The Park City Daily News from Bowling Green, Kentucky (2024)

16 SUNDAY, AUGUST 22, 1971 DAILY NEWS, BOWLING GREEN, KENTUCKY 3 Candidates Continued from page 1 Emberton said his could extend the "do something concept" of Jaycees and other such groups" to the state level. "Kentucky is a great state today in no small measure because citizen volunteers have assumed responsibility in getting the job done," Emberton said. He said the volunteer spirit of the American people "is the very backbone of the American dream" and must be supported by government. Congress Continued from page 1 income tax personal exemption. By Democratic calculations, Nixon's stimulus plan, along with accelerated depreciation earlier granted business.

means about $9 billion tax relief for business in a year and $2.5 billion for individuals. And Democrats have vied with each other in promising what they call a better Chairman Wilbur D. Mills, D- of the Ways and Means Committee, is for an increase in special $1,000 minimum deducation allowed low-income persons. He has not settled on a figure. Mills's sponsorship cally makes this option the most likely to be adopted by the Ways and Means Committee.

There are others, however, certain to be considered there and in the Senate: -Advancing the bigger personal exemption not only Jan. 1, 1972, as Nixon asked but retroactively to July 1, 1971, or even Jan. 1, 1971. -Postponing the Social Security payroll tax increase contained in legislation passed by the House and considered certain to pass the Senate in some form. This boost could cost an individual worker as much as $145 more next year, in many cases much more than offsetting the Nixon-proposed income tax relief.

Mills, a stickler for self-financing of Social Security, opposes postponement of the payroll tax increase. Sen. William Proxmire, D- chairman of the Senate House Economic Committee, says if no one else in the Senate proposes the payroll tax increase deferral, he will. Nixon's program faces additional buffering in the Senate. chairman Russell B.

Long, D- of the Senate Finance Committee has indicated he may oppose the investment credit and repeal of. automobile excise tax. There is, however, powerful support for both these measures. There may be efforts also to force a freeze on interest rates, especially if these increase while the legislation is under consideration. Nixon has standby power.

to ask the Federal Reserve to control interest rates, but so far is relying on voluntary appeals. When the time comes to consider continuing machinery to police wages and prices when the freeze expires, Congress presumably demand a stronger voice in the planning than it was able to have in the shaping of Nixon's crisis pro gram. Democrats have talked of a review board to set guidelines for permissible increases and marshal public opinion against those considered excessive. Unidentified Man's Body To Be Buried RUSSELLVILLE, Ky. Logan County Judge R.R.

Brown said Saturday the body of an unidentified man killed when struck by a car on Aug. 12, will be buried Monday in a Russellville cemetery. According to Brown, no fication had been made Saturday morning on the body, and unless identification is made by Monday, the man will be buried. The body is at Sanders Funeral Home. The man is described as being in his early 50s and wearing a checkered shirt, overalls and a blue sports cost.

campaign would be one which spoke positively of Kentucky. He said there are those who would make us believe "that Kentucky is state on the way down rather than a state on the way "'To those who find it easier criticize and condemn, I say they had better move over," said Emberton. "Kentucky has made great strides in the decade of 60s and now we will build greatness on that foundation." Smith said he has been saying for some time there widespread corruption in state government but said "after a time crying wolf will fall apathetic. ears unless a wolf. I intend produce a wolf." Smith read a letter he wrote State Attorney General John Breckinridge in which presented photographs documents, which he said proved corruption does exist.

He showed the Jaycees photograph of state highway employes using state equipment to blacktop a parking place at private business firm Princeton. He said the owner the firm was the GOP party chairman in Caldwell County. "Is the state authorized blacktop parking areas privatley owned firms?" Smith asked. He said he had informed the Caldwell county attorney the paving, but the attorney taken no action. Smith said he had been provided with statements documents which "indicate millions of taxpayers' dollars being wasted through damage and graft." He presented documents statements which he said proved the following: -At least 11 firms in counties had not been checked weight or authority.

-A trucking company allowed to haul loads 30,000 pounds over the road limit. -A trucking company allowed to update an expired permit on its own without prior knowledge by the Department Motor Transportation. -A chair was accepted payment for an overweight fine. Smith produced lists of away overweight citations which he said indicated corruption crossed party lines. wonders if certain firms don't both parties' campaign efforts," Smith said.

Harry Schuler Dent, special counsel and senior adviser President Nixon, was scheduled to speak to the Jaycees at banquet Saturday night. former Republican state chairman of South Carolina appointed a Nixon aide in 1968. Also to be named was outstanding young educator Kentucky. Basil Jones, principal at Bowling Green High School, Paul O'Reilly, a Breckinridge County treacher, and Roy Mosier, a counselor at Bardstown High School, were the three nominees. Two Juveniles Are Arrested Two city juveniles have been arrested by city police on charges of storehouse breaking.

A 16-year-old High youth was arrested at about 10:30 p.m. Friday by Det. Sgt. Lancaster and John Hayes after allegedly being caught with a small amount of stolen meat. A 17-year-old Brownslock Road youth was arrested about 2 a.m.

Saturday by Det. Hayes and Patrolman Ted Pardue in connection with the same incident. Both youths are being held in the Warren County jail pending their appearance in juvenile court. About 50 Cars Involved In Accident AUXERRE, France (AP) About 50 cars collided in a chain-reaction accident Friday when the lead car in a long line suddenly slowed down in heavy rain. Two motorists were killed and 42 were injured, police reported.

144r (AP Wirephoto by cable from London) WINGS A-PLENTY Looking like a The two jets, flown by members of an co*ckeyed star, this bristling ball of wings is acrobatic flying team from the Royal Air actually a tightly knit jet formation over the Force's College of Air Warfare, are banking airport at "Manby in Lincolnshire, England. sharply away from each other. 2 Die In Traffic Accidents Continued from page 1 survivors include two sisters, Mrs: Jane Clark, Enterprise, and Miss Ethel Howlett, Auburn; two brothers, Dean and David Howlett, both of Auburn, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.

C. Howlett, Bowling Green, and Mr. and Mrs. Furman Douglas, Sanford, N.C. The Metcalfe County youth was killed when his car went off U.S.

31-E a -mile south of Glasgow. According to Trooper Tommy Pendleton, the Keltner car left the road, struck a post and a rock embankment and overturned. Keltner was pronounced dead on arrival at Glasgow Community Hospital as a result of multiple injuries suffered in the mishap. Funeral services for Keltner will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. today at Butler Funeral Home, Edmonton, with burial in Union Chapel Cemetery.

Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leorne Keltner; one brother, Lindy Keltner, and 7 Killed Continued from page 1 where Jackson was shot down. The other convict took cover and prevented guards from reaching a sergeant, also shot down in the yard area. Highway Patrol officers reported that the weapons were believed to have been smuggled into the prison in a visitors' bus early Saturday.

The erupted about 3 p.m. and Ritter declared the situation under control about two hours later. Black militant Angela Davis and convict Ruchell Magee are charged with murder and kidnaping in the courthouse shootout which developed after Jonathan Jackson carried concealed guns into the courtroom of Judge Harold J. Haley. The judge died after being taken at gunpoint from his courtroom with three women jurors.

Three abductors were killed in the 1970 shootout as they attempted to drive their hostages away in a van. GRANT APPROVED A federal grant of $21,590 has been approved to supplement Western Kentucky University's educational opportunity program, according to U.S. Rep. William H. Natcher.

Data From NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE, 80. NOAA. U.S. Dept. of Commerce OCCLUDED 70 70 80 70 NE COLD COLD WARM 70 WARM Rain 90 80 90 Showers 90 I FORECAST 90 90 WARM 90 Figures Show High Temperatures Expected For Daytime Sunday Iselated Precipitation Not Indicated- Concult Local Forecast (AP Wirephoto Map) FORECAST Mostly warm and parts of New England, Upper Great Lakes, skies will prevail throughout the nation sunny Sunday -according to the National Weather Service.

Scattered thundershowers will cover Viet War Continued from page 1 Thailand-based bombers is aimed at slowing the North Vietnamese offensive and knocking out launching sites from where the North Vietnamese have been shelling South Vietnamese outposts. Nevertheless, the South Vietnamese command reported that base camps Fuller and Alpha 2 were each hit twice by North Vietnamese bombardments and a third fire. base received a single shelling. The U.S. Command reported that an American observation helicopter was shot down Friday by North Vietnamese ground fire only a mile south of the southern edge of the sixmile wide DMZ.

The command said the helicopter crashed and was destroyed, but that there were no casualties to the crew. The crash brought to 7,914 the announced total of American planes and helicopters lost in the Indochina war from all causes. In Phnom Penh, the Cambodian High Command announced that government troops have reoccupied a major enemy base 20 miles west of the capital after intensive bombing and straffing by allied warplanes. A spokesman said the base at Peang Love was taken Friday afternoon, and that there were no reports of casualties on either side. Ellis To Speak At Barren Dem Meeting Warren County Tax sioner Floyd Hays Ellis will be the featured speaker at the Barren County Democratic precinct meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Tuesday at the Barren County Courthouse. Ellis is a former state senator was a appointed tax commissioner following the death of Odell Sledge. Ellis has been named to seek the unexpired term of Sledge on the Democratic ticket in the November general election. At the Tuesday meeting, plans for the fall gubernatorial election will be made. GRANDEE by at Special 1 Week Only! Factory- Authorized Sale Prices for One 71 spree savings Romantic As a 9-PIECE GROUP: Grandee for Room Credenza, Hutch, Trestle Table, Cane-Back Senorita's Dining Host Chair and Five Cane-Back Side Chairs Any wonder that the forthrightly intricate Spanish style is a favorite in American homes? Just have a look at the beautiful detail of this dining room from the magnificent Grandee collection.

Admire the Regular $1339 massive base of trestle rich styling of credenza and tasteful elegance of caning to your dining room! and luxuriously comfortable cushioning of each chair. Add the the exciting styling of Grandee SALE $949 Alex Oren Simpson or Clay Simpson You Save $390 See Coloves, Bobby Simpson, CLAY SIMPSON'S LOUISVILLE ROAD OPEN EVERY FRIDAY Just Beyond the Bridge FURNITURE MART 'UNTIL 9:00 P.M. PHONE 843-6439 Other Nights by Appointment "The Brand Name Store Where You Buy The Best For Less" Fighting Continued from page 1 called for Torres' overthrow to save the country from economic ruin and communism. Two the Nationalist Revolutionaries Movement and the Bolivian Socialist Falange, were behind the insurrection. Rebels rose against the government on Thursday and claimed Saturday to control two-thirds of the nation's territory.

La Paz, the seat of government, remained in loyalist hands. A communique announcing that the military college had joined rebel forces in attempting to overthrow Torres' leftist regime was announced earlier in the day categorically denied by the commandant's office. The initial communique, which came from unknown sources, said the influential military school was choosing the rebel side in opposition to "the red Torres' forces and the rebels each claimed to have taken a city from the other side Saturday. The government radio said loyal troops retook the strategic mining town of Oruro without a fight, but rebel forces who Ky Is Rei Continued from page 1 to reinstate Ky by approving the appeal of a supporter who had challenged Ky's earlier disqualification by the court on grounds that Ky's petition lacked the necessary official endorsem*nts. Ky's camp was described as "gleeful" after the ruling.

But Ky-who, like Minh, had charged Thieu with rigging the election seen as faced processmwas of whether to take part in a political race that he already had condemned as dishonest. The vice president was meetwith Bunker er at the same hour the court issued its surprise ruling that reinstated Ky as a candidate by approving his nominating petitions. assurances reportedly, United Bunker gave Ky States would accord him equal status with, Thieu as a candi- In fend his regime "unto the end" against the of the Landlocked Bolivia, largely mountainous, treeless and windswept, stretches east out of the Andes. Its 5. million people- more Indian than lowest Span-suffer one of the income rates and highest coup d'etat rates in a continent marked by such things.

They plant subsistence crops and work in the tin mines, and tured the city on Friday diately denied the report and claimed they were still broadcasting from there. At the same time, Radio Liberty-the rebel network-said the military regiment at Potosi, 375 miles south of La Paz, had gone over to the insurgents, giving them control of the city. There were unconfirmed radio reports of rebel forces executing eight students at rebelheld Santa Cruz in eastern Bolivia. Radio stations of the two sides filled the airwaves with claims and denials, threats and counterthreats. Rebel radio warned that further resistance would be "useless." The government side had said Torres was ready to de- Reinstated ed date if he regained a place on the ballot.

Some Ky backers had complained earlier that the United States had tended to downgrade his candidacy as compared to that of Thieu and Minh. Ky and Minh also conferred Saturday morning, prior to the court's decision. Aides to the two did not divulge what was said, but it was understood they were discussing a mutual political strategy in the event of Ky's reinstatement." The court, in restoring Ky to the ballot, also affirmed as a formality the candidacy of Thieu and accepted Minh's withdrawal as final. The Viet Cong, meanwhile, claimed the Supreme Court's decision to permit Ky back on the ballot was made so that he could be a "stooge" for the Americans. Bolivia many forget their woes leaf.

by chewing the drug-like coca Rebel radio did not report any fighting in its takeover of Potosi. It said the "Perez" regiment together with two political parties backing the revolt- the National Socialist Falange Revolutionary and Movement-were in control there. Government radio said "Andino" regiment had retaken Oruro at 7 a.m. EDT: A ranger regiment trained by U.S. Special Forces had taken it for the rebels the day before.

Oruro, 135 miles south of La Paz, is important in the battle for the country because it straddles the only highway linking La Paz with the tin mines which support Bolivia's economy. Terrorist Continued from page 1 nation, Marcos called for anyone with information about the explosions to come forward and pledged all-out efforts by government agencies to catch the perpetrators. The blasts ripped through the platform about 9:30 p.m., shortly after the Liberals had opened a rally signalling the start of their campaigning in Manila. Manila Police Chief Gerardo Tamayo said police had recovered two pins from grenades and that the grenades appeared to have been thrown on top of the platform. He said there was no evidence bombs had been planted.

Mansfield lone sister, Lydia Keltner, all of Edmonton. In a traffic accident investigated by state police Friday, four Butler County residents were admitted to CityCounty Hospital with injuries suffered in the mishap. Admitted to the hospital Friday were Calvin Turpin, Mary Alice Turpin, Hazel Jo Turpin and Mrs. Dora Higgs, all of Route 1, Morgantown. Hospital officials said Saturday all four were in satsifactory condition.

Trooper Joe Webb. investigating officer, said Calvin Turpin was the driver of a car in which the other three were passengers when a wheel came off the vehicle and it veered into a creek on U.S. 231 a half-mile south of Morgantown. The accident occurred at 4:45 p.m. Continued from page 1 the day before with the tion to Thieu had, altered been, withdrawal of Gen.

Duong Van Minh. Minh alleged Thieu was rigging the election and said "I cannot help in a dirty farce that can only make the people disbelieve a democratic regime Mansfield said Congress and the American public will be "very skeptical" of the election now and particularly suspicious of the Supreme Court ruling putting Ky back on the ballot. Pacific Northwest, Tennessee, Central Gulf Coast states, and the Southwest..

The Park City Daily News from Bowling Green, Kentucky (2024)


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