Pokemon GO PvP Competitive Season 2021-2022 | The Silph Arena | The Silph Arena (2024)

Pokemon GO PvP Competitive Season 2021-2022 | The Silph Arena | The Silph Arena (1)

Season 4: Battle to Greatness!

La Silph League Arena est la première ligue de PvP de Pokemon GO TM sup>. Elle offre aux concurrents du monde entier une chance de prouver qu'ils sont les meilleurs de leur région, leur pays et du monde!

Pokemon GO PvP Competitive Season 2021-2022 | The Silph Arena | The Silph Arena (3)

Programme de la Saison

Overview: A new season of Challenges

Get ready for a PvP Season full of new challenges! From October 1st, 2021 through September 30th, 2022, the Silph Arena will test tens of thousands of competitors around the world in the ultimate competitive challenge. Come prove your skills and show your region, nation, and the world that you're the very best in the premier competitive Pokemon GOTM PvP league.

Les tournois classés ont lieu dans des milliers de lieux chaque mois, sont gratuits et ouverts à tous les âges. Tout le monde est invité à participer! Il vous suffit de trouver le prochain tournoi près de chez vous sur la Carte du tournoi et de confirmer votre présence avec un compte Silph.gg gratuit, et vous êtes prêt à gravir les classem*nts!

* NB: Les dates précisées ci-dessous peuvent être modifiées par des changements dans les mécaniques du jeu, des événements organisés par Niantic, et autres facteurs. L'Arena essayera toutefois de se tenir à ce planning au mieux. Merci d'avance pour votre compréhension!

October Through December: Monthly Cups

Three monthly themed Cups will challenge competitors during the first split of the Season. Cups are designed with unique restrictions (types, limited bans, Generation restriction, etc.) to test your knowledge of Pokémon, strategic creativity, and battling abilities. Each Cup's details will be announced roughly ten days in advance to provide competitors ample time to prepare their teams.

Vos résultats dans chaque Coupe a un impact important sur votre classem*nt mondial et national - beaucoup plus que pour les autres tournois donc soyez prêts! Les participants les plus talentueux sauront se distinguer peu importe les circonstances, donc étudiez de près les possibilités stratégiques, afûtez votre équipe et préparez-vous au combat!

January: Midseason Break and Arena All-Star Invitational

Instead of a themed Cup, January will feature a special invitational separate from the PvP Season. Competitors will have the chance to display their skills while getting a break from the competitive grind. Stay tuned for more information!

February through July: Monthly Cups

The PvP Season resumes in February, and will continue with new Cup metas through July. Don't get complacent, the metas in this half of the season will be more complex and creative - they will push your team building and battling skills to their limits! New Cup details will continue to be announced roughly ten days before the start of the month to provide competitors ample time to prepare their teams.

July: Regionals by Invitation

The strongest competitors in each area will be invited to represent their communities in the Regional Invitationals which precede the Championship Season events. Regional Invitationals are "hosted" by local volunteer communities and aim to encompass all communities within a certain radius. Qualifications to host and information on applying will be available soon.

August and September: Championship Season

Regional Champions and a few of the highest globally ranked competitors will be invited to battle at the Continental Championships held throughout August and September. The competitors who conquer these elite competitions will be some of the most skilled, elite battlers in the world!

In August and September, the Arena will invite the Continental Champions and a few other top battlers to the most elite PvP contest of the Season - the Silph Arena World Championship! There, the Silph Arena World Champion will be crowned and write their name into legend. The World Championships will be expanded to include more of the world's top PvP talent - more info to come!

Pokemon GO PvP Competitive Season 2021-2022 | The Silph Arena | The Silph Arena (4)

Classem*nt des Joueurs et Qualifications

Augmenter le classem*nt du joueur

Le classem*nt des joueurs sera affecté par les victoires et les défaites des tournois classés organisés par les communautés membres de la Silph League via Silph.gg. De nombreux facteurs sont pris en compte dans les coulisses lors du calcul du classem*nt des joueurs, mais le moyen le plus rapide de progresser est de bien performer lors des Coupes mensuelles.

Win/loss ratio, strength of opponents, and many other factors will play a role in determining rank. To a limited degree, this can include performing well in Arena-accredited, non-Cup, ranked open league tournaments - but simply playing more tournaments is not necessary to rank well locally or globally. Cup play is weighted significantly - and performing well in monthly Cups should be the primary focus of those seeking to qualify for a Regional invitation.

All-Star Invitational Qualifications

The midseason break in January will feature a brand new invitational challenge! Invitations to this event will be determined by multiple factors, including Global Rank. More information about this exciting invitational and how you can qualify will come after the season starts!

Qualifications Régionales

There will be multiple paths to earning an invitation to Regionals in Season 3. Stay tuned for specific qualifications, information will come later in the season!

Qualifications du championnat

The path to Continental and World Championships will be tough, and few will reach the end, but the way to the top is not limited to a single path. Regional Champions, top ranked trainers, and others will have the opportunity to compete at the prestigious Continental and World Championships at the end of Season 3. Specific qualifications will be announced later in the season, so be prepared!

Pour plus d'information sur les classem*nts au sein de l'Arena, veuillez lire le Guide des classem*nts!

Pokemon GO PvP Competitive Season 2021-2022 | The Silph Arena | The Silph Arena (5)

Organiser des tournois locaux

Leaders de communautés Silph League

Les coupes de l'Arena et autres tournois hors-coupes peuvent être organisés par les leaders de communauté Silph League.

Les membres des communautés doivent s'engager à respecter le Code de Conduite de l'Arena et pourront se voir refuser le status de membre de la communauté s'ils ne respectent pas l'esprit et les règles de la Ligue.

Pour obtenir de l'aide pour paramétrer, héberger ou démarrer avec la Silph League, rejoignez nous sur le serveur Discord et les canaux Telegram des leader de communautés de la League!

Pour collaborer avec d'autres hôtes de tournoi et joueurs de PvP, rejoignez-nous sur le serveur Discord de la Silph Arena!

©2024 The Silph Road | Tous droits réservés | @SilphGG | /r/TheSilphArena
Pokémon ainsi que les noms associés sont la propriété de Nintendo © -2024
Pokémon GO est une marque déposée et © de Niantic, Inc.
La Silph League Arena, Silph.gg et The Silph Road ne sont pas associés à Niantic Inc, The Pokemon Company, ou Nintendo.
Pour plus d'informations, contacter Team@TheSilphRoad.com

Pokemon GO PvP Competitive Season 2021-2022 | The Silph Arena | The Silph Arena (2024)


What is rank 20 legendary Pokemon go? ›

If you reach rank 20, you're also guaranteed an encounter with the legendary Pokémon which is in five-star raids at the time you reach the Pokémon encounter reward. Guaranteed Pokémon encounters will always occur, even if you don't earn enough wins on that encounter specific rank.

How many wins to rank 19 in Pokemon Go? ›

What are the requirements for reaching Legend rank in Pokemon GO?
Rank 1The starting rank for trainers at the dawn of a new PvP season
Rank 17Win 10 more battles
Rank 18Win 15 more battles
Rank 19Win 20 more battles
Rank 20Complete 5 additional battles
19 more rows
Mar 2, 2024

What rank is ace in pogo? ›

Ranks and Ratings
AceReach rating of 2000+
VeteranReach rating of 2500+
ExpertReach rating of 2750+
LegendReach rating of 3000+
20 more rows

What are the tiers in Silph? ›

Player Tiers

After beginning as a Trainer tier competitor, you can climb up through Rival , Challenger , Ace , and more. These will appear on your Travelers Card, on global, national, and community leaderboards, and beside your name when attending Tournaments.

Who is the most powerful mythical Pokemon? ›

Besides all of its natural powers, Arceus has some of the best stats of all the Pokémon. It has the highest stat total in the Pokedex, capping out at a total of 720, with each of its stats being an even 120. Those stats combined with its size make it the strongest Mythical Pokémon of all time.

How rare are 100 percent Pokemon go? ›

The chance to get a 100% IV (15/15/15) Pokémon in Pokémon GO is 1/4096, or in percentage, 0.0244%. The chance to get any combination of IVs is the same and equals 1/4096. The game awards IV values using three random rolls, from 0 to 15.

How to get elite TM? ›

Elite Fast TMs and Elite Charged TMs are rare items that are only available during limited times. They may be available for purchase in the Shop during special events like Community Days or as part of end-of-season rewards in GO Battle League if you reach a high rank.

What is an elite charged TM? ›

Elite Fast TMs and Elite Charged TMs allow you to choose a Fast or Charged Attack you'd like to teach to a Pokémon. Elite TMs also allow Pokémon to learn attacks previously available only during events such as Community Days or Raid Days.

What is the strongest shadow Pogo? ›

Raid Attackers - shadow
1Shadow Groudon2448
2Shadow Mewtwo2212
3Shadow Tyranitar2143
4Shadow Rayquaza2037
5Shadow Mewtwo2015
92 more rows

What does IV stand for in Pogo? ›

IV stands for Individual Value. It's a mechanism that identifies the quality of different pokemon of the same species. The higher the IV, the stronger a pokemon is.

What is the most popular Pogo team? ›

Even though the three teams are enemies, they all still unite to take down the evil Team GO Rocket. Team Mystic is and has always been the biggest and most popular team in Pokémon GO. Most players choose to be part of Team Mystic and they are the ones who is least hated on.

How does Silph Arena work? ›

Each bout will consist of seven 3-battle matches (1 per team member). Winning a single battle earns your team 1 point, for a total of 21 possible points per bout. The team with the most points wins!

Who gives you the Silph scope? ›

The Silph scope is a scope created by Silph Co., and is said that you can see ghosts when wearing it. It is obtained when you beat Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket, the first time in Rocket Hideout, which is in Celadon City in Kanto.

What happens when you reach rank 20 in Pokémon Go? ›

If you're lucky, you may find a Shiny one! The Pokémon or Ultra Beasts currently appearing in five-star raids can appear as a reward encounter after you reach rank 20.

What are rank 20 encounters Pokémon go? ›

GO Battle League Standard Encounters
GO Battle League RankPokemon Encounter
Rank 20Venusaur (Currently Active 5-Star Raid Boss)
Ace RankGoomy
Veteran RankDeino
Expert RankJangmo-o*
14 more rows
Feb 29, 2024

Can you get to rank 21 in Pokémon go? ›

In order to achieve rank 21-24, one must have a minimum rating of 2000 and work their way up to get to rank 22 (2500 rating), rank 23 (2750) and finally rank 24 (3000 rating).


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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.