really quickly chat really quickly as well so this is what we’re uh Let me refresh Twitter here but check this video out real quick if you’re just now joining this is what the live event statue will do [Music] here I heard something about a sandstorm event happening in a few minutes is that what you heard power bro I’m excited type one if you’re excited come on type one if you’re excited right uh the fortnite samor approach stage three audio contains a hidden Spectrum a spectrogram wi analysized so here is the survey skin that has something to do with the audio that will be in the battle pass we got that this morning as well I’m exciting I really am facts Eric that was just awesome facts but I like this battle pass skin I think it’ll be cool um obviously that’s the survey so it’s a rough concept but I think it’ll be cool man uh so stage one guys three new Sandstorm approach sound files have been added for the up and cominging # fortnite Super Sport mini events that’s stage one right here stage two let’s hear it stage two kind of gets loud okay wait let’s see really quickly in 30 seconds if um we get that stage one but we’ll see man we’ll see oh did you really Andy W man I don’t again I don’t know fire monkey said something about it happening but I don’t know if I believe that yet I I don’t know if anything will actually happen in 10 seconds everyone listen really closely I didn’t hear anything did y’all yes or no did you hear something oh my gosh I think the sand made a little bit more noise I don’t know about you guys but I think this s made a little bit more noise that is really cool though Chad I I like that a lot that’s really cool the whole hourglass thing like that’s cool yo man that’s cool yo clouds wait what what do you mean chat what do you mean bro what do you mean bro I heard nothing in game same here all right well see that’s that chat that’s that super cool though again I am the update King right I will keep you guys updated every single day we have 11 days until the new season guys 11 days every day I will keep you guys updated for everything or through everything right yo Jamie becoming a member thank you Jamie I really appreciate it man how we get some love in the chat for Jamie please and thank you guys can we get some love in the chat for Jamie also we’re two likes away from hitting 700 now Jamie thank you so much for the love man becoming a member let’s go what’s up thas oh my gosh I see it in in the clouds see what in the clouds uh what’s up Lou thank you for following appreciate it Lou um but Jamie thank you again appreciate it w Jamie yes sir bro W Jamie man W Jamie what’s up King yo I don’t know about y’all I don’t know about y’all but I’m about to eat some applesauce what’s code in the item shop code Grant guys code Grant code Grant yeah if you’re plugging in code Grant man we’re 11 days until the new season so if you plug it in there it’ll stay until the new season like for the battle pass so please guys grxnt I would appreciate it helps out a ton what’s up exclusive what up random good morning uh Hey gr I’m back what’s up lito hey guys if I haven’t said hi to you today make sure you say hi I use your code uh thank you relatable thank you so much I appreciate it someone in the chat just said imagine still playing fortnite bro you’re literally on a fortnite stream clearly you still watch fortnite what’s up Jace uh can you say my name what’s up Jace how you doing today welcome bro it’s so funny man people be coming in my chat and be like bro imagine still playing fortnite bro you are literally on a fortnite stream clearly your sub feed or your Tik Tok for you page directed you clearly you still watch fortnite so yo what’s up Squad what up Jordan how you doing today welcome what’s up Zach what up David what up Gunner what’s up guys hello hello hello b b Baba buy Baba buy Grace thank you for the 10 ggs by the way thank you Grace I appreciate that oh hi on man’s got the crowns bro he’s actually got the clowns Chad why did he leave wait chat wasn’t that guy on my team why did he just leave yo what’s up Andy good morning what’s good Grant what’s good man how you doing that’s it I’m done man I get bro six I haven’t gotten on your team in so long actually it’s so sad that dude was on my team and left the game he got intimidated by his own teammate’s crowns like how does that that happen Chad how does that happen he like wasn’t okay with me having more crowns than him I guess wait that’s actually so funny I probably maybe he didn’t realize I was on his team I don’t think he knew Chad I don’t think you knew you know what I mean he just did not know yo gr what’s up Stephen good morning as well yo we got the whole gang in here man appreciate you guys being here appreciate it Chad I was gone for 3 days or 4 days I don’t even know um hey guys I freaking it was really cool I went to a golf tournament like a professional golf tournament and I went to a uh soccer game professional soccer game it’s a lot of fun man got you Leto wait guys hyex we have to see this man we just got another teaser from hypex what’s this oh no we already saw that video yeah we already saw that hypex is behind bro he just woke up all right buddy we already saw that man okay get with the program get with the program bro what’s your favorite what team was it I went to a Charlotte FC game that man just shoot me from the bush I don’t even know man I don’t even know a there’s no car back here sad um but yeah I went to a what the freak I got to go get The Medallion but I’ll see you in a second bro my man is a flexer a golf tney professional tney a soccer tney professional T yeah I’m sorry I I just wanted to clarify sticks okay just wanted to clarify yo what’s up trash good morning yo what’s up Christian as well how doing Christian oh yes Eric bro I I hope they come to Charlotte man cuz is Messi on that team I think that he is right I think I don’t know though what the heck man like stop but like give me materials I’ll be okay with that materials materials but the AI DP so aggressive chat they be so aggressive man so aggressive do you stream so far thank you City hey we’ve only lost one game today guys we’ve been playing really well lost only one game today bro where is even your teammate oh he’s over here oh no no yo hey he’s friendly bro he’s friendly he’s friendly don’t worry he’s friendly is Wayne here yeah Wayne was here I think he’s playing with Rosie actually I think yo Kobe’s got the builds down bro look at that triple edit man look at that triple edit he’s crazy yo I hope Dr Sloan makes an appearance though in the new season man I hope thank you Kobe you w man you ww great your hair is so is good thank you I appreciate that um uh different stages trash different stages I don’t care guys who’s with me I want the charge shotgun to come back in the new season who’s with me come on Chad who’s with me uh-oh SpaghettiOs there’s a lot of them over here what in the heck charge shotgun in the new season are you with me chat yes or no come on bro that thing is goated man like why was the why is the charge shotgun so fun right it’s a good time and it takes skill bro like I swear to use the Char it takes skill you know which is makes it even more fun it makes it like some skill bring it back yes sir bring it back wait there already took the med oh my yo they already took The Medallion bro we got to we got to go for him my man literally ran away from his teammate that died so sad bring back pickup trucks what did they take those away I can’t even remember 81 81 81 oh took fall damage yo we cannot let this guy get away come on keep shooting him keep shooting him nice bro Chad am I Ying this from my teammate I think I am I think I am chains of Hades bro I heard this was kind of good now picking it up yo we could get a we could still get a high kill dub I’m telling you guys there’s 54 remaining there’s got to be heck of bots we could get a really high kill dub oh GS ninja wants to get on the sticks yo what’s up Damen thank you for following appreciate it brother thank you thank you uh trios at the moment Aiden I I mean we have six solo wins today I just figured to do a random game but I don’t think this guy’s got a mic I keep talking and he’s not talking back we want lobbo back okay yes we do we do indeed yo what’s up Rico how you doing welcome Rico oh you’re one of those people what does that mean Eric what does that mean bro I was bullying people with the chains LMO they can’t run away even in green water bro do I know how to use the chains trying to make sure I know how to use it still I haven’t used these in so long all right I’m should I should be running into bot Central right now considering there’s 51 alive right now bro it’s a lot of people where the Bots at this kid I’m playing with is so calm what the freak what the freak no freaking way thank you my kill yo good morning Jordan oh I don’t think I said hi to Jordan so I want to make sure I do good morning Jordan not me picking back piggy backing off of Rosie what’s up Grant how’s the stream going so far it’s good Jacob yeah literally like so good actually we’ve lost one game that’s it six solo wins and we’re about to get our first random dub of the day hopefully yo what the sigma says hi what’s up man what’s up St Gunner what’s up bro Gabby’s life says hi what’s up Gabby’s life how you doing how you doing guys can y’all believe it we’re halfway now we are halfway to 5 493k that’s crazy BR the opportunity they missed not resting Colombo as Opa bro that would be crazy that would actually be crazy colomo as aa oh my gosh I’d be for that like they should have made AA on the map chat like like colomo was back back in the day that’d be so sick how’s stream so far it’s good St thank you for asking what’s up Johns how you doing hello I’m a new sub what’s up Vicky good morning Vicky I hope you’re having a great day enjoying the stream and uh yeah happy Monday chat happy Monday yeah op on the map would be sick what’s up Riley Hi how are you Riley hello hello hello welcome Riley welcome y what’s up WT good morning good morning I sub thank you Pro 2012 thank you WT what’s good man how you doing today chat we’re trying to get to a th likes man that’s kind of the goal man a th000 likes on the YouTube stream bro if you guys could drop a like that would be amazing okay if you’re just now joining if you’re on the YouTube vertical stream as well please hit that like button as well it would help out a lot thank you SC thank you man there’s still 33 up right now should be a medallion over here the heck bro who is my man shooting at actually just got a kill so hi bet tweet gr yeah we saw the video if that’s what you’re talking about that was already leaked like 45 minutes ago hypex was a late to the Tweet man he was late to it if that’s what you’re talking about I think it is though because um yeah that’s the only notification I got on my phone but yeah hypex is late M yo ug Timothy what’s up how we doing I’m going to watch until the event let’s go pro W man man yeah man guys throughout the next you know you know the next week guys is going to be super hype bro like for real next week is going to be super hype um with all that’s happening in fortnite I can’t wait do have a scope no it does not let’s put a scope on there chat shall we yeah oh it’s crazy that I I have The Medallion chat but I don’t have the shotgun maybe my teammate has it he actually probably does honestly cuz we killed that one guy he probably picked it up off of him what’s up John how you doing pyra wait that’s a fake pyro isn’t that good morning though what’s up bro how the games going good going well Bucky we’ve only lost one today so far uh Arch I’m Live on YouTube uh yeah YouTube and Tik Tok my YouTube is gr RX NT gr xent Chad my man’s marking that I don’t really I want some more kills man I don’t really want that we could go see The Hourglass though I guess or something if you missed it guys I can show youall The Hourglass no not a fake oh is that the is that the real pyro wait what the heck there’s two pyus in the chat now what I’m so confused I’m so confused like what uh Tristan’s in the chat what up Tristan how you doing good morning oh we racking up the free kills chat we really racking up the three kills man it’s crazy crazy um okay well I think my teammate got the other Medallion nope he didn’t actually oh someone got Mountain pus okay we got to go get it then we shall go yeah let’s go Mountain Olympus brother let’s do it let’s do it I watched your videos I’ve been watching since 2020 thank you gamer y that’s a long time man I really appreciate that that means the world man people that stick around like that hey I appreciate you bro leave the Bots alone no no no no no no I was nice to them sporty thank you for the heart meat gift as well thank you so much appreciate it any advice playing keyboard ah I mean yeah the uh just got to practice I know that’s bad advice but the more you play the more you practice the more you get better and better so you just got to play play play oh that was awkward hello well nobody these guys are real right yo that guy had a crown hit him with the no scope guys hit him with the no scope 4 white well these dudes real chat poor guy man rip in the chat ladies and gentlemen rip in the chat yo I want to sky base this game let’s do it man let’s sky base what’s up solo how you doing today welcome solo what do you mean pulling you back what do you mean by that sky base sky base yo what’s up effn how you doing as well welcome effing can you put on chat for we can see um I’m not sure what you mean by that Austin you should play controller to get Aimbot I should does anyone have Aimbot here on controller n you valid for that man I probably should I keep trying to quit but ranked is pulling me back in oh got you got you solo you keep trying to quit fortnite hey well ranked will do it to you man I mean a lot of people love grinding ranked right love it my teammates actually wait my teammate’s actually weird bro wait why wait six are you in my game right now are y’all the last team how do I mess why can I not sit on this jeez man oh my gosh do not build a sky base I already have man I’m committed guys I’m committed to the sky base wait I’m at 376 is that what I have no it’s not wait I’m going to make it 377 cuz we’re about to win this game too okay I’m new here I just subbed you’re funny to watch thank you mag appreciate that I’m glad you enjoy the content no why did it have to pull so far so far man jump I’m not jumping if we H 800 likes right now on the vertical I mean the horse never mind you know I’m distracted wait I can’t even I can’t even I don’t have enough mats to do that Chad oh man he found the last team too oh okay my teammate might be in trouble um um um um um okay okay l okay okay okay okay GG to that man oh my gosh I see a sniper if I hit this trick shot guys oh my gosh if I hit this trick shot I don’t know I get that though wow um you know chat hey can we get a rip in the Stream man can we get a rip in the Stream ladies and gentlemen RI in the Stream oh my gosh it’s anged his boy what in the freak is no is that six bro my teammate does not want to leave him alone my teammate does not want to leave him alone bro you don’t want to leave him alone man that was just bullying wait what I did to the other guy no no no no chat no but yeah that was a rip though for sure for sure man I don’t even know where six is where did six just go my teammate is after him oh my gosh man my teammate doesn’t care man my teammate has no no sympathy for Sticks no sympathy GG’s man GG’s guys that is another freaking win like come on Chad seven out of eight wins can I get a w spam in the chat come on baby yo Eric thank you again for the 20 gifted man I really appreciate that dude that was insane as well bro I really appreciate it also chicken thank you for the gifted as well Bucky thank you for the $1 donation thank you so much guys yo W community man W freaking Community thank you guys for the love I appreciate it thank you bro thank you for throwing my my teammate into a wall head first multiple times six I didn’t realize that was your teammate number one but number two didn’t you say your teammate was annoying or something yo what’s up Rover how you doing today welcome Rover I thought having 29 crowns was a lot haha hey that’s not hey that’s not bad Susie that’s not bad sorry guys I’m uh eating my I mean I almost said eating my sky base cuz I was freaking reading the the chat he chopped my sky base and chopped everything I did that’s tough man I can’t lie that’s pretty tough yo W pack I can’t wait um if I haven’t said hi to you guys today make sure you say hi please and thank you wait guys should I taste test this guys I feel like hey sticks you’re going to appreciate this guys should I taste test this what do you think Naruto G fuel flavor can bro come on come on Chad that sounds that sounds pretty good man that sounds pretty good I got five shakers now I got the protein thing they should guys we got to unbox another freaking thing yo 2020 thank you for the gifted membership on the uh Tik Tok or not the Tik Tok sorry the YouTube short stream thank you so much 2020 I really appreciate it thank you Naruto mid one piece and jjk though no but I think this flavor could be really good Chad so I want to try it I want to try it man I want to try it I want to TRS all right perfect one thing guys one second man one second we Gucci man we Gucci yo 2020 thank you so much man that was really nice of you man I appreciate another gifted guys that is 22 gifted today 22 gifted today Chad that’s insane uh I’ve had it before but just the power okay cool um yeah I have a I have a ton of the power powders as well I need to put these in the fridge though cuz they’re not super super super um whatever all right CH I don’t know when stage one is going to happen though guys I don’t know if that’s happening today or not but I see people with timers still so I guess we’ll put this to 11 here I don’t know if this is happening or not X One G fuel yes sir man oh why do you have so many stars I do have a lot of stars I need to claim these don’t I oh my gosh I need to claim this I need to claim those all right let me put this in the fridge though all right I put two in the fridge man two in the fridge what’s up yes how you doing today welcome on in wrt what’s good as well the real thank you for the two GG’s man I really appreciate it thank you you’re a legend for that uh um and again the goat Midas I think you’re the one that got gifted right make sure to say thank you for the uh gifted membership we’ love to see that man we really do yo we’re so close to 800 likes man we’re so close if you guys could man drop a like we’re so close man to 800 let’s do it chat let’s do it baby let’s do it 800 inbound a I don’t think so Gail I think he might have a little bit more I think yo X-Man thank you for following appreciate it X-Men I used to be a member but it expired yo that’s a rip that is it’s a rip man that’s a rip I hate that I hate that man I hate that yo what’s up JC how we doing today welcome JC all right perfect um what’s up Maria what up Charlie what’s up guys hello hello I hey Grant what’s up Haley good morning good morning I’m out of water too so much he’s water guys like I said I do have everything uh recorded recorded and edited for the edited for the house tour video I need to just upload it but I wanted to add like one thing that’s why I couldn’t do it when I was away I don’t know when to upload it though how’s your Monday going it’s going really well pyro thank you for asking it’s going really well where am I from I’m from Charleston South Carolina but I’m originally from uh Charlotte North Carolina originally from Charlotte North Carolina yo what’s up FIFA how you doing today welcome where is bro Landing what do you mean Andy this is my spot this is literally my spot chat I land here every game what do you mean Greenville North Carolina here hey let’s go yeah I’m from Charlotte I went to a Charlotte FC game this weekend and I went to the uh Wells Fargo Championship the golf tournament [Music] over again what in the all right perfect sorry guys I’m being yelled at I’m just kidding I’m not kind of what’s up Noah thank you for the Hi how are you doing Noah I wish that chicken could hop in my car that’ be lit wow I really don’t have any Shield either that’s cool need some Shield Man please what do this guy got to do to get some Shield is there more Shield up here guys maybe yeah there is who’s bro shooting at over there oo you know what’s sad guys I I don’t have much Shield that’s okay I swear I hit that by the way yeah I can’t grab that you know I thought I felt in my death but uh no we’re good J we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good you know we’re good yeah we’re good we’re good let chilling all right now I got to go get the freaking medallion now I got to go get that man how much is my account worth uh probably like a little bit of money actually I got over a th000 Skins every battle pass in the game that’s got to be worth something right maybe like $10 you need oh you need to update the crowns I already did guys we’re at 377 we are please like and sub thank you for the W’s man what’s up Gunner how you doing uh your boy what’s good as well I’ve been watching the stream for 3 hours thank you so much man that’s a long time yeah dude I I should have got the should have landed there I should have landed near The Medallion do I have the Omega lights I do man I think I have all of them do I not what’s the top one isn’t it purple I’m actually curious though I can check after this game is it purple chat sounds sounds like the top one maybe it’s orange I’m pretty sure it’s orange or purple bro who beefs over here like and they still going at it Chad like God dang sh sh yeah Mong girl yeah 11 days man 11 days I’m stuck you know that wasn’t a great spot for me guys I can’t lie um but but that’s okay right that’s okay GG’s guys hey great game GG’s GG’s GG’s PE sh I got to pee real quick one second [Music] [Music] all right I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here yo 2020 just upgraded to a legend member oh I just went to a different scene hold on Yo 2020 thank you so much guys can we get some hearts in the chat for 2020 dude thank you thank you so much upgrading to a legend member let’s go how many ds today Grant uh we’ve won seven out of nine games right now guys seven out of nine 2020 what is your epic though so I can get you added let me know let me know man than thank you so much let’s go thank you thank you uh you better cook this game Grant I got you bro we won seven times already Chad out of out of nine so yeah I can’t win every game bro only lost two my win percentage is pretty good right now you know what I’m saying but I’ll take it I’ll take it I will take it Chad take it yo Daniel I do remember you welcome back hello uh K thank you for the follow appreciate it thank you thank you pink thank you for being in the Stream thank you pink appreciate that as well I got to go get some more water downstairs Bucky just became a member as well holy chat thank you Bucky dude let’s freaking go baby thank you guys so much so much love and support guys I really appreciate it oh boy yo I freaking yo that thing W Bucky Yes W Bucky Chad all right Perfect Dude my voice feels so weird right now I should need some water yo olly I do remember you welcome back Oli hello hello hello W Kamali all right perfect yeah guys if I said hi to you today make sure you say hi uh hi as well yo rnm what’s good as well how you doing oh my gosh you scared the actual poop out of me Sak I can’t lie I think it was something to do with the Avatar too the Avatar State like lowkey scared me so badly why did that scare me like that oh jeez fact um where’s my mind fact that’s crazy tiity no way K shout out yoyo cool shout out to you how you doing my heart is racing I need a shotgun can I get a shotgun fortnite can I get a shotgun fortnite can I get a shotgun oh yeah we got a shotgun all we’re Gucci we are Gucci chat come on let’s get another one right there’s going to be a sandstorm yes guys that is the event uh there’s a sandstorm approaching us now fire monkey said it could happen at any moment here uh stage one activating it but we haven’t seen anything yet today yet but we already have a video of the uh of the statue during the live event and stuff I can show you everything if you’re just now joining don’t worry but I don’t know if that’s a pyro just joining cuz there’s like three py now so I don’t know which one that is I thought no build was easier than build till I tried it yeah no build is hard man you still got to be pretty freaking good bro what in the bush bomb am I looking at feel like this is too obvious I feel like I feel like you’d check the bush right Chad right guys I feel like you checked the bush there’s another Bush wait he’s probably going to check the bush we might be good guys we might be good we can catch him off guard here hopefully see I I feel like builds is harder because it gets overwhelming I mean yeah if you’re not used to builds it’s definitely harder come on bro oh my gosh yo he played that I mean he was checking all the bushes right but I mean close but no no man no yes Adam guys the final update of season 2 is tonight final update of season 2 is tonight ladies and gentlemen we’re going to be streaming it live here on the YouTube channel and the Tik Tok as well of course can’t forget about the Tik Tok as well what’s up Roberts how you doing today welcome Roberts that’s so good all right perfect with the real P pyro please stand up facts miles right yo miles I hope you’re doing well by the way good to see you good to see you man what’s up Morgan how you doing welcome Morgan will the real pyra please stand up please stand up pyro I don’t know if that’s you man I don’t know I don’t know if that’s the real one what’s up Gojo how you doing uh cdb thank you for the 10 roses appreciate it um Camy thank you for the heart me gift as well thank you Cammy Addie with the three months three months so glad to be part of the grand Fame keep it the good work yo Addie every time I see your profile picture it makes me smile because of that dog Addie that’s so cool I love it I love it and again I hope you’re doing well and that goes for everyone here I hope you guys had a great Mother’s Day if you’re just tuning in I hope it was amazing dang it I probably could have spooked him a little bit but I didn’t probably could have spooked him guys but the spooking did not happen very well bro my man made a door edit my man made a door edit in 2024 man crazy I need to kill this guy Chad I need to kill him it’s okay maybe it can wait maybe it can wait chat maybe it can who knows who knows man who knows yo it sounds good though Daniel yo uh we got JLA in the Stream what’s up JLA how you doing today welcome xanders van says hi what’s up xanders Van how you doing um yo it sounds good cool kid hey thank you so much for dropping in cool kid I really appreciate it man what’s up Ben how you doing welcome Ben hi saf how you doing and Jason says hi what’s up Jason how you doing today welcome Jason cool kid he’s on Twitch no I’m not I’m only only only on YouTube guys yo what’s up Pro Gamer how you doing welcome Pro Gamer but yeah only on YouTube and Tik Tok as well W stream keep for the good work thank you Martinez thank you I really appreciate that yeah it will um yo yo cool it will man yeah I’ll be live for a while bro be live for a super long time hi green just woke up and I have a cold I’m sorry to hear that man I’m battling some major allergies right now bro my eyes were so red yesterday from my allergies so bad luckily I’m feeling a little bit better now man a Flopper like floppers have been in the game for so long right all right perfect can you play fortnite on your mobile um yeah I think you can play on mobile I think you can still if you’re on if you’re on Android I know you can on Apple it’s a little bit harder yeah clicks it definitely is man for sure like I said I need to get some water but uh yeah just my allergies man been throwing me off what the heck my allergy been throw me for a whirlwind cloud gaming yeah I guess you can use cloud gaming right yeah or you can play on like Amazon Luna I don’t know if that’s mobile though yo real thank you so much for subbing on YouTube Sapp thank you for subbing and David thank you guys for subbing I appreciate it thank you question gr when do you think we’re getting fortnite og2 that’ll be in like November I assume like right right around the time that we had OG the original OG fortnite is when we’re going to have uh season 2 OG fortnite or chapter 2 OG fortnite so it should be right around that time should be close to the end of the year yeah something like that right what’s up B how you doing uh Vell thank you for subbing appreciate it V and Jake you for subbing as well appreciate it Jake Omar’s in the chat what’s up Omar how you doing uh the update Tonight George is at like it’ll probably be like 3: or 4:00 a.m. something like that do you think they will change the rank system uh next season probably not but like I wouldn’t be surprised like I feel like they’re always updating the rank system so I would not be surprised man getting sniped at from afar too I mean I don’t even know why I’m on this island chat what do I what do I get from being up here other than kills like you know what I’m saying like is this worth it I’m being sniped by over there I got a guy below me yeah I don’t know I mean I’m it’s not really worth it you know it’s not really worth it Chad it really isn’t yo nature King thank you for the $2 donation appreciate it nature King thank you so much man that is so kind of you can we get some hearts in the chat for nature thank you thank you which is a sham because that’s how some of us rank up from what uh mits what you mean by that bro I really need some water chat my throat is going through right now my throat is really going through it bro God dang fact Nim too busy man too busy I probably could have shot at that guy holy crap what is happening M like a grasshopper chest my man is doing the most bro Grant don’t get water get G fuel I know I need to but that requires me to like actually make the gfuel and stuff so it take a little bit more time you know someone’s going to probably look that down at me holy mother of pearl that was crazy wow wow chat that was crazy poor guy I guess all right have good amount of mats I might go back up to the top maybe that’s that guy again bro this is the dude I got to kill chat this the dude we got to kill bro I got to kill that one guy man oh yo Lucas what’s up man how we doing today Lucas this guy is boxed up next to me chat let’s hit a rift let’s go back again but oh never mind I don’t know if we’re hitting a rift guys I don’t know if that’s the best idea right now yo hello King what’s up how we doing today King good to see you yo R Ryan’s in the chat what’s up Ryan good morning good morning I wonder why I just got sniped by I’m going to grab this it does have a scope guys just grab that I think the one guy won that fight I think the one good guy I think chug splashes nice I do have three big pots too nice lovely chat lovely lovely guys lovely and do I have a m refresh I do I need some uh metal though Perfect all right we got some metal got maxed out mats again it’s not looking too bad here guys not looking too bad but that one guy is pretty good so I need to kill that one guy yo Jerry thank you for the hat and mustache appreciate the gift man Roblox is the best game ever I don’t know about that is Roblox the best game I’m better I got to reload sh gosh dang it ah guys oh my gosh I hit him I hit him with a nice little snipe how can I kill this guy okay what am I doing wrong chat what am I doing wrong what do I got to do to kill this guy though wait he might not have any Mobility to get to the Zone I me he’ll probably make it so intense man so intense I should have known he was going to make that edit play too I should have known bro what’s up Ken how you doing welcome on Ken is he not eating a little bit of storm I feel like he would banana banana chat banana caring the lightning bolt God I really want to kill that guy I don’t even know where the other guy is at at all but I like that I like that I like that play I like that that play brother I like that play no bro I’m trying to help you bro dud with the lightning Bol you’re going to die to the good guy he’s going to die to the good guy chat I’m calling it right now he’s going to die to the good guy and it’s going to make it even harder on me yep the good guy’s pushing in no no no you cannot kill my dude no rcin bro CH I cannot grab this guy’s wall so what do I do I can’t grab his wall he’s got better ping wello this guy is so mechanically good h uh-oh bro what am I doing CH I’m choking bro I’m choking I think he’s out of mats bro oh I was freaking out bro I was freaking out I was freaking out let’s [Music] go yes bro he was a really good player though like tactically I feel like that dude was so much better than me that was intense that was really intense bro I could not grab his wall either I feel like when I was on his wall oh my gosh chat if y’all enjoyed that somehow hey hit the like button we’re trying to get to 900 likes on YouTube man if you’re on Tik Tok drop a follow if you’re new um if you guys don’t know how to like on the YouTube vertical stream really quickly all you got to do to drop a like hold down your finger and you’ll see the like button right there drop a like man please and thank you [Music] um can I use the Veronica skin I’m not sure man I’m not sure yo we got a spammer in the Tik Tok chat let me get rid of him bang bada Bo pow yo what’s up uh Theo though welcome back man Jerry thank you for the hat and mustache uh I’m doing good Grant how are you doing I’m doing amazing bro yeah doing amazing doing amazing bro doing amazing yo I’m new what’s up aan how you doing guys it’s now 11:00 a.m. by the way I don’t see any sandstorms or anything like that so again I’m not I ain’t seeing nothing chat I I ain’t seeing no sandstorms what about you guys bro I’m not seeing anything different about Mountain Olympus I’m not seeing I’m not seeing squat Chad what what do people be saying bro uh lightning is now live in game wait never mind lightning is now live in game eventually during the final stage this massive statue will raise his arms wait Lightning is now live in game Chad wait up incoming Sandstorm event bro oh my God wait that’s actually going to be sick bro that’s actually going to be sick um so what we know about season 3 so far guys theme and the date uh we have the collaborations as well UI update they’re updating the UI again leave to wait guys I want to see if I can see the lightning let’s see really quickly I’m going start this I’m going start this man and see lightning in game I had to carry Lonnie and her boyfriend in builds with the uping that’s what I like to hear all right Andy that’s what I like to hear Messi and it’s not even close really Eric you think yo Olivia what’s up we doing today fortnite or Roblox crant hey definitely fortnite fortnite for Life chat you know fortnite for Life man for life all right will I see lightning in the game have y’all seen lightning yes or no I guess that’s a question for you guys have you seen lightning in the game yes or no yet yes or no guys have you seen lightning in the [Music] game apparently it just got activated so wait hold on wait look at the clouds guys were the clouds always like that wait guys were the clouds always like this yes or no I don’t I don’t remember seeing the clouds that’s maybe just me but I do not remember seeing the clouds yeah wait everyone say no wait they’re oh my wait Chad look at these things bro what it’s like every hour we might be getting something or something’s changing yeah I do not remember these clouds bro I do not yo that’s kind of wild chat that’s kind of wild ain’t it that’s kind of wild yo gamer boy thank you for subbing guys if you haven’t already dropped a sub or Dro dropped a like please and thank you do so right now we are literally getting many live events leading up until the new season I am so excited drop a follow if you’re new All That Jazz Man All That Jazz so do they make noise I’m almost out of mats I don’t hear any noise wait guys I feel like at noon I should at noon chat or right before noon I feel like we should go into a wait y’all hear that did y’all hear that yo wait this is kind of sick I can’t lie this is kind of sick chat this kind of sick Bro I’m so excited yo we’re now hearing thunder on the map chat you might as well take out Zeus while you’re here nah man Zeus doesn’t deserve wait stage two wait guys okay y’all were curious about the stages right um stage two of the mini event buildup is now already live a lot more lightning has appeared in the clouds so we’re on stage two right now guys we’re on stage two if anyone cares stage two all right yo at noon though guys I’m going to set this for noon cuz we lowy missed that at noon chat can y’all remind me to hop into a creative map like this cuz we lowkey missed that we missed the 11 o’cl but can y’all remind me guys at noon to hop in all right cuz I want to see it at noon Chad now that we have lightning as well I didn’t think anything was going to happen today but clearly I was wrong bro like we have stuff already that’s wild go in it and see what happens wait type one if you want me to go in and see what happens type two if you don’t care wait I kind of am down should I do it go into the lightning yo imagine my character dies instantly that would be kind of crazy bro how do I get more mats in here bro jeez all right we’re going in the lightning man we’re going in the lightning let’s do it is this enough mats I already build a little bit I feel like it is I thought you get more mats in Creative do you not get more mats we’re going to save okay here we go here we go chat I’m going into the lightning lightning in the thunder thunder here we go we are going into to the lightning I am in the lightning chat go up to the statue wait I want to be in here when it actually like Thunders you know what I mean okay will it actually Thunder I wonder if it’ll be louder is this stage guys this is stage number two we are on stage number two stage number two effing goat thank you for the heart me gift appreciate it wait Chad do you all hear that wait I’m oh this is like kind of a cool spot right here wow look at this shot I got scho can I stream till like 4 um Pro I mean if these mini live vins keep happening yeah for sure it’s crazy all right well again all all right chat I’m going to play another game but at noon we got to come back 100% okay I wanted it to uh I wanted it to do the noise again while I’m in here I don’t know if it will so like oh so crazy okay but at noon chat so like at 11:50 I need to be in there okay I wonder if those like just appeared like how did that happen exactly how did that happen Chad I see stage three guys that was stage two not stage three but we’re hopefully getting stage three at noon right um hopefully yeah these these stages lead up it’s like the Titan live event do all remember that the Titan hand bro everything just L up until that moment or whatever you know what I mean the actual Paradox hand dropping the chest or whatever um stage two of the mini live Vin is now up already it’s already live blah blah blah uh a lot more lightning has appeared in the clouds yeah check that [Music] out oh man crazy bro I’m excited uh this is what apparently is going to happen happen at the end Chad do y’all think this will happen today yes or no y’all think this will happen today I wish we like knew exactly like when everything’s going to happen I wonder if this is all going to happen today though I wonder no you don’t think so Andy like usually the leakers have it all mapped out but no one has like a mapping of it I feel like hopefully they’re doing research right now though you get it all figured out getting the research all done for us guys my man rocking the cold snap bro my man rocking the cold snap all right let me get rid of that perfect okay good there we go yo what’s up Raven how you doing welcome Raven yo Omar King what’s good man as well how we doing today Omar King uh Mr Big Mac what’s up guys we’re less than 300 new subscribers away from hitting 493k drop a sub if you’re new man please yo should we taste test the Naruto energy drink from gfuel guys it’s pretty cold now should we taste test it I feel like we should bro the Naruto G fueled energy drink we should taste test it sounds so good I didn’t even get more water Chad I need to get more water jeez yo lost what’s up how we doing grant don’t forget to feed your fish hey thank you AJ even though it’s only 11 right now thank you I appreciate you bro I got to go to the pet store later guys and get more pebbles for the fish like like can he not walk himself to the pet store and get his own Pebbles like the audacity on this guy man don’t get me started bro what’s up Hudson water is rising to Paradox box water is RI wait what hold on we can go check it out we can go check it out bro I can’t guys we’re 11 days away from the new season and we already got some hype going you know what I mean like we already got mini Live Events happening like bro I love it I love it chat I love it I love it man it’s amazing we love fortnite we love fortnite we love fortnite like and that’s awesome because like bro back to back Seasons we actually have like many Live Events like that didn’t happen like a year ago we only had a couple Live Events and that was it like every season now we’re getting something cool all right I’m going to head over to the Chad is that new what the freak is that God is trying to tell us something Lord baby Jesus what in the heck is that hey that wasn’t there last game I’ll tell you what bro I’ll tell you what CH I don’t care about these fortnite games anymore we got a lot going on oh no Andy’s right in the Stream Andy’s right in the Stream okay guys Andy in the chat just said the light used to be yellow and now it’s blue type one if that is true wait that kind of rhymed I kind of spit bars right there is that right though guys it didn’t it used to be yellow the baming light I think that is true good comms Andy good comms good comms brother all right y’all are saying the paradox paradox box is kind of getting submerged by water here let’s see if that’s true it’s a lot going on man there is a lot going on Grant pick one green purple orange uh purple all right guys is that true is our theory true here is the Paradox box filling up with water yes or no what do yall think yes or no no chat I mean not filling up with water is the water level getting higher yes or no what do we think is it actually wait really Destiny that’s crazy wait I just shot a tree that’s awkward that’s a little bit awkward good morning Grant good morning uh wait Tik Tok let me get a timer up there for you cuz so we don’t miss the noon thing uh all right yeah y’all got to remind me at noon chat I need to go to the thingy Miggy Shon bro shenon with leaks and everything I’m calling it the apocalypse is coming caused by caused by Godzilla oh that’s crazy oh that was just embarrassing brother I can’t lie brother what the heck brother all right brother that was just that was I don’t even know what to say my man was getting eaten by the Wolves too all right guys we can’t miss the thing at noon we cannot miss it many live events happening in fortnite guys and we’ll check it out at noon the next stage hopefully I’m curious though like how often the stages are happening though you know like apparently that was stage two Chad if that was stage two when did stage one happen like how long did it take from stage one to stage two you know what I mean that’s what we got to figure out so then we can know exactly every two hours I think but like I was streaming the entire morning and I haven’t seen anything I’m confusion I’d be streaming the entire morning I did not see stage one happen yeah bro I got good aim what’s up chat yeah flexing my aim Grant sing stick season that’s a great song but am I going to sing it right now no fact silver bucket facts you’re right is the live event today so guys um it’s just like the Titan hand live event there’s many live events happen happening up until the main one now uh me I’m going to have to ask you to stop sir please did you just try to nose coope me sir sir sir sir put down the whatever you call it so I don’t know when the main one is going to be guys but check this out now you can see clouds you can see uhoh sir sir that might have been the worst idea you had your entire like what are these guys doing chat what are these guys doing man uh do you remember the drill I think that was rumbling at Reckless ramp R I do not know the drill I missed but where does he think I’m shooting him from huh Grant should I get a th000 v-bucks today at Walmart yes you should and then you should come home and use code grand in the item shop who said that who stand that who stand that I feel like there’s uh mini box I’m yeah sp there there is for sure yeah definitely a lot more keyboard name Grant I use a Razer Huntsman tournament Edition keyboard what’s up Waffle King how you doing today welcome what time is the event guys uh we’re on different stages right now so I’m hopefully about to clarify exactly how often the stages happen but we just got stage two we just got stage number two holy guacamole stick you might be right I can’t believe I’ve done that I can’t believe it so why did he Peak that like calculating you know all this like like why did he Peak that chat I just ConEd him oh that’s awkward can I get a bro in the chat bro did I really just miss that shot did did I did I really just miss that shot bro how did I miss that shot oh my gosh how do I miss that man yo Caitlyn made me a peanut butter and jelly for lunch today chat or for a snack I kind of been hungry man I might have to pop it yo Cheeto in the Stream what’s up Cheeto good morning good morning good morning good morning good morning and did I mention good morning as [Music] well wait guys fortnite just tweeted out we might be crafting a midnight snack wait what which one are you choosing chat which one are you choosing let me know I’m going floa floppa 100% floa I thought that was going to have something to do with the freaking event nah fortnite’s on something Diffy DIY Chad I don’t even know what they talking about bro something a midnight snack whoa whoa what what ain’t no way Dave die to an NPC Dave or Dev no way yo what’s up Jazzy how we doing welcome Jazzy I hope you’re having a great day and I love Vermont and it’s the season of The Sticks and die yeah I’m going Flopper I’m going Flopper yo what’s up Brandon what up chefs or wait sorry chefs what’s up man how we doing do I have everything reloaded I do not huh sorry guys I was just looking at the car for a second all right we got to go kill this guy he’s kind of running away from me lowkey or he doesn’t know I’m here where’s he going though I do not know where he is chat I quite literally do not know where he is Yo BM b b m what’s up bro and that’s crazy no way no way is your peanut butter PB&J gra or I oh bro Chad tell me he was in that bush the entire time come on dog were you in that bush oh I didn’t mean to waste a big pot like that that sucks n don’t tell me he was in that bush bro please hit him for 107 you should probably heal or just leave entirely okay that was a great fight brother great fight brother great fight we should do it again sometime um my PB&J guys is grape jelly cuz like how else could you do it you know what I mean no I’m just kidding strawberry is pretty good but classic great man you know has to be had to be what we go with man yo my health is like not okay strawberry jelly is really good though I don’t think you can uh go wrong with either to be honest uh guys we just got stage two by the way the timer is for stage three hopefully um we just got stage two of the uh live of In Action Man hello again what up Sebastian hello sir welcome what’s up Jake yo we’re almost to 1,000 likes likes man hey keep dropping a like if you guys haven’t already what do I do bro I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared my health is so down bad oh my gosh there’s a med kit yes oh my gosh Lord have mercy Lord have mercy Grant my gfu order says ready to ship so I assume it’ll ship today or tomorrow yeah I probably would yeah yeah I think so baby Manny there was so much that you uh commented back and said baby Manny I want to I want to read all your replies you sent me sorry I was so busy these past couple days with family and such but I want to check it out six shock waves we love that yes money oh yeah should I keep the flowerry Rizzle I think I should honestly I don’t even know where I am oh no I am I know where I am now uhoh speos yo Chad no way oh my gosh bro can we get a W Grant bro W Grant CH you saw where I was posted up up top man had no idea all right watch this watch this I’m going to do to this guy too I see him is that Thanos it’s katos bro I hardly see katos man oh yeah I’m going for it bro I got to go for this Zone chat like this guy might be waiting for me up here oh this is so not good oh my God great there’s no way oh there’s no way there’s no way wait but I was on the zip line wait CH was I on the zip line I shock waved I no I placed a build I don’t think I was I’m trying to think bro I have no idea yeah I don’t think I was on the zipline man I don’t think I was GG’s man GG’s hey man if y’all enjoy that though hey hit that like button subscribe if you’re new follow if you guys are on Tik Tok man dang bro eight out of 11 wins now bro today eight out of 11 just sub thank you Tyler appreciate it thank you for subbing all right I need to go get some more water downstairs guys so bear with me I’m going to go grab some more water actually I really want to taste test g-fuel but I’m going to grab the water for now I’m going to do the do the water the water action BRB all right I got some water guys got some water we Gucci Lads we Gucci I I was here from the start hey Charlie if you’ve been here from the start man that means the world seriously thank you thank you thank you what up the boys how you doing yo look at look how many gfuel starter things I have guys check this out man look how many I have now I have so many in this bag I don’t know if you guys can tell but there’s like 15 in here and I have all these as well I have so many we got gfuel everywhere bro gfuel everywhere gr I dropped Netflix oh yeah wait I saw that baby Manny I was going to reply to that that’s what you sent me I think that’s so funny oh my gosh G fuel over Netflix 100% gamer boy thank you for the 8 months man appreciate it thank you Mr gamer boy thank you thank you thank you sir 500k and Su W yeah what are we at um wait timer uh guys we’re about 200 subscribers away from 5 90 or 493 that’s crazy about 200 Subs away man I can’t believe I lost that chat good for him though bro that guy was probably so happy man I was going to be here from the start but I decided I’d rather sleep I that’s valid that is valid man Chris YT what’s up man how we doing guys we’re about to see the next stage man okay we have just a little bit of time we’re hoping to get the next stage ladies and gentlemen the next stage okay I love on it’s the season of sticks but yeah if you’ve missed it we now we’ve had two stages happen at Mountain Olympus so we’re about to hopefully see stage three uh but we just had stage two so I’m not sure how often it happens I don’t know I do not know man hi from the UK what’s up Liam how you doing uh I need like six more Crown ones to hit 200 wait Rosie that’s actually nuts 200 dang yo I just got a I just got a freaking announcement from the Zen peeps guys we have a team meeting tomorrow who’s coming yo yo I’m about to bring some friends bro who’s coming to the team meeting with me for the Zen org who’s coming I’m going say yeah do you mind if I like bring like two of my friends and then all y’all show up in the team meeting that’d be hype that’d be hype bro Thomas I’ll mark you down brother hey I saw a lot of you guys comment on the the the Zin setup tour video I saw Rosie comment I saw Andy talk about my jelly um so if you did I appreciate that sorry I was so busy I didn’t really respond to him but I read them mm- thank you Andy yeah last couple games before I got to see the clouds again yeah thank you weo thank [Music] you bro I should have won that game too Chad why have I won like every game today like are why watch I’m going to say it but then I’m going to get I’m going to get run over this game but why are these dudes so bad today they’re just worse than [Music] me thank you weo though appreciate you man oh no Thomas he’s saying subscribe to my channel bro on YouTube CU we’re live on YouTube and Tik Tok yes sir thank you Thomas though hey hey hey yeah yeah I love this skin W skin gr clutch the One V one last night with blurry and taco fire yo when is everyone going to be on summer break so excited thank you Willie appreciate that man come on we’re five new Subs away from the 800 Mark guys drop a sub have your name pop up let’s go baby please yo what’s up Ashley what up Adrien what up indg how you doing buddy I’m [Music] coming my nose is itchy right now sh my nose is itchy I don’t like it why is my nose itchy chat uhoh SpaghettiOs this is not good this is so not good chat I see him later I guess wait is he going to come back I do not know I do not know I do not know what’s happening in 23 minutes so I’m going to check Twitter again here guys and see if we see any of the stages here but in 23 minutes guys 23 minutes chat okay in 23 minutes we are getting the next um whatever you call it we’re getting the next thingy Miggy um the next stage I’ll show you what it looks like if you already missed it all right R only show I was watching last night on Netflix was the circle I finished that the circle I’ve never heard of that but that that sounds pretty good the circle yo bunny does gaming thank you so much for subscribing to the channel thank you bunny I really appreciate that how are you doing I’m doing well top how are you doing today welcome yeah I’m doing well guys you know no complaints at all no complaints like literally at all man yo Bradley thank you for following appreciate it Bradley yo Grant how are you I am good how are you doing what’s up Oscar how you doing today welcome Oscar I have three weeks until summer that’s actually so am that’s awesome see you’re almost there you’re literally almost there yeah my girlfriend klin is a teacher as you know and she gets off like the 31st so is that like in 3 weeks is something like that I have two weeks until summer break W but again I’ll rotate over there and show you guys if y’all have any more questions by the way um chat if y’all have any more questions feel free to let me know uh in the chat room so I can answer literally anything okay let me know bro let me know let me know so I can answer anything POV I’m in summer break ooh W double of the U can you add me um Jack if you want to be added type exclamation point ad that’ll tell you about it exclamation point ad I wish I had some more freaking I wish I had some medallions this game POV I graduated that’s hype baby what you doing after you graduate I got an A+ let’s go let’s go Amed nice man good stuff dude but yeah here it is so this beaming light guys used to be yellow and now it’s blue so yeah that’s kind of kind of how it used to be man what’s the timer for so we just got stage two two guys we’re about to get stage three we are about to get stage three guys I hope this Medallion is over here I don’t know if it would be or not still but I can’t even see oh no there is oh there’s two over here yo what’s up Atlanta how you doing today good morning bro the other Zin member got two of them two of what but yeah so stage one I think was the beam changing from yellow to blue and then stage two is um stage two is the clouds that we just got good morning Atlanta good morning saw you streaming earlier saw you streaming what time do you start man I wake up at 7 Fox man got two medallions wait fox is in my game oh was he the uh wait I’m actually not surprised he’s probably the dude that freaking he was the Spider-Man Gwyn that I was fighting right I’m surprised Fox didn’t fight that like he probably would have killed me right then and there if that was Fox like I went to go like third party from getting the boss thing and he kind of went away for a second but he would have definitely killed me no pressure now bro I need coms man I need comms chat how am I going to win this game bro I’ve died to Fox in Atlanta bro I’ve died to so many people so many other streamers what do I got to do man what I got to do wait there was a medallion guy over here though but I wanted to show chat the freaking thingy Miggy but yeah here it is guys here the clouds now if you missed it here it is man here it is bro here it is we don’t play in the same server me and you we do Atlanta I I’m pretty sure we do what do you mean I’ve ran into you a couple times are you talking to like about me or what um I’m doing yeah for sure Willie I I’d definitely be down bro for sure man oh why are you East all the sudden Lanta good though I’m not complaining for sure go fight all those East sweats man you do you brother bro should I try to befriend my so guys if you’re just if you’re just joining by the way um one of my teammates on Zen is in my game his name is Fox man now Fox is a very good player guys he was the guy that got The Medallion before I did and then went the opposite way when I shot at him but if he knew it was me he’d probably push me what should I do guys what should I do how am I going to beat my own teammate this is awkward you know I seen the Northern Lights yesterday that’s actually sick I um never got to see him but pretty cool Zen on Zen is crime bro I fight jivy all the time as well ji’s really good too have you fought those dudes Atlanta I would be curious to see how y’all match up CH you think if I sky base Fox would shoot me down is he that type of guy what do y’all think should I sky base the entire game while Fox is down there I run into foxman most of the time how do y’all match up at landed you usually kill him or what what’s up Molly how you doing welcome Molly yeah dude if we pull Zone I’d be down honestly especially with the Olympus stuff going on I dare you to dance in front of Zeus Zeus already got taken unfortunately guys not trying to brag but no I believe inlanta dude you’re insane brother you’re so good you’re insane bro I don’t know who the crown guy is but this Crown guy keep getting hecka kills it’s probably Fox all right well I look it looks like we’re Sky basing over my teammate if he shoots me down I’m going to cry I really I will cry guys I will C oh my gosh I will cry he’s got another Medallion bro this guy’s crazy I should have just Chad when I first saw him I should have freaking pushed him right away that was my best chance when he just got The Medallion like the first one I guess he was like maybe he was regrouping or maybe it was low I just don’t I should have known bro I should have known by the Spider-Man gwy I don’t even know what I just did briefing accepted what does that mean two more likes yo we’re one like away now guys from a thousand on the YouTube stream if you guys haven’t already dropped what am I hearing race the checkpoint oh that was a thing oh oh can I start over I’ll do it again what’s up Shane how you doing today welcome [Applause] Shane wait I’m trying to sky base though wait chat we lowkey pull Zone could we pool Zone again man Wayne will it not stop until I do it oh my God it’s just yelling at me oh Fox is fighting the last Medallion guy Chad I think he is I think he is oh he’s right here he’s literally right here bro this is going to be great guys don’t tell him I’m in his game don’t tell him don’t tell him well actually no yeah don’t tell him don’t tell him don’t tell him oh there bro I could go third party him but that would be mean right yo Grant who do you think will win the Super Bowl man I don’t know dude I don’t know who do you think is going to win this Super Bowl chat there’s so much happening on my phone who do you think is going to win the Super Bowl bro I got the Carolina Panthers Chad they got the easiest schedule in the league they got the easiest schedule in the league yo n don’t tell me that’s Fox please that can’t be F Fox what yo how does he know how does he know Chad what the freak nah Fox is stream he’s stream sniping he y’all told him ain’t no way I don’t even have the Medallion who is he coming after what the freak what n y’all told him bro y’all told him y’all told him Chad y’all told him bro that’s crazy y’all definitely told him bro he seen you shoot I didn’t even shoot bro what do you mean shoot oh my gosh bro come on Fox that’s so crazy bro oh my go how did he know bro I was sitting on the hill bro I was sitting no I got to I got to hear reaction right now bro did he know there’s no way I’m talking NFL football up here love this song Sorry I skipped it if only I didn’t mean to Bro wait maybe he had a medall I mean a a bounty on me I don’t know oh he built up to see the the cloud cuz I was just chilling there bro that’s crazy bro that’s freaking crazy I don’t understand yo Grant um uh today I’m going to go I’m gonna play deep woken and make a stream on it want to see it my um I’ll let you know Willie I mean hit me up on um you know if you tag me on like Twitter um that’s probably your your best way to uh that’s probably the best way to show me to be honest yo I missed you too Alexa what’s up yo Alexa thank you so much for coming back I appreciate you I’m so glad Alexa you did not forget about me thank you thank you thank you um respectfully we’re doomed did you see the leak of the samand storm yeah I did baby Manny I mean it’s pretty fire I’m excited I really am also you’re right though we probably are doomed I agree What’s up Lizzy how you doing uh guys in 11 minutes we’re hoping to get the next stage man in 11 minutes so that’s we’re about to see here all right yo na business what’s good how we doing today man welcome on in na hello hello uh who you got in the NBA playoffs I dude Chad that is tough bro I got um oh man I don’t know who do you guys got in the dude the wolves are pretty good man the Wolves the t- Wolves they’re pretty solid man yo uh mum power thank you for subbing Laura thank you for subing as well appreciate it dang I want to finish this game guys but then I want to see the uh I want to see if we get stage three so I don’t even know if I finish this game I don’t even know if I can finish this game man what’s up ronado they are horrible yo who are you talking about storm who are you talking about I’m new what’s up Kaden how you doing today welcome Kaden N I wouldn’t be surprised though ant is goated man I wouldn’t be surprised if the t- Wolves make a run uh where’ you get the wild cat skin I just got it from uh the switch thing the promotional thing Panthers are going to get destroyed this season dude they have apparently they have the the easiest record in the NFL or easiest schedule in the NFL Chad that’s what I heard but you know that could be I don’t know could be wrong could be wrong what’s the countdown for in 9 minutes guys honestly we should probably see that really quickly yeah we should probably see that yeah I don’t even want to play this game out to be honest in nine minutes guys we are about to see um the next stage of the live event yo what’s up Lo how you doing today welcome loie how many dubs did they Grant we have uh eight out of 11 wins or eight out of 12 now eight out of 12 eight out of 12 guys so we’re I’m we’re kind of balling I can’t lie we’re kind of balling what’s up James how you doing welcome James you’re going to need to leave yeah right Andy I was probably going to need to leave yo guys we’re 130 Subs away man if you’re new please drop a sub make this number go up if you’re on YouTube man if you’re on Tik Tok man drop a follow if you’re new [Music] holy I’m trying to sneeze but I can’t sneeze what’s up Cur how you doing welcome Raheem what’s good Q say hi to me what’s up Raheem hello hello all right but like I said we’re hopefully about to see um we’re about to see this in nine minutes guys here we go don’t barf on stream I’m not why would I barf on stream what what are y’all saying all right here we go man here we go stage number three I’m trying to check Twitter as well guys I don’t know how often this is going to be um you know we just got stage two I don’t know how often this is going to be let me check Twitter though I ain’t be epic games is investigating an issue where controller uh vibrations are still happening with vibration settings are turned off okay yeah so we got stage two an hour ago like literally an hour ago let’s see guys here we go gr what’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done on stream I don’t I don’t know I would have to think about that I don’t know W uh weo W man what are the stages what do you mean what are the stages they’re different every time something different happens every time yo Omar cool thank you for subbing appreciate it um lace Christopher thank you for subbing guys appreciate it I tried the crash Oh Yo Tracy I’ve never had that that sounds super good though spilled his drink on keyboard honestly maybe that’s the most embarrassing thing I really haven’t done too much embarrassing stuff I feel like yo welcome back pyro all right ladies and gentlemen all right this is stage number three now again I wish I knew on Twitter how often these happen so you know it’s like a 50/50 chance that it happens at noon it might be every 2 hours it might be every hour I don’t know how often it happens but regardless it is about to be noon for stage number three I’m new what’s up Joanne hello welcome oh boy I did not pyro I can’t really look at DMS right now please say Jacob please do I follow you wait what wait what yo good gaming what’s up how we doing today good gaming hello hello all right here we go man here we go wait I’m still confused though is that the real pyra I I don’t know there’s still like three of them confusion oh we got a great spot hey we got an exceptional spot here guys exceptional yo what’s up moldy Rose how you doing welcome moldy five minutes guys five minutes hopefully we can hit the 900 Mark in 5 minutes okay we’re so close Man 10 Subs away from the 900 mark Park if you hear that thundering guys by the way that got added as well at um 11 fake uh if you’ve been here the entire day guys can anyone vouch for me that this is not fake this is these are all real mini events that happen um and again these events are leading up until the new uh whatever you call it uh new season but I didn’t see the one at 11 happen so I don’t know if they happen in game I don’t know if you have to leave the game I don’t know yo Destiny says been here since the stream started thank you I really appreciate it wait guys should we try the Naruto G fuel while we wait oh I kind of want to try it but maybe not zone I’m in this man’s whole career uh oh am I going to be okay what do you think Chad zone is not looking great here yo what’s up fortnite how you doing welcome on in um Mr nbh thank you for the donation thank you thank you good morning Fallout how you doing grunty grunt that pyra with the okay that is the real one sticks why do why do people do that I don’t understand why people actually did that in the first place made their name pyro W donation yes guys shout out to the donation thank you so much bro I really appreciate it look at this view Mount Olympus oh really a fox lost that no way he did no way I don’t believe it all right three minutes chat three minutes again guys don’t hate me if we don’t see it right away right don’t hate me you might have to load into another match I don’t know how it works did anyone watch the one that was at noon did anyone watch it what happened to the one at noon do anyone know in the chat right now or the one that happened at 11 like did you have to leave the game to see it the next one or yes Aiden I do what’s up Aiden how you doing yeah so if you missed it these uh these clouds appeared uh at 11 o’ so we’ll see if anything happens my peanut butter [Music] jelly hey shout out to the wonderful girlfriend type one if you would eat this peanut butter and jelly dude this sound so good right now I love peanut but jellies they just hit every time like I’m never had a bad pmar jelly it just happened how bro gets jelly on his keyboard and mouse literally right here that is true I literally have jelly on my keyboard and mouse oh crap um guys the Zone’s coming the Zone’s coming bro didn’t order from lifer oh I will later don’t worry oh I will chat okay okay we stick it out 30 seconds again we might have to restart our game anyway to see a difference right so when we restart um you know we’ll be able to see for who Do You Think You Are yeah 6 we need to order Subway today all right well again ladies and Gentlemen let’s see if we load back in here right and see what the moves are okay let’s do it let’s do it um for the people that are in the chat like Wayne what are we waiting for uh W mod wait w mod ladies and gentlemen uh stage two happened at 11 o’cl I don’t know if you guys were here who was here for stage two one in the chat if you were two in the chat if you weren’t let me know um so um stage two happened guys we got freaking lightning and we got lightning clouds and um the beaming light is now blue instead of yellow so that was stage two and we got that at 11:00 um so the thing is though we don’t know how often these happen um no you’re good Wayne you’re good so I just want to see really quickly we’re going to go back to the thing I don’t know if you have to be in a different game like it doesn’t happen like in the game so we just want to see really quickly but um yeah if you miss stage two though it’s pretty cool but again I don’t know how often these happen and I’m looking on Twitter and I’m seeing I’m trying to none of the leakers know how often they happen like usually for all these events they’ll tell us like Chad you see anything different I want to say there’s more clouds but y’all are going to be like no Grant no are there more clouds or is it just me maybe not though maybe not I don’t know I need a new mod at 500k you think so Andy I thought so as well you did Jack I don’t know so yeah what we have right now leading up until the new season guys we now have these clouds around here we got the beaming light and we do have The Hourglass that’s right here as well as you guys know so those are kind of all the uh in like like things happening around the fortnite map and Ain thunder you can hear it every so often as well Chad I swear on my life there’s more clouds on my life I’m telling you bro is there not more clouds Destiny please dude remember when we built up here Chad rewind the stream rewind the stream bro I’m telling you bro there’s more clouds man literally rewind the stream an hour ago Chad all right look at this area right here specifically if I go to my stream one hour ago I think that actually happened bro I don’t have time to go through all this y goofy y’all are goofy though that you heard I don’t know I’m too lazy to go all the way back but do y’all know what I’m talking about man like when I built up there there wasn’t yeah there’s definitely more thank you Jack I’m telling you like cuz I built up on this side right here Chad and I went up and there’s only one singular crowd there yo what’s up K how you doing today welcome oh it’s all good air all good all good yo foot edits what’s up how we doing today can confirm thank you Miz I saw your setup on the Zin YouTube channel let’s go Johnny yes sir man little a little sneak peek setup tour a little sneak Peak shut up to her so I guess that’s what we got at this next hour here um but who knows I was hoping I would fall to my death but I didn’t we got more clouds guys more clouds and they’re definitely is more I’m telling you definitely is also guys if you go over to the Paradox box as well um that’s in the water right uh we do have apparently it’s filling up with water like the water level is rising as well um if you guys did not know know so yeah if you guys have any more questions as well I’m here to answer everything guys get good gameplay in win some games for y’all answer any question about the new season stuff like that Grant what is Zen it’s the organization that I’m in yeah apparently guys katos is coming back to the item shop before the new season but I don’t know all right while I’m readying up should I taste test this uh I’m going to taste test this Nar ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen while we’re loading into a game I’m taste testing the Naruto g-fuel flavor oh yeah baby oh yeah are y’all ready look get a good look at that can right there pretty cool e pretty cool I wonder what flavor it is [Music] um how do I see the flavor on this one Chad anyone know what flavor this is I don’t know maybe it’s it’s going to be even better to not know what flavor it is guys that’s going to be crazy oh you got a clown I would love a clown bro I would love a clown bro but truly I think it’s going to be better chat not knowing the flavor here we go y’all ready y’all ready guys again if you want to cop some g-fuel man 20% off the site man uh exclamation What G feel in the chat here we go that’s pretty good I’m tasting like mango maybe mango that’s pretty freaking good I don’t know I don’t know what that taste is though mango mango Bo I think it’s like mango man I think it’s like mango but ladies and gentlemen type xish gfu in the chat 20% off all of your order your entire order I don’t know if it’s Mega though I need to see um you can use code Grant at at checkout for 20% off your order order or if you guys want the cans bro in my Tik Tok shop showcase I have the cans available so you can purchase them on the Showcase and you you get like a variety pack as well so in my profile there’s a showcase button check it out man on Tik Tok oh I got to keep that up guys got to keep that up and again they just released as well guys the gfuel the gfuel website guys just released ladies and gentlemen new energy and protein um powders uh for a shake they are pretty lit man and gfuel sent me a package like a couple days ago I haven’t order opened it yet we’ll order it I mean sorry we’ll open it later in the Stream today um they sent me a package we can taste test that as well I’m so excited and they sent me a shirt as well so wgf man I see yall typing it XM with GF check it out bro check it out this flavor is really good though I don’t know what it is Chad where would the flavor be on this Sage Mode what does that even mean Sage Mode I don’t know why I can’t see the flavor does anyone know what the Naruto is ingredients I don’t know about that guys I don’t know does anyone know what the Naruto g-fuel flavor is maybe I can look it up I I think I’m just an idiot chat I think it’s on there it’s Sage mood what does that even mean though I thought it said mode yeah it says mode man not mood it’s Sage Mode I think it’s the flavor name but yeah it’s pretty good man it’s pretty yummy Citrus in white peach okay uh Dey just looked it up Citrus and white peach what what yo I never would have thought I would like what is Citrus like what is that even what is that chat Citrus and white peach sour it’s really good though like really good really really good man my brother’s saying that no I am not CR7 I’m not playing fncs final no yo what’s good Grant what up OG young good morning good morning yeah chat so we got another stage I’m I’m curious to see if the leakers Tweet out though like if we’re getting I’m going get out of here a million fireflies lit up the world as I said goodbye this guy’s aggressive man did he already get The Medallion too my man might have already gotten The Medallion chat oh my gosh man getting Lonnie to do my Festival challenges for me W Wayne yo Andy was saying that she’s got a boyfriend is that true Lonnie got a boyfriend maybe I can third party this maybe not actually dang bro oh man yeah I did Fox guys again it’s every from what I can tell every hour man we’re getting another stage I can confirm this to this to be untrue is that true Wayne though does she tell you everything do you know who told me that I think it was Andy I think Andy told me that n there’s no way is that Kobe I think that is Kobe what’s up bro oh my gosh yo thank you Kobe thank you you a g for that bro oh my goodness yo why is Kobe so nice man Kobe you actually the nicest bro you actually the nicest yo what’s up yon how you doing today welcome Yan except for this guy Kobe like this guy who is that that’s not even the same dude bro I don’t think yeah is not same dude W stream sniper fact shezone yeah Kobe Kobe very nice man yo City forever what’s up bro how we doing today City all right well I guess you can just keep coming this way man wow this dude’s real I had no idea stop please bro oh my goodness shats I don’t have any mats guys so I couldn’t hold that wall for a second I gave that one guy hi first time here what’s up Mr Messi how you doing welcome what the heck this my man doing all right hopefully we can be okay we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see I guess I need to farm though I have zero materials are you team Drake or kick Lamar guys someone already asked me that once and to be honest I don’t really know what team are you guys man let me know you know I haven’t really been following the uh the story very much with all of that so TBH I don’t really know all right sorry I’m adjusting this as well all right perfect yo ASP how we doing today welcome ASP hello hello if you don’t need $500 will you play with me I’m not sure what you mean by that use code yeah dude that was awesome for him Kobe yeah one of the Zin members guys made grand finals yeah Oliver is really really good Junior says I sub thank you Junior I really appreciate that man thank you Junior welcome to the hashtag grandf fam we are now 39 new Subs by the way away from uh what is that 493k wow I still have like zero materials guys dude this is so strange it’s the same guy I think maybe not it is the same guy I think bro what is he doing wait please give me some materials yes I got some materials man let’s freaking go Chad I got some materials so strange all right how’s your day Grant it’s good uh Mr Messi yeah it’s it’s been awesome man it’s been awesome it’s been a great day yo Zumba what’s up how we doing today Zumba I’m so confused by this guy’s actions thank you bro I really appreciate that that was really nice of him that was really really nice of bro and I got lasered by the freaking bot oh my gosh yo Crystal’s in the Stream what’s up Crystal hello hello I hope you’re doing well as well I hope I can get this five game win streak that’s pretty insane Andy are you actually on a five game win streak yeah W song Kanye W song oh that’s awesome Willie well I’ll let you know man I I’ll probably still be streaming though but again tag me on Twitter and you know that’s probably your best bet for me to like see it um if I’m not streaming um edits it did so we have a lot more clouds now so I don’t know if that was considered a stage or not but the clouds are forming um a ton um from stage two so I’m not sure I just finished my egg got you well how was that chase I’m watching your live from YouTube and Tik Tok thank you hype I really appreciate that man thank you that means the world bro it really does are you OG I mean I have every battle pass in the game so I feel like that’s pretty OG I guess I’d say semi I guess yeah how’s your day it’s good Dono how’s day or Doo uh VES guys again if you’re just joining the timers for all the stages that we’re getting leading up until the uh new season hi Jessica what up juice hello guys welcome on in hello hello R Percy Jackson should have been the secret skin this season yeah that would be really really cool I love the TV show some people were iffy on it but I kind of like the TV show a lot thought it was good a Chad that’s the same Sparkle specialist I fought earlier [Music] too how am I not hitting [Music] all right chat we got this we got this yo let’s getting LGG in the Stream I got this chat I Believe full belief bro full belief zones cooking I do not have a lot of mats that sucks bro where’s that one guy that died though you know what I mean I kind of need that loot I don’t think I can get it though shoot yeah it’s really not good for me chat I do not have a lot of materials wow I can’t believe he came for that oh man bro I guys I don’t know what I could have done there bro like thinking about it genuinely I I don’t know what I could have done there I just had such low mats but I did have The Medallion I did have a good like I had the siphon Medallion so if I got the kill I would have been okay but I didn’t have any rotation um so that guy was able to just like position himself so nicely you know but GG’s man GG’s um I’m doing infusion treatment for my Ms and I got three nurses have followed you on YouTube Yo Eric that is that is awesome bro that is so awesome man thank you so much I really appreciate that you know any any supporters help in any way possible you know we got to hit this 500k somehow man you know how’s your day going it’s going well um going super well how’s your day uh ly how’s your day going let me know yo Eric thank you for following appreciate Eric thank you so much man um it is not Eric no Grant use Veronica skin no I’m okay I’m sorry mate how you doing I’m doing well Thomas doing well how are you doing today what’s your ideal Loadout great question man what is my ideal load out um I really like the Mythic shotgun so getting the Mythic shotgun is definitely a a must for sure at least for me and that Medallion man those two together so so good even in zero builds as well um and then other than that I like having the sniper I like having the war forged AR thing and that’s about it about it yo greatness is in the chat what’s up greatness how you doing today yo Brandon thank you for the $2 donation I appreciate that Brandon thank you thank you thank you oh hello Kobe but yeah uh I don’t know what about you guys what is your ideal load out man let me know ideal load out yo Brandon thank you for the $2 though thank you Brandon how was that g feel I missed the taste uh test reaction I it’s pretty good yeah it’s it’s different though Eric it’s like a citrus like mango or something but it’s good um that is pretty good it’s pretty good I don’t really know how to describe it I mean it’s just mango flavor kind of thing I don’t know it’s good though Mythic shotgun and the Grim Medallion 100% yes blue right same same here yeah I’m uh right there with you yo Eric with the Galaxy hey can we get some love in the chat for Eric thank you for the Galaxy and Brandon with the $2 donation as well thank you guys so much I really really appreciate it and Brandon with the five hey my man went with the two and then the five thank you so much bro I appreciate it let’s go baby what’s up Sierra good morning hello Sierra oh no worries uh Kobe no worries what do you mean in the in the chat Kobe wait talk to me bro what you mean by the what’s up blue demon how you doing today welcome bro uh Andrew what’s good as well well how we doing gr is the goat what’s good as well hello hello hello oh in the games oh no you’re good you’re good Kobe yeah you’re good I I got you I got you I’ll have my screen I’ll have my screen sorry guys we got some naughty stream snipers as well but thank you Kobe yo hey good looks Kobe good looks good looks because I haven’t been hiding my screen but we’ll be good now thank you Kobe I appreciate you yeah if you hey my Loyals that get my games if you ever see bad stream snipers in my game and you know who the are you know what I mean hey let me know man let me know thank you so much bro I appreciate it hey Brandon with the 10 as well thank you we got Eric with the Galaxy Brandon with the $2 donation the $5 donation and the $10 donation oh my gosh can we get some love in the chat guys for these donations bro thank you so much man I I don’t even know what to say thank you so much I really appreciate it thank you thank you thank you yo what’s up nice how you doing today welcome nice hello hello welcome nice King J what’s up man how we doing King J um but dude yeah we need some hearts in the chat man thank you guys so much I really appreciate it what’s up Katie um are you going to be are you going to see the item shop tonight uh so guys tonight might be the last night that I’m not doing the item shop but leading up until the new season I think it we’ll start tomorrow night Tuesday night every night I got to stream the item shop before the new season um to promote the code bro grx and in your item shop please if you’re going to get the battle pass use code Grant in the battle pass okay for the battle pass plug in in your item shop right now it’ll stay in there for 14 days and if you plug it in now you’ll have it for the new season so if you use code Grant I really appreciate it for real it helps out so much yo brand guys we just got a 20 bomb my man went with the two the five the 10 and the 20 now let’s go baby hey thank you so much guys this is all happening on the YouTube short stream by the way thank you so much Brandon holy crap bro guys he’s almost done every single donation every single color thank you so much man that is I don’t deserve it thank you thank you so so much I really appreciate it thank you you’re the goat homie the goat four more subs y we’re one more away now yeah we need W let’s go 493 W man Tik Tock we just hit 493k on YouTube uh Sierra with the 10 ggs and the freaking heart Puffs as well after Eric’s Galaxy don’t deserve it thank you oh my gosh thank you so much guys again in 30 minutes we’re streaming all of the stages uh leading up until the new season and right now we’re on stage number two um stage number two right now um where you been so guys I had Mother’s Day on Sunday and um so yeah I was doing that Mother’s Day but I am now I’m now back bro I’m now back Mason Russell with the $10 donation as well bro like what Mason Russell with the $10 donation thank you so much Mason Russell for the $10 donation I really appreciate it oh my goodness thank you so much dude these donations I do not even know what to say I am blown away but yeah we’ve had stage two happen today guys so we’re waiting on some more info here to see what else happens today but we should get something at noon or 1 sorry should get something at 1 in 27 minutes yo scar thank you for subbing Kate thank you for subing as well Nate with the $2 donation thank you Nate as well dude what is happening y’all are going crazy y’all literally going crazy with the freaking love man how’s life it’s good ham how’s your life it’s good how’s your life uh dude Johnny yeah I’m super excited for fortnite OG yeah yeah super super excited this guy’s stuck my man is stuck in the door I don’t think this guy’s real I was like poor guy if that guy was really got like stuck chat my man got stuck man gr when is the new battle pass May 24th guys May 24th but every day leading up into it we’re 11 days away um you know every day guys we’re going to be getting something every day Chad every day I’m not sure blue not sure yo what’s up Grant Alexander I see you on the Tik Tok stream bro my man got the same name as me my man got the same name as me that’s crazy that’s crazy who you got winning fncs I haven’t really been keeping up Chad did like did clicks qualify for fncs um but honestly yo I hope a Zen boy wins you guys know I’m in Zen the organization I’m hoping my man Oliver OG wins bro my man zen zen you already know I got to represent the squad man you know what I’m saying quick clicks qualified okay cool I heard I heard Mongrel and uh Savage did not qualify though I think good for clicks though man good for clicks we’re twins Grant I see that bro you actually have my old profile picture buddy please don’t make this hard on me bro what all right well I guess he didn’t make it hard on me I guess I don’t really know like what in the heck let this oh what the freak bro my man joint that chat got him when is the live event chat the live event ouch GRS gosh darn it live event guys we’re on the various different stages right now now like I don’t know exactly when the live event will like completely happen right it’s not really known yet so we’re not quite sure but when all the stages are done that’s when more than likely we will have the live then yo love you too Sean love you too man thank you for the love brother thank you for the love brother thank you for the love I appreciate you bro you should play fncs next season guys I don’t know we made a pack together that I was going to stream something I remember but but I don’t know about fncs bro I don’t know if I’m like that chat you know what’s up Jill how you doing welcome on in no more Star Wars tomorrow W no more Star Wars yes sir Taco chat no more Star Wars I actually can’t believe that that’s kind of crazy honestly I don’t even really notice the Star Wars stuff like it’s really not anything that’s noticeable to be honest personally faor collap so far favor collap so far I don’t know I would have to think about that no more Avatar yeah we don’t have Avatar either Yo Taco good morning though how you doing today bro I didn’t really like the Star Wars event yeah it wasn’t anything too great or too yeah it was just it was very mid for sure very mid for sure in my opinion y the Cerberus Medallion is still there how are you I’m good Box 360 how are you doing today man Grant when will you be able to update your game um for the new update tonight like at I don’t know like 4:00 a.m. something like that got school tomorrow that’s hype Taco stay up for the update stream with [Music] me guys it’s the final update of this season tonight so you should stay up with your boy Grant why not you know why not Chad why would you not stay up yo what up it’s how you doing welcome same no school tomorrow let’s go Johnny hey update stream tonight’s going to be lit though update stream is going to be lit finally got the level 500 that’s actually insane what mouse are you using man I use a razor Huntsman tournament nope that’s my keyboard type exclamation one Mouse type exclamation One keyboard yeah there’s a ton of commands that you can use what the freak I missed oh my gosh why am I goated with the AIM thank you bro like I needed that I needed that Chad my sniper hits are hitting right now Chad we’d love to see it the sniper hits are hitting bro yes we love that scope nice I might take the SMG actually can you carry me to Unreal bro I’m not even in unreal so you know how would I carry you to Unreal when I’m not even in unreal finally got my 20th Crown win nice nice That’s hype actually yeah you just got to make sure you get to level whatever chat got to make sure you get to level like 100 at least you know get the full battle pass I can’t believe this hasn’t been taken yet this is wild right Chad how has this not been taken yet should I go for it I guess I don’t know there’s got to be what so sused out bro there’s just no way I guess I’m going for it nah man there’s no way I get this there’s no way someone’s going to fight me for this in a second I just don’t believe it [Music] wait hold on hold on I see someone in the way back maybe coming this way y there it is it’s just it’s honestly predictable like you can you can tell when you know you’re going to have to fight for it all right yo Box 360 welcome on in brother how you doing but at least we got this guys that’s huge you know what I mean type one if you agree right that’s that’s huge that’s huge bro glad we got that barely and now we can be on our way we can fight that guy in a second here but let’s try to go Zone we should be ey yo foxy what’s up how we doing gnarly what’s good as well how we doing today gnarly um I’m just trying to perceive Cameron what do you mean by that yes sir Mikey how are you doing bro hey good morning good morning hello Mikey keep the Epic gatekeeper cuz it yeah someone said keep the Epic cuz it has five shots you’re right but I don’t know I don’t know if that makes it worth it over a Mythic you know yeah I’m all right that’s good to hear Mikey cold the underground will replace the Wasteland did you know that I will be replaced with Wasteland I mean I don’t doubt it considering that’s the the theme or whatever wait Eagle why are you downloading fortnite again wait what for why what reason what you mean by that I’m spreading fertilizer right now watching your stream [ __ ] hey hey I need you to come spread some fertilizer over in my yard man what did you just drink I’m drinking g-fuel man our proud energy drink sponsor on the channel why am I why am I doing that I I don’t know I don’t know why I’m doing that chat you uninstalled fortnite for GTA 5 a that’s crazy nah that’s crazy lad oh my gosh man I want to get rid of chwaca like you bro you bro like how just he there’s no way there’s no way he just hit that chat did he just quick K me I think he did did he just do it to me I think he did he’s crazy I got to kill that guy 100% I got to kill that guy but I can’t believe he just did that I hit him for 87 and he just freaking quick soap me in the face he’s like that he’s really like that chat he’s really like that need some health yeah fact tomorrow chewbaca will be gone I’m excited for that but he’s so cute at the same time that like I don’t want him to go but Chewbacca’s so cute man but he’s got to go yeah he’s so annoying to fight it’s so bad man it’s so [Music] bad I don’t know if I’m getting shot by an actual guy or not this is not good chap this is not good it’s not good wait are am I excited for Despicable mi4 when is that happening is that soon I can’t fight this with with my health chat I cannot fight that I don’t know what to do guys I need more help yo I’m back yo welcome back Wayne hopefully that guy goes and lands on him what the heck is that yeah that one cat just ran oh over him bro if I’m killing that cat chat I need Shield bro I need Shield so badly yo what’s up Andy row how we doing today welcome Andy guys we’re five likes away from 1.2 by the way five likes away from 1.2 so if you guys could drop a like I would really really appreciate it um it would help out so much even if you’re on the YouTube short stream I don’t know if you guys know how to drop a like but you hold down your screen for 2 seconds and the like thing will pop up and you just got to hit the like button would help out a ton I think I want the three medkits though right or the two medkits hi gr just subscribe to your channel thank you Harmon and again in 11 minutes we’re hoping to get our next stage for for uh the fortnite what is it called Chad I actually we should probably call it by its name but the mini live event has a name and I forgot the name something Sports is the name I wonder if anyone in the chat knows but something sport yeah same here James same here I thought the Titan hand was really cool and I think they have a lot of potential to do even better than that so I’m I’m definitely super excited man guys think there’s someone down here yes yes yes yes yes all right that was actually really nice guys three chug splashes as well not bad not bad I really don’t want to waste these I might try to hold him EA Sports no not EA Sports I do like EA Sports though WEA Sports how many medallions do I have I just have one this one cat person though is really really good yeah I just got another kill with an SMG CH what do I carry here yeah I guess I’m going to carry the Chug splashes there’s still a medallion guy though that could help us there’s still another guy left so hopefully um we can double team him of some sort I like the video thank you I appreciate that a there’s another big pot actually I got to go to Zone I I have no idea match no idea how many dubs today Grant again uh I think I said I we have eight wins today guys eight wins eight W’s for the longest time we only lost one game today but it’s gotten a little bit more sweaty of course as the day goes on it gets a it gets a little bit more sweaty for sure all right 9 minutes we need to wrap this game up fast regardless if we win or lose guys um because the mountain Olympus thing is getting getting a little bit toasty over there man getting a little toasty well see that was just wasn’t worth it trading with him like that is just not it bro I can’t lie [Music] where is this at man where is this at maybe it’s down below yo I ran into the jackpot guys let’s go kind of not really I think I got to pop my chug splashes guys I really don’t want to do this but I might have to uh can you show us the battle pass for the brand new season we don’t really know everything yet the only thing we know is uh the only thing we know is like one battle pass skin crap dude Chad how did I not get any Shield out of there does this chick heal me I don’t think she does does she someone asked why I don’t stream on Twitch um I just have a lot of chats going on maybe one day but yeah for now at least I only be live on YouTube and Tik Tok does this person Heal Me chat I don’t really want to waste my yo big dubs man big dubs in the Stream big dubs in the Stream man your NPC does Splash you thank you Bley thank you okay we’re good we’re good we’re good can win this I was hoping she would follow me but maybe not does she Splash again if I need it come on Splash Splash please it’s been like 2 minutes right yeah every so often she does will she do it again even if I don’t take damage though I like this chick man I like this chick I like this chick okay we’re good this a sweaty in game bro it’s a sweaty end game why did you just say got storm Zone pulls so far oh my gosh it might pull around wait Chad do you think I can go this way around the storm I don’t know I I have a second though let’s see if it allows me to go that it really doesn’t bro look at these dudes man look at these dudes I have a lot of shock waves too which is nice yo what’s up daxon how you doing four people remaining guys four remaining yeah get them AI get him show them what’s up bro show them what’s up what the heck this guy’s building a lot chat above me I feel like he’s wasted a lot of mats I could be wrong but me having the is that like my NPC or another NPC we got this chat nice and easy terrible idea what the three grants so bad oh my I lost sh I lost why did I do that oh my gosh I can’t believe I did that I cannot believe I did that I cannot believe I I just I choked chat I choked so hard man I choked so hard bro but other than that very well played other than the choke GG’s man if y’all enjoyed that bro hey hit that like button if you guys haven’t already subscribe if you guys are on YouTube Follow if you guys are on Tik Tok what a game man what a game GG’s GG’s uh hi Grant it’s my birthday today yo Danielle happy birthday thank you for watching um we got one of our final fortnite updates tonight of the season so that’s pretty cool that you have that kind of on your birthday that’s pretty cool um I gotta ready up here really quickly guys I want to catch up with the chat because I know I was very very um locked in and focused there but we have 2 minutes until it is um 1 p.m. EST so we’re going to hop in really quickly and see we’re going to hop in you got so many dubs today no worries Grant facts that’s true that’s true I can’t win every game right I can’t win every game and there was definitely one earlier that I had like zero materials that I probably should have lost so you know it’s a give and take you know some games I’ll clutch up some games I won’t GG’s man so good uh yo what’s up Liam how are you doing today welcome Liam um whoever’s birthday it is tell them I said Happy Birthday yo Shane on the Tik Tok chat says happy birthday um whoever whoever said it was their birthday I got you all right guys here we go just in time we got 50 seconds until it is noon here guys almost almost Chad let me do that perfect all right here we go man here we go almost noon almost noon uh Grant fake leakers for real is saying that katos is coming tonight without the Levi an axe I I don’t know I man I haven’t like given up on katos but like you know I don’t believe anything that anyone says to be honest I have no idea do I play Call of Duty uh I do not know all right so if you missed it guys in 4 seconds it is noon in 4 seconds it is now noon ladies and gentlemen it is now noon or 1: p.m. EST sorry not noon noon was 1 hour ago and if you’re just tuning in again we have different stages of the whatever this event is um happening so at 11 p.m. or 11: a.m. guys we got these clouds here covering with lightning um but we didn’t get anything at noon let me see what Twitter is saying really quickly before we hop into anything but yeah check it out guys make sure to follow fmbr tracker I’ll now be posting all stages and oh I’m definitely going to follow follow let me turn on post noties as well okay let me do that um stage three of the mini live vent is now live the clouds have become more darker and lightning is more active now starting to thunder wait so when was this posted 31 minutes ago guys we got stage three I told you guys remember y’all were asking me you were like Grant nothing happened I told y’all though stage three did get activated I guess facts dude Eric it probably did honestly wait is there an update um Shane the update’s tonight man it’s tonight was that noise um do I have a Discord server we do man type exclamation point Discord y’all should definitely join man definitely definitely join um the community Discord server it’s good time what’s up Katie how you doing today welcome Katie but yeah thundering lightning going on so on and so forth getting the clouds we did already it really doesn’t do much but I mean I can do it again though fortnite chapter 4 season 2 Titan hand yeah Titan hand was awesome so I’m hoping this mini live Vin that’s happening this season obviously we’re in the early stages right now if you were to relate this to the Titan hand the stage that we’re on right now it’s like when the Titan hand was remember when the when the freaking volcano was just even like making a a thing to go up type one if that makes sense yall remember the Titan hand when it was like this like barely you could barely see it out of the ground that’s the equivalent to what stage we’re on right now like we’re that early in the stages um with this Mount Olympus thingy migy so we’re not not very far along but you know it’s cool to see though and for the people that have not seen the cloud situation let’s go up here that’s cool it’s pretty yeah it’s pretty cool Tyler it’s pretty cool I hope there’s some Community something you know what I mean I want an attack on Titan season that would be insanely cool that would be so lit but yeah right now I’m in the clouds guys and if you missed it as well I’m new to the community what’s up comic how you doing if you missed it as well guys this is what’s supposed to happen eventually um like in early piece is [Music] I think I think that’s going to kind of be you know when the the Titan hand like puffed out does that make sense I think that’s kind of what it’s going to be like um fortnite season 3 buildup Mount Olympus statue stage one is live dark clouds are forming around the top of the mountain with lightning sparking within the Rays of the light are also now blue instead of gold there’s some good looks at it man yeah so this the light as you guys know was gold and now it’s blue so yeah um Grant hypex leaked that something about katos is coming before the new season we’re talking about chapter 5 season 2 over chapter 5 season 3 yeah I don’t know when that’s actually going to happen though wow you literally can’t even see my character right now what’s up cool how you doing today welcome cool yeah that’s it w that was really loud Tyler good morning hello Tyler do you have any questions though man you have any questions let me know in the chat do you guys have any questions any question questions in the chat so the only issue is though the Titan hand we kind of knew oh yeah let me show you the battle pass skin that got leaked as well do the Zeus lightning emote in the clouds that would be actually really cool I like that here’s what the sandstorm is going to look like Chad look at that man bro that is going to be lit can y’all imagine just looking off in the distance and there’s a sandstorm just coming your way that is going to be really cool so hopefully in the next couple days we have more information obviously we’re on stage three right now hopefully the leakers tell us exactly when everything’s going to happen you know so we can plan a little bit but right now every hourish new things are forming but we don’t know specifically like timing wise yeah team team fluff that’s a great question is the Water Rising yeah apparently the water is rising near the Paradox box apparently uh guys what to expect in tonight’s update we’ll be streaming it live end of Star Wars event Yoda unv vaed Yoda unv vaed and not and not even more after this update our next stop is season 3 May 24th yes and not even more I don’t know what that means but interesting uh stage one of the mini live vent is now live yeah this was stage one if you missed it wait Did we actually get to see it any skin leaks for the next for next week you know of uh not the moment Tyler update stream tonight though I’ll be going over everything so make sure you guys come out to the stream like later I’m not ending this one by the way I’m just saying yeah stage one you can kind of see the lightning in the in the gray clouds but that was stage one so that was like at 9:00 a.m. guys or 10:00 a.m. and now we’re already to this so it’s moving kind of fast like you know a little bit uh what stage are we on we are in stage three guys stage three up and cominging Sandstorm for the season 3 buildup we did look at that um so battle pass skin you guys wanted to see that real quick here is the battle pass skin that we now that now is confirmed confirmed um let me know what you guys think W or L let me know I think it’s pretty cool but let me know what you guys think let me know we love to see it I agree right you got to think though as well guys your thank you VR for the $2 donation I’m new to this live because I like your stream thank you thank you so much um you you got to think oh you got to remember though guys that skin right there is a survey that’s a survey so it will looks similar to that but it’s going to be you know more crisp and finished so that’s a survey skin though wait what do you mean by that Adam what you mean what you mean Mad Max Vibes Mad Max is pretty fire I think so survey skin what that means guys that is from the survey so it’s not completely like finalized it’s just a rough sketch but it’ll look similar to that sometimes they look even identical but a lot of the time like that’s just a rough sketch and it’s not finished but it will look very similar to that um but yeah and again guys this is we’re 11 days out right now I’m going to be live every single day okay y thank you Tyler thank you but yeah if you want to stay up to date with all of the event stuff going on and everything I’m live I’m Gonna Be Live every single day guys literally every single day okay yo what’s up Blazer how you doing what up Stacy as well how you doing what’s up Molly what up dark what up javar how you doing welcome on welcome guys welcome all right one second I am here I’m here I’m here I’m here I still feel like my throat feels kind of weird the under will be replaced with Wasteland did you know that I’m pretty sure I knew that I’m pretty sure someone told me that I think fortnite X One Piece ay W fortnite X One Piece man going to be sick Grant how’s your mother’s day uh Mother’s Day weekend it was good yeah my mom was very appreciative that I didn’t go home to stream and I stayed with her so I know that that meant a lot to her so I’m glad I was able to do that and so on and so forth was a good time what’s up James how how we doing welcome James hello hello hello all right perfect but I hope you guys had a great Mother’s Day weekend as well did you give her some g- fuel did I give her some G fuel my mother or who um no I did not give her any g-fuel oh let’s actually keep that chat um let’s see if if it’s every so often or every couple hours man you know maybe we could see something happen at 2:00 but nothing again guaranteed but we’ll see man we’ll see change this to two here I can’t believe I have to go to the pet store today and get rocks for my fish so annoying but okay so what do you okay in the chat really quickly what do you think what do you think it has more height or what do you think you’re more excited for do you think you were more excited for the Titan hand live event or this thing that’s about to happen what do you guys think honestly you might not be able to tell what kind of fish do you have I have a beta fish I would probably say yo National with the sorry for being late I thought I saw you earlier today Titan hand okay you might say Titan hand you might say Titan hand chat but I think Give It 2 days and this thing is going to be nuts bro I’m telling you I can feel it chat yo that streamer thank you for coming a member appreciate it man can we get some love in the chat for that streamer but give it two days I’m telling you guys with the sandstorm that’s going to happen and like it’s going to be very complex I think it’s going to be really really cool yeah facts right good boy Grant facts yo let’s get some love in the chat for the new member that streamer thank you and National with the $10 donation bro I thought you were here earlier but I could be wrong W that streamer yes sir man W that streamer I’ve been on this live for an hour thank you Henry for being here man I hope you’ve been enjoying hope you’ve been enjoying bro I’m not sure Fifi I will let you know though I will let you know I’m trying to see there’s a good amount of you guys online good amount of you guys just trying to see how many people are still playing fortnite or waiting for the new season what the heck no don’t run sir don’t run W gifted yo National with the one gifted as well thank you so much bro what a guy man what a flipping guy bro bro let’s freaking go National what a guy if you guys got gifted make sure to say thank you I don’t even know who just got gifted yeah I guess I am excited for the Star Wars stuff to be gone I guess I am excited now that I really think about it Chad I think I’m pretty excited for the Star Wars stuff to be gone happy n happy National Crouton day oh that’s wild I I actually love croutons man like if I get a salad bro I’m not leaving any croutons crout croutons croutons untouched man I love croutons they’re so crunchy and yummy favorite shotgun ever since day one ooh since day one favorite shotgun I don’t know who to shoot at bro I’m so freaking sad bro I don’t even have a Shotgun by the way these players are the definition of mid can I get a one in the chat if you agree bro there’s no way this guy’s real bro what is this guy Popp a med kit in front of me all right now I got a shotgun we love to see it all right that was interesting yo National with another Dono give me one moment here wait is ISO in the chat or did ISO get gifted wait what hold on hold on guys I got some wolves to take care of w ISO got gifted is ISO even in the Stream let’s go baby one second I got to read Nationals Dono as well all right okay what’s it to you guys what’s it to you wait wait wait wait yeah I didn’t even realize man I did not even realize dude Eric gifted 20 members Chad Eric gifted 20 guys that’s like Subs if you know on Twitch but on YouTube we do gifted members can we get a w Eric man 20 gifted yo Eric that is 40 gifted today out of my mans right Eric I think that’s 40 gifted no freaking way he you got that back bro what in the world why did I think that was one gifted did I say one I don’t even know ah bro that’s insane we really bring in the hype guys for the brand new season you know what I’m saying hey we really bringing the hype man we really bring the hype uh 75 thank you for the Roses by the way and the two roses after that thank you thank you I don’t even know what saying thank you so much Eric I don’t see Eric in the chat but I think that’s 40 today 40 gifted oh yeah leveling up baby leveling up baby and again national day of the five I was here earlier and said hi but I fell asleep again am I putting you to sleep man am I that boring Chad am I that boring wait what did Wayne just sent me by the way what was that Wayne they got the god tier movements all right let me reload chat let me reload God dang Francisco ch chill chill Francisco I got to reload I got to reload I got to reload he’s coming up the stairs all right we’re good A Gifted membership you may have missed amongst the 20 yo who else gifted a membership that streamer also gifted a membership as well bro let me see how many gifted members we’ve had today yo did I see Raptor in the chat oh my gosh what’s up Raptor how you doing how you doing how you doing my friend okay okay okay what I miss what I miss yeah that streamer with the gifted membership as well thank you guys 47 new members today can we get some W’s in the chat for that come on Tik Tok if you don’t know what that means that means like 20 new subs or 47 new Subs uh today 47 bro that’s insane we love it let’s get some W’s I have a pitchfork oh my gosh what for why we about to hit the 50 members bro 50 for the day oh my goodness we’ love to see it and W Eric for being the main gist of that and some others like that streamer I’m Jay man just ignore ignore my name right now well can I call you Jay is that cool I like I like just have a Jay that’s cool when’s the new update it’s tonight guys it’s tonight cuz tonight will be the night that I will fall for you hello Raptor what’s good how we doing hopefully we don’t have any inappropriate pictures in the update tonight we’ll try not to make that happen this time chat it was y’all’s fault truly it was y’all’s fault if you know you know if you know you know bro if you were here for the update stream last whatever that was if you know you know wait what um nothing guys don’t worry about it don’t worry about it it was like bam you know kind of thing that’s kind of how it was that’s kind of how it went wow wow what happened don’t worry about it actually I’ll tell you you know story time here we go hold on my dude’s getting wrecked my teammate’s getting wrecked no no no no no where’s my teammate at did he leave well he’s not even close what’s up bro how you doing what the freak who does that that seems like something Wayne would do that seems like something Wayne would do okay anyways so last update guys we stream all the updates as you know like during downtime and um during the last update you know I on Twitter and I look at leaks and stuff cuz like during downtime we’re we’re leaking the whole update and on Twitter there’s some you can find some you can end up on the wrong side of Twitter man there’s some no no pictures bro and no no links and stuff like that anyway if someone tagged me on Twitter they thought it would be funny to troll me so they tagged me on Twitter and I freaking right on stream bro right on stream it was right there man yeah it was uh it was not the not My Brightest moment can’t lie but anyways I’ve learned you know I can’t trust you guys we were we were having fun y’all were tagging me in pictures and stuff and then all of a sudden one of y’all thought it’d be real funny y’all thought it’d be real funny man SMH have you opened your gfuel package from gfuel yet Grant I’ve not cool beans we were going to do that at some point yeah um what the heck bro so there’s a there’s a crown team I don’t know where they are but what the freak I don’t like the scope oh they keep dropping their crowns man I need the crown before they die there’s a medallion team over here should probably get with my teammate good idea nashille with the one gifted was that nashal with two gifted cuz I think I just saw two people gift ooh baby a triple I didn’t mean to go towards y’all though let me get let me get some space man like Co bro 6 feet y I got guys in front of me that was not even close one of them left wait is that Kobe 16 let’s go and get rid of this guy like what the freak man bro I’m not trying to revive you right now dog ouch I’m good good yo National did National just gift another membership what a freaking guy dude look at these guys like what what am I playing against oh baby I love the way every day and I literally just like basically fall to my death so sick Grant I love when you do [Music] that I love when I basically fall to my death all right we’re good we’re good I don’t have a crown though so so what CH why do I not have a crown there’s still a team that has a crown and where are they yo Al is in the Stream uh-oh I can’t get that uh-oh can I even reboot my teammate let’s SK brother he’s got a crown full me yes W’s in the chat and now we win this ladies and gentlemen now we win this now we win this bro stole his teammates loot ah I borrowed it CH guys guys have you ever borrowed your teammate’s loot okay sure he died have you ever borrowed your teammate’s loot and then and then they’d be like give it back when you revive me of course I will I’m just borrowing it you know what I’m saying y’all never do that come on come on guys we all borrow our teammates loot what’s up Christian I’ve kept my teammates loot a few times yeah I feel you on that you know okay so I was going to what what the actual freak man I’m I I literally I don’t know what to say I don’t know what to say I don’t know what to say guys wait Chad is my my teammate making it out of the storm oh he is yo I got loot over here for you bro look at you got that big skin on with the ice in the back bro God dang type one if you love polar blars though like low key are polar bears okay like IRL chat are they extinct or like are they okay are polar bearers okay like I haven’t heard much about them but like I hope they’re okay look at all the ones oh we love poer bear they’re vicious for real are they really oh it’s a 2v2 guys 2v2 2v2 for the fortnite victory Royale what’s up bro how are you I’m good em Miss I hope you’re doing well they’re chill IRL polar bears what got scammed got scammed again [Music] okay how are you going to get your buddy down from there now you were not about just sit there revive what were y’all doing up there you silly goose no you’re not going to die I promise I promise I you’re in good hands you’re in good hands brother I got you oh yeah I I Will Survive oo come on Hey That’s my boy that’s my boy guys you know when you you know when like sports teams like like you watch in the NBA and they smack each other on the butt they’re like that’s my boy I gave him a little like that’s my boy uh Arch thank you so much for the ggs appreciate it yo Lucas what’s good how we doing yeah for sure Jamie of course man of course hey if y’all enjoyed that man hey smack that like button you know what I’m saying smack that like button subscribe if you’re new follow if you like fortnite let’s go baby let’s go what sport what sports is bro watching Chad you’ve never seen a sports player smack each other in the butt and say like let’s go nah come on yes or no have you ever seen that I’m about to look this up but I probably shouldn’t look this up I should probably bro you guys know what I’m if you watch sports man you know what I’m talking about like stop acting like I’m weird or something for like saying that NBA player smack butt smack butt yeah like this bro NBA hitting butt moment literally like this is normal chat it’s literally normal no one cares man is that what y’all say when I promote my uh my gfuel watch watch watch you see what he did did you see him smack his butt he smacked it again and they smacking each other’s butt bro it’s normal chat see they’re just smacking each that was a little I don’t know why they smacked each other’s butt so much but like usually it’s not that much but like that was kind of interesting I can’t lie I don’t know that’s literally just them bro I could pull up like a thousand clips of that happening but it’s kind of like a let’s go moment it’s like yeah good stuff man keep going hey did y’all watch the Kentucky Derby do you think that horse like nosey’s famous now the the horse that won you have so many Battle Stars I really do I need to use my Battle Stars growing the dash and beard no I just I got home we got home at like 12:30 last night and so I had to uh yeah I I didn’t have time to shave uh what’s the timer for guys we’re about to see the next um thingy migy the next thingy Miggy chat um here at 2 o’clock so there’s different phases for the live event guys and we’re hoping to get something that twoo so we’ll see Grant how much money for you to play with me guys I don’t I don’t do that like that I’m sorry yo J heyo hey yo heyo heyo all right I got to get to 380 Crown wins and then I’ll feel really good about myself clear search history Katie will check guys y’all no no chat no yeah maybe she would find that a little weird I can’t lie Grant why are you don’t worry I was showing chat don’t worry I that makes it even worse no don’t worry I was playing fortnite I don’t know what I could actually say to make that better I’m not sure but for real Grant how much wait what did you say Wayne that just got [Music] deleted you need 400 wins before the next season yeah we’ll get some 400 Crown wins we still have 11 days guys you know what I’m saying we’re at 379 now but we get a 400 man that’s easy work easy peasy so what is that three wait no we’re at 379 we’ll get to four hund though but for real Grant how much to play with you next game okay fine y’all asked guys okay if someone donates me $500 um between now and next game okay maybe I’ll play like a game with you okay but even if we lose you’re done you only get one game that’s my rate guys one game for $500 okay deal one game for $500 guys what is that like me working for that’s like 30 minutes $500 per 30 minutes wow it’s not even 30 minutes like 20 minutes play one game scam what dude I I’m waiting for the five someone’s going to someone’s going to do it chat just wait just wait don’t worry don’t worry guys $500 imagine Wayne are you saying I’m not worth that much now are yall just being rude am I not worth that much money I feel like I’m Priceless so that’s that should be nothing honestly I don’t know what y’all are trying to say but yo sounds good Marshall thank you for love man appreciate it y you better go the right way you went the wrong way actually maybe go to the supply drop bro twisting words like wait what Thunder yo what’s up noox Owens how you doing yo what’s up Ezra hello hello hi Grant what’s up J2 what’s up Tom fortnite y Wayne with the five said uh you said five right who’s going to who’s who’s going to tell him chat or okay yeah just all start yeah wow who’s going to tell him bro yo we got a $5 donation thank you so much thank you thank you Mr Wayne um I think I said 500 so you’re missing a couple zeros there but like I really appreciate your donations still thank you thank you oh that’s right I mean it is five with two zeros but I I I don’t I’m not mad at him though guys he’s from uh he’s from Europe he’s from uh the UK people in the UK are not the best maths you know what I’m saying it runs in the culture so I’m not surprised you know not surprised yeah I’m just kidding by the way what do you mean by that five more levels till 200 guys everyone drop your level in the chat right now yo like okay what’s going on man what the flip bro they won’t see me right here 32 wait 32 yes yes oh don’t you Gallop up here like you’re going to do something about it bro I can’t I’m not reloading yet yeah like who do you think you are bro sorry guys this guy’s reloading I mean what is he doing oh here’s what’s not about to happen I’m going to I’m going to I’m I’m going to get lightning again sorry Chad sorry oh sorry oh yeah I got him hey n what’s good girl are you doing wait now how you doing n thanks for joining appreciate you yo egg with the with the high in the streamer W Grant thank you that water level is definitely Rising by the chest I know guys if you missed it like we’ve had so much happen this morning you’ve really missed it dude the water level’s definitely risen type one if you agree type if you don’t think dude 100% dude that’s without a doubt like on jaw you know I don’t even know what on jaw means so if that’s something bad I didn’t even mean it I I promise is that something bad Chad I I don’t know what that means is is that something bad yes or no please someone let me know right now so I know is that look bad what’s up brother what up troll how you doing yes it is Bray that something bad or no it’s so bad what guys I didn’t mean it I don’t even know what it means yo Wayne and Natalie just are apparently like guys imagine being so rich that you can talk to each other in donation form like that’s freaking wild Wayne thank you for I don’t even know if I should say thank you you’re just talking to each other uh thank you for saying hi to Nat with the two and then Natalie thank you for saying hi to Wayne with the two as well guys this weekend my brother had a Chick-fil-A gift card and I was very tempted to steal it my little brother did it was only $10 and I was about to steal it and then my mom goes I was like you you wouldn’t think he mind if I have this right and then my mom goes Grant what are you doing you have lifer why why are you stealing your little brother’s gift card I’m like Mom dang dude put the freaking we bro someone why does he have so much health like I’m going to die in the sword cuz I don’t where’s your meat at oh my God bro like can’t with this dude bro and he just keeps shooting at me like oh my I’m throwing a mini at this man like a bro hold on guys give me a moment what’s lifer uh everyone get the hashtag ads coming in everyone started spamming the hashtag well funny you ask ladies and gentlemen let me tell you about the best delivery service on the platform I mean on the I mean on the on the world in the world ladies and gentlemen what is lifer no we’re not going to do that right now it’s okay I soon though I’ll tell you what lifer is okay it is actually lit though bro it is actually lit Ash as we throw in minis now yes Eric I am throwing minis out here throwing minis out here you don’t know what life for is that’s that’s what I should say or I should say the classic Nick 30 line it’s lifer it’s free wait what does he say about fortnite what’s fortnite fortnite what never mind I butchered it I forgot the way he said it guys we have 13 minutes on the timer by the way if you missed it if you’re just waking up every hour wait how’s that work today man face ping celebr gesture CBR gesture Wayne thank you for the two uh how’s your day Nat work today Wayne thank you uh Natalie with the two as well yeah Wayne I work today hash mik call out okay thank you for the two I feel like I’m in the middle of just best friend you know when you’re like you know when you’re like um you have two best friends chat and you’re like the odd one out and they’re just talking about something and you just don’t you’re just like trying to chime in but like you’re just sitting there that’s how I feel right now thank you guys for the donations um thank you appreciate you I’m I’m working right now too Wayne my day is going well by the way I’m here thank you for the twos appreciate you and you’re getting paid for it I see it as a win are you talking to me I see Natalie I can’t tell if you’re talking to me in the chat now I can’t tell because y’all are having your own convers was that direct was that comment TOS towards me I don’t know cuz I I’m not in the conversation what’s the timer for so guys if you’re just now joining look at the beaming light wait now it’s yellow it was just blue but you see the Thunder over there we’re on stage number we’re on phase number two right now we’re hoping to get stage three or phase three um very soon here so hang with me brothers and sisters hang with me what yeah yeah tag me like that please but we got stage two earlier we’re waiting on stage three guys we stage too um but yeah I it’s really cool if you’re just joining like yall saw that briefly right do you see all the Thunder and clouds now it’s it’s kind of crazy like what’s actually happening I came back at a perfect time like this didn’t happen yesterday did it like this happened this morning uh the last one we got was at 11:00 a.m. so I don’t know how often it is but yeah I’m glad I hit that balloon there I mean umbrella guys one of these days I’m going to I’m going to stand on an umbrella IRL and see if it bounces me like that you think it will work how many stages are there I’m not sure but if you guys remember the Titan hand live event we’re currently on like the beginning stages so if you don’t remember the Titan hand um in the you know the lava thing like went like that we’re probably like right here like it’s only the muffin top right now if that makes sense so we’re not on a very uh far stage right now it just started we still got a lot more to go for sure yeah and if you’re just joining bro I got to show you the sand all the videos that we have chat I need to God there’s so much to catch all up on so much happened this morning wait someone fill me in don’t worry Chad after this game I got you I don’t wor don’t worry you need to make sure you live stream that oh live stream me jumping on a freaking umbrella I should check out this Dragon Ball Z I mean Naruto g-fuel flavor come on now it’s good it’s good it’s real good I got these cans off the Tik Tok shop guys or my Tik Tok showcase if you guys want to check it out Eric were you the guy that asked me to add the hydration to the Tik Tok showcase by the way I did by the way if that was you I can’t remember but I did add it yo what’s up uh mirco Marco is that Marco hey what’s UPG hello hello if I have enough gfuel I’ll definitely bounce off the umbrella yeah probably probably right I was got you Eric well I added it brother just so you know I was thank you yes sir BR do you love me I love all you guys yes you should Lizzy you should sub to Phoenix yo is anyone else real in this game like what the flip man oh the timer what do we at 7 Minutes guys 7 minutes but look at that that all happened this morning guys we now have thunder and lightning it’s crazy 11 days out from the new season and we already have this mini live V avity bro I love it I love it man oh my gosh I’m so excited so like I said the last stage happened at 11 unlike the Titan hand we don’t have specific times for the actual stages so I don’t know when the next one’s going to happen y’all what do y’all think chat what do y’all think the next one’s going to happen like look at this bro it’s crazy crazy like I wish we had a specific like we know exactly I say the next one happened at 11 but stage three is live and that was at 12 but stage three wasn’t that big so I don’t really know there’s a medallion guy over here all right I need to lock in grabbing that all right Medallion guy what you got bro what you got let’s duke it out brother let’s duke it out he’s probably in one of those bushes no he’s not more lightning maybe well the clouds got more significant for stage three and apparently they said yeah more lightning or whatever but it just didn’t seem there was a bigger change from 1 to two to rather than two to three but yeah this guy’s definitely in here no he’s not where’s he at I got that Summertime Summertime Madness hello brother M I found you you just threw a big pot at me I thought you were my friend what that’s so rude bro he literally threw a big pot at me oh great there’s multiple of them all right I think I can kill these guys I think I can I think I can I think I can I can do it there’s three teams left there so there’s only two of them oh yeah eat that brother for breakfast lunch and dinner come on baby come on baby miss that’s okay breakfast lunch and dinner baby you’re not like that you’re not you’re not like that brother you’re just Gest Gest yeah yo Wayne thank you for the $2 donation I almost forgot happy birthday rosie no what I’m confused all right someone’s pulling my leg here and it ain’t me you know what I’m saying whose birthday is it it’s too bad you didn’t have shock wavs launch him into the storm facts but I do have meat so that’s always good right for some reason I have meat I don’t know why I have it but I have it I got the meat yet # arbs sponsor me we have the meat we have the meat where you at are you on oh yeah I hit this RB sponsors me I hit this we get B by Arby’s I can never do it I don’t know how to do it but I can never do it so sad uh everyone can hit these shots Grant but you I don’t know how they do it like it’s just right in front of me bro like ow what in the heck is happening today all right [Music] [Applause] let’s go hey I got to get into the thing report player who I report myself for being such a good-look streamer am I right guys am I right type one if you agree that I’m a good-looking streamer type two if you don’t think so type three if you smell really bad today somehow I don’t know how you’d smell so bad but let me know um two stupid kids what’s up how we doing today welcome did Grant just is it Rosie’s birthday I’m confused whose birthday is it happy birthday Rosie but she I feel like I would have known that like what all right we’re hoping for big money man come on fortnite give us something good here come on come on come on I don’t know why so many people smell about today but y’all need to fix that Chad have I told you guys about our beautiful sponsor Axe deodorant use code grx andt at checkout to smell good and win some fortnite games ashx partner no I’m just kidding that would be really cool though I need to be sponsored by a deodorant guys what deodorant company could you see Grant sponsored by Old Spice could y’all see me on one of those Old Spice commercials the one with the donkey or [Music] unicorn degree oh bro Old Spice has some crazy commercials they are wacky all right here we go wait oh oh something happened y’all saw that y y’all saw that right y saw that what what hey you you saw that you saw that wait what what happened his eyes his ey that was it his eyes he’s a high [ __ ] his eyes are now lit up chat yo his eyes are now lit up ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen wait who is this again this is uh Aries is he is this Aries Chad oh my gosh bro his eyes are now lit up wait is this going to happen today I feel like this is progressing really fast for um for this being day number one this is kind of progressing kind of fast like can I get a one in the Stream if you agree is this not going kind of fast how do we already have all of this stuff and it’s we’re still 11 days away like is it going to happen today like uh this is happening fast he looks really cool dude I wish I was on the ground so we could have seen that but now we know it does happen in the game so you don’t have to like leave and then come back and it changes it actually happens if you guys missed it as well here’s The Hourglass um really quickly here’s the hour class yo we’re two likes away from 1.4 on the YouTube stream drop a like if you guys could there’s The Hourglass is it every hour I don’t know guys what do y’all think so if you just missed it uh this hour chat the eyes now lit up and guys by the way we’re 11 days away if you’re new subscribe right now turn on post notifications if you’re new on Tik Tok hit the follow button right now your name will pop up right here ladies and gentlemen we’re going to be streaming every single day leading up until the new season so you don’t want to miss out I I was quite literally the king of the Titan hand live event some called me that okay some called us the king of the Titan Head Live event I covered the entire thing every day every hour it was crazy if you were there you’re lit if you were there dude someone is mowing the yard is that my yard the lawn Chad the lawn mower guy is in the back of my yard I didn’t even tell him to come maybe he’s is this part of the live V like I did not I did not tell him to come today but like did he even text me he didn’t even text me I okay okay he he’s he’s out here bro he need the money he just showed up to get a paycheck real quick he didn’t even tell me no I’m just kidding it’s okay I guess he’s a part of the live event okay bro what do y’all think is going to happen next hour like y’all think something’s going to happen I was here for the Titan hand that’s why I followed you yeah man it was it was really cool okay we just got a ton of stuff on on Twitter by the way let’s do that real quick okay y’all don’t want to watch that video it’s okay um Grant why can’t you mow your own lawn because I’m literally watching fortnite events chat uh the statue at Mount Olympus now has glowing eyes so this is what it started guys it might start to move in an hour from now wait the statue is going to move no way it’s going to move so that’s what happened that’s what we missed guys we were in the air but that’s what we saw okay let me set this for another hour here n bro this is wild this is wild man I’m excited bro I’m freaking this is more hype than the Titan hand event I’m going to call it guys this is only day one this is more hype in my opinion uh fortnite season 3 build up Mountain Olympus stage statue stage three question mark is now live I believe there’s no specific stages as such right now more of a constant progression from Gray clouds to flashing and now lightning bolts until we reach the max okay are youall ready for this though if you’re just joining we’re going to have an a sandstorm coming as well this is what’s going to happen I don’t know when but this is also going to happen right here I’m so excited man like sand is gonna take over the entire map that’s pretty cool bro we don’t just have a freaking Titan hand event like this is the whole entire map man it’s going to be crazy why are you looking at the leaks already I always do um I typically always do um we saw that that was stage two this is what we just saw I [Music] think bro we got to make sure we’re on the ground in 54 minutes I want to see it like Happ is it good adro what let me know okay [Music] so oh I think that’s Twitter still I was like what is happening in my game okay guys apparently the statue is going to move how is that going to happen apparently it’s going to move like what what how is that going to dang that’s today yeah Jack we did not expect this bro but all of this happened today from the clouds to the lightning and now to his eyes guys8 minutes ago his eyes started glowing 8 minutes ago so bro there is there’s a lot going on mate that’s crazy it’s crazy all right should we play another game but I want to make sure guys we cannot miss it apparently he’s going to move next we can’t miss it so I’m going to play like maybe one more game here but uh I want to make sure we don’t miss it yo type one if you’re excited for the new season let me hear it chat y’all excited type two if you don’t care but are we excited man this is crazy bro I did not think all this was going to happen today I just got back from Mother’s Day and like this couldn’t have been better timing I’m over this season yeah well again new update tonight Star Wars is gone and what’s the other thing happening tonight it’s the final update of this season but Star Wars is gone and I guess Avatar stuff maybe the water bending might be out of the game too but I’m not sure I need to change up my skin what are we wearing guys I’ve worn the same skin the whole entire day and I’ve we know we got nine wins with it so it’s about time we change up the skin do you think the event’s going to be lit I mean the buildup chat streaming this every day is going to be really really cool so yeah I can already tell like if there’s that this much hype on day one bro it’s going to it’s going to get wild we 11 I’m actually so down I’m so down chat I’m going this for the heck of it for the heck of it man but water bending is my friend wait so it’s not Rosy’s birthday I just want to establish that happy birthday somehow Rosie but you would have told me right I think happy birthday yo sounds good Alexa sounds like a plan let me uh get rid of this too okay perfect but yeah in 52 minutes guys apparently the statue is going to move so that is the next thing we’re going to look for what’s up Alfie bro how is someone not excited yeah how could you not be excited for a sand storm happening and the Airy statue moving as well how could you not be excited L lowy need a haircut before the new season W yo thank y’all for a lit day though man thank y’all for a lit day it’s been a lot of fun Rosie didn’t know didn’t want to be reminded of how old she’s getting wait is it actually your birthday I still can’t tell put up a timer I got you let me do uh yeah I’ll put up a timer for there as well 50 minutes guys 50 minutes sorry I don’t know what I’m saying 50 minutes just hyped chat just hyped dude I need some freaking food my birthday was December 12th see this is why this Wayne guy got to go Wayne be the type of guy nowadays to like be like Grant the servers are live man the servers are live you can play now yo what’s up KK how we doing guys if you haven’t already dropped a follow or dropped a sub make sure you do so right now we’re about to see the next stage in like 50 minutes is I need food though guys all I’ve had is half an energy drink and a peanut butter and jelly like four hours ago I should definitely order some lifer but I don’t like eating on stream I need some crackers peanut butter crackers yeah no sticks I have to get Subway I told you I’m going to keep my word stick you know I got to order Subway so I’ll do that today at some point whenever I do that why I can’t with these dudes chat still in my spot yo Tik Tok y’all mind doing me a favor if you’re on the Tik Tok stream y mind what’s your Subway order I I’ve really never had too much Subway but chat really wants me to try it it’s ongoing thing so I’m going to try a uh viewers suggestion if you’re on the Tik Tok stream by the way yo Tik tocker thank you for the one Rose zyro thank you for the 109 Roses by the way holy if you guys could go drop a like and comment the amount of frames you get on your account like how many frames do you get leave a comment on my newest Tik Tok it’s about frames per second kind of so my recent Tik Tok guys it has a PC as the profile picture or the thumbnail go drop a comment and let me know how many frames you get I’ll be reading all those after the stream yo Natalie than you the two # stinky smelly Wayne um I mean yeah I can curve I can curve thank you so much for a very amazing donation and message I’m right there with you couldn’t have said it better myself thank you so much all right perfect 46 minutes will the thing actually move in 46 minutes that’d be so cool 10 frames per second yo let me know in the chat as well I mean leave a comment on my newest Tik Tok because I’m going to read all those and I want to see what the most common frames per second is so my you know you can go check it out man my recent Tik Tok video but let me know in the chat how many frames y’all play on 60 I think 60 is going to be the main answer right 60 frames per second 120 oh I guess if you have the PS5 oh true wait let me see if people are commenting on that uhoh is there a guy on me 60 I see a lot of 60s I guess two frames per second that’s tough two frames per second like what two frames per second time me out then if you’re not stinky he wouldn’t dare he wouldn’t dare I have the Xbox series s is that new Raptor if you had that for a while I don’t know what I’m doing over here I just want to eat my peanut butter crackers to be honest but like oh my goodness I’m so good yo what’s up Duncan d diamond lobbies are way sweat sweater than Elite I don’t even know which one’s first diamond or which one hi Grant what’s up Eugene what up tval how you doing today welcome on in wait this already got no it hasn’t been taken I can’t believe I’m getting this before I’m getting the servers like why am I doing that yeah yeah yeah I mean they’re just out playing me right Chad they’re just outplaying me bro GG’s only you know I was the bot that had Aimbot GG’s only man h hold on hold on hold on guys hold on hold on guys all right we’re good we’re good guys we’re good we’re good wait you have Aimbot no I do not have Aimbot I wish I had Aimbot do you guys have Aimbot man that would be that would be kind of cool if I had Aimbot I forgot I had the pistol in my inventory should have kept that yo what’s up Javon how you doing today welcome Javon have you played zero builds yes of course I played zero builds I don’t play too often though what’s up Bill how you doing drip King what’s up as well or drip drip kid what’s up man uh troller what’s up as well what up troller I can’t right now troller but I’ll let you know I will let you know bro all right got a ton of materials now big pots as well we’re chilling man chilling wait guys guess who guess who just requested um a vinmo guys guess who just requested a vinmo someone just requested me $55 on vinmo guess who it was gu who it was me no Wayne no guys it was my yard guy my yard guy [Applause] I can’t believe it can’t believe it yeah Eric you guessed it I didn’t even tell him to go actually you know it probably looks amazing out there though it really does gr say hi to me what’s popping what’s good bro how you doing welcome bro really needs yeah not bad $55 yeah yeah yeah not bad I don’t have the biggest yard so like you you know it is what it is I guess all right where’ this guy go that has the freaking theme Miggy I don’t see him Oro sometimes he just doesn’t show up on the map hello love The Whispers yeah we love Whispering yes we do void we do yep so like we’ll have giveaways for tonight guys update stream tonight I hope yall are excited update stream tonight bro we might have gotten another leak by the way guys by the way the water level is rising um near the Paradox box water level is rising what’s up Joel how you doing are they over here hello only 30 Max because I PL switch Yeah they need to up that at some point I hope they do does switch have Max Graphics as well Chad like are the graphics like super good too they should put them on all those settings if you’re getting 30 frames if you’re getting 30 frames they should like have no Shadows no nothing oh is it oh wait never mind is it already low Graphics too and you still get 30 frames that’s it Grant hi what’s up Alby how you doing hello nor I saw these guys over here I don’t know if this guy’s got a medallion or not I don’t think he does I do not believe he does guys I do not believe he does where the heck did he go it’s like that for the for the O D2 and it sucks what is the what is that o e yo ntional thank you so much again for the love man I appreciate it uh what is the T what time is the update tonight I mean it hasn’t been announced but it’ll be at like 3: or 4:00 a.m. probably most likely 4:00 a.m. like if I had to put money on it it’s probably 4 a.m. I don’t know where I just got shot from oh there he is he’s just saying hi that was crazy wait he’s not even carrying a shotgun chat he dropped his shotgun is he going to pick that up bro he he’s going two SMGs wait what there’s no way bro he’s not even carrying a shotgun what bro I want to see his next fight he’s got every medallion you sir you I don’t know man I don’t know Chad what in the world dude he dropped the Mythic shotgun he’s got all four medallions I never accuse people of cheating but dude is this sus yes or no Chad yes or no is this sus yes or no I think this has got to be a little sus I’m going to eat a peanut butter and cracker to celebrate bro I’ve never seen it before I you just standing still I know that was an AI I know that was an AI CH but no one does that no one does that I’m telling you bro bro what in the heck what’s that oh my God man bro I think he cheated on me what do y’all think I think you cheated man I never died that way like I’ve died to a good SMG aim when he rolled up on me chat he literally dude I don’t know that was weird in the the way he shot the one guy from like 8,000 yard away and didn’t even aim in oh this guy name is skib what nah bro what he did to me chat what he did to me this has got to be a little weird right I don’t know I’ve never seen someone do that I’ve never ran into a cheater as well like I’ve ran into someone that like I think is cheating or like I don’t know I guess I don’t want to accuse him I feel like he was though i’ never seen that before fresh in the chat just said I don’t think that was cheating again I don’t want to accuse him either fresh until I know but like dude did you see the way he shot the one guy in the water like from 80 billion yards away dude it was weird I swear it was weird like I don’t know it was a little weird man and then he dropped his Mythic shotgun and only carried SMGs I don’t know man but maybe not Maybe not maybe not again I I hate when streamers like accuse someone of hacking you know I hate watching streamers that are like that call everyone hacking they’re like it’s hacking he hacking but that was weird dude I died so fast to an SMG that was it I know right Eric and then he stood still and his name is skibbidy or whatever the heck that name is CH I don’t know man is what it is I guess it is what it is I guess man it is is kind of cool like I don’t like I think it’s kind of annoying dying to cheaters whatever but when I I feel like seeing a cheater is so rare that like I don’t know it’s kind of cool Chad it’s kind of cool obviously I don’t like it cuz I don’t like dying like that but I’m I’m going to die and I die to a cheater I rather die to a cheater than a freaking better player than me to be honest like I rather die to a cheater I guess he died trying to disable his aim mod bro Bud had like 20 kills already too that guy was going nuts anyways um well that happened 32 minutes guys until it is 1 or two or 3 p is it about to be John is it about to be 3 p.m. we are about to see it man happen again if you’re just joining we are looking out for stage number four of the live event action there’s a lot going on today guys a lot going on it’s crazy the amount of stuff going on is absolutely wild no it’s 7:30 p.m. um no it is definitely not 7:30 p.m. can I say hi to you what’s up Sean yeah there’s no in between Queen man that guy either had a I just hit my desk ouch that guy either had a better gaming chair than me or he was cheating there’s no in between there’s no in between guys he either had a better gaming chair or he yeah you know it was cheating yo what up the goat how you doing today welcome how do you not rage after that I don’t know man I don’t know I have all you guys in the chat you know what I’m saying I donated well if you did Thomas it’ll pop up here in a second then I can read it man thank you so much if you did the only reason I don’t think he was cheating cuz cheats look way better than that really way better than that fresh how can you get any better than that he literally hit every shot that I saw like how can you get better than bro I hate to see cheating if that wasn’t cheating that was wild oh God I somehow don’t have a weapon but that’s okay these are just Bots hello hey guys I’m just going to come on through here don’t mind me hey he hey he y y y y yay I have no more ammo is it like easy to download Aimbot by the way guys like obviously I’ve never been involved in that process like is that easy is it easy to like hack fortnite what’s up Sky what up Skyler what up Liam what’s up guys hello hello welcome on in you got to pay for Aimbot asking for a friend hey guys is it like easy to hack fortnite like I’m just asking for a friend let me know sadly yes really I feel like I don’t run into too many cheaters so like I is it really that easy cuz like I don’t really run into too many cheaters does that mean just the whole fortnite Community is just like W’s cuz if if it were that easy I feel like I would run into so many but I feel like I don’t R why’d you not report him I mean I could have but like I don’t know if that really does anything does it maybe it does wow wow wow wow clearly I may be the one hacking by the way if you can’t tell if you can’t tell I may be the one hacking yo what up I love how you doing today welcome on in W4 facts Lando W4 night what if skib is just a pro and not cheating facts you know that’s why I don’t want to ever accuse anyone but maybe just a pro and maybe maybe he was just testing out the SMG meta you know what I mean two SMGs and a sniper you know cuz that kind of is the meta these days you know SMGs are really good I’m sure that’s what it was was but I feel like I’m not crazy to think that like Chad type one if you agree that like most streamers I feel like if they saw that they would be like he’s hacking right like I just want to make sure I’m not crazy like right like Mo I’m pretty sure most people would see that and be like I feel like he’s hacking I don’t think I’m out of pocket for thinking that right I hope not yeah Wayne just types seven you know okay if it was a cheater he was testing it out in pubs oh my gosh what if he’s a pro player that’s testing out cheating for the next FS oh my gosh I should have added him that’s what I should have done should have added him Chad why not Adam SK what’s up Elliot how you doing ninja would have reported that guy a thousand times n you right all right let’s be honest here guys have you ever hacked fortnite yes or no let’s take a team vote have you ever hacked fortnite yes or no come on be honest guys that includes XP Glitches okay ah here come the yeses rolling with those XP Glitches uh-huh yeah here come the XP glitchers one second guys one second one second I got to get this real quick all right perfect I played with cheaters that does that count you played with cheaters I have not um play with the cheaters have I ever done an XP glitch I mean I I feel like I have but that’s not like the worst thing in the world is it an XP glitch like when an XP glitch is in the game that’s that that even really count as hacking I feel like n that’s not that bad yeah facts man hacking takes the fun away but I will say if that guy was hacking last game it’s like bro that would be you feel so Invincible like that guy was just that would that would be crazy to like do that it would but again not a great idea don’t do it guys bad idea but like God that’s so crazy season 3 is in June guys uh the next fortnite season is May 24th but we’re 11 days away and we have the mini live event happening right now wow this thing’s still here should I go get it I feel like I should I feel like I should get it man it might take a hot minute though so this might not be worth it GRE you say hi to me what’s up Sean shauk hello hello hello hello hello man almost 500k I know Charlie guys if you’re new drop a sub man Drop Rob sub what’s up Phantom how you doing today welcome Phantom hello hello what’s up forite how you doing one second guys [Music] please oh jeez I’m going to die BR that’s crazy oh that’s so crazy chat that’s so crazy ah should I grab the Mythic SMG yall are going to hate me if I don’t and The Medallion probably need that oh my God I’m going to die I’m going to die Chad I’m going to die there’s got to be some bandies down here yes all right we’re good yo uh Andrea thank you so much for the $2 donation I appreciate it Liam thank you for the rad by the way again thank you guys uh we have 21 minutes until the next hopefully stage um if you’re just joining we’ve been streaming the entire day since 7:30 in the morning what’s up Danny good morning good morning and yeah so guys today was the first day of like actual movement for the live event or the mini live event so if you go over to Mountain Olympus the eyes of Aries are now lit up with some Thunder and there’s also a ton of clouds or yeah ton of dark clouds and lightning going on and yeah apparently the next step is Aries the statue moving so I don’t know if that’ll happen now or what we don’t really know exactly how often the stages happen but one just happened the last hour so yeah thank you all for being here man appreciate it how long you been streaming since 7:30 Lando 7:30 730 lad best play and streamer thank you bro appreciate it time to get off and have you playing been playing all morning do I have a good scope I mean I’ll take this I guess not bad what’s up Manchester how you doing I’m only level 367 sadly that’s that’s pretty good man that’s higher than me higher than me guys yo what’s up Penguins what’s going on in fortnite last time was was was on was floor is lava um yeah we’re about to get the new season man in 11 days so yeah but yeah you can kind of see it over there now but yeah there’s now clouds and the statue the eyes of the statue are lit up it’s kind of interesting all right hopefully we can clutch up here chat wonder if there’s three of them just wanted the crown okay perfect I didn’t get the crown actually all right we’re in business guys I think it’s just this home boy right here I think I think it’s me and this dude bro that might be my edit honestly all right W’s in the Stream chat W’s in the Stream uh W gr you got this thank you egg I appreciate it thank you egg now seven remain guys seven remain glad there’s only two though that made it a lot easier uh what’s up Ed Jason with the 100 roses thank you Danny with the heart me as well and Matthew with the two roses thank you guys I appreciate it what’s up Titan how you doing today welcome Titan and Jason with the game controllers thank you oo okay there’s people with medallions over to my side over here four teams left it’s kind of a lot of teams actually what update’s coming guys the final update of this season is tonight uh the final update and then we have the new season on the 24th or whatever something like that what up Max what up Divine what’s up guys thank you for joining what’s the timer for uh if you haven’t been here today guys we have have a mini live event starting and so we’re on stage like number three of that happening oh okay oh okay okay bro what is he doing no bro I’m sorry guys I’m sorry I’m sorry I choked I choked I choked I choked man I went back for the fight I should have just I should have just taken my time CU I was kind of low man I should have gotten my finish or waited for that I’m sorry guys I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry uh streaming the mini event as oh perfect Galaxy let’s go man um facts Jaylen facts yo Jason thank you again man 60 ggs and the game controller as well thank you so much man appreciate it thank you thank you thank you people be phasing and shooting through walls it’s annoying I mean yeah but that that was my bad guys that was my bad you know no excuse there bro GG’s facts bloody fish facts man facts bro hey it’s okay though guys GG’s only uh what’s up Nick Nas how you doing welcome Nicholas I’m not at the moment uh Skyler no not at the moment Lightning’s op at the end game lightning I don’t know I mean if you have a medallion man you can kind of avoid everything it’s pretty easy to avoid what’s up Owen I saw both both of them phase through your wall and shoot through it’s kind of uh kind of buddy not going to lie It games yeah I mean it is what it is though I should have been a little bit more protective yo what’s good Nathan how you doing uh what’s good Grant I’m back yo welcome back Nathan how you doing welcome back oh no worries yo OG welcome back man hello hello guys you’re just in time we’re hopefully we’re hopefully getting the next stage here for the uh fortnite Live Events here the mini live event if you missed it we have already H we’ve already had two stages here um let me show you guys if you missed it but yeah if you missed it guys here was the second stage or the third stage actually that we just saw what’s up [Music] pton so yeah his eyes are now lit up [Music] so fa Rosie GG’s GG’s gr excited for the event I am for sure Jaden so we just got that and then this Sam storm Sandstorm as well happened so a couple different things what’s your favorite skin um probably the wild cat or the 11 skin I really like the 11 skin as well oh got you egg what’s up Mr Focus how you doing so the Sam stor Sandstorm is not here yet but that is happening very soon this was stage number one actually so this was like we’ve been streaming the entire day guys as you can see there’s no gray clouds or anything that was stage one and we are all the way up to stage three now so yeah yo what’s up Isaiah gray hello hello welcome on in I hope next season is good because the weapons this season are absolutely buns bro I didn’t mind these this season’s weapons do y’all really not like them I really didn’t mind yo what’s up chips how you doing uh I’m Dora thank you for being in the chat as well what up I’m Dora hello hello me get the timer back thank you Zumba thank you thank you what up Andreas 13 minutes so we’ll try to rotate over as you can see now that’s what it looks like the beaming light is now blue instead of yellow as well so yeah beaming light is also different as well yo um champ thank you for the love you gifts thank you and Andreas thank you as well what’s up Peak but again we don’t know how often these happen so in 13 minutes we could see another thing happened but you don’t we don’t really know they’ve happened just randomly like I guess one happened at 11 and I don’t think we really saw I guess we saw something at 12 we saw something at 1 yeah I guess they’re now that the eyes have been activated I think it kind of happens every hour apparently the statue is supposed to move next Grant did you build your own computer need tips cuz yours run so smoothly I did not I just got mine off of Amazon but um I’m about to set up here my Paradox uh computer if you type exclamation point p PC in the chat you can save a little bit of money using paradox’s website too um definitely check it out man X PC or check out my recent Tik Tok video about it as well because it runs so smoothly man um I don’t have the command on TiK ToK by the way only on the YouTube streams where you can type exclamation point PC yeah Paradox sent me a free PC man and if you’re on a budget you know you can when you build it you can like you know determine what you want to get based on your price point yes sir Checkmate yes sir bro yes sir oh hello I’m man dead all right I want to make sure we have 11 minutes guys I’m going to try to get this and then rotate I’m going to try to rotate over to the new spot to see the event happen we’ll try to see it in game I guess guy real bro what are this are these his homeboys I don’t even know bro this this my man’s homeboy I think they are Chad I think they are well even if we die here um we can just head over the thing I guess yeah I didn’t expect to win that I guess I I didn’t this is what it is man is what it is Yo gamer 26 what’s up man how we doing today gamer 26 hello hello uh um I left after the eye glow what happened guys that was our last thing so that was an hour ago the eye glow so next guys um apparently the statue is going to move now again I don’t know what time that is we’re about to see here um we’ll just load into a regular custom match but I don’t know man I don’t know we’ll see I’m so excited I am too man I’m very excited this has been hey it’s been truly so much fun getting a ton of Dubs for you guys this morning and seeing all this stuff so again we’ll be we’re live every single day you know what I mean every single day checking this out so if you guys want to come back man um you know we’re 11 days out from the new season and we’re doing this every single day man every single day how many dubs today we have eight wins today uh since 7:30 so pretty solid I wanted to get to 380 Crown wins but I’m kind of running out of steam here but yeah eight wins today what Jamie um Grant why can’t I see the eye glow I don’t know maybe they removed it but I’m pretty sure if I land here it is I think um it should be in the game I see it what’s up Alex the eyes are glowing now yes they are they are yo Abel what’s up how we doing today Carlos what’s good as well what up Carlos um Stephen what’s up how you doing Stephen good morning good morning but yeah it’s really crazy man so we got if you weren’t here last hour we got something so we’re hoping to get something this hour um which is in 7 minutes guys second seven minutes hey thank you so much Aiden I appreciate that thank you Aiden much love dude yo DJ thank you for subbing appreciate it DJ Dino thank you for the sub as well Brian thank you for subbing as well appreciate it guys thank you thank you thank you the next order of business though is the eyes well we got the eyes glowing is the statue moving apparently it’s going to move next go see The Hourglass I got you yeah but there it is if you missed it guys the eyes are now glowing what are you drinking I’m drinking some g- fuel man our proud sponsor on the channel but yeah here’s the hourglass and here’s the eyes glowing [Music] such a big fan thank you flame I really appreciate that thank you flame that means the world love your light thank you Paisley thank you I really appreciate that I subscrib thank you I appreciate that gaming thank you thank you thank you Abel what’s up how we doing today Abel yo Eric just gifted 10 more members on the YouTube short stream guys that is 50 gifted from Eric today can we get some hearts in the chat for Eric oh my gosh man Grayson got gifted fortnite family uh Quincy Abel thank you guys so much for being here but say thank you to Eric on getting Gifted Man thank you thank you thank you so freaking much Eric thank you thank you thank you all right well we’ll see if we get something here again I don’t know how often this is really happening we got something what last hour so apparently the next thing is the statue moving we’ll see if it happens the statue moving is what’s happening next yo what’s up Bowen how you doing today welcome Bowen hello hello will The Hourglass mean when stuff happens I don’t well whenever the hourglass is empty I think is when the next season is or whatever but other than that I don’t really know the significance new sub alert thank you AB thank you but yeah the lightning and everything is getting much stronger for sure thank you again Eric for the freaking gifted both the steam are finally the same time now what do you mean by that has this all happened today yeah this this literally chat all happened today um bro that’s so loud what the heck Chad that is so loud why is that so loud yo Eric thank you again for the gifted brother I really really appreciate it sir I can’t see the eyes yo on in your game chat can you see the eyes yes or no glowing can you see them glowing hey get I’m back what’s up Kelly welcome back hey Grant the website is legit I can pay monthly so that’s a dub wait for what KT what yeah y’all can okay people are saying yes in the chat yeah my my eyes are glowing hopefully I pull Zone by the way let’s hope yo city with the three months yo Grant you’re my favorite YouTuber keep up the amazing work have a great day and can’t wait for 500k keep it up yes sir man if you’re new drop a sub you’ll see your name right here or right here as well drop a sub if you guys are new it is about to be 3 p.m. guys 3 p.m. last hour like I said we got the eyes glowing so I do not know what’s going to happen this hour I do not know man I do not know yo not Colby they you the high Bears and the Roses appreciate it pretty sure I buy most of them anyways Rosie wait for w # get Grant to 1 mil yo facts man if you’re new drop a follow on Tik Tok and drop a sub on YouTube if you’re new um something’s going to happen CU it’s thundering I mean I don’t yeah I don’t know it’s not guaranteed but yeah I think something’s going to happen personally yeah but yeah we’re tracking the entire mini Live Events every single day chat so um every single day of this week come back to the streams we’ll be tracking it every day so definitely drop a sub or drop a follow if you’re new you’re not going to want to miss it leading up until the new season we got two minutes guys two minutes yo Ryan with the one gifted as well let’s go Ryan oh my goodness thank you so so much kto got gifted from Ryan thank you so much man so many gifted today bro it’s actually insane W Ryan Yes W Ryan man W Ryan yo Ethan thank you for following appreciate all the new follows popping up man thank you guys thank you what’s up Joseph I’m new here what’s up Joseph hello all right 1 minute and 40 seconds I’m confused why is no one in the lobby guys I’m in a custom game I’m in a custom game hi Grant what up I am fade what’s up bro all right here we go ladies and gentlemen here we go lad here we go here we go here we go here we go yo Fox with the five says hello uh it’s been a while how are you doing amazing Fox amazing doing well it’s been an awesome mother Mother’s day yesterday and we’re back at it again fair warning content warning guys I’m just streaming it obviously we got something last hour I don’t know if it’s every hour so if nothing happens don’t be mad at me we got something last hour but I I’ve we don’t none of the leakers know how often it happens or whatever so um but the eyes started glowing last hour so the next thing is the statue moving a little bit so see if anything happens let’s see if something happens when is the sandstorm going to start whenever the lightning and stuff all happens all right 20 seconds here we go I told you guys guys all right it is officially 3:00 right now 3:00 on the dot chat all right again last hour we got the eyes glowing and the guy went like that it looks like this hour we got nothing you’re not mad at me though Chad you’re not mad at me right yes or no are you mad at me guys be like no Grant I’m not mad at you I told you guys I told you I don’t know what’s guaranteed and what’s not but last hour I’ll show you what happened let’s give it a second here but I’ll show you exactly what happened last hour all right love your videos thank you rem appreciate it so mad bro it feels like something’s going to happen right like type one if it feels like dude the the momentum that we have right it’s so like like bro it’s getting crazy for sure but nope I blame epic what’s up TRX how you doing I see sand wait no way are y’all capping dude the there’s even like clouds behind the clouds now I mean if y’all were here at 7:00 in the morning none of this was here at 7:00 in the morning absolutely none so it it is crazy what’s happened all right really quickly this is what happened last hour if you missed it if you missed it this is what happened last hour [Music] see his eyes [Music] chat it’s every two hours how do you know that though guys none of the leakers you know I’m I’m huge on the leakers and stuff and I don’t think they know exactly the times for it I I don’t believe so all right I just got an alert though 55 minutes ago we’re on stage five already guys phase one stage five of the mini live event buildup is now live so that happened an hour ago stage five what if Zeus destroyed it can anyone explain what’s happening though like in the chat how many stages are there we have no idea so that’s why we knew more about the Titan live event the Titan hand live event than we do this like this is so early on guys we’re still 11 days away from the new season um all the leakers are trying to figure it out I’m sure but um we don’t we just know we’re on stage five or stage five happen I don’t know how many stages there are yet what’s up Panda but can you all explain this like who’s is Zeus mad or something can anyone explain the storyline like what what is happening anyone know Granny’s coming out of the ground look he’s more oh you think Chad someone said in the the stream that that Aries is coming more out of the ground yeah Zeus is mad okay got you why is he so mad wait let’s look at at a little little picture here Mount Olympus fortnite I definitely didn’t spell that right but that’s okay wait do you guys think Aries is already coming out of the ground more let me know in the Stream what do you think um I don’t know he looks like he’s pretty out of the ground right there I don’t know if that’s happening yet I don’t know he wants to destroy the map got you cuz he’s been defeated okay got you we had to defeat to we had to defeat Zeus in the story Quest he’s so he’s mad got you so is Aries a good person or a bad person Chad yo what’s up pots how we doing what up hello as well all right if you guys said it’s every two hours then we should see something at 4 I probably won’t stream much later than four chat because I got to there’s an update tonight so I got to make a bunch of different things for the update but we’ll see what happens at 4 guys which is in a little bit of time wait Aries is bad too Aries is a everyone saying bad Aries is a good person but Hades and Zeus are going to fight h so fascinating so fascinating Chad so fascinating yo what’s up purple how you doing today welcome purple but yeah we got our final update of season 3 tonight guys if you did not know final update of season 3 if you guys did not know like you can go in the clouds and stuff nothing really happens but you can do that what’s up Stephanie I think Aries is team up with Hades H it is kind of cool that we have Greek gods and goddess in our freaking fortnite storyline like that is pretty freaking cool it is pretty freaking cool it’s Sandstorm tonight I guys we’re 11 days out so I don’t think that’s going to happen tonight but like maybe yo what’s up CR7 how you doing today bro how you doing Mr CR7 it’s new season weekend that’s actually crazy Wayne bur bur why are the eyes glowing so guys Thunder has taken over this spot like thunder and lightning so I think that’s like Zeus or something I don’t know but anyway so the eyes are now glowing Chad but yeah the eyes are now glowing apparently the statue is going to move like that’s the next thing Grant oh some of the stones are gone what like right here like around him the Pandora box is gone I don’t think the Pandora box is gone chat is it yo what’s up Nancy how we doing welcome Nancy all right let me change this though now I’m telling you though chat I’m calling it right now this is going to be more hype than the freaking Titan hand event like cuz this is going to affect the whole map right the Titan hand event was just that one spot and uh if you guys didn’t know we’re getting a sandstorm again that looks like this a sandstorm chat is coming looks like this right here so a sandstorm is going to be taken over the entire map I think that happens after the statue does whatever it does so yeah Grant look under his belt okay but yeah I can’t wait for the sandstorm for sure look under his belt what do you mean by that that doesn’t seem appropriate look underneath his belt or look at his belt what it’s kind of crazy though the lightning I love it bro I love it Aries is slowly coming out of the ground that’s what someone on my YouTube chat said flame Aries is coming out of the ground guys that’s so wild coming out of the ground where’s he going to go though he’s a statue like how is he coming out of the ground how does that even make sense we better get something cool at four man you know I want something cool at four 100% I need something cool to happen at four cuz Aries and Zeus are pushing him out of the ground but why what’s the dealio man what’s why chat the big statue looking at Zeus’s inside of it okay gotcha what’s up Wyatt how you doing today Grant they are playing the song Sandstorm in the car radio too wait no way actually CH on the fortnite radio they’re playing Sandstorm no way are you serious I love that song yo what’s up Dean Hi how are you wait are you trolling that’s so cool I love that how tall am I I’m like uh 62 I’m like 6’2 egg yo bra what’s up man thank you for the eight roses I’m glad you came back to stream this I know chat dude I’m so glad I I came home when I did like perfect timing man perfect timing this is the first day of the actual mini event how old am I I’m 24 Grant are you hyped of course James in Greek mythology Aras or Aries is nor bad nor good got you I think he’s on Zeus’s team I feel like uh hi bro say hello what’s up um M what’s up how we doing what up Candace thank you for the follow guys yeah hit the follow if you’re new man your name will pop up right here or if you sub your name will pop up right here or right here as well make sure you guys drop a sub what’s up Mr Cool how you doing Tyler says yo Grant what’s good Tyler how you doing thank you’all for all of the new freaking follows man I really appreciate it new follows and new subs thank you thank you thank you I appreciate it guys 4:00 is going to be something sick I hope so got to go pick up my kid at school thank you for the great streams like always Grant uh what time will I be live for the update tonight like 3:45 a.m. EST Grant look at the sky I will definitely do that for sure I got you I got you man I got you I got you yo I do lovey welcome back man how you doing you should play either you should play with Nick a30 that would be really cool I’d be down gr I think Zeus is powering up Aries to help and defeat Hades you know we can have again guys yall remember the uh do y’all remember the uh the me vers monster live event with the big robots fighting maybe we’ll see a statue fight yo op what’s good man how we doing today op good to see you dude how do you make a private server you just have to have a Creator code uh Hey Grant I’m Dante you remember me I think so welcome back Dante but yeah I would I would love to see a big statue fight Chad that’d be sick Count Me In you know Count Me In chat oh we need the timer big statue fight what’s up Fargo what up pizza thank you for the W’s man appreciate it Pizza say my name it’s Sam what’s up Sam Zeus is going to be in the Statue controlling it bro that’s some futuristic stuff right there man I can’t lie I don’t know if that would that would be crazy that would be crazy yo Brennan thank you for the W appreciate it Brennan thank you thank you thank you all right I got to win another one man come on come on chat thank you Dean I appreciate that man thank you thank you Dean I got to win another one guys there it is again if you missed it the Live Events be happening bro we love to see it ladies and gentlemen we love to see it ladies and gentle fish yo what’s up def fin how you doing today welcome def fin welcome welcome welcome get another W I’m going try mans bro I need some food chat I need some food yo what’s up aha thank you for the follow appreciate it aha thank you what’s up Zaden how you doing today welcome Zaden but yeah every day again guys we’re going to be streaming all right this event happening we’re 11 days away from the brand new season we’re going to be live every single day checking it out what’s up Tate how you doing I think the cards are changing their I think the cards are Char changing their powers into the statue the cards who are the cards what the cards yo what’s up H what up Shadow good morning good morning or good afternoon I guess now guys yo it’s almost 4:00 CH we’ve been streaming since 7:30 this morning man we are really on that grind what’s up uh Alexis how you doing what up gamer what up wall whan how you doing as well welcome on in uh what rank am I I am I don’t even know to be honest I would have to check what’s up Dwayne how you doing welcome Dwayne I’m going to grab that nice yo what’s up top how you doing today welcome top Amil thank you for subbing appreciate thank you thank you let’s pop these bro go go touch grass bro what do you mean I do touch grass I wasn’t live for three days man hanging out with my mother for Mother’s Day I’d be touching heck of grass man always I’m really about that grass life you know why is there a timer uh Charlie you’ve you’ve you’ve missed it but you’re here now that’s all good um we have many Live Events happening for fortnite um so you’re here at a perfect time we’re about to see stage number six hopefully here thank you flame thank you I appreciate that what’s up cam how you doing uh mister what’s good as well Lenny what’s good as well United States of America what’s good as well how you doing United States of America what a name man I can’t believe the United States of America is in my chat right now wow wow how many people are in your game uh 63 it appears 63 of some sorts something like that Zeus is controlling facts yo what’s up raft how you doing today Kaden’s in the Stream what up Kaden how you doing hello from the UK what’s up brother how you doing what’s up uker hello all right I guess I’m going to do this bro I love having these mini La vents though it’s fun it’s really a good time Chad and again we’re still 11 days out so this is going to be pretty lit hello from Greece hey yo what up my [Music] dude what up my dude what up grease sounds like a pretty cool place to go bro what is he doing can I get a bruh in the chats my man’s whole game plan was just not the best like my man was using the Hades and then he was using the like what what was that man what was that hi gr what’s up Danielle hello hello I’m from Asia that’s crazy hey Grant I’m back for a long time what’s up Daniel P hello six chug splashes yo that’s crazy six chug splashes yo Jordan a all good man all good hey you might get gifted soon man we have we’ve had like 60 gifted today man so kind of crazy where am I from I’m from Charleston South Carolina guys but I live in I mean I mean sorry I’m originally from North Carolina but I live in Charleston South Carolina now what’s up Blake how you doing in the United States for the people don’t that don’t know what that is I am camping camping on the live event thing nice well you have 41 minutes man so you have a a little bit of time hi from Texas hey yo Texas Texas uh did the update already happen um no guys the update is tonight the final update what’s up roblo vids what up tww what’s up man how you doing all right we’ll take that um did the thing get taken yet it did not nice what’s up TJ where what is the timer for guys that is for the next stage of the mini live vent it’s about to be 4:00 yo Sanders what’s up how we doing today Sanders hi from the Netherlands yo that’s crazy wait Chad we could hit 500k pretty soon man hey if you’re on Tik Tok we’re also live on YouTube link in the bio if you guys want to come you guys want to come sub actually the link is not in my bio uh but come drop a sub on the YouTube stream man I would appreciate it yo gaming content what’s up man how we doing today gaming content Dore what’s up man how we doing today Dore I’m in North Charleston wait no way Chris CHS represent man we love that hi from my house what’s up girl God how you doing today welcome bro and that’s how you take him down fast we love to see it that’s how you do it guys that’s how you do it yo I see a couple people from Florida in the chat that’s pretty lit Florida is pretty man my brother lives in Florida right now what’s up Zaden dude the weather is so nice outside I absolutely love it like this time of the year is just amazing like it’s 74° outside right now that’s so nice not too hot just like perfect you know just perfect I love it what time does the event start at guys it’s every hour the mini live event you guys remember the Titan hand live event last season it’s every hour we get a different stage um so yeah all right perfect oh do you really Le nice bro North Carolina is awesome it’s a good time I kind of want to go to the bunker hi from your mom’s DMS okay see we were having fun until that guy ruined it it’s always one guy man always one guy bro like what the heck man yo coconut VR what’s up man how we doing yo Jackson says hi what’s up Jackson what the heck I tried to no scope him it didn’t work if you’re curious it didn’t work Chad this guy have a bot I think he’s got a bot bro bud just Shockwave right to me bud just Shockwave right to me bro I thought he was trying to get away from me my man shock waved right to me Chad what a guy man what a guy what a guy I live in Brazil nice what’s up Kevin Lopez hello hello perfect perfect perfect perfect I think I want this actually what scope is on this one though guys what do you like better Red Dot or the hollow which one guys the Red Dot or the hollow I think I like the Red Dot better eh Grant thoughts on Cars 2 I mean I can’t even remember the movie to be honest but I think it was pretty good but you know it was better man The Incredibles why do I think the Incredible movies are just incredible no pun intended but they are really good like they need to make more Incredibles movies more frequently uh-oh what the yo I’m over here man oh I had to reload my sniper that’s so awkward yo is that Lady Gaga how’d I miss [Music] that wait what did he just give up I don’t know what just happened there but my man was like [Music] okay well bye have a great time bro tabbed out I think he did David said I was the Mogul master that you killed hey GG’s man GG’s bye have a great time bye have a great time Big Hero 6 oh I’m with it I’m with it I’m with it Big Hero 6 was a dope movie okay I agree Wayne Fire movie Fire movie Fire movie can we all agree bro I need to watch that more like again dude there’s so many like Pixar movies that are so good I don’t even know if that’s Pixar but like God there’s so many good ones man yeah I watched inside and out aren’t they making a new one bro Big Hero 6 makes me cry every time wait yeah didn’t the dude someone’s didn’t the dad die or something or oh the the oh no the the kid’s brother died right yeah dude that is a sad movie when I was watching that I was like no way they let the brother die like dude Pixar movies don’t really get that like intense I feel like and like man W spoiler spoiler alert dude if you haven’t seen that movie it came out in like 2006 maybe 200 not6 but like everyone’s seen that movie Minions is always good too man ah man so such good movies out there I love movies so much Chad I’m going to watch the fortnite movie when it comes out too I can’t wait someone just said I’m watching it right now I’m jealous be wa what GE how could you not talk about fortnite while you’re playing man I just be vibing with chat man we be talking about anything and everything we talking about anything and everything all right where was that one guy at I need to collect the medallions sir I’m here to collect my Medallion wait guys have y’all ever seen the wait hold on bro my ping is not bro I can’t place anything right now or can I not that was so weird [Laughter] bro what did he just no scope me Chad did he just just no scope me no way oh The Lorax I don’t know if I’ve seen that I actually have not seen The Lorax movie I can’t lie man paniced so hard and then no scoped you dude what is my luck no freaking shot bro dude that’s incredible hey dude he’s probably so happy bro GG’s man GG’s GG’s he’s probably so happy man yo notam what’s up how we doing today notam hello hello man’s is probably so happy Chad he’s probably so happy so happy man yo um Rosie thank you for the follow appreciate it LO Rosie we got so many new Subs on YouTube as well uh Fat Boys the green thank you for subbing dude so many freaking new subs thank you guys so much man I really appreciate it thank you if you’re new drop a sub maybe drop a follow if you’re enjoying the content we’re getting getting a lot of wins out here and uh check out the new live event happening as well so there is okay let me do that there’s so much going on man for real yo I sub thank you 12 appreciate that man thank you I would have raged so hard bro it’s all good man you got to think of the other opposition you know what I mean clearly that guy was going to die to me and he’s probably so happy bro he’s got a freaking no scope head shot I would be so happy man you know I’m I’m happy for him hey Grant I’m new what’s up Bros how you doing today welcome Bros um hey Peter boy with the one month hey Grant what’s the countdown for guys the countdown is for ladies and gentlemen our next events stage so yeah stay tuned man it all makes sense once it gets closer to the time all right if you haven’t been here since 7:30 in the morning we’ve been streaming all of the stages and we’re about get the next one facts OG facts hey he needed to win more than I do bro I almost have 400 Crown wins this season Chad he needed it more than I did you know what I’m saying can I get a one in the chat if you agree right mans needed it more than I did season’s about to end man like you know he needed it more than I did what’s up Caroline how you doing welcome Caroline fun fact I got Grand added because of a comment and a Discord call that is a fun fact right there we love that W fun fact W fun fact man yo what up Zena how you doing today welcome Zena hello hello hello welcome on in welcome on in I got to change my skin up bro what skin should I wear man hold on gr I just want a game W Zachary oh Sho you’re still live W yeah Loi I won’t be live for too much longer we want to see this last stage here um but other than that you know we have a brand new update tonight so I need to prep for that as well but yeah we want to see what happens at 4:00 you’ve missed a lot if you’re just now joining a lot to explain but you will see momentarily I’ll talk more about it when the timer is close to zero dude what skin should I wear Chad I don’t know what do you guys think man I don’t know what to wear yo ham thank you so much bro I appreciate it thank you Danielle thank you so much I hope school went well Billy Alish Billy Alish really should I be this guy for Old Time sake no no no Grant come on why are some of the Skins I can’t see y I’m going be the elite agent why not Elite agent chat in the Leviathan pickaxe very OG skin here let’s do it man let’s do it the elite Asian a Asian agent let’s do it man the elite Asian what CH I’m losing my mind man dude dude I need to eat food what in the heck bro we’ve been live for too long man CH we’ve been live for 8 hours holy bro guys we’ve been live for eight hours man I’m calling the elite a agent agent holy bro holy where Renegade Raider I don’t have Renegade Raider unfortunately guys I wish I did but I don’t please say my name Johnny what’s up Johnny lifer I know I need to order some lifer grow out your beard and mustache you guys think I should do it I don’t know man should I grow out my beard chat should I it just gets so itchy you know I feel like we we have this conversation every so often we really do we be having this conversation so often Chad and I just I don’t know I don’t know what’s up kifa family how you doing today welcome hi from Vermont also I hope your day is going well thank you my day is my day is going amazing thank you for asking I appreciate it uh what’s up Sally what up mm2 IDK Grant and tips for new streamers uh be consistent man you know uh DP with the $2 donation EDP likes cupcakes I don’t know what that means but thank you for the chew Emoji thank you for the chilies and another thank you for the Roses appreciate it 44 cupcakes I don’t know what that Don means bro what does that mean chat someone explain to me please what the heck does that mean bro yo Hub Grub what’s up man how we doing today welcome what’s up Mr Hub hi Grant what’s up drift Parker hello hello all right hopefully I can win a game guys here before we got uh the thingy biggy hopefully we can win this game here chat hopefully I need another one man yo Aaron what’s good how we doing today Aaron I probably should have won that last game but I didn’t I didn’t chat so sad what’s up Sean Jeff how you doing what up DK how you doing as well welcome DK this Q time is taking forever taking forever chat taking forever I got you Tommy I got you I can lock in man I can lock in yo what’s up Grant what up Isabelle hello are your eyes colored uh what are my eyes colored I don’t really know what that means are my eyes colored what does that mean bro yo what’s up Alex how we doing today welcome Alex hello hello oh it’s a whole Crown Squad dang bro he’s got 80 Crown wins bro about to lock in yeah we got to lock in look at all these guys looking at me this whole Crown team we got a lock in man we got a lock in oh my gosh they’re literally grit on me too Grant’s eyes are pink are you saying I have pink eye I don’t have pink ey Chad I literally have bad allergies right now okay bad allergies man but they actually are pretty like they hurt bro they literally hurt wait what bundle did you get Natalie what bundle did you get come on Grant get this dub for me okay okay for you for you I got you I got you check out this Naruto G fuel cool eh pretty cool eh no no you better read this oh I hear gear you I hear you gear he means you have colored eyes what yes thank you kayen okay here we go I got to lock in Chad I got to lock in man here we go here we go I’m locked I’m locked oh you bought the my hero Academia bundle nice I wonder if fortnite gifted me that I don’t think they did though like early all right come on come on Grant one more dub man we got eight wins today let’s make it nine here we go what color are your eyes I think they’re like bluish bluish green it depends on the lighting to be honest like sometimes my eyes look so blue um if the right lighting is light right light oh nice flame W man hey guys plug in code Grant in your item shop don’t forget it guys okay grxnt in your item shop before the new season plug it in right now so it’ll stay in there if you do I love you forever I I I I I really do yeah I’m not sure Nat I need to check that out actually the Skins the my Academia hero or hero Academia Skins are actually pretty lit man they’re really cool yo what’s up Zack Brian how we doing welcome Zach hello hello I have your code already in baby well thank you you’re not calling me baby right I hope not it’s awkward thank you Naruto thank you you missed the wings I didn’t really want the wings Chad I’m good I am good hey Jordan they’re lit so bro no offense’s taken Grant do you think we’re going to uh do Customs St or not bro I have no idea man guys type exclamation point Customs that tells you when they are if we do them that’s why I got to say man from now on thank you GS ninja thank you yo Ryan what’s up hidden what’s up as well hello hidden I’m from truck island what is truck island but yeah I don’t know how many Customs we’re going to do uh guys we’re going to do a lot of live event streaming like today we’ve only streamed games and the live event right so I don’t I mean yeah hopefully we can do some customs but it’s very distracting with the live vent I guess we can do Customs while we wait for them sometimes but I feel like most people enjoy me streaming the live event and just playing solos and stuff like that talking about everything going on so yeah it’s normally you know the move H that guy was not up there Chad I think bro is going for his Bros card I think bro got bro’s card and I think he just left I respect it I respect it Chad I respect it yo that shotgun actually hit really hard like I just dropped it for the whatever you call it but that shotgun hits hard chat uh what happens when the with the live event um guys there’s different stages so we’re about to see the next stage don’t worry I’ll explain I’ll explain if you’re just joining yo sounds good Danielle sounds good sounds good Grant fix your crown one counter it’s it’s right I think I think y What’s up Lizzy what up Vibes hello below welcome guys I’m pretty sure the crown wi counter though is accurate right now I think I think Chad I think it says 379 yeah what should it say is that not right I maybe I’m wrong you have 280 and it says 279 wait what oh really wait am I at am I at 380 when I showed my crown wi oh am I actually one off right now yo sounds good Danielle thank you for the love appreciate it thank you thank thank you almost got eaten oh okay I’ll change it I’ll change it guys [Applause] hope I don’t get ran up here I’m doing heck of damage but he’s not dead yet all right perfect yes that’s what we needed that’s what we needed I gr I subed and liked and user code in the item shop thank you YT Sam thank you thank you thank you guys uh in 17 minutes we’re hoping to get our next stage our next stage man just join and subscribed and I shouted you out thank you oh now reboot D wait Andy bro I kind of forgot about my teammate I didn’t think I freaking I thought he left the game TBH I didn’t even know I had a teamate anymore my bad bro my bad my bad yo what’s up Logan bro is always live Cory I haven’t been live in like four days like chill chill bro chill oh my God bro I’m being attacked oh no is that the team bro that might be the the team holy bro holy hey whose idea was it to reboot homie okay whose idea was it now if I didn’t reboot homie maybe this wouldn’t have happened gu no please they on the same team what the freak are they teaming oh no no no no no no God please oh my gosh yeah no I’m just kidding I think I would have gotten ran up on regardless guys cuz I have The Medallion so I think homies would have ran up on me regardless to be honest with y’all man to be honest oh they going ham over here Chad oh is this a bad idea to fight this right now what y’all think bro yo if I had a sniper bro terrible idea oh no it’s a guys this is a trio game too this a trio game man what’s the Tim for guys that is for the brand new um stage for the uh Mount Olympus event we can call it but wait until you see it you’re going to be blown away if you just tune in all right all right I guess I’ll eat the meat bro homie is still here and wants to be rebooted bro someone winging who is that oh my gosh why are there so many wings where are they going who are who where are those guys going feel like I’m out of nature reserve is the event like the zero crisis guys the event is very similar to the Titan hand event I mean obviously it’s like completely different but it’s very similar in the way that the stages are set up and everything if that makes sense to you guys the whole Squad below me I think they’re AI though I wanted to reboot homie but now I got to kill these twoos man like I who are these dudes bro like the whole team out of quite literally nowhere like where were those guys the entire time what I’m fighting Ai and all of a sudden Chad yo my girlfriend’s in the Stream hello Caitlin sorry I’m battling with my inner self right now kayin [Music] Chad that was the dude that hit the gritty on me in the pregame Lobby that’s okay that’s okay though yo Caitlyn good to see you hello I hope you’re doing well I’m sorry I haven’t been able to text you today Caitlyn we have a lot going on in fortnite so I apologize um guys if you don’t know who kitlin is she’s my uh girlfriend she’s in the chat right now so um say hi to Kaitlin uh aie with the five thank you hi gr can I tell can you tell egg to go to sleep she’s sleepy yo egg go to sleep thank you so much for another donation I appreciate it auntie thank you or auntie thank you thank you thank you uh armanda thank you for the W appreciate armanda let’s go baby hey if you guys enjoying the content if you’re enjoying the dubs man hey hit that like button subscribe if you’re new if you’re on Tik Tok man hit that follow button uh we got just over 11 minutes here um until we got the next stage in fortnite man so if you missed it I’ll keep you guys give you guys a little bit of a recap here once again we got a couple different stages happening today um this is eventually what’s going to happen a ginormous Sandstorm in fortnite which is crazy um but today what we’ve gotten the most recent one that we got was this right [Music] here which is so good man I cannot wait for what’s to come after this but we saw this one at 11 a.m. EST actually I take that back when did we see this guys 1: p.m. maybe maybe it was 1 p.m. I don’t know but yeah we’re about to have a mythical goddess and god goddess and gods Showdown man um which is crazy there’s a lot going on can I get a shout out it’s my dream I got you finny shout out to you I love your gameplay Grant thank you I appreciate that thank you thank you what’s up Aiden how you doing today welcome Aiden we have 10 minutes though guys 10 minutes Grant seeing as though you’re uh in tight with gfuel now ask them if you can they can send me Bill and Ted send me the Bill and Ted bundle I don’t even know what that is # thanks me what is that bro the Bill and Ted bundle yo what’s up Aiden thank you for the follow appreciate it thank you and thank you again for the five man appreciate that Grant searched up NBA smack butt earlier I have no idea what you’re talking about man I have what what did someone just say in the chat I quite literally have no idea what you’re talking about dang y’all watch for that long that’s all I got to say man you’ve been watching for that long yo what’s up great Reaper how you doing today welcome I’m making eggs right now with noodles fire that sounds good yo what’s up top killer how you doing oh really Eric said that’s the wild stallion Bahama Mama one oh oh I got you Wayne I got you man no worries no worries man I’ll get back to you when they uh let me know when that can uh happen for you all right I’m expecting big money here man big money this is the last one I’m seeing before we got um the freaking whatever you call it Chad it’s the last one before I’m getting off before I need you know I got to to do stuff for the update tonight man we got an update at 4:00 a.m. tonight guys so make sure you guys come out to that stream tonight I got a lot of stuff to do before that so this is my last one I’m seeing Chad for the day okay so we’re expecting big money here big money thank you Xander appreciate you what’s up another Grant fix crowns okay am I actually at see wow I am at 380 I didn’t even know when did I get another I don’t even know okay 380 chat thank you for the reminder appreciate it thank you brother thank you yeah guys we got home so so late Caitlyn’s probably so tired you do need a nap Katie I can vouch for that what’s up Joseph what up Justin hey I’m new what’s up uh Raphael how you doing yo who’s your crush my crush H facts Andy I hope we hit 400 crowns what we got 11 days thank you Xander I appreciate it I got a PC to nice yo I should go get the chat should we unbox the other gfuel package though I feel like we we should dang why this dude so loud mate all right I’m going to get the gfu package real quickly so we can unbox it yo guys yo look how big this thing is dude yo it says Fragile on it too this thing is huge all right so we’ll unbox the new gfu package that they sent us chat if you guys want some gfuel man type exp wow I’m out of breath I literally walked down three stairs I’m out of breath how does it even work why am I okay we’re good we’re good is that uh my Bill and Ted G fuel Grand dude I who is Bill and who is Ted I don’t know who that is William with the two as well smash return did the deck smash return I don’t even why my phone ringing yo the Tik Tok app just said yo I have to complete a puzzle right now it says I’m inactive is that because we’ve been streaming for too long oh that’s probably why guys we’ve been streaming for too long man it literally is making me complete a puzzle because I’ve been streaming for so long what it said I’m inactive the detected inactivity I’m here whatever wow unprofessional leaving your phone on EP yo Louis thank you for the six roses appreciate it why does it ring my it’s why does it ring that every time dud it’s kind of annoying all right how much time do we have four minutes all right guys please be cool man please come on be something cool and then we’re going to open the package we go open the package guys unboxing video yo Chad look how many cans I got of this other thing too bro I have so many cans of this does anyone want one the Naruto e fuel I can’t even hold them all in my thing but there’s a lot in here and I got a cool sticker dude why is G feel the best man like you got hey if you’ve been a part of my community for a while I mean even if you don’t like gfuel Chad they be treating me so well though type one if you agree if you’re a loyal bro they’ve sent me so much stuff it’s insane like they’ve really been hooking your boy gr up it’s like it’s overwhelming my whole entire office is just gfuel all right 3 minutes hopefully we pulls it’s okay that’s okay we’re good no one panic here we go I might have been able to say I don’t think I it’s okay come on come on come on we have two minutes we’re good come on not now not now come on we hit a road block I’ll Ro block you back to the freaking all right here we go all right it goes so fast um will you stream tomorrow guys I’m live tonight for the brand new update at 3:45 a.m. in the morning it’s the final update of this season but yes every day we’re streaming all of these events going down every day y we got another donation Olli with the two thank you Olli uh lava thank you for the heart me as well thank you lava all right ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen boys and girls we train we train for this moment right here we’ve been live since 7:30 in the morning W8 hour stream this is hopefully stage number six if you’re just tuning in today um look at all the progress we’ve made with uh the eyes now lighting up and all of the clouds there’s been a lot man that’s happened today it’s been a lot I don’t know what that is toxic what do you mean what’s up Nicholas thank you for the sub on YouTube if you’re new on YouTube Bro drop a sub your name will pop up here or above my face thank you guys if you’re new on Tik Tok drop a follow please and thank you if you’re new we’re 11 days away from the new season and I will be live every day checking out this live event um for you guys like I did last season as well also below me there is the uh The Hourglass as well if you guys aren’t familiar I can show you what’s up S thank you all for all the new follows and new Subs all right inside a minute here we go everyone everyone just Spam in the chat all right everyone just Spam let’s let’s get some hype going this could be really cool hopefully come on baby just get some hype man let’s get some hype eight hours into the stream man come on eight hours into the stream we’ll be streaming all of these every single day man these will be happening every day yes for sure blazer for sure we didn’t get something last hour so hopeing we get something this hour guys his eyes glue glowed about uh two hours ago we got the first glow all right it is now 4:00 everyone spam the L’s man everyone spam the L’s sad dude it sucks that we don’t have freaking an idea of like how often it happens two hours ago if you missed it he went like this he did his sword like this and all this thunder happened and that’s when his eyes started glowing but like what is the next step unfortunate I wish the leakers knew exactly like how often it happens like I said one second I’m checking Twitter as we’re uh watching this here L’s man L’s again I’m checking Twitter guys um so 1 hour ago phase one stage five of the mini live event happened the eyes are now open and are glowing yes we did get that I don’t know what to tell you guys man I don’t how to tell you guys bro it is super cool though if you’re just now joining what we’ve experienced today like none of this was here right so it’s been pretty cool it really has been yeah right egg so a lot of yall were saying it happens every two hours we really have no idea imagine six imagine yeah I we really have no type one if you agree right like y’all were like oh every two hours one happened at 10:00 a.m. one happened at 1: and then now it’s 4:00 or one happened at to we really don’t know it’s like there’s no pattern chat there really isn’t there’s no pattern man there’s no pattern why are y’all typing L don’t type L guys I told y’all to Type L it’s okay I said Type L it’s all good 47 Loi SMH bro like I said last hour though it feels like if you’re in game bro it feels like something like Big’s about to happen like all the Thunder and stuff is crazy but you know it is what it is hey if you’re new though drop a sub right now drop a sub right now if you’re just joining follow if you’re new as well we we’re streaming this every single day we’re live every day leading up until the new season so if you want to keep up to date with all of the stuff happening we We’ll Be Live every day um hooking you guys up you know what I mean bro this is fake bro have you been here the entire day no you have it yo what’s up Y how you doing welcome Yacon bacon bacon what in the heck yo real thank you for the $2 donation appreciate it one has come bacon bacon bacon dude I love bacon bacon or sausage guys which is better let me know go check water level oh are you talking about oh near the Paradox statue yeah we can do that or the Paradox thing yeah the Paradox box is also filling up with water as well so that’s what we’re checking out I pick both I think I think bacon is better than sausage guys like overall bacon is better than better than sausage in my opinion that’s just facts man it’s facts it’s facts yo what’s up GR just came back from school what’s up bro I meant the Pandora’s Box whatever I said I I don’t even know yo clipped what’s up how doing say clipped hey if you’re on Tik Tok we uploaded a new Tik Tok video at 7:30 this morning do you guys mind going to drop a like number one but number two leaving a comment on the video um it has to do with frames per second let me know how many frames you get in fortnite all right let me know how many frames you get in fortnite drop comments on the newest video yo I like Zack Bryan what’s up how we doing today Zack Bryan hey Grant I know this is weird real quick but how can I get over my ex um play fortnite is that bad advice Chad that’ll be real advice as maybe that was L advice make some friends man the more people you have around you it makes it easier to get over an ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend like the more support you have IRL um definitely helps wait someone said check the eyes real quick are the glowing yes they are and the light now is blue guys instead of uh the the uh the gold distractions yeah yeah no for sure yeah no for sure for sure distractions are definitely definitely help so look at the water level rising guys check it out man the water level is rising over here as well there’s an update to tonight there is an update tonight yes but check that out guys the water level is rising ladies and gentlemen yo I feel like we got to hit 494k on YouTube Hey keep subbing man if you’re new on Tik Tok hit the follow button but yeah the water level is currently rising as well but honestly like I don’t really tell that like y’all were telling me that is it really resing I don’t know man like I’m looking at it here bro I swear it be looking like this the entire time is it actually Rising chat or y’all just telling me this the water isn’t Rising the chest is sinking ah okay I see what you did there andy you’re a little you’re a little combo combo swap I see what you did there I see what you did there that could make sense actually but why is the chest sinking yo we’re like nine likes away from 1.8 man if you guys haven’t already dropped a like make sure you do so as well big poptart what’s up man how we doing today big popar uh money thank you for the Roses appreciate it money thank you thank you thank you Chad should I keep streaming should we go type one if we should go one more hour should we go one more hour and see what happens what do y’all think bro should we go one more hour just as bro I’m so hungry chat I really need to order my food we’ve been live for eight hours in 30 minutes bro what are we doing chat what are we doing yo we got it hey low key my biggest inspiration right now is trying to hit 490 4,000 Subs if you’re new on YouTube if you’re new on Tik Tok drop a follow please and thank you we’ll see the next hour see what happens um we we’re close right if we reset the timer what do we at what do we at man if we reset the timer um oh we got to open the gfuel box too we got to do that okay yeah yeah this will go by fast Chad this will go by fast we got this we got this all right let me go let me go here real quick yeah we got this man we got this the chest is sinking okay got you guys got you yo what’s up two how you doing yeah we’re gonna open this guys this giant orous box are y’all ready to see what’s in it are y’all ready to see what’s in it chat I’m excited I’m excited man we got a ginormous box let’s go JP with the 14 months W I got gifted while I wasn’t here thank you wherever it was also 14 months is a w Meep spam oh JP wants a meep spam dude thank you for the 14 months sir and I think that was Eric that gifted you so w Eric W Eric yeah uh what is supposed to happen so I’ll explain when we get to the thing again um the next thing the statue should be moving is the next thing the next thing man is it just me or is the head looking more down guys you know as we keep streaming it for a longer and longer I think your mind starts to play tricks on you you know what I mean I will KK I will don’t worry what’s up mon Money Maker again I’m new what’s up Chad man how you doing welcome on in I think your mind starts to play on you though guys what’s up Goku how you doing today Welcome All right but I’m going to order my gfuel thing wait you could be right though wait Chad is the statue’s head looking more down bro I swear you you might be on to something bro whoever said that yo I swear the statue’s head is like looking down low key I swear bro you could be on to something what’s up Blazer thank you for the five dollar donation as well I did see that thank you Blazer thank you n no I take that back I don’t think so I don’t think so man I don’t think so I don’t know I don’t know though but I don’t think so now who’s seeing things well when Chad says it it makes me believe it it really does oh my gosh all right I’m going to order the G fuel thing or open it all right Chad are y’all ready man are y’all ready kids I C that was dumb grab my handy dandy uh car keys right here and we going to open her up here we go man gel package unboxing again shout out to GF man W gfu in the chat yo [Music] oh they bubble wrapped it yo I love Bubble Wrap I actually do love it’s quite oh Chad check this out man out guys oh my gosh can y’all see this they got a whole freaking I don’t even know what this is I can’t sit this thing is heavy Y what pop the bubbles is that satisfying or no I feel like it sounds like I’m farting is that even satisfying all right man we got the G fuel package yo come on dude WG fuel guys cop some g-fuel and support your boy um we’re hoping to get our own flavor man they are the official partner with us here on the freaking Channel bro shout out to gfuel exclamation point GF in the chat use code Granite check out for 20% off your order what is this gr if you do get your own flavor what would it be I don’t know see I would have to think about that okay so they just released a new product guys the product is energy and protein okay so you can do french vanilla latte flavor chocolate and um Cafe Mocha they have new a new product guys so that’s why they sent me this so it’s like protein and energy so if you work out Chad code granted checkout bro okay first thing wait should I try it on chat should I try it on they sent me a t-shirt to start should I put it on should I put it on yes or no they they got me a t-shirt I’ll just show you the T-shirt I don’t know if I should put it on or not wait I’ve never I’ve never had an anime t-shirt before WL what do you guys think and then on the sides here it says uh energy says energy and it says protein on the other side it’s literally a shirt designated to their new product that they just dropped look at that that’s pretty sick wait I should put it on putting it on man WG fuel WG fuel man this is so cool I’m so blessed man you guys made this happen okay I’m changing hold on all right what do you guys think what do you think wait this is actually sick protein energy I like this man I like this what the heck W shirt right we got that they also sent me all of their new product guys French vanilla okay question question question guys which one would you do french vanilla chocolate or the last flavor was I don’t know if I have the last flavor I got another shaker cup let’s go which one would you do french vanilla sounds pretty good right Ellie I would say French vanilla but I don’t know I got to try this this protein and energy oh and they got oh and the the last one is Cafe Mocha so they sent me also Cafe mochas what is Cafe Mocha like what is that wonder what that tastes like someone in the chat just said I don’t know if you guys knew but the statue is talking really but yeah here it is man here it is so unlock your wait let me read this to you guys unlock your full potential oh timer unlock your full potential with the ultimate twoin one performance formula only gfuel can combine its signature Energy Formula with a powder of protein to create a True Performance Game Changer gfuel energy plus protein the delicious two in one that’s insane anyone work out here let me know anyone work out here man you guys can cop it man using Code grant for 20% off checkout I’ve never heard of an energy and protein at the same time that’s wild and again lastly we got the Shaker as well shout out to gfuel man with the Shaker if you guys want to cop it can someone can the mods type exclamation want gfuel in the chat use 20% off man oh really Eric that’s hype man 20 20% off of the gfuel website your entire order guys will be 20% off and of course you know I’m still drinking stuff like the right now I’m drinking the Naruto but it’s a lot of awesome stuff on the website man a lot of awesome stuff again you can see back there as well I have a ton of products as well also on the Tik Tok shop my showcase you can cop the cans if you’d like it if you’d like to cop the cans I always drink sneak TBH but is gfuel really that good it’s good yeah what do you think for dinden yo my girlfriend’s in the chat Caitlin what do you think about this freaking shirt do I look like I don’t even know who that is do you guys know who that is I literally don’t know who that is I feel like an L for that but I don’t care for dinner I don’t really care to be honest I don’t really care posa with meat sauce that sounds pretty good all right CH I got to get a okay let’s try to get a dub in before let’s try to do it let’s try to get a dub man I want to Wi win one more game yo Grace thank you for the heart Puffs in the Rose appreciate it Grace guys we’re about 50 new subscribers away from 494 I liked and sub thank you Thomas appreciate it I just subscribed thank you J G appreciate you man thank you skyen what’s up no worries skyen I hope you’re doing well what’s up Ahmed as well hello hello Ahmed I hope you’re having a good day man hello hello just got here what’s up guys we’re uh about to see the next stage here in a moment the next stage for the Mount Olympus mini live event that’s happening in fortnite um so yeah that’s going on it’s been going on the entire time today open G fuel um like make a protein I I don’t I feel like I’ll make a mess right now but I will definitely have it on stream what’s your favorite fortnite season probably chapter uh chapter two or three um probably chapter 2 season 2 three and four of chapter 2 what’s up man what up how you doing welcome tix Grant look what I’m playing pyro what are you playing wait what why do I feel like I know what you’re playing actually hey let’s go thank you pyro Pyro’s playing our creative map guys try the coffee flares tomorrow morning I I definitely will egg yeah I um I will definitely try that for sure definitely it’s going to be like coffee but like protein I’m excited yo King what’s up man how how we doing today King what’s up epic hi Marvel King hello what’s up Ava exclamation point map yeah I have a I have a custom map in fortnite if you guys want to play I do have a custom match yo London S a Galaxy on Tik Tok London thank you so much can we get some love in the chat for London oh my goodness thank you I just subed thank you King appreciate you subbing dude guys we really want to hit this number right here guys 494k do y’all think we can hit it this game before the last thing happens 494k if you guys are on Tik Tok as well man hit that follow button if you’re new um it would help out a ton would help out a ton please unth thank you please and thank you Chad please and thank you R can you invite me can you in can I invite you to my party Andy Andy Andy you silly goose you silly goose yo what up Darion how you doing today welcome Darion um yo hello gaming what’s up gaming how you doing what’s up build how you doing today welcome build what do you use to stream I use obs streamlab dude I can’t believe G will send us this again I freaking love it so much this is dope I got nine Crown ones last season oh you’re at nine last season you got five got you Ashley well nice what’s your favorite skin um I don’t really have a favorite skin to be honest I kind of wear a lot of random stuff whatever’s new is normally what I’m wearing yo we’re almost 25 away oh my gosh what’s up Brendon how you doing welcome welcome welcome hello hello yo what’s up Noah guys yeah new update tonight man I hope you guys will come out to that stream as well new update tonight W9 hour stream though right now what the heck W9 hour stream chat we are really on that grind bro we really are we want that 500k man we want that 500k bro do I have a Creator code yes guys the new season is coming and Creator code stay in the item shop for 14 days if you could plug in code grxt that would that would be really nice of you man it really would so if you do code grxt in the item shop um for the new battle pass that would be awesome wow I almost died sad sad yo what up Stacey what up ultimate what’s up guys hello hello I’ve been here for eight straight hours that’s incredible man thank you so much for real eight straight hours I know a lot of you guys have though thank you so much guys I really appreciate it yes Kaitlin what was that I thought I heard something downstairs guys Caitlyn’s home I’ve been streaming for so long that Caitlyn’s freaking home from work it’s a long time CH it’s a long time can you show me your crowns yes we’re at uh whatever it said 380 though but I can show you it thank you egg I appreciate that thank you I’ve been here some from the start thank you Mr eddit much love man what’s up Pro what up code how you doing today welcome code hello hello guys the time is for the next stage um stage number six hopefully or phase number six but yeah the new update is tonight at 4:00 a.m. it’s the final update of the season so that’ll be a little bit later yeah I kind of want to put in some work with this pistol it’d be very nice if I could CH very nice well this is not great ah I don’t think that’s great for me Chad I can’t lie I don’t know if that situation is really good for me I I should have been faster to The Medallion but I wasn’t and now I’m stuck here like fighting that guy with Now The Medallion my stream’s always losing around 5 Seconds mine does that too YouTube’s been extremely weird for me at least as of late um what were stage four and five I think stage five was more CLS or whatever but stage 4 was the eyes um the eyes thundering situation got added or whatever so yeah that’s what happened and again now he’s supposed to move I don’t know what the complete update on that is or when that’s going to happen but should be interesting what’s up Caroline how you doing oh we need five more subs guys if you’re new subscribe please we’re so close five more subs guys that is it okay come on 494k we need one more sub now one more sub yo what up LS what up Omar hello guys and we hit it ladies and gentlemen 494k my stomach right now feels like it’s about to blow up but that is incredible ladies and gentlemen that is incredible four 94,000 Subs on YouTube Tik Tok thank youall for the new follows I see a ton popping up thank you so much I really appreciate it y’all are killing it as well um absolutely incredible though 4 94,000 I’m new here what’s up uh Caitlyn how you doing welcome 494 th000 yo what’s up Ryan what up Joshua hello Stacy what’s good as well what up Stacy Tyler says hey what up Tyler uh yes socks guys again this is like the Titan hand live event so it’s very much so in stages uh it’s not so much so like the live event happening right now like you know it’s slowly overtime progressing if that makes sense happy hour happy hour life is different now d D but it’s awesome man it’s really cool to stream here we love to see it yo normal person what’s up man how we doing today normal person yo it’s my birthday uh I’m 10 yo who congratulations man on your birthday thanks for spending a little bit of time with me today on your birthday yo I’m shaking so much guys guys I feel so weird yo what’s up Luke how you doing I would like be so shocked if I won this game like No Cap Chad I would be so shocked if I won this game there’s no way there’s no way man what’s up mango how you doing welcome mango hello hello hello hell there still two Medallion guys over here I think there are well look at these dudes going hand [Music] bro oh my gosh my man just ran over that dude he was 30 health no Chad I wanted in and I did but I didn’t hit him hard enough man oh my gosh great is the best YouTuber thank you Stacy I really appreciate that thank you so much yo uh the goat what’s up how would you say the goat hello hello yo me thank you for following appreciate it me what’s up Michelle hello hello Michelle wait the new season is coming out tonight um guys again some people are confused by that the new season is coming out the 24th but tonight is the final update so we don’t have another update until the new season after tonight so tonight is the final update guys um hi gr I hope the streams are going well yo thank you VR hey it’s going super well man super super well it’s a good time it’s a good time man is Star Wars leaving I am not sure wait no sorry sorry sorry Star Wars yes Star Wars is leaving tonight honestly the water bending might be gone as well tonight uh more than likely I think everything is going to be gone between like Star Wars and uh Avatar as well yo what’s up ammed how you doing today welcome Ahmed cool yes sir yes sir if you guys have any more specific questions please let me know in the chat so I can answer quite literally anything that you have I got you guys yo what’s up epic Rex how you doing the Star Wars was horrible honestly I mean I didn’t even notice it to be honest like for real Chad I did not even notice the Star Wars stuff um so you know it being gone the only thing that I noticed was the Chewbacca NPC that’s literally it Chad the Chewbacca NPC is literally the only thing that I noticed like that he was annoying you know other than that I really didn’t notice anything in the game like I hardly saw Darth Vader’s lightsaber and stuff like that and then the Star Wars weapons were just like you know it is what it is oh I love Chewbacca he’s so cute yeah he was a really annoying NPC though you know Grant what’s your favorite skin um I I really don’t have a favorite skin I like the wild cat a lot I wore that a ton earlier and I like the 11 skin as well so I’d say those I guess why’ you change um I’m just rocking a g-fuel shirt uh that they just sent me so yeah rocking the g-fuel shirt it’s a really cool shirt I’ve never had like an anime shirt before so you know it’s cool to have man it’s cool to have what’s up Katie guys Caitlyn’s here Caitlyn’s home yo sounds good King sounds good man um strawberry what’s up how we doing we love 11 yeah I don’t know why I love the 11 skin I think it’s fire love your streams thank you Cappy appreciate that thanks Cappy [Music] what’s up Cody y back what’s up uh photo welcome back man how you doing what’s up photo how you doing today bro I don’t like the Star Wars weapons yeah I mean the Chewbacca thing is kind of cool I guess but yeah it’s not anything too crazy for real like definitely not anything too crazy man can I time out the David guy I got you yo electric what’s up how we doing today electric yo big boy VR what’s up big boy VR hello hello I love your Vibes Grant thank you so much I really appreciate that how’s your day good Cody we’ve been live since 7:30 in the morning um so we’re out here just grinding man you know yo a drum gun oh I’m already full health I didn’t even know that already full health chat it’s not bad all right perfect go to Zeus please guys we will we still have uh 24 minutes right now 24 minutes what skin do you like I like I mean mostly all skins that fortnite release I’m like pretty fond of is that the right word fond I think I think I think wow that guy was aggressive that guy was aggressive yeah fond I guess yeah what’s the timer for that’s for the next stage guys so every hour um we’re hoping for updations you’ll see man when the timer gets close to zero you’ll see you’ll see um yeah I am right now now Skyler yeah I am indeed what’s my favorite past fortnite map dude the Marvel man the Marvel stuff was dope dude like chapter 2 so fun Chad so fun hello Mr Jonesy hello Mr Jonesy all grab that okay we out yo hi gr what’s up Campbell hello uh not at the moment Brayden hey Chris what up Aiden how you doing welcome Aiden bro who shoots from all the way over there like don’t you want to come get the freaking what bro what in the world oh oh he was like out here out here how does he grab that CH like come on bro bro like I just needed to hold that wall one more time to make an edit and that guy just Ys it’s my wall oh y man like I just needed that wall one more time Chad one more time bro that’s it that’s it bro what does this guy want from me I guess clearly nothing actually he’s letting me Vibe man he’s letting me Vibe I respect it thank than you sir please please let me get these thank you thank you Double the Trouble let’s go perfect perfect you’re the best streamer thank you Cappy I really appreciate that man thank you so much when will D downtime start for the update tonight uh around 4 a.m. EST guys what’s my favorite sport it’s a great question I probably like golf the most to be honest not you know golf isn’t for everyone though but I really like golf um and what else man I like basketball I like football I like kind of all sports to be honest I love sports what’s up Samuel again hello hello angel thank you for joining what is the last day stage guys we don’t know what number um you know the last stage is golf yes I love golf Lola I play golf all my life growing up and I love pickle ball of course yes how could I forget how can I forget CH I sound like an old man or something pickle ball and Golf N for real bro I sound like an old man all right this guy should go down here and get this pretty sure this dude is in the cone oh my gosh chat that’s so unfortunate I thought I was going to hit the water and I had no freaking thing Jiggies wow and this guy just hit me with the deagle sad what is he doing come on man why was that dude just sitting in the cone I don’t know you tell me chat you tell me now I got to go get the slurp chug uh congrats on 494k thank you Hudson dude I really really appreciate that man thank you Hudson what’s up Hayden what are they going to bring in the new update tonight I have no idea um you know everything that they need to make season 3 go event wise and stuff like that I guess well other than that I dud I don’t know man I don’t know that’s why we’re streaming tonight though it’s exciting man I can’t wait yo VR what’s up how we doing today VR Ronaldo thank you for following thank you Ronaldo appreciate you dude appreciate you dude I mean this guy’s definitely hanging around here right I would I would think no one’s gotten the statue yet what do you guys think do y’all think this dude is hanging around here yes or no feel like he’s got to be right oh I got a banana too that’s actually actually so nice Chad oh my goodness maybe not yes yo kinley’s in my room Hello Kenny I just get I should carry a bunch of meat too bunch of meat Chad a bunch of meats what’s up Caroline what up Owen hello guys welcome on in uh Aaron’s in the Stream what’s up Aaron hello guys we’ve been live for n hours now 9 hours Chad kind of crazy 9 hours yo you’re Legend thank you Hudson no you’re a legend man you are the legend I can assure you wait what am I doing here let’s grab this all right perfect Medallion as well money this guy might hold me out though he might have seen that I was stalling back here thank thank you so much Shadow I really appreciate it what up Luke Tom what’s up as well how we doing today Tom hey I don’t know about that Tom I don’t know about that we’ll see one more uh phase though or we’ll try to so hopefully when the timer at zero guys we will be able to see the next phase man this guy is definitely hanging around here though I would think I cannot believe that you shouted me out thank you so much I got you Cy yeah I got you guys all with stuff like that bush Camp dad is going coming for you or going for me yo send them man send them what a great guy Bush Camp dad is man what a great guy yes Danish guys we’re live for the brand new update tonight so definitely come out to that stream as well who we smoking what’s up dude how you doing exclamation one G fuel yes check it out Harry exclamation one G fuel what up Tan Hi how are you oh well that’s awkward I guess I got to take the long way hey W’s still alive yes sir silver still going man barely all right perfect take that we got a nice little mat refresh man yo hi Danielle what’s up how we doing welcome Danielle can you start reading everybody’s comments oh man there’s a lot of people here man uh I don’t I I can’t read every single comment out loud I’m sorry man I’m sorry I’ve been here since the beginning thank you Owen appreciate you can we get to get him to 120k likes thank you L Eli thank you 120k that’d be insane you think so Wayne yeah I don’t know man I don’t know five people left that’s it what was the first phase uh the first phase happened at like 9:00 in the morning um but yeah we got if you look at Mount Olympus guys you can tell what’s going on kind of but yeah check it out check it out so now there’s glowing eyes in the Statue there’s a bunch of gray clouds and thunder around it as well it’s crazy how’s your code thank you uh Luke thank you thank you w streamer thank you Adrian appreciate you again plugin code Grant guys in the item shop for the brand new battle pass man we’re less than 14 days away so if you plug it in now it’ll stay in there Chad so please use code Grant I kind of want this I think yeah I think I want this guys this AR should I send a Tik Tok Universe um if you want to up to you man up to you what’s up Shadow how you doing all right nice put a red dot on it I guess five people remaining there’s a dude with the crown though I need to eliminate him I got to get a crown should be someone with a medallion or something I think should be another Medallion guy now there’s no way I’m the only one with the Medallion how did I miss that shot oh my God Kaitlin I’m throwing the Brad Kaylin let’s freaking go Chad oh my God that was huge yo Kaylin came up and K that kind of scared me K oh get the W’s guys get the W’s H the W’s I almost threw the bread I almost threw the bread man at the W’s we’re 9 hours into the stream can grant clutch up up can grant clutch up please dude Caitlin scared me though holy is this my last time using the water bending it might be Chad that might be my last time that I healed with the water bending man we got 121k double Taps let’s go Lads thank you n chat for real the goats man if you’re here right now you’re 9 hours into the stream now sure you might have just joined but dude thank you is all I got to say like if you if you found my stream somehow you’re 9 hours into it so I don’t know if it’s still being promoted or whatever but like thank you if you’re here right now thank you so much wait we’re going to grab this real quick uh-oh we kind of need to go go we kind of needed to go go chat bro it’s a one V one guys it is a One V one for the fortnite victory Royale y this guy got heals or what I don’t think he does that does he this guy just picked up a victory Crown too hey right after this guys we’re hopefully to we’re hopefully going to see the next stage thing right after this WOW does this gu have a medallion if I get sniped I’m going to cry I’m going to cry man I’m going to cry please did I miss it yes I got a Flopper we’ love to see it guys we love to see it we’re taking home this dub oh this guy does have a medallion okay Chad he does have them dying should I just push him I think I can kill this guy I have confidence nope I don’t have confidence anymore this guy is way up there please brother just let me kill you man I really would appreciate it oh my God God I’m going to choke man I’m going to choke it I’m going to choke it guys no way bro I’m so dumb Chad I’m so dumb oh my goodness man how sad is that Grant choking that’s okay got 150 Health we’re okay and all these dudes trying so hard nowadays man I tell you what oh no he’s not going to do that come on bro oh oh son of a biscuit man CH I didn’t realize this guy was going to be trying this hard bro this man wants the dub so badly he wants it so badly Chad look at him rotating Zone bro my man wants it chat I need some more materials can I get some more materials all right we might be good I need this game to though we’re about to see the thing we have 6 minutes guys 6 minutes I’m going to miss it um watch my language Grant what did I say dang how long you been playing this game for uh a little while today guys a little while we got more mats okay we’re in business guys we’re in business kind of that guy just posted up man so many people Rock the burst SMG it’s actually crazy bro do y’all Rock the burst SMG chat yes or no yes or no do you I maybe it’s a controller thing I don’t understand a lot of people do though they be rocking it man like they rock it and they be hitting shots too they be doing it Chad all right I got maxed out materials again and here this guy goes up in the air again bro he loves it he loves it Chad he loves it oh my goodness win streak continues we love that Mr Andy we love that thank goodness I have a sniper though at least he has that threat bro like they just hit bro I don’t know what to say Chad like they just H like he didn’t even see me bro with that SMG oh my gosh dude that is a wild bro no bro that is so crazy man like through the tree that man be hitting me bro but GG’s bro GG’s GG’s nonetheless guys like we always say man GG’s if y’all enjoyed that man if you enjoyed that hit that like button for me subscribe if you’re new and as always follow if you guys are new on Tik Tok man another good game bro another good game GG’s man yo Kevin what’s up how we doing today Kevin did good Grant thank you Pro I appreciate that guys thank you thank you uh 16 G win streak that’s insane Andy bro that’s if you’re not lying that is actually pretty good man that’s pretty good GG’s CR GG’s bro like I said if y’all enjoyed that man hit that follow button if you’re new I appreciate all the new followers popping up um and the new Subs as well guys thank you thank you so much I appreciate it all right we’re about to see the next phase here in 3 minutes pretty excited um again every hour chat you should try to if you’re on fortnite um if you want to see something cool there’s an in-game live event going on it is at Mount whatever you call it it’s pretty lit mounts Olympus and it happens stuff typically happens every hour um so yeah you’re the go Grant I love your streams thank you I appreciate it yeah man I hope you guys have enjoying I wish I could could have gotten that dub there but man we’re 9 hours into the stream man and I haven’t eaten so my brain is cooked but GG to that guy man I’m made so happy bro so happy on getting that dub all right here we go 3 minutes thank you so much Gr thank you thank you Mr gr my power just went out that’s how bad the thunderstorm is really jeez oh my goodness all right but I have to end the stream after this guys okay after this one I have to end the stream we’re live tonight for the brand new update so I gotta I got to make a Tik Tok video I got to make I got to do so much stuff around the house because I was gone for 3 days and I got to get my fish and new Pebbles as well so yeah okay so this is it guys okay we’ll be live tonight as well though all right we’re live tonight as well what’s up Skyler how you doing welcome Skyler ouch I’ll be there for the update stream let’s go baby yeah new update tonight man make sure you come out guys it’s going to be a good time what’s my fish’s name he doesn’t really have a name his name is kind of like fish that’s it here’s The Hourglass as well if you missed it but every single day make sure you drop a follow or sub if you’re new every single day guys um you know we’re tracking this live event so um you know if you enjoy this if you enjoy watching Grant get some dubs and just sit here track the event um make sure you like I said drop a follow or subscribe I got you Jensen I got you no worries man no worries dude we actually are we just gained 200 Subs in matter of like no time it’s crazy yo thank you guys appreciate it all right here we go ladies and gentlemen 30 seconds here it is about to be 500 p.m. EST I think right 5:00 P p.m. something like that and again nothing’s guaranteed to happen we’ve gotten stuff every couple hours so but we haven’t had something happen in a long time I feel like so here we go it is now 5:00 p.m on the dot we got a thunderbolt not seeing anything guys yo gorilla thank you for the five I appreciate it gorilla thank you Jay thank you for the Roses as well thank you Jay I’m not going to lie the that view is looking beautiful thank you R he right I agree all right I’m not seeing anything guys not seeing anything that’s good though you know we saw some stuff earlier that’s good so if I do end the stream I don’t feel bad about ending it cuz maybe we’re done for the day you know what I mean maybe I feel like I’m going to end the stream and then something’s going to happen but I don’t know what are you streaming tonight we have a new update guys new update Grant do you get headaches often while playing no not really not really yo what’s up Carter how you doing yeah I like hardly ever get headaches do you guys get headaches a lot the clouds look dark they I mean yeah that’s actually a valid point but it is dark in on the map so but they almost look purple now yeah it’s kind of interesting but there it is chat there it is ladies and gentlemen there it is this is what happened a couple of hours ago if you missed [Music] it so yeah but that happened like two or three hours ago so we even seen anything since then yo Ella boys thank you for subbing appreciate that Ella thank you blue but yeah that’s what we got man this is what’s going to happen eventually as well guys the sand storm so you can check this out after all this madness happens but sand is going to completely take over the fortnite map Grant the statues are talking now someone said that like an hour ago what does that mean exactly they’re talking do you stream on Twitch no we’re live on YouTube and Tik Tok that is it man will it be a live event or a mini live event guys it’s going to be very similar to the Titan hand um very similar to the Titan hand live event where we get different stages leading up until a to a bigger point if that makes sense so again we’ll be live every single day tracking this if you guys want to hit the follow button or subscribe if you haven’t already um yeah that looks scary it does it does look pretty scary e um and this is only the start of all this man um you know when the Titan hand first started we had that like Muffin Top like coming out of the ground you know and so this is only the start guys this is day number one will there be Wasteland yeah that’s kind of the theme of the new season yo fact facts Wayne facts facts man I feel like you’re going to hit 500k by the end of May maybe man maybe all right guys are y’all okay if I go get food yes or no again this is only the start we’re going to be live tonight and then we got still 10 days until the new season so every day we’re going to be streaming this live then all right every day man I got to go get some food though guys bro we’ve been live for 10 9 hours and 30 minutes man and I’ve just been sitting here vibing with you guys but I’m going to get some food man okay if you’re new on Tik Tok drop a follow if you’re new on YouTube drop a sub uh the new update is going to be tonight at 400 a.m. EST more than likely has it been announced yet guys wait what time is it 5 o’ wait Chad it’s kind of weird the update hasn’t been announced you know what I mean huh there’s no new lightning bolts for now um if we don’t get another at 9 p.m. GMT then we’ll get more stages tomorrow yes okay guys it looks like we might have streamed all of the stages today yeah sweaty just said this or whoever ever this is squeezy wait do we have an update tonight though guys what do y’all think Chad no update announcement from fortnite yet um there is definitely an update this week though 100% there is an update this week 100% yo I will for sure ax I will for sure wait so there’s an update now yeah there’s supposed to be an up tonight guys like a downtime update tonight yeah do you think it’s going to get moved I yeah potentially here it’s kind of weird fortnite status yeah I haven’t seen anything yet I’ll keep you guys updated if you’re on Discord man join our Discord server exclamation point Discord yeah there’s 100% update tonight that’s what I’m saying demon yeah there should be an update tonight so we’ll be live at 4:00 a.m. EST or 3:45 and then every day guys we’ll be streaming the event happening as well so lot going on man it’s going to be Wednesday again yeah if it’s not tonight it’ll be tomorrow night yeah right kiwi the statue was talking dude that’s wild though so if you guys missed it here was stage one earlier like look how much it’s developed today guys the freaking statue like look at this man stage one question mark check that out that’s what it used to look like guys and now we got these dark clouds and the statues lights are on lights statue eyes are on what’s up Connor it’s 4 for me right now it’s 5:06 p.m. I’m saying 4:00 a.m. tonight guys like technically tomorrow in the middle of the night we’ll be live for the update yo thank you ice boy I appreciate it hey sorry guys we didn’t do any Customs today but we’ll definitely try to get some in tomorrow uh it’s just a lot of fun tracking the event and playing solos and just keeping everyone updated uh that’s what normally people like to watch so um but I definitely want to get some customs in for sure for sure really quickly I’m going to order some lifer man I’m going to order some lifer chat hey if you guys don’t know we are partnered with the one and only lifer um they are awesome man guys type exclamation point food in in the chat if you guys want to freaking have the best food delivery service ever for gamers okay this combines yo welcome back to Finn this combines door Dash GrubHub all of your favorites delivery services all in one app Chad so when you pick out what you want from whatever’s closest to you it takes a second to load and it connect it connects you with either door Dash Uber Eats GrubHub it finds you the best deal is that not the craziest thing ever so if you only have a specific app like door Dash why not get lifer because it combines everything it finds you the best deal connects you with the best delivery service for that specific day and yeah I I don’t know why you wouldn’t be using lifer if you don’t you should um I if sticks is here I really want to get Subway I feel bad but I just need something man because I’ve been you know I just got to get something here I’m going to get Tropical Smoothie right now it already has my preset orders so right now it’s connecting me with Uber Eats door Dash It’s connecting me with the best deal for myself get Subway I know Loi I just don’t have the order correct right now but yeah look at this man when it connects me with the freaking thing look at the delivery fee it’s going to be so nice bro that’s not Subway I know I know lifer is not in the UK it will be next year though it will be next year love Tropical Smoothie it’s so good Sav usually it doesn’t take this long but lifer right now is looking for the cheapest delivery option which is so nice yo monkey thank you for subbing on YouTube thank you monkey um oh yeah if you sign up using Code Grant guys you get 5% off your first order but look at this man my delivery fee is $149 type one if that’s insane so again lifer is an application on your phone and it’s a PC app as well $149 delivery placing my order right now that’s insane bro that’s insane yes hey it’s better than nothing Wayne you know what I mean better than nothing so right there I just placed my order it took two seconds um and I can tell you guys right now it combined Chad it connected me with door Dash so every day it’s typically a new delivery service but it connected me with door Dash Chad door Dash is what it connected me with so again if you sign up using Code Grant you save $5 off your first order and they have in-game overlays as well so if you have the application downloaded on PC um you can type command F if you’re in fortnite and you literally the overlay will pop up and you can do it really fast uh which is crazy and when your food’s on the way it’ll pop up a little notification on PC and it’ll be like your food is on the way so it’s crazy man exclamation point food in the Stream check out lifer um and you can get $5 off your first order using referral code Grant when you sign up it’s wild man it connects like you heard me Chad it combines all the door delivery services it’s crazy all right uh yo Grant’s Ace with the four months how you been Grant amazing man how have you been how have you been what’s up Stacey I’ve been amazing sorry I was gone for three days guys I was spending Mother’s Day with my mom um so yeah thank you kiwi thank you who do I think would win in a fight a lion or a tiger Chad who would win in a fight a lion or a tiger who do you guys think a lion or a tiger bro probably a lion bro I feel like a lion would win right sounds good Wayne all right W10 hour stream guys we hit 494 th000 subscribers on YouTube thank you guys for that um it actually was four days that’s facts Rosie I was gone for four days guys I’m so sorry hey but you know I did you guys right man I did you guys right I streamed for 10 hours today a nice little comeback stream you know what I mean a nice little comeback stream thank you’all for for not for not forgetting about me I know RADS we gained 2,000 new subscribers today on YouTube let’s see how many followers we gained on Tik Tok we gained almost a thousand new followers on Tik Tok as well so thank you guys so much my gosh check this out guys wow I don’t know Twitter’s like down never mind I can’t show you my Twitter is real Grant though if you guys want to follow me there as well when is the sandstorm it’ll happen after all of the other you know the stuff with mountain Olympus happens yo CS what’s up how we doing 500k coming soon yes sir pyro yes sir all right I love you so much guys thank youall for an amazing stream um hopefully an update tonight if not I’ll be live at 7:30 in the morning if there is an update I’ll be live at 3:45 a.m. EST it should get tweeted out here in a second so follow my Twitter guys and join the Discord type exclamation point Discord in the chat definitely join up all right oh really knowbody ex that’s crazy man that’s wild all right I love you guys have a great rest of your day I will see you guys very soon um by the way the house tour video is recorded um and have a thumbnail yo Chad they made my thumbnail designer made the hous tour video thumbnail pink bro my house is not pink bro does that look dumb chat it’s not pink my I don’t have a pink house I don’t have a pink house but we’re uploading another house tour video um which I can’t wait for I also have this as well maybe I’ll do this one instead but that’s like my actual house right there that’s what it looks like chat by the way I’m excited to upload that we have some other videos in the line as well I can’t wait so stay tuned LOL W thumbnail designer I guess so I guess so man okay bye guys bye silver bye Wayne I love you guys so much W moderators you guys are the best all the new Subs if you join the family thank you guys so much man thank you so so much I really appreciate it Loi you’re amazing Raptor thank you for being here for so long Addie Ryan Zack Harry Crystal with the 10 months what’s up Grant 10 months love this community with all my heart wait crystal is your profile picture sketch oh my gosh what’s up brother I love it thank you so much Crystal hey we love you too thank you thank you Crystal uh limited thank you for the five roses J thank you as well I’ll see you guys for the new update tonight or tomorrow morning if there isn’t an update keep rocking on chat take care and peace out deuces bye guys [Music] peace I love you all man I love you all thank you thank you thank you bye guys peace National thank you for the two bye guys have a great day everyone yes sir thank you National I appreciate the two [Music] Hand much love everybody much love [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]



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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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