The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

2. 1 LATEST NEWS The Daily 4 Mi Progress fair; -TIME FEATHER TOMORRONT. A ESTABLISHED 1892-NO. 9,120 CHARLOTTESVILLE, MONDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 25, 1919 TWO CENTS A. COPY 1 WOULD RATIFY PEACE TREATY Arnate, sub committee mended the A treaty, the aid of tho United States to Frame in of Gorman withdrawal of the U'nited States from the League of Nations within Imo cart, untrue mantra con propel in a hill today by Arnator Jones.

PERSONAL- MENTION. Mr. F. A. Coleman, who has bean lemAN.

la in the city for a a A Mra. 0. 8. Athey, of Washlugton, In visiting her parenta, Mr. and Bra.

Robert on bi rout Mr. Harlow. who has been vietting his deuchior, Mra. W. 0.

has returned to his home, In Sting Nina Atont-and Alias returned from a vialt te in Now York, Philadelphia and. Bonder, and Dr. J. 0. Quaintance have returned from tohome in Culpoper Mina Carrie Schultz returned to her home on 7 1-8 Strort last night, after a work.

with her sis tor, Mrn. Chet Critzer, of Miss- Jean' Watson, who. has brea Triiting bir W. A. Watson, on Wertland Street, ban, turned to bor, home In.

Richmond. Blisses Luda Crouso. and Mary Holland left Thuraday for the northern. markets. to, purchase fall millinery for Mrs.

J. P. Ellington. Mra. George Tilley and daughter, Helen, of.

Norfolk who have buen on a motor trip through Wont Virginia, are now with Mrs. B. Mary." a Mr. JI. IT.

Goodies, who har barn a patient. In the Martha Jadermon Hospital, has aumciently recovered. to return to his 'home la MAi. Ernient tat Mayo. little mm and Fart of D.

vimiting her, parenta, Mr. -and Mre. Juba M. Tale: on, West. Main- Hi Lee Mi J.

Miner and. wife, of Huntington, W. A MeNalty and wife are visiting their brother, Mr. L. D.

MoNulty, on Altamunt: Mra. K. A. Wingfield and son, Mr. ('linton Winghold left youterday morning.

for Ambridye, where they will he. the RUPAIN of. Mrn. F. Y.

Sinclair.Mra. F. Walton. and daughter, Mina Iuby. 'of this are visiting home of -Captain- -and Mira.

a at root, Clifton Forre. Mr. -William Trainum. dean of Ada College was the guest. of Mrs.

all and de Glenham, and Mr. Len city. Mr. A 0. Coleman.

of New York. Marita who hare hren viniting Dr. and Fulton thi morning for Now York. Mira. George Barton and little son.

of. have been visitInK. rotativex. in Boston, are now gIn of Mra. Barton's Mira.

W. Beauchamp, on JoKerson Park Avenue, TO I BRINE Mira Julia and F. G. of Washington, and Mias Doris Miss Mattie Smith, Sir. L.

Hartman and Mr. George Fry. of this city. motored to Natural Bridge youtarday, JACK PICKFORD TOMORROW in Bill Apperwon'a Boy." It'4 great, JUST ARRIVED load of toys, dulls, etc. 4 W'M.

P. MERTENS, 107 W. Main Street. Aug. 14-ts.

1p. Mr. C. R. Link, of Richmond, Is Expending a fry days in the city.

3 $1.30 $1.73 SLoe SITE 4 HARRISONBURG HERE "Reached City About Noon Today WILL GO AFTER" PRIZES Company No. TE My Band, Running Team "and Manager Deer's Running Team to -lie That Ere 7 Talley 4 V'isitors to l'amp on Grounds at aL. Firhool. 3. The rangeard of fro laddies who will attend the annual.

convention the State. Firemen's Association this 11.30 week; this morning. reached the the first to city about rite being Hose Co. No. 4, from Harrisonborg.

The Valley Aremen will camp on the grounds at- Midway They brought with them only their but generous of foodstuffs as well. With the visitors came baseteam, which da ready to tackle all comers. Two games have already been. arranged-one with Shenandoah on Wednesday and one with Staunton. on Friday.

The parade will -take- place Thursat which time the frat prize, 110 is offered for the langest deleattos from any company. The close antest will be staged Friday with rate drst prize of $100.00 and mind Arst prize of $50 as inducemats for superior effort. Today's Harrisonburg my ALE he "Company 'No. 4, headed by Harrisonburg. Band, will leave the morning for Charlottesville to nad -the State- Firemen's convene den which will he in session from to Friday Inclusive" The -company will be.

accompa: wet. bra. large number of ladies many make the trip to Charlottesto Captain G. W. Basstord stated last that hundred men are expected to make the trip.

Not only will the company take part in the grand parade 'on Thurstay. the frat prize for which is $104 In gold, but a running team bestaken to contest In' the hose races. Brest Bowman, manager of the tram this year, stated last night that the team was the fastest which has ever represented Harrisonburg. team will compete for the State print of $100 In gold and the cus- tody of -the trumpet, will also- take -pert in the firemen's contest which is open to any company in the world for a first prize or "sto. The company' expects back all of the.

prizes The team is composed of the following members: Brent, Bowman. captain. and hose breaker; Wilbur Ford, plugTan; Geo. Basslord. wrenchman; Frank Taylor, nozzleman.

and the following runners: Fultz. Fulk, Whitmer, Miller. Miller, Charles "Dickerson. Kennedy, Switzer, Dovel, Stiteler, Loewner. John Logan.

In addition to the hose team tho company will be accompanied by its strong baseball team. The schedule already arranged for two cames. with Charlottesville on Tuesday 'and Thursday. one with Shenandoah on Wednesday and one Staunton on Friday. Following with the men who compose the ball are team: Garber, Taylor," Stiteler, Logan, Dovel, Ford, Miller: Switzer, Fravel, Webster, Clarke and share ('o.

No. 4 has Hose its' won In prizes 1 12.060 and it be organization a more than Indeed for the very rare thing home the baron's" boys not to "bring tion meeting. from a convendelightfut camping ground has will arranged for the company. It 'Main on the public school lawn the heart Street. which is located in of Charlottestille.

The carried own camp equipment will the tent home and it is expected that the most of popular No. 4 will be one' places in Char. v. 125 PER CENT. INCREASE ASKED Washington Aug.

kirat Wilson cancelled arteral agements in order to mort of the rallrued who de nunstiax per cent. increase Administa in The report Hines on the mow' demamis la expected to be announced today. CLERK Mr. C. Wood Rhodes died at noon yesterday at the home of his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. J. B. Rhodes. 610 Ridge Street, after an itiness of.

one The funeral will be: held from the First Methodist. church at 4.30 o'clock this afternoon, the service, to be" conducted by -the pastor, -Dr. Jas. J. Joltin.

The. Interment- will: be in Riverview Cemetery. Sir. Rhodes was a nativo of tho county and was 26 gears of age, He- was bank: clerk, baring held positions Scottarille and Penniman. had been.

home since last January when. be- suffered a severe attack of Influenza. Besides "his parents, Mr. -Rhodes is- survived- no by saw four brothers and two sisters- Mr. Charles T.

Rhodes. of "Annapolis, Mr. Rossoe B. Rhodes, of Wit-' mingion, Mr. R.

A. Rhodes, of Alexandria: Mr. W. O. Rhodes, of Pontiac.

Mrs. Dalhouse, of and Miss Marie Rhodes, of Washington," LIEUT. DUKE HOME T'as Wounded in Argonne. Fight and Subarguently Gamed. TAeutenant R.

T. Walker Duke, elder son of Judge R. T. W. Duke, In Charlottesville, with his wife on Raturday and is visiting his parents.

on- Park. Street. Licutenant Duke was In France twenty-three months, win" wounded in the. Argonne. fight and subaequent: ly.

cassed. lie was detailed as a student of law dn the in for the muontba of May, and June. in Now York -on Troy, March 20th. TRAFFIC ON: 4 ROADS BLOCKED; Los Angries, Aug. 21-Traffic on.

four rallroads has bars block. by the' strike. Southern Pacific brakemen complated the -tic-up by" walking' out rami A lotterilla during: the convention, The men -are -expected to -return home next Saturday morning: Captain who sixty years of, age, still takes part in the hose races. It is probably the, fart that he pax run" In More Tre Men's contorts than any -other man? In the Unlled States. Before returned ing he will make an extended.

visit in the Leaving. Charlottesnext: Saturday Mr. Bassford will go to Savannah and Macon; Georgia, and will also visit Tybee while gone. AT THE JEFFERSON Today--Enid Bennett and Niles Welch in "'The Virtuous Thief," smashing tale of love and Tomorrow Jack Pickford in "Bill Apperson's Boy," A story of boyhood among the Kenturky hilla. Extra--Mutt and Joff.

Wednesday- Ritchie In his great strong act. Also Emmy Wehlen In "A favor to' A Friend." a fascinating photoplay and a Lloyd Comedy. Admission 20c and 30c. JUST ARRIVED Vantine's Perfume, Face Powder and Creams, the best to be had. WMI.

-P. MERTENS. Aug.5-ts. 107 W. Main St.

Mira. Charles. Hughes, of Keswick, was a visitor in the city today. JAP SHIPS AT VLADIVOSTOK London, Aug." 23 lok IN surrounded by and filial with refuges, ing 10 a wireless no port. .1 Jap squadron is reported Aug.

The perme has planned. to the" treaty with TAu stria this afternoon, and the pritably be handed the Austrian delegates with Are dayi giseu for Paris, Aug. 25. Germany has declined to. invite Ant to police Silesia brtura they shave.

that right under the The mitmation portal unnat am are of: a reign of terror. WOMAN -i. DIES IN THIS CITY Myers. Amiss rille, Rappahannock County, died Friday at local hospital and "the remains were Saturday after. nonn No.

10. to her late" home. where the funeral and interment occurred yesterday. Mrs. Myers was a daughter of the late James fa*gan, of County, -and was -seven! y- two, years of age.

She is survived by her husband and one Ron. WEATHER FOR .48 HOURS The readings of the thermometer at the Univer sity Observatory the 24 hours ending at 9 o'clock yesterday morn-ink: Maximum, 90; minimum, 83: Direction of the wind, west. Clear. For the 24 houra ending at o'clock this morning: Maximum, 94; minimum, 69; at a. 76.

Direction of' the wind, west. -Clear. 'San this morning. at tux 6.37 "and" will set 'at 7.36. DEATH OF FARMER The body of Mr.

J. 5: M. Carpenter, who died at local hospital, was taken on the morning train yesterday to Frederick's Hall. where the funeral and Interment occurred yesterday. Mr.

Carpenter was a. son of the late Carpenter, of Apple Grove, and wan sixty- nine years of age. lie farmer and. unmarried. 1 SPENT HERE Dr.

J. 8. Grasty, who has been conducting extensive investigations In the oil Della of Torax during the post: 30 days. spent. Sunday with his on University Place, en route from Fort Worth, Texas, to Wow York.

BACK FROM SPRINGS. Mra. John' A. Wells returned Saturday afternoon after a fortstay at Craig Healing Springs, and also a werk's stay at the home of her mother, Mrw. B.

C. Dameron, at. Rockfish. FAIR AND COOLER: 3 Fair and cooler tonight: Ture day, fair. FOLK CALLS IT A "ROBBERY" Washington, Aug.

25- Joseph, W. Folk, counsel for the Egypt ian pears delegation, told the Senate Foreign Relations mitter that England's legal sition in Faspt. was like that of highwaymen, and that the Ver Mille treaty nouki ralidate the of Independ. LATE TELEGRAMS -BRIEF FORM Washington, H. Weld, manager of the 1 warch of Him ift told the Armate Committee that further crease in the cost of fund nonhi result from the of the Kenyon bill, for the control of.

the packing Industrir: I Paris, Ang. resig. nation of the Hungarian announced in me re now C'ahinct It reporter formed. portal that the Imperial Inst has it. woult Insist.

the Mongolia from Consort. Irm, by which" the four great powers will the dominant in China's nialri. Vladivostok, Aug. rian retreating on the cast front, hare planned to make stand on Ishim 178 miles cast of Omsk. tone Aug Dork workmen -hare tented to.

call general strike, demanding twenty francs for an day. Toronto, Ang. -The Prince Wales kited the homer at Rosetale, on tale tour of Canada. EDISON RECITAL. AT CABELL.

HALL Miss Claire" Famous prance Albs SanderFOR Pagan, (irrat Wonun Whistler, T'rogram. The Gilmore Furniture Company has alened a contract with the ThomAs Edison: Company. -of Orange, N. J. for an Edison recital.

to hi Cabell Hall. at the Univeratty. on Monday evening of Sept. The, company coming bare will be composed of Mina Claire Lillian Peteler, a famous soprano Ringer; Mina Sibyl Sanderson fa*gan, "the world's greatest. woman whistler, and ilarry F.

Humphrey. reader. All are artlatn of hich degree and come here to prove to the people that Edison on really recreate music and all human sounds. The art lata will Ring and whistle in direct comparison. with the Edison phonograph and tho and: fence will be dolled? to detect the difference between the artist.

treation and Edison's recreation. The admission 1: hr tickets can be secured: from more', down, town. or at The Unly Shop. August 20. Department VA.

Harrisonburg Fire Lamboth -Game rallel 6 p. In Admission need BEST 01T4 BEST 01T4 I used phogerm on of my fold of 4 and chemical tilizer the other part. WA! used on the part. of the tirld where corn is planted. Rod Steer was nand on the part the field where prax had boon cut.

The P'hosphogerm onte Aro the bent and showed up better in every way. Yours very truly. (JOHN 'F. PAYNE.) I'. S.

I have used Phosphogerm on numerous crops -at different hv side with and Phosphogerm has done Setter in every For sale by H. M. Gleason Va. J. M.

White Ivy. Va. C. F. Ballard, A.

C. Bruno Greenwood. Va. Aug.23-14 1p. Miss Blanche Bickers, of Lindsay's, in the city today.

ALL TO LEAVE WINTER. laker taborm that mil Ames ira'n drafted mom would her out of Mi. brria before winter, anal that. there thou volunteer have pre forward Paris, Aug. -The plan Cabinet refuel to acropl the Peace derision for the division of ami between Rumania and Horbla.

the mobilizathm of an army. Ta Ang. wot I T. Anvell end bill a for army Arnate committee, TO MAKE PROTEST AGAINST FEE ACT Mr. R.

C. Walker, president of the Board of Aldermen, and. W. M. -Forrest, president of the Common Council, left at noon today for: Richmnond.

to appear before Senate committens in opposition to the propoithe high way billy diverting 5 cents of the special tax to county "feeder" roads. These offelais will Join the fight againat what is claimed to ba a threatened diacrimination against the -cities In favor of. the counties. It in claimed that the cities of VirFinta payiug unfair proportion of the State taxes. owing to the unequal proporty and that thin proposed extra appropriation of 5 cents to the counties is grossly- unfair unjust, emporially an the major portion of it would have to be paid by the people in the cities.

CAPT. JOHNSON HO.ME Capt. Elmer Johnson, of the Monticello Guard, in bark: home from lone. service on the of France, and boing wamly greeted. by his many' friends In the elty and University.

After Capt. Johnson went to General Headquarters at Chaumont. Hir came home on the Imperator: and WIN a days' leave of He goes tonight to Camp to be mustered out of service. Capt. Johnson ham a.

record of National Guard. and Federal service. RUMOR UNFOUNDED In. Saturday's I'rogroNs, was published -no writer riven and an explanation followed. writton by Mr.

Lindsay a the showing that the rumor way without foundation. The a rumors have Turrent days. and- grow Him now chive or leading hast my ligated the hoarding a found them without foundation. The a grocer TON out -of the haul a data' supply and no retail. grocer had more then one wetka' wupply.

and now that about Some howeror. have gotten at an advanced price enough to tide then over. until they got tie! amount promised for Sept. 1st. which: relioses the situation.

A. G. BURNET. Local Fend Administrator. 9 BACK FROM P'rivate Hobert Clemente arrived hom*o Saturday from Kathlyho Mar Croissant.

has been on a friends in Washington, D. turned to her home on Ridge See New Woolly 23-3t. 1p. ROBEY Mix Marian Payton has from a visit to friends in burg. U.S.

TROOPS LEAVE MEXICO Maria hare Moshe niter losing the trait of due to brasy storms, Fire were killed by the during the ale. fa*g inn I an unconfirmed report that Jesus Bionterin, the: milt leader" wAs Ararch. hat Iron Martel for tun morr -American lUre Am to Hotnuct, mbing from the or Nan Diego, Ana. Thing fur Courtly, Gator missing l'ark, Ana. 21 Belgium to day oficially took pomasion of the wrier the pear treaty TO WED TOMORROW Mr.

and Mro. Nicholas Allanta, spent a. tow hours In the city Raturday. and Toft in. the afternoon tor "Baltimore to Join their brother.

Mr. Thomas Randolph, who will tomorrow well Annie Clifton Markil, the ceremony to he performed. at St. Episcopal Church by the Rev. Arthur Kimmolving.

D. 10. 2. Sir. Hollis Randolph, loading attorney of Atlanta, mentioned an A Senatorial Candidate' in.

the Cracker State I In 1920. He la of the Wilson wink -of the Domocratic party. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. Willlam n. Richardenn, of the work end in the Mr.

Charles R. of the in the city. a Mr. Russell Brown and Mr. Rumsell are spending the, weck in Atlantic City.

and Mrs. C. Warden" have returned from a short minor try to Lynchburg. Mrs. ('hot "'ritzer Mauler Shield.

of. Alton, are the carats of Mra. Joe flecht rotururd this. morning from it week's stay with friends at Crowe. after lug some time to the city, left today for Washington.

-MrA. Lester l'pdthe, of. Sanatorium, In a few at her home 1n the city. Mr. and Winchark and son.

Hollis, Jr. have returned from "motor trip to Atlantics Mira: A. E. Haden -and children have returned from a 10 Mira. WE Mall, at And Master 1.

40 Mr. and Mr. and hire last on at MrA Robert 1'1lik on 7 1-2 Airedt. id Mra, J. W.

and daugh. of the guest of their aunt. M. F. Smith.

Mr. John J'. Warer, of ton, D. who has with hit Mrs. J.

J. Porter, for it the city today, Mira James Malrare. of Washing. ton. who lids boon the parst of Mra.

(. Butch, at Fry's Spring. Loft Saturday for Franklin. 18.3 FROM Mr. and 4 1.

Perkins have returned from their wedding who trip and are now with relative at visit "Misfit," near Greenwood hits re- On account of improvements. on -Ivy toad all cars wIN run through 00. 10 Try's Spring, transferring for l'aiversite at 12 1-2 1- returned ginning Monday morning Aug. L.ynch- C. A A.

RY. PO. (Aug. 23-11. 1p.


The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.