The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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16 THE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN: APRIL 29 1917 MARIE THE MEDAL SURAGIST AT WORK THE HAL Al rU lYEB STORY COIN Bear ather Three the irst Three Months TRAGEDY LITTLE MODEL OR THE BACKYARD GARDEN KEEPING THE LAND AT WORK as sweetly sleep race all children when the day Is done 538 CORNELL ffURK WOMEN STUDENTS QUEEN SEMIRAMIS BABYLON AND NUBIAN SLAVE ETA Trimmed Vvi the chosen for has been line as it wound away ways and means committee of Cuthbert of the unchangeable REDEMPTION NOT REVENGE rec flrst or this sub God save tlie world! formed LT IVAR I pieces A common and heartbreaking story! But that day the artist had ROlt THE HOOKS USE MORE CORNMEAL of honor and ad of his day did the In frequently as late as Oa bed of parsley three feet for like the a thought of fear as softly rest children on the mother breast which threads its amphitheater fur ol bringing canoes dir ch it: insurre1 help me be a better friend truer faithful to the end a better friend may be crouched In the night kill the world mu but who abates with ah electoral now cast their ballots for pageant biblical weighted by a broad band of the same white and yellow of Age of the Sth the new li junior high public im turning the tV Russian Vision had enough of "might" VISIONS fired with to work at late corn late radishes fall spinach late lettuce late turnips late carrots of Crops and Mixed THE COUNTRY WON 4 to understand one his reddish beard his velvet clothes hat and his clay or collector spring they will quickly English Vision Partnership 'points the way To a much better day Throughout the world Come patriots join the throng Make your own nation strong And help the world along: God save the world! rench Vision Partnership lets us see The world democracy With lings rcfurlcd A world of liberty Land of equality Knowing it 1 To others 1 shall be a friend to thee and the last cannon her regular nose her golden hair crowning a perfectly head that he paid no atten the troublesome cough Only moment his eyes and brain source of peace and happiness to all Scene I The college of agriculture and home economics virtuous proverbs National Organization Will Work for Prohibition and AVill Co operate in Oversight of War Serv ices A campaign to secure the enact ment of nation wide prohibition as a war measure will be the first step in the Christian temperance war service program Through the standing department for work among soldiers and sailors the temper ance union will also undertake to tur nish fruit and other delicacies at armj base hospitals and serve coffee an doughnuts or cake and lemonade to soldiers and sailors who are being moved about on trains ifteen out of the 27 organizations which are fed erated in the national council of wom en are on record as ready to co oper ate with the federal department of labor in securing work for unemployed women and girls The Chris tian temperance union is one of these and is represented by its president on the executive board of the bureau which is to deal with the work and welfare of women in the present crisis Registration cards will be circulated among the women of each state for the purpose of assembling a national cen sus of woman's labor and voluntary war service me as I go bring no minor key perfect harmony wear an answering Belgian Vision Despoiled of all our Jami Here let us take our stand Our flag unfurled Victims of unholy might" And "rule by divine right" Which To Without As little 1 uk so much once more Is all I dare To help to live my praj er! Nhllt Hint WOODWOXTH Sarasota la March 1917 cone 1 vene II Child of Original irst The Atlanta equal suffrage associa tion is making an active campaign for municipal suffrage Headquarters will bo opened in every ward in the city literature will be given out rallies will bj held and every effort made to get an overwhelming sentiment in favor of municipal suffrage battle already is the way in which President Jacob Gould churmnn of Cornell university views the struggle for woman suffrage in the eastern states according to an address delivered by him at the in auguration of Dr John Balcolm Shaw as president of Elmira college New York state Luncheon for Club Presidents The Massachusetts state federation woman's clubs will celebrate its25th anniversary by a iin checn at the Hotel Vendome Bos ton on Wednesday Past presidents of the state federation will be the guests of honor and the luncheon il I bo open to members of the state ex city man can buy corn by the bushel at a grain store He can grind it coarse or fine to suit the taste of the family and in quantities to last a day or a week or longer Most people will agree that this meal containing the germ is very palatable and compares veil in this respect with that ordi narily purchased ready ground Prices of hand mills of substantial make run frem 8250 to A small mill can be hail for as little as $150 though this probably would prove too tedious to use xcept for small quantities A dish of mush and milk has made the greater part of many a supper on the farm and children thrive on it though they may rebel at cleaning the kettle and the "pudding spoon" after ward if the old time mo hods of cook ing it are followed It is a simple disli to make just "I cups of water and a teaspoonful of salt to every of meal The water can be put in cold and the vessel heated gradually A double boiler is convenient in cook ing cornmeal mush as well as all other cereals and is easier to clean The great secret of good mush is long slew cooking the longer the better A tireless cooker in which the car go on all day or all night is use ful for this purpose or quick action in getting break fast in the city fiat the cornmeal and salt rfiay be put in the double boiler mixed with a little cold water and then hot water may be added up to the required amount If clean hot water is to be had from the spigot a good cornmeal mush can be made in three quarters of an hour but cornmeal can hardly lie cooked properly in less time ried mush mush with fruit an3 mush with cheese are in the list of popular cornmeal recipes ish cakes with cornmeal are good and cornmeal anti meat of different kinds may be cooked together Corn bread and corn griddle cakes are made in manv ways all good Bread may be made of wheat flour and cornmeal half and half and cakes the basis Pilon Translated from rants these Marie adored never dreamins studio in Batignolies overdress gives the to this frock of white collar and cuffs are of embroidered in eliow and that sort of talk ceases after have had the practical experience of States In One April Week Three in Of 1917 Glie me sweet thoughts that I the seed may sow Of kindliness around To make no discord Into song the Help me to always smile However sad my heart may be the while To bring good coeer to show my thank fulness That living thus myself others 1 bless Scene III gurdeving iibyluii Episode ITT and Ji 1 A If 1 001 BAT BIN IT White khaki kool with a largo and conspicuous black pattern is com bined with black satin for this rather startling bathing suit It is cut with wing sleeves which allow perfect arm freedom and has a low neck filled in with a deep of satin Representing Architecture in the Cornell Pageant of Work duty is rewarded by a saving In 1 money Cornmeal costs less per pound t'an any of the other popular cereal foedu yet even the bolted cornmeal usually sold from which the germ of the grain has been removed to make the meal keep longer has a food value which compares favorably with that oi wheat flour It does not supply quite so much protein nr mineral mat ter for building the tissues of the body but on the other hand it gives more fat and starch pound for pound and its value as fuel for the body is fully as high The food value that is supplied by three worth of cornmeal at present Springfield prices costs nearly five cents in the form of wheat flour TLe old fashioned unbolted cornmeal made from tho whole grain which can often be obtained by the farmer who will ike his grain to mill and can sometimes be bought in shops and markets contains more of the tissue building material and has what many consider even a better flavor than the bolted meal it is much liked for mak ing some forms of corn bread Any family in town or country can have the best of cornmeal by grinding it at home in a hand grist mill The Paris Quartier Latin of Beautiful Head on rench Republic's Coins (Margaret and the elf girl who the scenes from a marble Showing What Cornell Women Have Equipped Themselves to Do After Graduation rTtv mo rench for The Sunday Republican Edith Heyer It was between Chaton and Bon gival near Grenouillere that Alarcel lin the engraver of medals first met his model Marie in the year ISip Th arms of God are round ns while we bleep Bls boundless lore a falthfnl watch will keep I et me run As little A woman has been elected slate su P'rinbandent of public instruction in Wyoming two women have been chosen as members of the board of trustees of the state university and IS women are county ruperinterdents of schools Many women are serving also on city and rural boards of clu 0 Lord we ask for light In onr new world IV pray for justice too Through our flag bravo and true With the red white and blue: God ive the world! Itixo Sprlngtlcld April 13 J'J17 The Power of Religion in the Reformation of Character Buddings and even doughnuts are made with cornmeal as moeracien of the world Air "America or Save the King" (Advance sheets from "The Partnership of Alan: A Vision of the ew Democ racy in Industry Government and Re Copyright 1917 by Conrad Reno American Vision Onr partnership of states Send greetings to our mates With flags unfurled Each nation must be free To use the magic key Of new democracy To save the world Architecture landscape Scnilramis of The the Massachusetts woman suffrage as sociation under the leadership of Airs Benjamin Pitman has undertaken to finance a campaign of scientific instruction to all women of Massa chusetts for the increase prepara tion preservation and conservation of food A plaited chemise lines chiffon The white taffeta and the bottom gllng with booming bells and drums in brain And then added to all this trouble all at once as a necessary conse quence of this great drama the young medalist became famous He was quickly asked as the most capable artist during those first days to make the designs for the money of the republic Marcellin zeal for the work began once He sought meditated vi "'id the campaigns led to them BLACK AND WHITE KnAHI KOOL BATHING SUIT Photograph by Underwood Underwood New York will also be present and speak on the recent which Old Suffrage Clubs Train New Voters Suffrage workers in North Dakota have turned their organizations to account to help prepare women making good use of their new votes One local league is making a spe cialty of watching community admin istration Someone has followed the work of the city council the school hoard the library board nnd tho health commission to find out where and how they ere spending the pub lic money Alieady the women have learned enough about the waste in some departments to secure recogni models with pale powdered children of the ball just as The College of Agriculture 1 Limn Economies perceives a vision of home nml (ommiinity the central life which is the Would They Use JtT East Cleveland has granted nicipal suffrage to its women Cleveland has not Politicians are trvinsr to get the smaller city nexed to the larger seem to be wor rying about the probability that East Cleveland women will vote against annexation because it would deprive them of tho franchise that they now enjoy Apparently nobody remem chance to get rid of it as "a severe bers that they will jump at the crushing burden Somehow 'vi nen remembrance of by that the medalist near But returning when Marcel Ann of Jesus he said in this hour of darkness: "With a width and wonder of imag ination that fills one almost with awe he took the entire world of the in articulate the voiceless world of pain as his kingdom and made himself its external mouthpiece He sought tn become eyes to the blind ears to the deaf and a cry in the lips of those whose tongues had been tied He made of himself the imaee of the Alan of Sorrow He understood tho ler ovy of the lopr the darkness of the blind the fierce misery of those who live for pleasure the strange poverty of the rich So that at the present moment all who come in contact with his personality in some way find the ugliness of their sin is taken away and tho beauty of their sorrow revealed to The employer who believes in the divine and eternal power of kindness creates in the realm he rules an at mosphere of loyalty tin represents his creed as justice in action It iJ said that corporations have no souls but their directors have souls and are in cur commercial country regarded by workingmen as the chief re resenta tives of religion Some corporations have employed experts to studv out ways of making life brighter for the cation tried and tried for a long time then suddenly in a few days with all the application love and inspiration of his art he engraved that perfect medal which bears that sweet profile crowned with ears of corn so pure the living pro file of Marie The great success was not alone for Marcellin but Alarie also had her part in the hour of glory and joy "Alarie the That was the name given to the young girl by the last habitues of that Bohemia which notwithstanding the ravages of time still remembers those years when Alarie was but a child a saucy model smitten like Alfred de Alimi or Beranger's Lisette with the life of pleasure dance and song Poor sweet gentle "Alarie the One day Alarceline came to her As much as her friend and master thanks to the success of the work achieved in common she was never theless known honored and loved and notwithstanding her calico flow ered dress under her country hat in her thin jacket she shuddered oftener than formerly The deadly winter of "1'annee worse than any she had ever experienced aggravated that mysterious pain which already shook the delicate chest turned the thin arms and colored Then days of by an dieted i Alarie years should Succession Plantings Make the Most of Small Area Keep your garden at work all the time urges tho national emergency rom the Iloiuilectic Review John iv: Perfect love castcth out fear It has long been understood that re ligion was a compeller of fear of pun ishment and many a church member and minister still thinks that is its chief function Religion is a terror to tlio evil doer although the influence of fear wanes as character is debased and the criminal becomes a ambler Rob ert Burns said: The fear o' bell's a whip To hand Hie wretch in order Unfortunately the more a man is a wretch the less fear he has for remote and unseen consequences It is an entirely different inhibitory function of religion that is here to be emphasized Religion as friendship is the genial sun which makes the ob durate willing to remove the cloak when the harsh and biting blasts of winter have made him draw its folds more tightly about him When the forgiving Christ is lifted up lie draws all men unto himself Religion taking on the form of incarnate friendship in piison in hospital in mine in factory and warehouse gradually makes men immune to temptation Out of the depths nf an English jail a gifted but wicked poet uttered a sigil and made his appeal to human and divine compassion And from a bitter experience of shame and de served punishment he made the re discovery of Jesus the Alaster of wis dom and pity Thus wrote one who says of himself: had lost my name my position mv happiness my freedom my 'onlth I was a prisoner and a pauper But I still had my children left Suddenly they were taken away from ine by the PAGEANT AT Griddle Cakes and Half and Half Bread Recommended by the De partment of Agriculture "Eat cornbread" was the advice of a high government official soon after the United States went to war when a group of college students asked him what they could do to help: Using ccrnmcal releases wheat Hour and the wheat flour is urgently needed for shipment to Europe The food spo cialists of the department of agricul ture have reinforced this advice by pointing out that at present cornmeal is cheaper than wheat flour so that the housekeeper finds her patriotic Epilog I ranla reviews the visions rhe has scon ami perceives whither they teud and the light that goes before them The executive commlttoe follows: Student Chairman Elizabeth Alward Buffalo business manager Jean nette Short Ithaen A' dramatics Vir ginia Van brunt Brooklyn music Dorothy Maier Bloomfield prop erty Rosamond Wolcott ('tlca color and design Mary Seattle Wash programs Elsie Church Ithaen grounds Marjory Sewell Wnlton ilnnelng Margaret Lnckings New York city secretary Jesselvn Kimmel Bnvsldc publicity Harriet Par sons Buffalo costumes Gladys Blelmnn New York citv need not interfere with Peppers deserve nw thnn Iwtr uijnllv in the list of garden vegetables They can be sliced raw for use in salads and green peppers hollowed out stuffed witli chopped meat or other savory dressing and baked are a tempting substitute for meat which Gustave Courbet i ni'll li SKKSSR 1 and notwithstanding tho en srnell of the luncheon the couples nnoer the trees it A I 2kiJ UY Ul' When we shall have excavated we snail men neeu than theirs Then emperor employes When most of the businese of the country is under the control of huge corporations and these corpora tions have Christianized directors the progress of religion will be much more rapid and effective But all which depends on the per sonal good will of employers smacks of charity and is insecure Wage earners have a sound and rat'onal dis trust of personal favors requent experiences of deception have taught them suspicion So long as their in terests are at tne mercy of personal benevolence they are in hazard Thera is no positive guaranty of justice ex cept in law This explains the world wide movement of age earners to ex tend the franchise to gain political power and representation by men of their own group and social legislation Therefore while religious men should do all they can as individual managers they must see that in this vay they cannot go far A generous president of a corporation may be suc ceeded by a skinflint a cynical brute urthermore unless a policy of justice Is embodied in law it cannot be made universal and the advantage in com petition goes to the miser who hunts men as with a net Those who sin cerely desire to see their noble ideals made practical and effective must help to have them made over into law This was the doctrine to which Em peror William I of Germany made ap peal when with the iron aid he asked the imperial Parliament to enter upon its wonderful policy of protecting the interests of workingmen by law and so set an example for all the governments of the world There is great anxiety about respect for law In this country and all of us are alarmed at the signs of contempt hatred and Insolence with which courts are sometimes treated by crowds of strikers But have we duly considered the fact that hundreds of thousands of poor men have never found mu In law which aroused respect or kindled devotion In youth the law said "keep off the "move "don't play in the The policeman wa i the natural enemy of the gang and spoiled all their joys The city councl made countless regulations restrictive of agreeable activities but never pro vided rooms or means of enjoyment Tile government cleaned the avenues and left the back streets filthy If a poor man went to court witli a rich man in defense of a claim he lost it by a technicality or paid half of the award to a lawyer Such experiences brood ed over and discussed by workingmen transform honest toilers into rebels Numerous other examples could be given of the negative and repressive aspect of government in the eyes of the industrials To overcome this prej udice we must educate our young peo ple to realize what government al ready does for them which they uver Ico*k and we must make law and government the expression of a re ligious and moral purpose to do justice and promote mercy The preaching of individual kindness and justice is desirable but in view cf the facts of modern industrial and municipal life it seems petty and falls short of complete justice it is in tlii field of law that we must incorporate our worship of the Savior of mankind When the multitudes have become accustomed to see tho government eager and active in protecting thcu from accident and disease in bringingiustico to them without attorneys' fen and prohibitive costs in organizing in surance for them against the hours calamity and the weakness of old age in securing pensions for declining years and education for their children suited to their needs then patriotism will become instinctive and universal And when they see that religious men have valiantly and patiently uniteel with them to make justice legal and sure thev will be more inclined to rev erence the church In such a universal atmosphere of patriotism and reverence we shall hearess of lawlessness and the conflicts between the workingmen and the I courts the election of women to Congress Spencer Aliller American society pf mechanical engineers Walking and Riding In tlie news story about the wake up America parade of New York city the New Sun of April 20 reported: The suffragists had mo bilized on Sixty second street end waited for a long timo at tlie point where they joined the main parade but tlieir heads wero high and their step quick Tlie suffrage division numbered '() Three automobiles carried the representatives of' the antisuffrngists New England Confi'rence In Boston The New England conference which is to be held at the Twentieth Century club Boston on Thursday evening Alay 10 will celebrate tlie first suf frage victory 'of tho Atlantic sea board and discuss ways and ineai for bringing further glory to England by a victory in Maine Airs Deborah Knox Livingston chairman of the Maine campaign committee will le one of the speakers and lead ers in Vermont and Rhode Islajid so much confidence so much hope he loved to hear Alarie tell of her life while he watched her exquisite profile taM uy formed tion to were full of Alarie as she stood there solemnly looking at him under the thick trees a living cameo a medal like those made by those inspired Greeks of old when the artist en groved on the silver tile perfect pio file of Athena A word had formerly said him icing dancing sang in his memory: one! all the world other money ii a ivili nrc longer be an crowned with laurels and pretended victories but a beautiful young girl a daughter of the people with an ample brow a straight nose a little chin and on her hair the Phrygian sometimes suddenly high cheek bones during the first beautiful the new born summer guided obscure instinct which pre the future the poor little Ill wished gone take her to Bongival Grenouillere both of them walked slowly lin realized that never again could Alarie be dressed as "la jeune fillo au Vords de la crowned with golden grain leaning on his arms un der the shady trees Tlie time had come for her who was but 20 years old to pay for those long years of deprivation and sadness in her child hood those luncheons for two cents all those terrible hours when her lovely face did not glow with the hap piness brought by the engraved med al for the money of the republic "Good day Alonsieur The day when the master of Or nans hunted by his creditors ter ribly vanquished by an unforgettable defeat she came to Alarcellin to say adieu the poor little thing could hard ly articulate those words which for merly slipped off her pretty lips with such charm Her dry hands were burning hot her great eyes surround ed by black circles tried vainly to smile her voice was strangled In her throat not a sound could she bring forth Tlie morning when body was taken to the cemetery was sev eral weeks later All her friends of Alontmartre were there AH those who like the birds have their nests and studios on the near the mills those from Batignolies accus tomed to the people and their sono rous songs those from Alontparnasse hung about silently All in that long procession wore only velvet trousers large berets of cloth ample cloaks and carried natty canes Here and there were good natured little wom en faces Alarie had been formerly they fol lowed the loni to tlie cemetery Leading that melancholy proces sion Aiarcellin walked bowed with genuine grief And as the sun mount ed in the sky and flooded the proces sion with its joyous light the artist lover and medalist thought of the dear silent young girl and consoled himself with the thought that she could never entirely disappear from the world for in the coming ages men would seek for the medal bear ing her profile respect mire it as the savants the wonderful medal of the Greek goddess Athena The bronze medal of his beloved Alarie crowned with the ears of golden corn and the blue corn flowers of rance Childhood! ree from ree from raught witli scenes of former pain ree fancy's cruel skill abricating future ill ind when all that meets the view All can charm for 11 is How tliy long lost hours I mourn Never ne ver to ret urn Then to toss the circling ball Caught rebounding from the avail Then the mimic ship to guide Down the dirty tide Then the hoop's revolving pace Through the dusty street to chase Oh what joy! it once was mine Childhood matchless boon of thine! How thy long lost hours I mourn Never never to return! Perhaps there never were two human beings more fitted another He with like that of Christ his great soft felt pipe seemed a dauber of romantic old lithographs she with her little sailor hat trimmed with a two cent ribbon shod in low shoes and dressed in a printed calico skirt had all the liveliness charm and grace of those last grisettes painted by Courbet a little before the time when he painted them lying on the banks of streams lying among the rushes simply dressed in cornflowers above which fluttered dragon flies girl on the banks of the Seine" such was Marie in those days and tlie trips in rowboats near Asnieres tlie parties in the out of door restau innocent amusem*nts in her childish way of being shut up in a rhen there was Porteaux tiie island of Seguin and tlin hills about Scvrts from these line sites there twie lovely views of all the happy surroundings the mur muring river and tlie singing poplarsk "Good day Monsieur That was tlie fashionable greeting in those days in all the studios when one wanted to mock the great mas ter whose advanced ideas in painting astonished the critics And phrase no one said so prettily Alarie She took two little steps ward when she said it making Alanun a little courtesy lifting corner of her apron puckering her mouth into a bewitching smile full of sauciness and at the same time she bent her head showing her pretty neck and golden blond hair Marcellin did not only love the sun lieht and gold of the grain but also when it crowned a woman's head He was astonished he went up to her and spoke: and in those happy days artists were not proud but gay and frank Aiarcellin and Alarie talked under a green arbor and there before a little table with Argenteuil wine and Alantcrre cakes they friendship lie told of his unappre ciated work as an engraver of med als even less appreciated than tlie work of painters and sculptors his struggle to make hflnself known his dreams of fame which never came true She told him of her childhood of her poverty tho little world of the faubourg years of misery which had left her with this hacking cough which often shook her almost to Early fall spinach Savor and relish as well as stance may be added to the family menu by the backyard garden How many housewives ever trouble to buy cj ra? Y'et gumbo soup which is made from ok "a is relished by almost every one Okra is just one of the special unusual vegetable crop: which can bo grown on little space and with little trouble in the average backyard gar den Other specialties which the home gardener should consider are mustard parsley spinach and peppers If okra is planted two feet apart its soon as the ground is warm and the pods (which are the edible parts imparting a pleasant flavor and a stickv consistency to soups) are picked green none being allowed to ripen the plants will continue to bear until killed by frost in autumn Mustard greens are a delicious novelty on most tables Sow ostrich plume mustard thickly in the early reach tlie proper growth so you "an sew tnem tober A square will produce all that a good sized family can use Spinach can be planted in the fill and used in the late autumn and early spring and other crops consideration Salerno (Emily Y) typifies A gorgeous food garden commission in its advice to backyard farmers "When you har vest one crop in the spring or early summer plant the space to some other which will mature before frost comes in the fall The fact that certain plants mature late while others are swift growers also enables you to plant them together and have earlier crep out of the way before later one requires the room Itadish seeds may be mixed in with those of o'her vegetables for row planting Tlie radishes grow swiftly quickly mark ing the rows for hoeing and they ripen and are gathered before their neighbor plants attain large growth Radishes can 1 planted in this way with onion lettuce carrot parsnip and beet Tomatoes cabbages peppers and other large transplanted plants can be grown as companions to iow thick plants like lettuce and onions The tiansplanted seedlings should be set at their proper intervals between the rows of earlier maturing plants Corn and beans make good companions in the sine hills the bean vines climb the cornstalk for support The following combinations are ouimended for successive crops second to Le planted after the has been harvested: Earlv corn Inte string beans Early 'string beans late cabling corn Sprln Early Early Early Early Wil IE CHION AND YELLOW ean Comtois? rho in his had thought to revolutionize had revolutionized ing moment roans of the the last bursting ctrv silenced the ion and echoed still min It was in 1S7" the prophesied days find come the days foreseen by the man in his leather belt and clay pipe the bold Jean Comtois Gus tavo Courbet who in his beautiful dream the world as he pamtm tion cf their advice as to brary building and a new school as well as other movements The work is women into efficient citizens even though their voting privilege does not begin until July of this year Approved by Naval Board Members Equal suffrage has been indorsed by the naval board which includes Thomas Edison Saunders American institute of mining en gineers Lawrence Addicks American eiectru chemical society Arthur Gor don AVebster American mathemat ical society: Hudson Afaxim Ameri can aeronautical society: II Braekeland American chemical so ciety AV AVhitney American chemical society Henry A Wise eeutive board and to chairmen of state AVood who disapproves however of committees Tile 1 MemoriesJohn Scott Quaker Poet Century happiest sMge of life! care and free strife memory's ruthless reign GOP SAVE TIIE WORLD! international anthem for the de pipe: of I lie woriu Air niutiw What women of the 20th century are doing to help the world along and especially what Cornell women are learning to do in the various schools of the university is the theme of the huge pageant to be given at Ithaca next month The pageant is entirely the work of Cornell women Seven hundred women will take part women students will have charge o' the business management and the book of the pageant is written by a Cornell graduate of 11'12 Alarjorie Barstow Two thousand seats are to be pro vided in the natural amphitheater of the Cascadilla gorge south of the uni versity campus where the pageant is to be given and it is estimated that as many more people will be able to find standing room on the banks of the gerge There will be two perform ances one on the afternoon of riday May IS the other on the evening of Saturday Alay 19 The lighting of the stage for the evening performance will be by searchlight our hundred trees have been given by the forestry de partment of the university to the pageant committee and these were planted a year ago in the part of the gorge mat pageant Urania Ithaca reviews all throne in the cliff (Alargaret Lucking of New Y'ork city) form the thread which binds together the episodes Notable women of history typifying the various forms of endeavor nuss before her Sappho of Lesbos (Hilda Eulenstein of Brooklyn Y) repre sents the arts This scene offers a chance for some beautiful Greek cos tumes and dances The sciences are epresented by the Abbess Ilildegarde (Cara Starrett of Interlaken A') in the second scene Learned monks tinu nuns of medieval Europe hold the stage through this scene The third scene is probably the most strik ing for it represents American Indian lifo and the arrival of the peace maid en of tradition This scene typifies the college of law A dispute between Silver ox (Harriet Parsons of Buf falo Ar) and Black Raven (Helens Gerlier of YA over a Luck i settled bv the peace maiden (Virginia Van Brunt of Brooklyn after open combat is threatened 11 He Cascadilla creeK way through the rishes the means into this scene Alargarita of Schultze of Brooklyn the college of medicine x'eapnlltan throng including many of the scholars of the 15th century are louno here rom a scenic standpoint the fifth episode which shows tho hanging gardens of Babylon will prob ably be the most effective Semiramis (Viola Denser of Philadelphia Pa) of Babylon represents landscape art en gineering anu arcinccc iuic Tho crowning scene of the is the Hebrew scene of origin which typifies the college of agriculture and home economics This is called "The A'irtuous and the principal characters are Regene reund of New York city Harriet Hosmer of Buffalo Amy Apfcl of New York city Alary Larkin of Atlantic City The properties for the pageant have offered a great problem These in clude a white bull several horses and canoes a yoke of oxen and all the ordinary paraphernalia of a pageant Alusic is to be furnished by an orches tra of students The costumes will be very beautiful The one of the elf girl is symbolic of an Ithaca sunset It is of lavender with touches of mellow oraugo and apple green The dc' ign is that of the avlowa dragon fly costume An important part of the pageant wid be the dances There are scores of nymphs and sun fairies rustic maidens shepherds and shephen leases I Assy rians and Indians Many of the principal characters have beau tifully costumed retinues and partic ular attention is paid to the ensemble numbers visions come in this order Prolog Urania rebukes the idle shepherdesses Who fleet the time carelessly as it lhe I hole world were but a pleasant wood land nnd life itself summer day I I '1 he College of Arts ami The Professional Colleges I Tania perceives that wisdom which makes onr strong to do a glorious work ii The pence maiden Medicine Eighteen vote of president without excluding either sex from the polls and if Arkansas is counted where women have the full primary franchise which in a one party state is decisive tlie total suf frage electoral vote is 172 Six states in four months was tlie National American woman suffrage association record for 1917 drive when the Nebraska Senate passed the municipal county and presidential suffrage measure which hud already been passed by tlie House Tlie suffrage banner now waves over more than one half the UnitedHtabes territory Nebraska making tho Istli suffrage state and the third to go pro suffrage by legislative procedure within a week "Suffrage as a war measure is prov ing an irresistible says Airs Carrio Chapman Catt president of the National American woman suffrage association a New Yorker my prido is being challenged because New York is allowing sbate after state to get in first on one suffrage count or another Illinois was the first to grant a presidential vote to women North Dakota was the first to give the same right during bhis 1917 drive Ohio was the first to push the suf frage salient far to the east and In diana was the first state since ISlifi to give women the right to vobu on their own enfranchisem*nt was the first to give women primary suffrage and Rhode Island the first New England state to grant presidential suffrage There is nothing left for New York state bo score on except to be tho first great eastern commonwealth to give women full suffrage by One of the earliest of suffrage bills in Nebraska was submitted in 1SS3 and provided for a vote on mu nicipal affairs but it was defeated ly a vote of IS to "5 In 1892 a bill granting full suffrage to women was killed by a vote of 47 to 42 Alichigan was the fifth state won after the National American woina suffrage association opened its bi drive for presidential suffrage with tho convening of the 1917 state legis latures North Dakota was tho first Iler governor signed her presidential suffrage measure on January 23 Goy Cox signed for Ohio on ebruary Indiana's governor completed the procedure for that state on ebruary 2S measure was signed I by Gov Brough on March 7 Gov Beeckman set his pen to Rhode Is measure on April IS the day afber the Legislature finished with it a perceives flint wisdom which all perfect nml beautiful Thi Sappho II The The Abbess adI SD Vv All H'npvright by International ilm Service 5 vS Biff ft Ilk 1 Bfe AS SWi I IS WSnEfii Sf 'aw i Zt i il2jfi Jja TAE Wi tsj5l if I fl ''A" s' A s' of the overdress is 1 2 a if 2 4m 1 Kiel 4 A BEH 1 xs 1 11 A 1 'llr A I.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.